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Automatic Target System

Welcome The Automatic Target System (ATS) is a senior project for ME 102 at the University of California Berkeley. This project is a prototype rotational gun system that can locate and shoot at a target designated with a laser.

-Group 4 membersKai W. Tsai, Yuan-Tse Lo, and Tony Yang

Group Members

Group members from Left to Right Yuan- Tse Lo Email: Tony Yang: Email:

Kai W Tsai

we connect the motor to the h-bridge, so that we are able to change the speed and the direction of the motor, last we connect the signal to the controller.

Mechanical Hardware
Bill of Materials: Arduino Duemilanove x1 Circuit broad x1 Transistor x1 H bridge x1 OpAmp (74LS14) x1 DC motor (gear ratio: 133:1) x1 Electric BB gun x1 Target x1 Photoresistor x2 9V Battery x2

Mechanical Hardware
The electric motor inside the gun is linked to the power supply. After the system starts running, the DC motor with gear box gear ration will begin to rotate. This gear ratio was chosen because it rotates very slowly so that be able to detect the light source. Once the photoresistor detects the light source, it will show a resistance drop, which will open the transistor gate to supply voltage to the motor inside the BB gun, which can then fire at the target.

Method and Purpose

The goal of the ATS (Automatic Target System) project is to design a machine capable of rotating 360 and launching a BB at a target. 1. ATS detects the light source on the target via the photoresistor located on the device. 2. Motor on the ATS base will rotate to align with the target 3. The spring releases to shoot a BB at the target

Multimedia & Future Development

This is the Automatic Target System in action. In the future we would like to further develop the device into a two dimensional system that is capable of adjusting to both horizontal and vertical location of the target.

int PotVal; int swch=LOW; int PWMpin = 6; int DirPin = 4; int fire= 11; int Direction; int val; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(PWMpin,OUTPUT); pinMode(DirPin,OUTPUT); pinMode(fire,OUTPUT); } void loop() { PotVal = 500; // val=map(PotVal,0,1024,0,255); digitalWrite(DirPin,HIGH); analogWrite(PWMpin,val); Serial.println(analogRead(5)); Serial.println(analogRead(4)); if (analogRead(5)<700) { swch = HIGH; } if (swch) { digitalWrite(DirPin,HIGH); analogWrite(PWMpin,0); digitalWrite(fire,HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(fire,LOW); swch =LOW; } }

ME102 Group 4 presentation

Thank you very much

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