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The Bladder Channel

Point Location 2 Level 2 semester 2

Lei Zhao University of Salford Sep 2009

Star points: 16 points

Face: BL2 Neck and upper back: BL12 Back-shu: BL13 BL15 BL18 BL20 BL23 BL25 Sacrum: BL32 Knee and lower leg: BL40 BL57 BL58 Foot: BL60 BL62 BL65 BL67

Lei Zhao university of Salford 02/03/2012

Facial points: BL1


BL1: 0.1 cun superior to the inner canthus with eye closed, at the depression 0.3 cun perpendicular along the orbital wall Eye: pain and swelling, tearing, itchiness, night blindness, colour blindness

BL2: at the medial end of the eyebrow, in the supraorbital notch. Transverse needling 0.3-0.5 cun Headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, tearing, redness, pain, swelling, twitching eyelid, nasal congestion Stiff neck, painful haemorrhoids Lei Zhao 02/03/2012 Lit eg: BL2 and ST8 for university of Salford and headache eye pain 3

Head: BL10
BL10: 1.3 cun lateral to the midline, 0.5 cun above the posterior hairline, on the lateral side of the trapezius muscle. Indications:

Headaches, esp. vertex, severe headache; stiff neck, fright epilepsy and other types of epilepsy Shoulder and back pain Eye disorders of all sorts, nasal congestion

Lei Zhao university of Salford 02/03/2012

Upper back: BL11 BL12*

BL11 (Influential of bones) indications:

Cough, fever, headache, sore throat, chest fullness, dyspnoea Local pain, stiff neck Painful, rigid knees, back pain Lit: Restless and abdominal fullness urgency, equivalent to acute abdomen Lit eg: BL11 and LV8 treating wind bi with atony in limbs

BL12*: 1.5 cun lateral to the midline, level to the lower border of T2 spinous process Wind conditions: cough, fever, headache, stiff neck, upper and lower back pain, rhinitis, sneezing, Chest pain, chest heat*(classic lit suggest pneumonia-like symptoms) nausea, retching, jaundice
Lei Zhao university of Salford 02/03/2012

Back-shu of lung: BL13*

BL13: 1.5 cun lateral to lower border of T3 spinous process Indications:

Cough, asthma, wheezing, blood sputum, dyspnoea , chest fullness, absence of sweating, persistent cough in children Tidal fever in empty heat (seen in lung yin def)

Lit eg:

BL13 and ST40 to clear copious phlegm BL13, BL23 in chronic bronchitis, COPD, summer moxibustion for winter condition
Lei Zhao university of Salford 02/03/2012

Back-shu of heart: BL15*

Location: (T5) Indications; Chest/cardiac pain, dyspnoea, restlessness, agitation, cough blood, retching vomiting, runny nose Fever, chill, Heat in palms and soles Seminal emission, urinary infection Poor memory Lit eg: BL15, BL23: kidney xu, night emission with lumber soreness BL15, BL30: Gallbladder cold with fright, seminal emission, white urethral discharge, dreaming sexual intercourse with ghosts (Jade dragon )
Lei Zhao university of Salford 02/03/2012

Hui-meeting of blood: BL17

Location: . T7 Indications:

Pain and stiff back Vomiting and food retention, abdominal pain and distension Tidal fever in empty heat, night sweats, fever without sweating Mania and withdrawal

Lei: Major use for clearing blood stasis in the chest region. For systemic, other points should be added.
Lei Zhao university of Salford 02/03/2012

Back-shu: BL18*/liver BL19

BL18* (T9) indications: Jaundice, lateral costal pain, vomiting blood; Mania and withdrawal, epilepsy; nosebleed, red eyes, dizziness, night blindness Lit eg: BL18+, ST36- for liver disorders with blood xu and blurred vision BL19 (T10) indications: Jaundice, bitter taste in mouth, costal pain, tidal fever in TB
Lei Zhao university of Salford 02/03/2012

Back-shu: BL20*/spleen

BL20* (T11) Abdominal distension, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, jaundice, vomiting, indigestion; Dipping oedema; Lassitude Thinness but with large food intake, Lit eg: SI19, BL20 treat sorrow below heart; BL20 and BL28 for spleen xu with undigested stool
BL21 (T12) Pain in the chest and lateral costal region, tension in the back Abdominal distension, gastric reflux, vomiting, rumbling, undigested stool Lit eg: stomach cold: BL47(lateral to liver shu) and BL21
Lei Zhao university of Salford 02/03/2012

Back-shu: BL23*/kidney BL25

BL23* (L2)

Back pain and aching knees; blurred vision, tinnitus Seminal emission, impotence, urinary disorders, irregular menses, vaginal discharge *deaf (Lei: hearing loss), oedema Lit eg: BL15 and BL23 treat kidney xu with dream emission and lumber ache

BL25* (L4) Large intestine -shu

Local pain Abdominal distension and pain, rumbling, diarrhoea, constipation

Lei Zhao university of Salford 02/03/2012

The eight-liao points(BL31-34): BL32*

The eight liao points are at sacral foremen, have similar function, with BL32 most important and comprehensive

BL32: in the 2nd sacral foramen, midway between the lower border of posterior superior and the midline, inferior and slightly medial to BL31 Perpendicular 0.5 cun+/ Best result at deqi descending into the pelvic and perineum Indications: Irregular menses, vaginal prolepses, vaginal discharge, urination disorders, genital itchiness, infertility local pain constipation nosebleed; numb and weak legs Lei: major use in menstruation probs, esp. in cold and xu conditions
Lei Zhao university of Salford 02/03/2012

2nd lateral line of back: BL43

Points on the 2nd lateral line Local pain Functions similar to the levelling 1st lateral line points but at less usage BL42, BL44, BL47, BL49, BL52 corresponding to lung, heart, liver, spleen, kidney shu; has extension of backshu functions, but of less importance *Chinese naming system using corresponding po, shen, hun, yi, zhi, has implications in mental disorders *deep needling at BL49-BL52, 0.7-1.5 cun *BL43: 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous processes of T4 obliquely downward needling 0.3-0.5 cun treats all extreme yin def. Moxa BL43 and needle Ren4 and ST36 to prevent fire flaming
Lei Zhao university of Salford 02/03/2012

Lower back points: BL52 BL54

BL52: (L2) level to BL23

Back pain Urination probs, oedema; The name zhi-shi, house of will power: seminal emission, impotence; (kidney-heart disharmonising)

Local pain Haemorrhoids, genital pain

Lei Zhao university of Salford 02/03/2012

Knee point: BL39


BL39: on the lateral end of the popliteal crease, on the medial border of the biceps femoris tendon Local pain, paralysis, hypertonicity Lower abdominal distension and pain, urination difficulty
BL40*: at the midpoint of the popliteal crease, midway between the tendons of the biceps femoris and the semitendinosus. Locate with the knee flexed. Local hypertonicity, pain, paralysis Lumber and hip pain command point for (lower) back Abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea He-earth point
Lei Zhao university of Salford 02/03/2012

Lower leg: BL57*


BL57*: at the depression of the two bellies of the grastronemius, approx. 8cun inferior to BL40, or midway between BL40 and the level of the prominence of the lateral malleolus. Pain and cramps in the leg; Lumbar pain Haemorrhoids; constipation Lit eg: SP9 treats fullness in heart and chest, addition of BL57 stirs the desire for food and drink BL58*: 7 cun proximal to BL60, on the posterior border of the fibula, at the lateral margin of the gastronemius, approx. 1 cun lateral and distal to BL57 Local pain Headache, dizziness, nasal congestion, nosebleed Luo point BL58 and KI8: diminished qi with scant uterine bleeding
Lei Zhao university of Salford 02/03/2012

Foot point: BL60* BL62*

BL60*: in the depression midway between the lateral malleolus and the Achilles tendon, level with the high point of the bone, opposite and slightly inferior to K3. Indications : River-jing fire point Disease of the head, headache, stiff neck, dizziness, nosebleed; stiff shoulder and arm; infantile epilepsy; Local pain, swelling, pain in the heel; lumbar pain Difficult delivery, delayed delivery of placenta BL62*: directly inferior to the lateral malleolus, between the tendons of peroneus longus and brevis, or posterior to them Indications: Epilepsy, mania and withdrawal; headache, dizziness, insomnia; local pain Confluence point of yang qiao v.; Fifth of the 13 ghost points Lit eg: Head wind and headache, needle BL62 and BL63
Lei Zhao university of Salford 02/03/2012

Foot points: BL64 BL65*

BL64: Source-yuan point Epilepsy, splitting headache; Diseases of the head; stiff neck, lumbar pain, leg pain, Lit eg: Needle yuan points of jueyin/liver and taiyang/bladder, LV3 and BL64 to treat insufferable headache BL65*: on the lateral aspect of the foot, proximal and slightly inferior to the head of the fifth metatarsal bone, at the junction of the skin of plantar and dorsal surface. Mania and withdrawal Headache, tinnitus, red eyes, dizziness Stiff neck with limited movement; back pain; calf pain Stream-shu wood point
Lei Zhao university of Salford 02/03/2012

Foot point: BL67*

BL67*: 0.1 cun proximal to the lateral corner of the base of the nail on the fifth toe Indications: Metal jing point Moxa BL67 corrects breech, addition of ST36 hasten delivery BL67, BL23, Ren4 and SP6 treat seminal loss Lit eg *Difficult delivery, breech presentation of foetus Headache, nose congestion or bleed, eye pain, heat in the sole of the feet;
Lei Zhao university of Salford 02/03/2012

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