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Chapter 23


PowerPoint Lectures for

Biology: Concepts & Connections, Sixth Edition

Campbell, Reece, Taylor, Simon, and Dickey

Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

Lecture by Edward J. Zalisko Edited by: Sheryl Santa Cruz

You should be able to

1. Describe the general need for and functions of a circulatory system

2. Compare the structures and functions of gastrovascular cavities, open circulatory systems, and closed circulatory systems
3. Compare the circulatory systems of a fish, frog, and mammal

4. Explain how heartbeats are controlled

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You should be able to

5. Describe the causes and consequences of a heart attack and cardiovascular disease
6. Relate the structure of blood vessels to their functions 7. Describe the components of blood and their functions 8. Describe the process of blood clotting 9. Describe the causes and treatments for leukemia
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Introduction: How Does Gravity Affect Blood Circulation?

Giraffes have
Very strong hearts

Higher blood pressure

Sinuses that function like check valves to lower pressure to head when bending down

Valves in veins of legs to keep blood moving upward

Snakes have
Hearts close to head Constricting blood vessels to prevent too much blood in one region
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23.1 Circulatory systems facilitate exchange with all body tissues

All cells need
Gas exchange Removal of wastes

Diffusion alone is inadequate for large and complex bodies

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23.1 Circulatory systems facilitate exchange with all body tissues

A gastrovascular cavity in cnidarians and flatworms serves
Digestion Distribution of substances

Most animals use a circulatory system

Blood Heart Blood vessels

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23.1 Circulatory systems facilitate exchange with all body tissues

Open circulatory systems
Arthropods and many molluscs
Heart pumps blood through open-ended vessels Cells directly bathed in blood

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Tubular heart

Figure 23.1A The open circulatory system (vessels in gold) in a grasshopper.

23.1 Circulatory systems facilitate exchange with all body tissues

Closed circulatory systems
Vertebrates, earthworms, squids, octopuses
Blood stays confined to vessels A heart pumps blood through arteries to capillaries

Veins return blood to heart

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Capillary beds Arteriole Artery (O2-rich blood)


Atrium Ventricle Gill capillaries Artery (O2-poor blood)


Figure 23.1B The closed circulatory system in a fish.

23.2 EVOLUTION CONNECTION: Vertebrate Cardiovascular systems reflect evolution

Two-chambered heart
Pumps blood in a single circuit
From gill capillaries

To systemic capillaries
Back to heart

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Gill capillaries

Heart: Ventricle (V)

Atrium (A)

Systemic capillaries

Figure 23.2A The single circulation and two-chambered heart of a fish.

23.2 EVOLUTION CONNECTION: Vertebrate Cardiovascular systems reflect evolution

Land vertebrates have double circulation
Separate pulmonary and systemic circuits

Three-chambered hearts
Amphibians, turtles, snakes, lizards Two atria One undivided ventricle
Permits blood diversion away from lungs when diving But some blood from body and lungs mixes in the ventricle when not diving

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Lung and skin capillaries

Pulmocutaneous circuit

V Left Right Systemic circuit

Figure 23.2B The double circulation and three-chambered heart of an amphibian.

Systemic capillaries

23.2 EVOLUTION CONNECTION: Vertebrate Cardiovascular systems reflect evolution

Four-chambered hearts
Crocodilians, birds, mammals
Two atria and two ventricles Two circuits that do not mix
Right side pumps blood from body to lungs
Left side pumps blood from lungs to body

Higher blood pressure

Supports more efficient movement of blood
Needed in endothermic animals

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Lung capillaries

Pulmonary circuit

V V Left Right Systemic circuit

Systemic capillaries
Figure 23.2C The double circulation and four-chambered heart of a bird or mammal.


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Superior vena cava Pulmonary artery Capillaries of right lung 9

Capillaries of head, chest, and arms Pulmonary artery

2 7 2

Capillaries of left lung

3 4 Pulmonary vein Right atrium Right ventricle Inferior vena cava 9 5 10 4 1 6

Pulmonary vein Left atrium Left ventricle Aorta

Capillaries of abdominal region and legs

23.3 The human cardiovascular system illustrates the double circulation of mammals
The mammalian heart
Two thin-walled atria that
Pump blood To ventricles

Thick-walled ventricles that

Pump blood To lungs and all other body regions

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Right atrium

To lung To lung
Left atrium From lung Semilunar valve Atrioventricular (AV) valve

From lung Semilunar valve Atrioventricular (AV) valve

Right ventricle

Left ventricle

23.4 The heart contracts and relaxes rhythmically

During diastole, blood flows
From veins
Into heart chambers

During systole, blood flows

From atria Into ventricles

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Semilunar valves Heart is closed relaxed.

AV valves are open. 0.4 sec Diastole

Semilunar valves Heart is closed relaxed.

Atria contract.

0.1 sec Systole AV valves are open. 0.4 sec Diastole

Semilunar valves Heart is closed relaxed.

Atria contract.

0.1 sec Systole AV valves are open. 0.4 sec Diastole 0.3 sec

Ventricles contract. Semilunar valves are open.

AV valves closed

23.4 The heart contracts and relaxes rhythmically

Cardiac output
Amount of blood/minute pumped into systemic circuit

Heart rate
Number of beats/minute

Heart valves
Prevent the backflow of blood

Heart murmur
A defect in one or more heart valves

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23.5 The pacemaker sets the tempo of the heartbeat

The pacemaker (SA node)
Sets the rate of heart contractions
Generates electrical signals in atria

The AV node
Relays these signals to the ventricles

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Pacemaker (SA node)

Right atrium

AV node

Specialized muscle fibers

Apex 1 Pacemaker generates signals to contract ECG 2 Signals spread through atria and are delayed at AV node 3 Signals relayed to apex of heart 4 Signals spread through ventricle

23.5 The pacemaker sets the tempo of the heartbeat

An electrocardiogram (ECG)
Records electrical changes in heart

Heart rate normally adjusts to body needs Abnormal rhythms may occur in a heart attack
External defibrillator can restore rhythm Implanted artificial pacemakers can trigger normal rhythms

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Figure 23.5B An artificial pacemaker implanted in the chest.

23.6 CONNECTION: What is a heart attack?

A heart attack is damage to cardiac muscle
Typically from a blocked coronary artery

Death of brain tissue from blocked arteries in the head

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Superior vena cava

Aorta Left coronary artery

Pulmonary artery
Right coronary artery


Dead muscle tissue Figure 23.6A Blockage of a coronary artery, resulting in a heart attack.

23.6 CONNECTION: What is a heart attack?

Plaques develop inside inner walls of blood vessels
Plaques narrow blood vessels Blood flow is reduced

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Connective Smooth tissue muscle Epithelium


Figure 23.6B Atherosclerosis: a normal artery (left) and an artery partially closed by plaque (right).

Red blood cell


Nuclei of smooth muscle cells

Figure 23.7A A capillary in smooth muscle tissue.


Interstitial fluid

Diffusion of molecules

Tissue cell

23.7 The structure of blood vessels fits their functions

Arteries and veins
Lined by single layer of epithelial cells
Smooth muscle in walls can reduce blood flow Elastic fibers permit recoil after stretching

Veins have one-way valves that restrict backward flow

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Epithelium Epithelium Smooth muscle Connective tissue


Basal lamina Epithelium Smooth muscle


Connective tissue Vein


Figure 23.7C Structural relationships of blood vessels.


23.8 Blood pressure and velocity reflect the structure and arrangement of blood vessels
Blood pressure
The force blood exerts on vessel walls
Depends on
Cardiac output

Resistance of vessels

Decreases as blood moves away from heart

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23.8 Blood pressure and velocity reflect the structure and arrangement of blood vessels
Blood pressure is
Highest in arteries
Lowest in veins

Blood pressure is measured as

Systolic pressurecaused by ventricular contraction Diastolic pressurelow pressure between contractions

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Direction of blood flow in vein Valve (open) Skeletal muscle

Valve (closed)

Fig. 23.8B Blood flow in a vein.

23.9 CONNECTION: Measuring blood pressure can reveal cardiovascular problems

Hypertension is a serious cardiovascular problem
Consistent pressures above either
140 systolic 90 diastolic

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Typical blood pressure 120 systolic 70 diastolic

Rubber cuff inflated with air

Pressure in cuff above 120 120


Artery closed

Typical blood pressure 120 systolic 70 diastolic

Rubber cuff inflated with air

Pressure in cuff above 120 120

Pressure in cuff at 120 120


Artery closed

Sounds audible in stethoscope

Typical blood pressure 120 systolic 70 diastolic

Rubber cuff inflated with air

Pressure in cuff above 120 120

Pressure in cuff at 120 120

Pressure in cuff at 70 70


Artery closed

Sounds audible in stethoscope

Sounds stop

23.9 CONNECTION: Measuring blood pressure can reveal cardiovascular problems

Hypertension causes
Heart to work harder, weakening heart over time
Increased plaque formation from tiny ruptures Increased risk of blood clot formation

Hypertension can cause

Heart attacks Strokes Kidney failure
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Precapillary sphincters Thoroughfare channel


Capillaries Venule

Sphincters relaxed
Thoroughfare channel



Sphincters contracted

Tissue cells Arterial end of capillary Blood pressure Osmotic pressure Blood pressure Osmotic pressure Venous end of capillary

Interstitial fluid

Net fluid movement out

Net fluid movement in

Figure 23.11B The movement of fluid into and out of a capillary.


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23.12 Blood consists of red and white blood cells suspended in plasma
Plasma is about 90% water

Plasma contains
Various inorganic ions Proteins, nutrients Wastes, gases Hormones

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Plasma (55%) Constituent Water Major functions Solvent for carrying other substances

Ions (blood electrolytes) Sodium Potassium Calcium Magnesium Chloride Bicarbonate Plasma proteins

Osmotic balance, pH buffering, and maintaining ion concentration of interstitial fluid

Centrifuged blood sample

Osmotic balance and pH buffering

Immunoglobulins (antibodies)


Substances transported by blood Nutrients (e.g., glucose, fatty acids, vitamins) Waste products of metabolism Respiratory gases (O2 and CO2) Hormones

23.12 Blood consists of red and white blood cells suspended in plasma
Red blood cells (erythrocytes)
Transport O2 bound to hemoglobin

White blood cells (leukocytes)

Function inside and outside the circulatory system Fight infections and cancer

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Plasma (55%) Constituent Water Major functions Solvent for carrying other substances Osmotic balance, pH buffering, and maintaining ion concentration of interstitial fluid Cell type Cellular elements (45%) Functions Number per L (mm3) of blood

Ions (blood electrolytes) Sodium Potassium Calcium Magnesium Chloride Bicarbonate Plasma proteins Fibrinogen Immunoglobulins (antibodies)

Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Centrifuged blood sample

56 million

Transport of oxygen (and carbon dioxide)

Leukocytes 5,00010,000 (white blood cells) Osmotic balance and pH buffering Clotting Defense Basophil Eosinophil Neutrophil Platelets 250,000 400,000

Defense and immunity


Substances transported by blood Nutrients (e.g., glucose, fatty acids, vitamins) Waste products of metabolism Respiratory gases (O2 and CO2) Hormones


Blood clotting

23.13 CONNECTION: Too few or too many red blood cells can be unhealthy
Abnormally low amounts of hemoglobin or red blood cells
Causes fatigue due to lack of oxygen in tissues

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23.13 CONNECTION: Too few or too many red blood cells can be unhealthy
Hormone erythropoietin (EPO)
Regulates red blood cell production

Some athletes artificially increase red blood cell production by injecting erythropoietin
Can lead to
Clotting Stroke

Heart failure

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Figure 23.13 Human red blood cells.

23.14 Blood clots plug leaks when blood vessels are injured
When a blood vessel is damaged
Platelets help trigger the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
Which forms a clot that plugs the leak

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23.14 Blood clots plug leaks when blood vessels are injured
The blood-clotting process
Platelets adhere to exposed connective tissue
Platelets form a plug A fibrin clot traps blood cells

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Platelets adhere to exposed connective tissue Epithelium

Connective tissue


Platelets adhere to exposed connective tissue Epithelium

Platelet plug forms

Connective tissue

Platelet plug


Platelets adhere to exposed connective tissue Epithelium

Platelet plug forms

Fibrin clot traps blood cells

Connective tissue

Platelet plug


Figure 23.14B A fibrin clot.

23.15 CONNECTION: Stem cells offer a potential cure for blood cell diseases
Stem cells divide in bone marrow
To produce all the types of blood cells throughout life
Are used to treat some blood disorders

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Multipotent stem cell

Lymphoid stem cell

Myeloid stem cells






Monocytes Neutrophils

23.15 CONNECTION: Stem cells offer a potential cure for blood cell diseases
Leukemia is cancer of white blood cells
Leukemia results in extra leukocytes that do not function properly
Leukemia is usually fatal unless treated

Some treatments
Destroy all bone marrow in the patient Transplant new bone marrow from a donor with similar bone marrow

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