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Amity School of Business

Amity School of Business

BBA VI Semester Advertising and Sales Promotion Module-1

Amity School of Business

MODULE-1 Introduction to Marketing and Marketing Mix Introduction to Promotion Role of promotion in Marketing Mix Introduction and components of Promotion Mix Introduction, evolution, concept and importance of Integrated marketing communication (IMC)

Defining Marketing

Amity School of Business

Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value with others. - Philip Kotler

Amity School of Business

Simple Marketing System


Industry (a collection of sellers)



Market (a collection of Buyers)


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Coordination of all seller-initiated efforts to setup channels of information and persuasion in order to sell goods and services or promote an idea.

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Provide Information Increase Demand

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Differentiate the Product

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Integrated Marketing Communications

A concept of marketing communications planning that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines - for example, general advertising, direct response, sales promotion, and public relations- and combines these disciplines to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communications impact.

Amity School of Business

The Promotional Mix: The tools for IMC

Amity School of Business

Evolution of IMC
During the 1980s, many companies came to see the need for more of a strategic integration of their promotion tools. These firms began moving toward the process of integrated marketing communications (IMC), which involves coordinating the various promotional elements and other marketing activities that communicate with a firms customers. Advertising industry soon recognized that IMC was more than just a fad. Terms such as new advertising, orchestration, and seamless communication were used to describe the concept of integration. American Association of Advertising Agencies (the 4As) formulated the definition of IMC.

Amity School of Business

Reasons for the Growing Importance of IMC

Understanding the value of strategically integrating the various communications functions rather than having them operate autonomously. Easiest ways for a company to maximize the return on its investment in marketing and promotion Shift from traditional media advertising to other forms of promotion, particularly consumer and trade oriented sales promotions A shift in marketplace power from manufacturers to retailers. The rapid growth and development of database marketing.

Amity School of Business

Consumers perceptions of a company and/or its various brands are a synthesis of the bundle of messages they receive or contacts they have, such as media advertisements, price, package design, direct-marketing efforts, publicity, sales promotions, websites, point-of-purchase displays, and even the type of store where a product or service is sold. Integrated marketing communications approach seeks to have all of a companys marketing and promotional activities project a consistent, unified image to the marketplace The IMC approach helps companies identify the most appropriate and effective methods for communicating and building relationships with their customers as well as other stakeholders such as employees, suppliers, investors, interest groups, and the general public.

Amity School of Business

The Role of IMC in Branding

Brand identity is a combination of many factors, including the name, logo, symbols, design, packaging, and performance of a product or service as well as the image or type of associations that comes to mind when consumers think about a brand. It is the sum of all points of encounter or contact that consumers have with the brand, and it extends beyond the experience or outcome of using it. These contacts can also result from various forms of integrated marketing communications activities used by a company, including mass-media advertising, sales promotion offers, sponsorship activities at sporting or entertainment events, websites on the Internet, and direct-mail pieces such as letters, brochures, catalogs, or videos. The challenge is to understand how to use the various IMC tools to make such contacts and deliver the branding message effectively and efficiently.

Amity School of Business

An Integrated Marketing Communications Planning Model

promotional plan provides a framework for developing, implementing, and controlling an organization's integrated marketing communication program and activities
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Amity School of Business

Develop Integrated Marketing Communications Program

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I n t e g r a t e a n d i m I M C s t r a t e g y

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M o n i t o r , e v a l u a t e , a n d c o n t r o l I M C p r o g r a m

Amity School of Business

Integrate and Implement Marketing Communications Strategies

Integrate promotional-mix strategies Create and produce ads Purchase media time,space,etc Design and implement direct-marketing programs Design and distribute sales promotion materials Design and implement public relations/public programs Design and implement interactive/internet marketing programs

Amity School of Business

Monitor, Evaluate, and Control Integrated Marketing Communications Program

Evaluate promotional program results/effectiveness Take measures to control and adjust promotional strategies

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