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General Meaning Mendengarkan sesungguhnya suatu proses yang rumit, yang melibatkan empat unsur: 1. mendengar (hearing), 2.

. memperhatikan, 3. memahami, 4. mengingat. Jadi, definisi mendengarkan yang sesuai adalah proses selektif untuk memperhatikan, mendengar, memahami, dan mengingat simbol-simbol pendengaran. Shortly: Listening requires paying attention, interpreting, and remembering sound stimuli


Kinds of Listening
Active Vs. Passive Listening Mendengarkan secara pasif, menempatkan diri kita seperti mesin perekam (recorder). Semua kata dimasukan ke dalam memori (yang penting dan yang tidak), sehingga kita tidak dapat membedakannya. Kita ingat apa yang dikatakannya, tetapi tidak mengerti apa maknanya. Mendengarkan secara aktif menuntut kita agar mampu menempatkan diri sebagai pihak yang menyampaikan pesan (empati). Kita harus berkonsentrasi dan mau memahami sepenuhnya isi yang dikemukakan pembicara.

The purpose of Listening

Components of listening testing

Answer The Question


Listen to the conversation and then answer the questions. Before listening, read the questions. The listening script is in the Appendix. Situation: Andi, Denias, and Adib are new students. They are at the students association ofce.

Questions 1. What does Andi say to Denias to introduce himself? 2. What does Denias say to Andi to introduce himself? 3. What does Andi say to Denias to introduce Adib? 4. Who joined pencak silat extracurricular activity in the Junior High School? 5. What does Andi say to end the conversation?

Andi : Good morning. My name is Andi. Denias : Good morning Andi. Im Denias. Andi : Denias, this is Adib. We were classmates the Junior High School. Denias : Hi, Adib. How do you do? Adib : How do you do. Andi : By the way, did you join pencak silat extracurricular activity in the Junior High School? Denias : Yes, I did. Andi : Oh, thats great. Adib and I have never joined it before. Adib : We hope you can help us. Denias : Sure. Andi : Okay, see you this afternoon. Adib : See you Denias. Denias : See you

How to score
Ada 5 soal yang diberikan , karena ini adalah short answer, maka point tiap soal adalah 1
Jumlah betul * 1 = Nilai (nlai maksimal = 5)

complete the missing expressions

Listen to the following short dialogues. Then, complete the missing expressions. The listening script is in the Appendix. 1) Ayu : Good morning. Andi : ____________________ Ayu : Do you know when the class meeting starts? Andi : It starts at 9 a.m. today. Ayu : I see. Thanks for telling. Andi : Youre welcome. 2) Virga : How are you, Den? Denias : ____________________ Virga : Well, you look different today. Denias : Really? How do I look? Virga : You look great. Denias : Thanks. You do too. 3) Retno : I think we need to discuss our plan for next month. Arnys : Youre right. Retno : What if we meet at the canteen this afternoon? Arnys : Sure. Retno : So, ___________________ Arnys : See you

Task 2 1) Ayu : Good morning. Andi : Good morning. Ayu : Do you know when the class meeting starts? Andi : It starts at 9 a.m. today. Ayu : I see. Thanks for telling. Andi : Youre welcome. 2) Virga : How are you, Den? Denias : Im ne, thanks. Virga : Well, you look different today. Denias : Really? How do I look? Virga : You look great. Denias : Thanks. You do too. 3) Retno : I think we need to discuss our plan for next month. Arnys : Youre right. Retno : What if we meet at the canteen this afternoon. Arnys : Sure. Retno : So, see you later. Arnys : See you.

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