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what your personality is, you can then make better use of the strengths it gives you, and make allowances for the resultant weaknesses


Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) is an extensive test that reveals information about the client's personality and psychopathology. Clinical scales include such categories as perception of health, family and mental illness


Tree Person (H-T-P) is a test in which the client is given a blank piece of paper and asked to draw a house, tree and person. A series of questions are asked after the drawings in order to reveal how the clients views self, others and the world


Beck Depression Inventory is used in therapy settings to determine whether clients meet the requirements for a diagnosis of depression


Myers-Briggs is a test that reveals basic traits of an individual's personality. Clients are tested on their rate of introversion and extroversion, whether they are sensing or intuitive among others. This test is often used in the workplace in order to improve team member dynamics

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