Anda di halaman 1dari 66

Chapter 2


structural building blocks of all plants and animals Produced by division of preexisting cells Smallest structural unit that perform vital functions

Two types of cells

Sex cells- germ cells ( sperm and ovum) Somatic cells- all other cells

General information

Cells float in the extracellular matrix which is a water medium that is high in sodium ions medium- watery substance made up of conditions the experiment is being held under Cell membrane surrounds the cell
The cell membrane seperates the extracellular fluid and the cytoplasm

Cytoplasm is made up of
Cytosol-intracellular fluid Organelles-structures

Plasmalemma- separates extracellular space from inside of the cell

Plasmalemma description.

Thin and delicate Composed of phospholipids, proteins glycoproteins and cholesterol Phospholipid bilayer

Functions of plasmalemma

Separate extracellular fluid from intracellular Controls entry and exit of substances


Ease with which dissolved materials can cross a membrane

Types of permeability
Passive process
Osmosis Filtration Facilitate Diffusion

active transport process



Movement from high concentrations to low concentrations


Movement of water form high concentratons to low concentrations


Solutes/dissolved nutrients by hydrostatic force cross the membrane with water

Facilitated diffusion

Special carrier proteins transport large molecules

Active transport process

Requires energy in form of ATP May have carrier mechanism - pump


Packaging of extracellular materials into a vesicle for transportation into the cell
All required energy Pinocytosis celll drinking Phagocytosis-cell eating Receptor-mediated endocytosis-specific molecules are brought into the cytosol


Intracellular materials are transported out of cell into extracellular fluid

Cytoplasm- contents of the cell

Contains the cytosol and the organelles

Cytosol-intracellular fluid
High in potassium High in proteins Low in carbs

There are non-membrane organelles and membranous organelles

Non-membranous are in direct contact with the cytosol

Cytoskeleton Microvilli Centrole, cilia. Flagellum ribosomes

Microfilaments- mainly actin

Anchors to cell membrane Forms dense network with cell membrane Can cause movement of cell when interacting with myosin

Microtubules- hollow tubes

Gives strength and rigidity to the cell Responsible for changing shape of cell Can attach to organelle to give it structure

Intermediate filaments
Provides strength Stabilize position of organelles

Thick filaments- myosin

Microvilli- small fingerlike projections on cell membranes

Increase surface area Involved in active absorption Microfilaments inside anchor them to dense network

Centriole, cilia, flagellum- made up of microtubules

Centriole- important in cel division- nine triplets cilia- 9+2 array of microtubules that beat or away to move secretions or fluid found in the respiratory system Flagellum- resemble cilia but are larger and more powerful they are found primarily on spermatozoa in various stages of maturation so they move cells not material over the cell


small dense granules- contain mainly RNA

Manufacture proteins Either free or fixed (attached to er)

Membranous- has a membrane that isolates contents from cytosol

Allows organelle to manufacture or store secretions Mitochondria


Has double membrane and inner folds- cristae

Produces most energy to keep cell alive Number of mitochondria dependson cells energy demands


Control center od cell operations

Determines structural and functional charact. By controlling what proteins are synthesized Direct processes done in cytosol Nuclear envelope0 connected to rough er Nucleoplasm- contents of nucleous
Contains DNA, chromosomes ( 23) nucleolus ( not in nucleaoplasm)- nuclear organelles that synthesize RNA

Rough er

Has ribosomes for transportation

Smooth er

Synthesis of lipids and carbs ( no ribosomes)

Golgi apparatus

Series od membranous plates- cisternae that give rise to lysosomes and secretory vesicles Synthesis and packages secretions
Packaged secretions of RER are carried by golgi apparatus by transport vesicles which fuse with surface membrane of golgi apparatus and empty into cistarnea

Secretory vessicles

Formbed by golgi apparatus memebrane fuse w cell membrane and discharge their contents into extracellular fluid through exocytosis


Vesicles form golgi that remain in cells cytoplasm

Removes bacteria and organic debris from cytoplasm and isplate it into vesicles Contains digestive enzymes Releases nutrient components into cytosol and expels waster by exocytosis

Intracellular attachements- cell junctions


junctions- block passage of water and other substances between cells

Also called zonula occludens

Zonula adherins

Adhering type junctions that occurs as a sheet between cells

Macula adherins

Strong junctions which resist stretching and twisting

Also called desmosomes- wet spot between cells

Gap junctions

Allows for passage of small molecules

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