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Camp Sanitation & Hygiene

Capt DK JHA Med Offr

An Important Matter

Personal hygiene is important to keep yourself healthy. You cant give full attention to your mission if you arent healthy Camp hygiene and sanitation is important for maintaining the health of everyone Planning and training keeps personnel healthy and focused on mission objectives.

Techniques for living in the field to keep your body and the environment healthy

Campsite living Waste Sanitation Personal hygiene Environmental protection Common medical problems

Human waste
Disposal should be decided on type of camp

1. Temporary (All camps in NDA) 2. Semi temporary 3. Permanent 4. High altitude


Trench latrines Shallow Deep

Pour flush latrines VIP (ventilated improved pit)


Campsite cleanliness is important Environmental considerations
Leave no trace camping

Attraction of insects and pests Attraction of animals Pack out what you pack in
Paper trash may burn if you have a campfire, but many plastics, foam, foil wrappers, etc. only melt or partially burn- pack them out

Trash Continued
If you have a fire, you may burn out cans, MRE food containers before putting them in the trash to reduce attraction of insects and animals. Dry wet trash on the side of the fire (wet paper towels, etc.) before burning Do not bury trash- animals will just dig it back up Do not dump trash or waste water into latrine holes

Team Level Camps

Each member should collect and carry out their own trash. Do not keep trash, food, or packs where small animals will be attracted
They may destroy your equipment getting to it They may eat your food supplies Skunks may do more than try to eat your food Risks of bites

Dont leave your pack out leaning against a tree or unprotected

The straps often absorb sweat and salt and rodents and small animals like to chew

Hand Washing
Keep 200 feet away from streams and other water areas Use biodegradable soap if possible Consider sanitizing towellettes or wipes Clean your hands after toilet use, before eating or preparing food, etc.

Even in non-bear country- food needs to be secured to keep it safe from other animals and pests. Dont leave food setting about the campsite. Keep food away from inside your tent or shelter area unless you want to wake up with a new animal roommate. In non-bear country, you can still hang it in a tree, secure in a food locker, place in a vehicle, etc.

Eating and Cooking

Wash hands before eating or preparing food Make sure cooking and food utensils are clean
Wash with biodegradable soap Rinse well- soap residue can make you ill Use boiling water when possible to rinse

Cooking pots or pans with a non-stick surface makes clean up easy with far less water

Eating and Cooking Continued

In the backcountry, you may have to use alternate water sources Assume all water you come in contact with in the outdoors is unsafe Water filtration is the safest method to assure safe water
Use filters capable of removing dangers of bacteria and Giardia

Personal Care
Wash face, hands, and armpits at least each day
If water is limited, rub briskly with dry towel to remove excess oil and perspiration

Teeth should be cleaned daily. If no toothbrush, use a small twig or a clean piece of cloth on your finger Underwear should be changed at least twice a week.
If no water to wash, shake it out and air for at least two hours

Personal Care Continued

Wash feet daily and keep socks clean and dry. Avoid
Wearing scented deodorants, perfume, or after-shave it attracts insects Dont bath or launder in streams, ponds, etc with soaps. Carry water at least 200 feet from water source

Personal Care Continued

Sleep when ever possible
Catnaps-need few minutes to wake up fully

If no sleep- dont worry sleep loss does no permanent damage to body and mind Bad dreams-normal ways of dealing with combat experiences.
Never trust your memory-write down.

Personal care continued

Protection from flies, mosquitoes, rodents, insects. Wear uniform properly

loose---double layersleeve down.

Wash uniform or change it to remove all arthropods and eggs Use work rest cycle.

Common Medical Conditions

Shoe Bite Abrasion by ill fitting shoe, made worse by physical activity Prevention Comfortable shoes - Do not break into a new shoe before any new physical event - Softening of pressure areas by padding

Common Medical Conditions

Treatment Adequate padding of affected area, antiseptic ointment - Rest to the affected part - Report to the doctor

Common Medical Conditions

Dungaree Bite ( Abrasion of any part of the skin) caused by rubbing against dry skin, rough cloth Prevention adequately moisturise/ oil rubbing skin, soft clo, padding Treatment - Adequate padding of affected area, antiseptic ointment - Report to the doctor

Common Medical Conditions

Insect Bite & resulting irritation/urticaria caused due to allergic reaction to insect bite. Prevention stay away from insects (they come uninvited) Treatment Clean with soap and water - Apply ice to soothe the pain - Urticaria/wheals doctor immediately

Common Medical Conditions

Heat Exhaustion/ Heat Stroke - Due to excessive exhaustion-lack of rest-excessive environmental heat-low water intake-medications-stress - Heat Exhaustion to Heat Stroke - Emergency

Common Medical Conditions

Prevention water intake - clothing - rest/sleep/stress

Treatment Emergency info doctor asap - Loosen and remove clo. - Shade/cold environment - water spray and fanning - water to drink - unconscious no water orally

Common Medical Conditions

Fungal Infections (Ringworm/Taenia Pedis/Athletes Foot/ Foot Rot) - Fungus infects dirty/moist areas of the skin - commonly neck, groin, between toes

Prevention Keep clean - Bathe daily - Clean susceptible areas with greater care - Thorough drying - Foot Powder - Frequent change of underwear/socks/clo - Airing of affected areas.

Common Medical Conditions

Treatment Cleaning of areas with PP soaks twice daily - No shoes/socks/airing - Role of foot powder and oint application - Report to doctor

Common Medical Conditions

Stomach Related Diseases (Gas/Loose motions/Vomiting) - Unhygienic food and water - Improper food habits - Improper disposal of human waste Prevention Proper routine of food and water - Adequate food and water

Common Medical Conditions


Proper food handling Proper food disposal Proper daily routine, and disposal of human waste Treatment Drink plenty of water - Do not miss meals - Report to the doctor

Common Medical Conditions

Urinary Tract Related diseases (Infections, Pain, Stones) - Due to inadequate intake of water Prevention Adequate Intake of water Treatment Drink plenty of fluids - Quantity - Report to doctor

Common Medical Conditions

Physically fit soldiers are less likely to get sick or injured.

Other Conditions ?

Snake bite
Out of 2700 species 500 belong to three important families :-

1- Viperidae : vasculotoxic with long erectile fangs.

2- Elapidae :Neurotoxic with short fangs. 3- Hydrophidae : Myotoxic with short fangs & flat tail.

Snake bite

Cellulitis of rt hand

Snake bite

Blisters on the feet

Snake bite

Case of extensive swelling and cellulitis

Snake bite

Hematuria- blood in urine

Snake bite

Case of muscle paralysis

Snake Bite
Intrusion into snakes territory moist, dark area, deep grass, behind logs and wood Provocation Prevention Personal Protective Measures - Snake pits - Avoidance of areas of snake dwellings - Avoiding Provocation

Snake Bite
Management Assessment - Reassurance - Minimal Movements - Use of tourniquet dangerous - Do not kill the snake - Do not bring the snake to the doctor - Fluids - Immediately report to the doctor


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