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An Introduction to the play

The Peranakans





The play

Style: one-man monologue

What is a monologue?
In theatre, a monologue is a speech presented by a single character, most often to express their thoughts aloud, though sometimes also to directly address another character or the audience.

1. Personal: everything will revolve around the character. Because it is so personal and reflective, the audience will be able to empathise more with the character
2. Reflective: for both the audience regarding the character as well as the character, who will reflect a lot either his past, present, future events, thoughts or emotions 3. Greater insights into the characters thoughts, feelings, motives, background

1. Biased: one-sided opinion/view from the character

2. Difficult to sustain audience interest. The character must have gone through a lot, or a very round character with positive sides as well as flaws to sustain interest.

3. The actor playing must be able to relay emotions and conflicts well. Inflection of voice, tone when speaking to audience or another unseen character can be challenging.


In a play, the stage directions (instructions to the actors) are printed out. What do you think is the purpose of showing the stage directions for the reader of a play? Besides instructions on where to stand, what other instructions do you notice in the play.

The purpose of showing stage directions is so that the reader can better visualise the position of the actor. Besides what the actor says, remember that how the actor behaves also gives an indication of how the character is feeling or of his personality.
Stage directions may also instruct on the people controlling lighting. E.g. on page 28 Lights up on auxilliary acting area and on page 44 The stage grows completely dark: the spotlight on Emily narrows.

Why is it important to mention that Emily is smiling?

Answer: Smiling is important to show to the audience that Emily is feeling happy. And then suddenly immediately after that, we hear of Richards death and Emily will surely be no longer smiling, feeling crushed. This further highlights and emphasises to the audience Emilys feeling of loss.

Why is it important to mention the manner (slow) in which Emily moves here? Answer: To show that time has elapsed, her movements are slower, the lights go down slightly effect of lighting, to show the softer side of Emily because of her old age now.

What is the purpose?

Consider if an entire play is done with only one type of lighting, will it not serve its purpose too?
Remember that during Shakespeares time and during the Greeks and Roman time period, acting didnt require such technical know how. But why would modern theatre use lights?

Block out other actors/props and focus only on the actor/actors

Create the time of the day e.g. blue to show nighttime, red/orange to show sunset or sunrise or evening time
Used to create a specific atmosphere. e.g. total darkness with very soft lighting to create suspense or an eerie feeling

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