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MATHEMATICAL MODELLING DISTRIBUTION SOIL WATER POLLUTAN FOR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM IN EAST SURABAYA (CASE STUDY : KECAMATAN RUNGKUT) Created by KURNIAWAN, MUHLISH BUDI Subject Subject Alt Keyword : : Teknologi informasi : Geographic Information System , matehematical models : Salinitas air tanah; Metode beda hingga; Sistem Informasi Geografis

Description :
Dengan meningkatnya jumlah populasi tentunya kebutuhan manusia dan aktivitas yang dilakukan cukup beragam yang disebabkan oleh perkembangan teknologi industri yang semakin maju. Pembangunan kawasan industri di daerah-daerah pertanian dan sekitarnya menyebabkan berkurangnya luas areal pertanian, pencemaran tanah dan badan air yang dapat menurunkan kualitas dan kuantitas hasil produk pertanian serta terganggunya kenyamanan dan kesehatan manusia atau makhluk hidup lain. Di samping itu, kegiatan pertambangan menyebabkan kerusakan tanah, erosi, sedimentasi, serta kekeringan. Di Indonesia terjadi beberapa ledakan pipa gas akibat terjadi kebocoran pada jaringan pipa milik Pertamina yang disebabkan oleh tercemarnya pipa tersebut oleh konsentrasi polutan yang cukup tinggi. Ledakan-ledakan ini terjadi di daerah Mojokerto tanggal 26 Maret 1999, di Gresik tanggal 27 Februari 2003, di pesisir Indramayu tanggal 7 Januari 2003 serta di Palembang 4 Desember 2004. Wilayah Surabaya Timur Kecamatan Rungkut dipilih karena di daerah tersebut terdapat bermacam-macam industri, dimana pembuangan limbah pabrik mempengaruhi kadar konsentrasi air tanah. Dalam hal ini perlu dibuat pemodelan matematika dengan menggunakan metode beda hingga pada proses distribusi konsentrasi salinitas air tanah yang berbasis pada metode Sistem Informasi Geografis sehingga dapat diketahui pola penyebaran pada daerah tersebut. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah peta penyebaran salinitas air tanah di Kecamatan Rungkut untuk DHL berada pada interval 1000 < DHL < 10.000 mhos/cm dengan nilai salinitas 0.5 < salinitas < 30 0/00 adalah air payau.

Description Alt:
As the amount of population grows, it is inevitable that human needs and activities conducted by all people become more various due to the development of increasingly advanced technology industry. The development of industrial zones in agricultural areas and the surrounding area led to reduced agricultural pollution of soil and bodies of water which can degrade the quality and quantity of agricultural products as well as disruption of comfort and health of humans or other living creatures. Meanwhile, mining activities causes soil damage, erosion and sedimentation, as well as drought. In Indonesia there were some explosions due to gas pipeline leak on pipelines owned by Pertamina caused by contamination of the tube by sufficiently high concentration of pollutants. The explosions happened in the area of Mojokerto dated March 26, 1999, in Gresik dated February 27, 2003, on the coast Indramayu dated January 7, 2003 and December 4, 2004. Rungkut district in Eastern Surabaya is chosen for there are a variety of industries, where the waste disposal plant affects the concentration levels of ground water. In this case, it needs a mathematical modeling of ground water salinity concentration distribution with finite element method based into a Geographic Information System so it can be known dispersal patterns of the area. Have Result this cases is map salinity soil water distribution in Distric-Rungkut for DHL 1000 < DHL < 10.000 mhos/cm with salinity value 0.5 < salinity < 30 0/00 as known saltish groundwater.

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: Prof. Dr. Ir. Bangun Muljo S, DEA, DESS : 15/02/2012 : Text : pdf : Indonesian : ITS-Master-3100012046291 : 3100012046291 : RTG 025.069 1 Kur p : Master Thesis of Geomatics Engineering, RTG 025.069 1 Kur p, 2012 : ITS Community : Copyright @2012 by ITS Library. This publication is protected by copyright and per obtained from the ITS Library prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a re transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, reco For information regarding permission(s), write to ITS Library

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