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MENTERI PERHUBUNGAN DAN TELEKOMUNIKASI, Menimbang : a. bahwa dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 53 Tahun 2000 tentang Penggunaan Spektrum Frekuensi adio dan !rbit Satelit" telah diatur ketentuan mengenai tabel alokasi #rekuensi radio$ b. bahwa untuk melaksanakan ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam huru# a" perlu diatur ketentuan mengenai Tabel %lokasi Frekuensi adio &ndonesia dengan 'eputusan Menteri Perhubungan$ Mengingat : (. )ndang*)ndang Nomor 3+ Tahun (,,, tentang Telekomunikasi -.embaran Negara epublik &ndonesia Tahun (,,, Nomor (5/" Tambahan .embaran Negara Nomor 300(1$ 2. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 53 Tahun 2000 tentang Penggunaan Spektrum Frekuensi adio dan !rbit Satelit -.embaran Negara epublik &ndonesia Tahun 2000 Nomor (00" Tambahan .embaran Negara Nomor 3,0(1$ 3. 'eputusan Presiden Nomor (0 tahun (,,+ tentang Pengesahan 2onstitution and 2on3ention o# The &nternational Tele4ommuni4ation )nion" 5ene3a" (,,2 -'onstitusi dan 'on3ensi Perhimpunan Telekomunikasi &nternational" 6enewa" (,,21" beserta &nstrumen %mandemenn7a" '7oto" (,,/ -.embaran Negara epublik &ndonesia tahun (,,+ Nomor 2,1$ /. 'eputusan Presiden Nomor (3+ Tahun (,,, tentang 'edudukan" Tugas" Fungsi" Susunan !rganisasi dan Tata 'er8a 9epartemen sebagaimana telah diubah terakhir dengan 'eputusan Presiden Nomor (:5 Tahun (,,,$ 5. 'eputusan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor 'M. ,(;!T.002;Phb*00 dan 'M.(+/;!T.002;Phb*00 tentang Susunan !rganisasi dan Tata 'er8a 9epartemen Perhubungan sebagaimana diubah terakhir dengan 'eputusan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor 'M. / Tahun 2000$


Menetapkan : '<P)T)S%N M<NT< & P< =)>)N5%N 9%N T<.<'!M)N&'%S& T<NT%N5 T%><. %.!'%S& F <')<NS& %9&! &N9!N<S&%.

Pasal 1 Tabel %lokasi Frekuensi adio &ndonesia adalah tabel alokasi 7ang berisi pengalokasian pita #rekuensi di &ndonesia se4ara rin4i berdasarkan dinas*dinas komunikasi radio. Pasal 2 9inas 'omunikasi adio adalah suatu dinas 7ang menggunakan gelombang radio berupa peman4aran" emisi dan atau penerimaan gelombang*gelombang radio untuk pen7elenggaraan telekomunikasi. Pasal 3 Tabel %lokasi Frekuensi adio &ndonesia sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal ( ditetapkan pada .ampiran & dan .ampiran && 'eputusan ini. Pasal 4 Setiap penggunaan spektrum #rekuensi radio harus sesuai dengan Tabel %lokasi Frekuensi adio &ndonesia sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 3. Pasal 5 9irektur 6enderal Pos dan Telekomunikasi melakukan pembinaan dan pengawasan teknis terhadap pelaksanaan 'eputusan ini.

Pasal 9engan berlakun7a 'eputusan Menteri ini maka : a. 'eputusan Menteri Pariwisata" Pos dan Telekomunikasi Nomor 'M.(03;PT.(02;MPPT;(,,+ tentang %lokasi Spektrum Frekuensi adio &ndonesia$


'eputusan Menteri Pariwisata" Pos dan Telekomunikasi Nomor 'M.:;PT.30:;MPPT* (,,3 tentang %lokasi Frekuensi adio )ntuk 'eperluan Pen7elenggaraan Telekomunikasi >agi Pertahanan 'eamanan Negara$

din7atakan tidak berlaku. Pasal ! 'eputusan ini mulai berlaku pada tanggal ditetapkan.

9itetapkan di Pada tanggal

:6 % ' % :

T %

M<NT< & P< =)>)N5%N 9%N T<.<'!M)N&'%S&"




TABEL ALOKASI SPEKTRUM FREKUENSI RADIO INDONESIA .ampiran 'eputusan Menteri Perhubungan 'M. ;PT.(02;M<N=)>;2000 tentang Tabel %lokasi Spektrum Frekuensi adio &ndonesia ini merupakan pen7empurnaan dari .ampiran 'eputusan Menparpostel 'M.(03;PT.(02;MPPT*,+ mengenai tabel alokasi spektrum #rekuensi radio &ndonesia. Tabel alokasi #rekuensi nasional &ndonesia ini disusun berdasarkan hasil Final %4t ?orld adio4ommuni4ation 2on#eren4e*(,,:" 7ang berlangsung di 6enewa" pada bulan Nopember (,,:. Susunan buku ini terdiri dari beberapa bagian" 7aitu : (. &stilah dan 9e#inisi 2. %lokasi Frekuensi 3. 2atatan 'aki -Foot Note1 Istilah dan Definisi diambil dari re#erensi*re#erensi sebagai berikut : Article S1, Terms and Definitions, Radio Regulations edisi (,,0" International Telecommunication Union (ITU; Article S2, Nomenlature, Radio Telecommunication Union (ITU; Regulation edisi (,,0" International

Article S5, Fre uenc! Allocation, Radio Regulation edisi (,,0" International Telecommunication Union (ITU".

Alokasi Frekuensi diambil dari re#erensi*re#erensi berikut ini : Article S5, Fre uenc! Allocation, Radio Regulation edisi (,,0, International Telecommunication Union (ITU"; Tabel %lokasi Spektrum Frekuensi adio &ndonesia" edisi pertama" (,,+$ Penetapan Frekuensi Maritim" Penerbangan" dan Siaran di &ndonesia$ Penetapan Frekuensi 9inas Tetap di &ndonesia$ 9atabase %FMS -%utomated Fre@uen47 Management S7stem1. Catatan Kaki (Footnote) diambil dari re#erensi*re#erensi berikut ini : Article S5, Fre uenc! Allocation, Radio Regulation dan Final Act#$orld Radiocommunication %onference ($R%"#1&&', International Telecommunication Union (ITU", Se4tion &A. Table o# Fre@uen47 %llo4ations" %rt. S5.53 s;d %rt S5.5+5" di dalam >ahasa &nggris.


Istilah dan Definisi diambil dari re#erensi*re#erensi sebagai berikut : Article S1, Terms and Definitions, Radio Regulations edisi (,,0. Article S2, Nomenlature, Radio Regulations edisi (,,0, International Telecommunication Union (ITU". Article S5, Fre uenc! Allocation, Radio Regulation edisi (,,0 &stilah dan de#inisi 7ang tidak terdapat di dalam buku ini" dapat dilihat di dalam Radio Regulations edisi (,,0, International Telecommunication Union (ITU"(


% T&'<. S( Is$%la& 'a( D)*%(%s% P)('a&+l+a( S"1"1 )ntuk keperluan Peraturan adio ini" istilah*istilah berikut mempun7ai pengertian di bawah ini. &stilah dan de#inisi tersebut" tidak perlu diterapkan untuk tu8uan lain. 9e#inisi 7ang sama dengan de#inisi 7ang terdapat di dalam Anne) to t*e %onstitution atau t*e Anne) to t*e %on+ention of t*e International Telecommunication Union -5ene3a" (,,21 7ang ditandai dengan tanda B-2S1B atau B-2A1B berturut*turut. %atatan : 6ika" di dalam teks dari de#inisi di bawah ini" sebuah istilah ditulis huru# miring" berarti istilah tersebut dide#inisikan di dalam %rtikel S( tersebut.

Ba,%a( I" Is$%la& U-+S"1"2 Administrasi, Setiap departemen atau dinas pemerintah 7ang bertanggung8awab terhadap kewa8iban 7ang terdapat di dalam 'onstitusi dari &nternational Tele4ommuni4ation )nion -&T)1" di dalam 'on3ensi dan di dalam egulasi %dministrati# -2S (0021. Tele-omuni-asi, setiap transmisi" emisi atau penerimaan is7arat" sin7al*sin7al" tulisan" gambar*gambar dan suara atau pern7ataan pikiran apapun melalui kawat" radio" optik atau sistem elektromagnetik lainn7a -2A1. Radio, istilah gelom.ang radio. umum 7ang dipakai dalam penggunaan


S"1"4 S"1"5

/elom.ang Radio atau /elom.ang 0ert1, gelombang elektromagnetik dengan #rekuensi 7ang lebih rendah dari 3 000 5=C" 7ang merambat dalam ruang angkasa tanpa sarana penghantar buatan. 2omuni-asi radio, gelom.ang radio-2S1-2A1. tele-omuni-asi dengan perantaraan

S"1" S"1"! S"1".

2omuni-asi radio terrestrial, Setiap -omuni-asi radio selain -omuni-asi radio ruang ang-asa atau radio astronomi. 2omuni-asi radio ruang ang-asa, Setiap -omuni-asi radio 7ang men4akup penggunaan satu atau lebih stasiun ruang ang-asa" atau penggunaan satu atau lebih satelit 3emantul ataupun ob8ek lain 7ang ada di ruang angkasa. Radio 3enentu, Penentuan posisi" ke4epatan dan;atau karakteristik lain dari suatu ob8ek" atau untuk mendapatkan keterangan I-2


7ang berkaitan dengan parameter*parameter menggunakan si#at*si#at rambatan gelom.ang radio. S"1"10



Na+igasi radio, Radio 3enentu 7ang digunakan untuk keperluan na3igasi" termasuk pemberitahuan sebagai adan7a peringatan tentang benda 7ang menghalangi.. Radio lo-asi, Radio 3enentu 7ang dipergunakan keperluan* keperluan selain untuk na+igasi radio( Radio 3encari#ara*, Radio 3enentu 7ang menggunakan penerimaan gelom.ang radio untuk keperluan menentukan arah dari suatu stasiun atau ob8ek. Radio Astronomi, %stronomi 7ang berdasarkan penerimaan gelom.ang radio 7ang berasal dari kosmos. $a-tu Standar Internasional (UT%", Skala waktu" 7ang berdasarkan pada ukuran detik -S&1" sebagaimana dide#inisikan di dalam ekomendasi &T)* TF./+0*/. )ntuk tu8uan penggunaan praktis 7ang berhubungan dengan Radio Regulation " )T2 adalah sama dengan waktu saat matahari tepat pada meridian utama -garis bu8ur 0 1" 7ang semula din7atakan dengan 5MT.

S"1"11 S"1"12

S"1"13 S"1"14


A3li-asi Industri, Scientific dan 4edis (IS4" -dari energi #rekuensi radio1: adalah operasi dari suatu alat atau perangkat 7ang diran4ang untuk membangkitkan atau menggunakan energi #rekuensi radio se4ara lokal untuk keperluan &ndustri" &lmiah" Medis alat*alat rumah tangga atau se8enisn7a 7ang tidak termasuk penggunaan dalam bidang tele-omuni-asi(

Ba,%a( II" Is$%la& K&+s+s 0)12a%$a( ')(,a( Ma(a3)-)( F1)2+)(s% S"1"1 Alo-asi -dari suatu pita #rekuensi1: Pen4antuman pita -band1 #rekuensi tertentu dalam 9a#tar %lokasi Frekuensi dengan maksud untuk penggunaan oleh satu atau lebih dinas -omuni-asi radio terrestrial atau dinas -omuni-asi radio ruang ang-asa atau dinas radio astronomi berdasarkan pers7aratan tertentu. &stilah alokasi ini 8uga harus berlaku untuk pembagian lebih lan8ut pita #rekuensi di atas untuk setiap 8enis pitan7a. Allotment -Pen8atahan dari #rekuensi radio atau kanal #rekuensi radio1 : Pen4antuman kanal #rekuensi*#rekuensi tertentu dalam suatu ren4ana 7ang disetu8ui dan disahkan oleh suatu kon#erensi 7ang berwenang untuk dipergunakan oleh satu atau lebih administrasi untuk dinas -omuni-asi radio terrestrial atau dinas -omuni-asi radio ruang ang-asa dalam satu atau lebih negara atau daerah geogra#is 7ang ter4antum dalam ren4ana tersebut di atas dan berdasarkan pers7aratan tertentu. Assignment -penetapan #rekuensi radio atau kanal #rekuensi radio1 : !torisasi 7ang diberikan oleh suatu administrasi kepada suatu I-3



stasiun radio untuk menggunakan #rekuensi radio atau kanal #rekuensi radio berdasarkan pers7aratan tertentu. Ba,%a( III" D%(as Ra'%4 S1"1/ Dinas -omuni-asi radio, 9inas 7ang dide#inisikan dalam bagian ini 7ang men4akup transmisi" emisi dan;atau penerimaan dari gelom.ang#gelom.ang radio untuk tu8uan tele-omuni-asi tertentu. Dang dimaksud dengan dinas -omuni-asi radio di dalam 5eraturan Radio ini adalah -omuni-asi radio terestrial" ke4uali bila din7atakan lain. S1"20 S1"21 Dinas Teta3, Dinas -omuni-asi radio antara tempat*tempat tetap tertentu. Dinas Teta3 Satelit, Dinas -omuni-asi radio antara stasiun# stasiun .umi pada tempat*tempat tetap 7ang tertentu dengan menggunakan satu atau lebih satelit$ dan dalam beberapa kasus" dinas ini men4akup hubungan satelit*ke*satelit" 7ang dapat 8uga dioperasikan pada dinas antar#satelit; dinas teta3#satelit men4akup 8uga hubungan pen4atu -feeder lin-1 untuk dinas -omuni-asi#radio ruang ang-asa lain$ Dinas Antar Satelit, Dinas -omuni-asi radio 7ang men7ediakan hubungan antara satelit#satelit bumi buatan. Dinas 63erasi Ruang Ang-asa, Dinas -omuni-asi radio 7ang dikhususkan untuk operasi -endaraan ruang ang-asa" terutama untuk 3en7e7a-an ruang ang-asa" telemetri dan tele-omando ruang ang-asa. >iasan7a #ungsi*#ungsi tersebut telah di4akup dalam dinas radio di mana stasiun ruang angkasa tersebut beroperasi. S(.2/Dinas 8ergera-: Dinas -omuni-asi radio antara stasiun .ergera- dan stasiun darat" atau antar stasiun#stasiun .ergera-( S1"25 Dinas 8ergera- Satelit, Dinas -omuni-asi radio, antara stasiun .umi .ergera- dengan satu atau lebih stasiun ruang ang-asa atau antara stasiun ruang ang-asa 7ang digunakan oleh dinas ini$ atau antara stasiun .umi .ergera- dengan menggunakan satu atau lebih stasiun ruang ang-asa. 9inas ini 8uga dapat men4akup hubungan pen4atu 7ang diperlukann7a. S1"2 Dinas 8ergera- Darat, Dinas .ergera- antara stasiun indudengan stasiun#stasiun .ergera- darat, atau antara stasiun .ergeradarat. Dinas 8ergera- Darat#Satelit, Dinas .ergera- satelit 7ang stasiun#stasiun .umi .ergera-n!a terletak di darat. Dinas 8ergera- 4aritim, Dinas .ergera- antara stasiun#stasiun 3antai dengan stasiun -a3al laut" atau antar stasiun -a3al laut atau antar stasiun#stasiun -omuni-asi 3eleng-a3 di -a3al $ stasiun#stasiun I-4

S1"22 S1"23

S1"2! S1"2.

-endaraan 3en!elamat dan stasiun#stasiun ram.u radio (radio .eacon" 3enun7u- 3osisi darurat dapat 8uga beroperasi dalam dinas ini. S1"2/ Dinas 8ergera- 4aritim#Satelit: Dinas .ergera- satelit 7ang stasiun#stasiun .umi .ergera-n!a terletak di kapal$ stasiun#stasiun -endaraan 3en!elamat dan stasiun#stasiun ram.u radio (radio .eacon" 3enun7u- 3osisi darurat dapat 8uga beroperasi dalam dinas ini. Dinas 63erasi 5ela.u*an, Dinas .ergera- maritim di dalam atau dekat sebuah pelabuhan" antara stasiun pantai dan stasiun kapal laut" di mana pesan*pesan dibatasi untuk hal*hal 7ang berhubungan dengan penanganan operasional" pergerakan dan keamanan kapal laut dan di dalam hal darurat" untuk keselamatan manusia. Pesan*pesan 7ang termasuk corres3ondence"9 tidak termasuk dinas ini. S1"31 dengan umum (3u.lic


Dinas 5ergera-an 2a3al :aut , Dinas -eselamatan di dalam dinas .ergera- maritim selain dinas o3erasi 3ela.u*an, antara stasiun pantai dan stasiun kapal laut" atau antara stasiun kapal laut" di mana pesan*pesan dibatasi untuk hal*hal 7ang berhubungan dengan pergerakan kapal laut. Pesan*pesan 7ang termasuk corres3ondence"9 tidak termasuk dinas ini. dengan umum (3u.lic


Dinas 8ergera- 5ener.angan, Dinas .ergera- antara stasiun# stasiun 3ener.angan dengan stasiun#stasiun 3esa;at udara" atau antara stasiun#stasiun 3esa;at udara" 7ang 8uga dapat men4akup stasiun#stasiun -endaraan 3en!elamat $ stasiun#stasiun ram.u radio (radio .eacon" 3enun7u-#3osisi darurat 8uga boleh beroperasi di dalam dinas ini pada #rekuensi*#rekuensi 7ang ditentukan untuk marabaha7a dan keadaan darurat. Dinas 8ergera- 5ener.angan (R" , Dinas .ergera- 3ener.angan 7ang digunakan untuk komunikasi 7ang berhubungan dengan keselamatan dan pengaturan penerbangan" terutama 8alur*8alur penerbangan sipil nasional atau internasional.



Dinas 8ergera- 5ener.angan (6R" < , Dinas .ergera3ener.angan 7ang bertu8uan untuk komunikasi" termasuk komunikasi* komunikasi 7ang berhubungan dengan koordinasi penerbangan" terutama di luar 8alur*8alur penerbangan nasional dan internasional.


Dinas 8ergera- 5ener.angan#Satelit, Dinas .ergera-#satelit di mana stasiun .ergera-#.umi ditempatkan pada pesawat terbang$ stasiun 3en!elamat dan stasiun#stasiun ram.u radio (radio .eacon" 3enun7u-#3osisi dapat beroperasi di dalam dinas ini. Dinas 8ergera- 5ener.angan#Satelit (R"<, Dinas .ergera3ener.angan#satelit digunakan untuk komunikasi 7ang berhubungan


* *

(R): rou !"


(OR): o##-rou ! I-$

dengan keselamatan dan pengaturan penerbangan" terutama 8alur*8alur penerbangan sipil nasional atau internasional. S1"3! Dinas 8ergera- 5ener.angan#Satelit (6R"<< , Dinas .ergera3ener.angan#satelit 7ang bertu8uan untuk komunikasi" termasuk komunikasi*komunikasi 7ang berhubungan dengan koordinasi penerbangan" terutama di luar 8alur*8alur penerbangan nasional dan internasional. Dinas Siaran, Dinas -omuni-asi radio 7ang transmisin7a dimaksudkan untuk penerimaan langsung oleh mas7arakat umum. 9inas ini dapat meliputi transmisi suara" transmisi tele+isi atau 8enis* 8enis transmisi lainn7a -2S1. Dinas Siaran#Satelit, Dinas -omuni-asi radio 7ang sin7aln7a dipan4arkan atau dipan4arkan ulang oleh stasiun ruang ang-asa dan dimaksudkan untuk penerimaan langsung oleh mas7arakat umum. Dinas Radio 5enentu, Dinas -omuni-asi radio untuk -e3erluan radio 3enentu( Dinas Radio 5enentu#Satelit, Dinas -omuni-asi radio untuk keperluan radio 3enentu 7ang menggunakan satu atau lebih stasiun# stasiun ruang ang-asa( Dinas Na+igasi Radio, Dinas radio 3enentu 7ang dipergunakan untuk keperluan na+igasi radio. Dinas Na+igasi Radio#Satelit, Dinas radio 3enentu#satelit 7ang dipergunakan untuk keperluan na+igasi radio. 9inas ini 8uga dapat men4akup feeder lin-s 7ang diperlukann7a. Dinas Na+igasi Radio 4aritim, Dinas na+igasi radio 7ang dimaksudkan untuk keman#aatan dan keselamatan operasi kapal*kapal. Dinas Na+igasi Radio 4aritim#Satelit: Dinas na+igasi radio#satelit 7ang stasiun#stasiun .umin!a terletak di kapal. Dinas Na+igasi Radio 5ener.angan, Dinas na+igasi radio 7ang dimaksudkan untuk keman#aatan dan keselamatan operasi pesawat udara. Dinas Na+igasi Radio 5ener.angan#Satelit, Dinas na+igasi# radio#satelit 7ang stasiun#stasiun .umin!a terletak di pesawat udara. Dinas Radio :o-asi : Dinas radio 3enentu untuk keperluan radiolo-asi. Dinas Radio :o-asi#Satelit,Dinas radio 3enentu#satelit 7ang digunakan untuk tu8uan radiolo-asi(. Dinas 8antuan 4eteorologi, Dinas -omuni-asi#radio 7ang dipergunakan untuk obser3asi dan eksplorasi dalam bidang meteorologi termasuk hidrologi. Dinas =-s3lorasi 8umi#Satelit, Dinas -omuni-asi#radio antara stasiun#stasiun .umi dengan satu atau lebih stasiun#stasiun ruang ang-asa" 7ang dapat 8uga men4akup hubungan antar stasiun#stasiun ruang ang-asa" di mana : I-%



S1"40 S1"41

S1"42 S1"43

S1"44 S1"45 S1"4

S1"4! S1"4. S1"4/ S1"50


in#ormasi 7ang berhubungan dengan karakteristik*karakteristik bumi dan ge8ala*ge8ala alamn7a" diperoleh dari 3engindera a-tif atau 3asif 7ang ditempatkan pada satelit#satelit .umi$ in#ormasi 7ang serupa diperoleh dari air.orne atau 3latform di >umi$ in#ormasi tersebut boleh didistribusikan ke stasiun#stasiun .umi dalam sistim 7ang bersangkutan$ 5latform interrogation dapat termasuk dalam dinas ini. 9inas ini 8uga dapat men4akup hubungan*hubungan pen4atu - feeder lin-1 7ang diperlukann7a. S1"52 S1"53 Dinas 4eteorologi Satelit, Dinas e-s3lorasi .umi#satelit untuk keperluan*keperluan meteorologi. Dinas Fre-uensi dan Tanda $a-tu Standar, Dinas -omuni-asi radio untuk tu8uan*tu8uan ilmiah" teknik dan lain*lain" 7ang meman4arkan #rekuensi*#rekuensi tertentu" tanda*tanda waktu" atau kedua*duan7a dengan ketelitian 7ang tinggi" ditu8ukan bagi penerimaan mas7arakat umum. Dinas Fre-uensi dan Tanda $a-tu Standar#Satelit : 9inas komunikasi*radio 7ang menggunakan stasiun#stasiun ruang ang-asa pada satelit#satelit .umi untuk tu8uan 7ang sama dengan tu8uan dari dinas standar ;a-tu dan fre-uensi( 9inas ini 8uga men4akup hubungan* hubungan pen4atu 7ang diperlukann7a. Dinas 5enelitian Ruang Ang-asa, Dinas -omuni-asi radio di mana 3esa;at ruang ang-asa atau benda lain di ruang angkasa digunakan untuk tu8uan riset teknologi. Dinas Amatir, Dinas -omuni-asi radio untuk tu8uan melatih diri sendiri" saling berkomunikasi dan pen7elidikan teknis 7ang dilakukan oleh para amatir" 7aitu mereka 7ang telah mendapat iCin dan berminat dalam bidang teknik radio semata*mata untuk tu8uan pribadi tanpa tu8uan komersial. Dinas Amatir Satelit, Dinas -omuni-asi radio 7ang menggunakan stasiun ruang ang-asa pada satelit#satelit .umi untuk tu8uan 7ang sama dengan tu8uan dinas amatir( Dinas Radio Astronomi, 9inas 7ang men4akup penggunaan radio astronomi. Dinas 5en!elamatan, Setia3 dinas -omuni-asi#radio, 7ang dipergunakan se4ara tetap atau sementara untuk pen7elamatan 8iwa manusia dan harta benda. Dinas 2*usus: Dinas -omuni-asi#radio, 7ang tidak dide#inisikan dalam bagian ini" 7ang diselenggarakan khusus untuk kebutuhan* kebutuhan 7ang tertentu bagi kepentingan umum" tetapi tidak boleh digunakan sebagai sarana tele-omuni-asi untu- umum(





S1"5. S1"5/

S1" 0


% T&'<. S2 S%s$)- P)(a-aa( P%$a F1)2+)(s% 'a( Pa(3a(, G)l4-0a(, S2"1 Spektrum radio dibagi men8adi sembilan pita #rekuensi" 7ang disusun dalam tabel berikut ini. 9engan menggunakan satuan #rekuensi 7aitu hertC -=C1" #rekuensi dapat ditulis sebagai berikut : F F F di dalam kilohertC -k=C1" sampai dengan dan termasuk 3 000 k=C$ di dalam megahertC -M=C1" lebih besar dari 3 M=C" sampai dengan dan termasuk 3 000 M=C$ di dalam gigahertC -5=C1" lebih besar dari 3 5=C" sampai dengan dan termasuk 3 000 5=C.

>agaimanapun" kita tidak selalu harus mengikuti aturan ini se4ara kaku" sebagai 4ontoh di dalam hubungan dengan noti#ikasi dan registrasi dari #rekuensi" da#tar #rekuensi dan hal*hal 7ang berhubungan" 4ara penamaan 7ang berbeda dapat dilakukan.


2akupan Frekuensi Pembagian Singkatan Nomor Simbol -batas bawah tidak pan8ang pan8ang Pita termasuk" batas atas gelombang 7ang gelombang termasuk1 bersesuaian 5elombang >.Mam M7riametrik 5 .F 30 s;d 300 k=C 5elombang >.km 'ilometrik + MF 300 s;d 3 000 k=C 5elombang >.hm =e4tometrik : =F 3 s;d 30 M=C 5elombang >.dam 9e4ametrik 0 A=F 30 s;d 300 M=C 5elombang >.m Metrik , )=F 300 s;d 3 000 M=C 5elombang >.dm 9esimetrik (0 S=F 3 s;d 30 5=C 5elombang >.4m Sentimetrik (( <=F 30 s;d 300 5=C 5elombang >.mm Milimetrik (2 300 s;d 3 000 5=C 5elombang 9esimilimetrik %atatan 1, GPita NH -N I Nomor pita1 berlaku dari 0.3 J (0N =C s;d 3 J (0N =C. %atatan 2, %walan: k I kilo -(031" M I mega -(0+1" 5 I giga -(0,1. / A.F 3 s;d 30 k=C


% T&'<. S5 Al42as% F1)2+)(s% P)('a&+l+a( S5"1 9istribusi Frekuensi untuk 9inas ?ila7ah atau negara Stasiun >ahasa &nggris %llo4ation -to allo4ate1 %llotment -to allot1 %ssignment -to assign1 >ahasa &ndonesia %lokasi Pen8atahan Penetapan

Ba,%a( I" Region 'a( 5%la6a& S5"2 )ntuk alokasi #rekuensi" dunia telah dibagi men8adi tiga Region( 7ang dapat dilihat pada peta berikut dan di8elaskan di S5"3 sampai dengan S5"/: di4atat bahwa di mana kata BregionB atau BregionalB tidak memakai huru# besar B B di dalam egulasi ini" perkataan tersebut tidak berkaitan dengan tiga Region 7ang dide#inisikan untuk tu8uan alokasi #rekuensi.











60 160 180 17 0



R E G IO N 2

R E G IO N 3









Region 1, Region 1 meliputi wila7ah 7ang dibatasi di sebelah timur oleh garis % -garis %"> dan 2 akan dide#inisikan pada bagian berikutn7a1 dan di sebelah barat oleh garis >" ke4uali sebagian wila7ah teritorial epublik &slam &ran" 7ang terdapat di antara batasan tersebut. egion ( ini 8uga meliputi keseluruhan wila7ah teritorial %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" 5eorgia" 'aCakstan" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" '7rg7Cstan" ussia" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan" Turki dan )kraina dan wila7ah sebelah utara usia 7ang terletak antara garis % dan 2.


Region 2, Region 2 meliputi wila7ah 7ang dibatasi di sebelah timur oleh garis > dan di sebelah barat oleh garis 2.


Region >, I-11





17 0



T * ! + * , - ! - . , r r! . r! + ! / + * ! T r o . i0 , 1 2 o / ! + , + - ! #i/ ! - i/ N o + " S 5 .1 6 o S 5 .2 0 , / - S 5 .2 1 "


R E G IO N 3




R E G IO N 1




40 20 60 80 100

C '

















Region > meliputi wila7ah 7ang dibatasi di sebelah timur oleh garis 2 dan di sebelah barat oleh garis %" ke4uali wila7ah teritorial dari %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" 5eorgia" 'aCakstan" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" '7rg7Cstan" ussia" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan" Turki dan )kraina dan wila7ah sebelah utara ussia. Region ini 8uga meliputi bagian wila7ah teritorial dari epublik &slam &ran 7ang terletak di luar batasan tersebut di atas. S5" S5"! 5aris %" > dan 2 dide#inisikan sebagai berikut : /aris A, 5aris % ialah garis 7ang ditarik dari 'utub )tara melalui garis lintang /0K >u8ur Timur dari 5reenwi4h sampai /0K .intang )tara$ kemudian dilan8utkan dengan busur lingkaran besar menu8u perpotongan dari garis +0K >u8ur Timur dan daerah Tro3ic of %ancer$ kemudian dilan8utkan mengikuti garis +0K >u8ur Timur menu8u ke 'utub Selatan. S5". /aris 8, 5aris > ialah garis 7ang ditarik dari 'utub )tara mengikuti (0K >u8ur >arat dari 5reenwi4h menu8u perpotongan dengan garis :2K .intang )tara$ kemudian dilan8utkan dengan busur lingkaran besar menu8u perpotongan garis 50K >u8ur >arat dan garis /0K .intang )tara$ kemudian dilan8utkan dengan busur lingkaran besar menu8u perpotongan garis 20K >u8ur >arat dan garis(0K .intang Selatan$ dan seterusn7a mengikuti garis 20K >u8ur >arat menu8u ke 'utub Selatan. S5"/ /aris %, 5aris 2 ialah garis 7ang ditarik dari 'utub )tara dengan busur lingkaran besar menu8u ke perpotongan garis +5K 30L .intang )tara dengan perbatasan internasional di Selat >ering$ kemudian dilan8utkan dengan busur lingkaran besar ke perpotongan dari garis (+5K >u8ur Timur dari 5reenwi4h dan garis 50K .intang )tara$ kemudian dilan8utkan dengan busur lingkaran besar ke perpotongan antara garis (:0K >u8ur >arat dan garis parallel (0K .intang )tara$ kemudian mengikuti garis (0K .intang )tara ke perpotongann7a dengan garis to (20K >u8ur Timur$ kemudian dilan8utkan mengikuti garis (20K >u8ur >arat menu8u ke 'utub Selatan.

Ba,%a( II" Ka$),41% D%(as 'a( Al42as% S5"23 S5"24 Dinas 5rimer dan Se-under -(1 %pabila di dalam suatu kotak pada Tabel %lokasi Frekuensi ini dialokasikan untuk lebih dari satu dinas" baik berlaku di seluruh dunia maupun se4ara regional" maka dinas*dinas tersebut ditulis sebagai berikut :


S5"25 S5"2 S5"2! S5"2. S5"2/

a" ."

nama dinas 7ang ditulis dengan Bhuru# besarB -4ontoh: T<T%P1$ dinas tersebut mempun7ai kategori BprimerB$ dinas 7ang ditulis dengan Bhuru# biasaB -4ontoh: >ergerak1$ dinas tersebut mempun7ai kategori BsekunderB -lihat S5"2. s;d S5"311.

-21 2atatan tambahan harus ditulis dengan Bhuru# biasaB -4ontoh: >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan1. -31 a" Stasiun dari dinas sekunder:

tidak boleh men7ebabkan *armful interference kepada stasiun dinas primer 7ang #rekuensin7a telah ditetapkan atau #rekuensi tersebut akan ditetapkan di kemudian hari. tidak dapat menga8ukan perlindungan dari *armful interference dari stasiun dinas primer 7ang #rekuensin7a telah ditetapkan atau akan ditetapkan di kemudian hari.$ dapat menga8ukan perlindungan" *armful interference daru stasiun 7ang mempun7ai dinas sekunder 7ang sama atau dinas sekunder 7ang lain 7ang telah ditetapkan atau akan ditetapkan di kemudian hari.






-/1 6ika sebuah pita #rekuensi ditandai dengan adan7a sebuah 4atatan kaki pada Tabel dan dialokasikan pada suatu dinas B on secondar! .asisB di daerah 7ang lebih ke4il dari sebuah egion" atau pada negara tertentu" dinas tersebut merupakan dinas sekunder. -lihat S5"2. s;d S5"311. ($) 6ika sebuah pita ditandai dengan 4atatan kaki pada Tabel ?here a band is indi4ated in a #ootnote o# the Table dan dialokasikan pada dinas 7ang dialokasikan pada suatu dinas G on a 3rimar! .asisH" di wila7ah 7ang lebih ke4il dari sebuah egion" atau pada negara tertentu" dinas tersebut merupakan dinas primer pada wila7ah atau negara tersebut sa8a. Alo-asi Tam.a*an -(1 6ika suatu pita ditandai di dalam sebuah 4atatan kaki -footnote1 pada Tabel sebagai Balso allo4atedB kepada suatu dinas di daerah 7ang lebih ke4il dari egion" atau di suatu negara" dinas tersebut mempun7ai alokasi BtambahanB" 7aitu suatu alokasi dinas 7ang ditambahkan pada wila7ah atau negara tersebut dari dinas atau dinas* dinas 7ang sudah ada di dalam Tabel tersebut -.ihat S5"3 1. -21 6ika 4atatan kaki tidak men4akup batasan apapun terhadap dinas atau dinas*dinas 7ang dimaksud" selain batasan untuk beroperasi han7a di daerah atau negara tertentu sa8a" stasiun pada dinas tersebut mempun7ai hak 7ang sama untuk beroperasi dengan stasiun dari dinas atau dinas*dinas primer 7ang telah ada di dalam Tabel tersebut. -31 6ika batasan diberlakukan di dalam alokasi tambahan sebagai tambahan terhadap batasan untuk beroperasi han7a di daerah


S5"34 S5"35




dan negara tertentu" hal tersebut ditandai dengan sebuah 4atatan kaki pada Tabel tersebut.

S5"3. S5"3/

Alo-asi Alternatif -(1 6ika suatu pita ditandai dengan 4atatan kaki pada Tabel dan dialokasikan kepada satu atau lebih dinas di daerah 7ang lebih ke4il dari egion" atau di negara tertentu" hal tersebut merupakan alokasi Balternati#B" 7aitu alokasi 7ang mengganti" di daerah atau negara tersebut" alokasi 7ang terdapat pada Tabel -.ihat S5"401. -21 6ika 4atatan kaki tidak men4akup batasan apapun terhadap stasiun dari dinas atau dinas 7ang dimaksud" selain dari batasan untuk beroperasi han7a di daerah atau negara tertentu" stasiun*stasiun dari dinas atau dinas tersebut mempun7ai hak 7ang sama untuk beroperasi dengan stasiun*stasiun dari dinas atau dinas* dinas lain" seperti ter4antum di Tabel" 7ang dialokasikan untuk daerah atau negara lainn7a. -31 6ika batasan diberlakukan pada stasiun dari dinas*dinas di mana alokasi alternati# dibuat" sebagai tambahan terhadap batasan untuk beroperasi han7a di negara atau daerah tertentu sa8a" hal tersebut ditandai oleh 4atatan kaki. Aturan Tam.a*an -(1 6ika ditandai di dalam egulasi ini bahwa dinas dapat beroperasi pada pita #rekuensi tertentu dengan tanpa men7ebabkan B*armful interferenceB" hal ini berarti bahwa dinas tersebut tidak dapat menga8ukan proteksi dari B *armful interferenceB 7ang disebabkan oleh dinas lain pada pita 7ang dialokasikan di bawah >ab SII dari adio egulations. -21 'e4uali 8ika ditentukan pada 4atatan kaki" istilah Hdinas tetapH" ketika mun4ul di >agian &A dari %rtikel ini" tidak termasuk sistem 7ang menggunakan propagasi hamburan ionos#ir. S5./5Tidak digunakan.



S5"42 S5"43


Ba,%a( III" D)s21%7s% 'a1% Ta0)l Al42as% F1)2+)(s% S5"4 -(1 6udul dari Tabel pada >agian &A dari %rtikel ini terdiri dari tiga kolom" di mana setiap kolom mewakili masing*masing egion -lihat S5"21. 6ika suatu alokasi men4akup keseluruhan lebar Tabel" maka alokasi tersebut berlaku di seluruh dunia$ 8ika suatu alokasi men4akup han7a satu atau dua dari tiga kolom" maka alokasi tersebut berlaku merupakan alokasi egional. -21 Pita #rekuensi 7ang dimaksud di setiap alokasi ditempatkan di sudut kiri atas dari bagian Tabel 7ang dimaksud.




-31 9i dalam setiap kategori 7ang ditentukan di dalam S5"25 dan S5"2 " dinas*dinas ditulis di dalam urutan alphabet berdasarkan bahasa Peran4is. )rutan dari da#tar tidak menun8ukan prioritas relati# di dalam setiap kategori.. -/1 9i dalam kasus di mana terdapat tambahan B3arentet*ical9 terhadap alokasi di dalam Tabel" alokasi dinas tersebut" alokasi dinas dibatasi terhadap 8enis operasi 7ang ditentukan. -51 2atatan kaki 7ang mun4ul di dalam Tabel" terdapat di bawah dinas atau dinas*dinas 7ang dialokasikan" berlaku bagi seluruh alokasi 7ang dimaksud. -+1 2atatan kaki 7ang terletak di sebelah kanan nama dinas han7a berlaku bagi dinas tersebut sa8a.. -:1 9i dalam kasus tertentu" nama negara*negara 7ang mun4ul di dalam 4atatan kaki telah disingkat untuk mempersingkat teks.



S5"51 S5"52



Alokasi Frekuensi diambil dari re#erensi*re#erensi berikut ini : %rtikel S5" Fre uenc! Allocation, Radio Regulation dan Final Act# $orld Radiocommunication %onference ($R%"#1&&', International Telecommunication Union (ITU"" Tabel %lokasi telah diter8emahkan ke dalam >ahasa &ndonesia. Tabel %lokasi Spektrum Frekuensi (,,+. Penetapan &ndonesia. Frekuensi Maritim" adio &ndonesia" edisi pertama" Penerbangan dan Siaran di

Penetapan Frekuensi 9inas Tetap di &ndonesia. 9atabase %FMS -Automated Fre uenc! 4anagement S!stem1. Sebagai 4atatan bahwa pada tabel ini tidak men4akup penggunaan spektrum #rekuensi radio untuk kepentingan militer. Pada halaman genap" tabel dibagi men8adi tiga kolom" 7aitu kolom egion (" egion 2 dan egion 3. 9e#inisi dan batasan dari egion (" egion 2 dan egion 3 dapat dilihat di >agian (" &stilah dan 9e#inisi. Sedangkan &ndonesia termasuk di dalam egion 3. Pada halaman gan8il" tabel dibagi men8adi dua kolom. 'olom sebelah kiri ialah alokasi #rekuensi &ndonesia - allotment1. Sedangkan kolom sebelah kanan ialah penggunaan #rekuensi di &ndonesia. 'eterangan lebih lan8ut mengenai kebi8akan penggunaan #rekuensi di pita #rekuensi tertentu di &ndonesia akan diter8emahkan lebih lan8ut lagi di dalam dokumen B8and 5lanB -Peren4anaan Pita Frekuensi1 7ang akan disusun berikutn7a. >agian kaki (footnote" 7ang ada di dalam kolom tabel alokasi #rekuensi dapat dilihat di >agian &&&" 2atatan 'aki (footnote"(


egion ( -tidak dialokasikan1 S5.53 S5.5/ , F (/ N%A&5%S& %9&! (/ F (,.,5 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.5: S5.55 S5.5+ (,.,5 F 20.05 F <')<NS& 9%N ?%'T) ST%N9% -20 k=C1 20.05 F :0 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.5: S5.5+ S5.50 :0 F :2 :0 F ,0 N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.5: N%A&5%S& %9&! M% &T&M S5.+0 adiolokasi 9i bawah , :2 F 0/ T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.5: N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0 S5.5+ 0/ F 0+ N%A&5%S&

k=C , F (2+ %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2

egion 3

:0 F :2 N%A&5%S&

%9&! S5.+0

Tetap >ergerak Maritim S5.5: S5.5, :2 F 0/ T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.5: N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0

%9&! S5.+0

0/ F 0+ N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0 Tetap >ergerak Maritim S5.5: S5.5, 0+ F ,0 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.5: N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0 S5.+( N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+2 Tetap S5.+3 S5.+/ ((0 F (30 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M N%A&5%S& %9&! M% &T&M S5.+0 adiolokasi

0+ F ,0 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.5: N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.5+ ,0 F ((0

((0 F ((2 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+/ ((2 F ((5 N%A&5%S&

%9&! S5.+0

((5 F ((:.+ N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0 Tetap >ergerak Maritim S5.+/ S5.++ ((:.+ F (2+ T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0 S5.+/

((0 F ((2 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0 S5.+/ ((2 F ((:.+ N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0 Tetap >ergerak Maritim

S5.+/ S5.+5 ((:.+ F (2+ T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0 S5.+/


k=C , F (2+ %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 9i bawah , , F (/ (/ F (,.,5 -tidak dialokasikan1 S5.53 S5.5/ N%A&5%S& %9&! T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.5: S5.55 S5.5+ F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% -20 k=C1 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.5: S5.5+ S5.50 N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0 Tetap >ergerak Maritim S5.5: Penggunaan Frekuensi

(,.,5 F 20.05 20.05 F :0

:0 F :2

:2 F 0/

S5.5, T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.5: N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0

0/ F 0+

N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0 Tetap >ergerak Maritim S5.5:

0+ F ,0

S5.5, T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.5: N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0

,0 F ((0

((0 F ((2

N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+2 Tetap S5.+3 S5.+/ T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0

((2 F ((:.+

S5.+/ N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0 Tetap >ergerak Maritim

((:.+ F (2+

S5.+/ S5.+5 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0



egion ( (2+ F (2, N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0

k=C (2+ * /(5 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 ((0 F (30 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M N%A&5%S& %9&! M% &T&M S5.+0 adiolokasi

egion 3 (2+ F (2, N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0 Tetap >ergerak Maritim S5.+/ S5.+5 (2, F (30 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0 S5.+/ (30 F (+0 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+/ (+0 F (,0 T<T%P Na3igasi adio Penerbangan

(2, F (30 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0 S5.+/ (30 F (/0.5 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.+/ S5.+: (/0.5 F 255 S&% %N S5.+( S5.+/ (30 F (+0 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.+/ (+0 F (,0 T<T%P (,0 F 200

S5.+0 S5.+, S5.:0 255 F 203.5 S&% %N N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N 2:5 F 205 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.:0 S5.:( >ergerak Penerbangan 203.5 F 3(5 Na3igasi adio Maritim N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N -radiobea4ons1 N%A&5%S& %9&! M% &T&M -radiobea4ons1 S5.:3 205 F 3(5 N%A&5%S& N%A&5%S& S5.:2 S5.:/ 3(5 F 325 3(5 F 325 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N N%A&5%S& %9&! M% &T&M Na3igasi adio Maritim -radiobea4ons1 S5.:3 -radiobea4ons1 S5.:3 Na3igasi adio Penerbangan

N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N 200 F 2:5 200 F 205 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N >ergerak Penerbangan >ergerak Penerbangan

%9&! P<N< >%N5%N %9&! M% &T&M -radiobea4ons1 S5.:3 3(5 F 325 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N N%A&5%S& %9&! M% &T&M -radiobea4ons1 S5.:3

S5.:2 S5.:5 325 F /05 325 F 335 325 F /05 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N >ergerak Penerbangan >ergerak Penerbangan Na3igasi adio Maritim -radiobea4ons1 335 F /05 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N >ergerak Penerbangan S5.:2 /05 F /(5 N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.:+ S5.:2 /05 F /(5 N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.:+ >ergerak Penerbangan


k=C (2+ * /(5 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia (2+ F (2, N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0 Tetap >ergerak Maritim Penggunaan Frekuensi

(2, F (30

S5.+/ S5.+5 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+0

(30 F (+0

S5.+/ T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.+/ T<T%P Na3igasi N%A&5%S&

(+0 F (,0

adio Penerbangan %9&! P<N< >%N5%N Na3igasi adio Penerbangan %lokasi Frekuensi N9>

(,0 F 200 200 F 205

N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N >ergerak Penerbangan

205 F 3(5

N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N N%A&5%S& %9&! M% &T&M -radiobea4ons1 S5.:3 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N N%A&5%S& %9&! M% &T&M -radiobea4ons1 S5.:3

Na3igasi adio Penerbangan %lokasi Frekuensi N9>

3(5 F 325

Na3igasi adio Penerbangan %lokasi Frekuensi N9>

325 F /05

N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N >ergerak Penerbangan

Na3igasi adio Penerbangan %lokasi Frekuensi N9>

/05 F /(5

N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.:+ >ergerak Penerbangan

Na3igasi adio Penerbangan %lokasi Frekuensi N9>


egion ( /(5 F /35 /(5 F /,5 >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.:, N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.:2 /35 F /,5 >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.:, S5.:,% Na3igasi adio Penerbangan S5.:2 S5.0( S5.02 /,5 F 505

k=C /(5 * 2 000 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2

egion 3

>< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.:, Na3igasi adio Penerbangan S5.00

S5.:: S5.:0 S5.0( S5.02 >< 5< %' -marabaha7a dan panggilan1

S5.03 505 F 52+.5 505 F 5(0 >< 5< %' M% &T&M >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.:, S5.:, S5.:,% S5.0/ S5.0( N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N 5(0 F 525 >< 5< %' S5.0/ N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N

505 F 52+.5 >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.:, S5.:,% S5.0/ N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N >ergerak Penerbangan >ergerak 9arat

S5.:2 S5.0( 52+.5 F ( +0+.5 S&% %N

525 F 535 S5.0( S&% %N S5.0+ 52+.5 F 535 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S&% %N >ergerak S5.00 535 F ( +05 535 F ( +0+.5 S&% %N S&% %N

S5.0: S5.0:% ( +0+.5 F ( +25 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.,0 >< 5< %' 9% %T S5.,2 ( +25 F ( +35 %9&!.!'%S& S5.,3 ( +35 F ( 000 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.,0 >< 5< %' 9% %T

( +05 F ( +25 S&% %N S5.0,

S5.,0 ( +25 F ( :05 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N S5.0, adiolokasi S5.,0 ( :05 F ( 000 T<T%P >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N ( 000 F ( 050 %M%T&

( +0+.5 F ( 000 T<T%P >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& N%A&5%S& %9&!

S5.,2 S5.,+ ( 000 F ( 0(0 %9&!.!'%S& S5.,3 ( 0(0 F ( 050 %M%T& S5.,0 S5.,, S5.(00 S5.(0( ( 050 F 2 000 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

S5.,( ( 000 F 2 000 %M%T& T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan N%A&5%S& %9&! adiolokasi

S5.,2 S5.,+ S5.(03

( 050 F 2 000 %M%T& T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan %9&!.!'%S& N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.(02



k=C /(5 * 2 000 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia /(5 F /,5 >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.:, S5.:,% Na3igasi adio Penerbangan S5.00 Penggunaan Frekuensi >ergerak Maritim

/,5 F 505

505 F 52+.5

S5.:: S5.:0 S5.0( S5.02 >< 5< %' -marabaha7a dan panggilan1 S5.03 >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.:, S5.:,% S5.0/ N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N >ergerak Penerbangan >ergerak 9arat

>ergerak Maritim -marabaha7a dan panggilan1 >ergerak Maritim -5M9SS1

52+.5 F 535

S5.0( S&% %N >ergerak S5.00 S&% %N

adio Siaran*MF;%M" - & dan Swasta1 -52+.5 * ( +0+.5 k=C1

535 F ( +0+.5

( +0+.5 F ( 000

T<T%P >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& N%A&5%S& %9&!

Tetap 9arat*MF >ergerak 9arat*MF

( 000 F 2 000

S5.,( %M%T& T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan N%A&5%S& %9&! adiolokasi

%matir *MF -Sharing1 Sistem .oran -( 025 * ( 0:5 k=C1 Sistem .oran -( ,25 * ( ,,5 k=C1 Tetap 9arat*MF >ergerak 9arat*MF



egion ( 2 000 F 2 025 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 S5.,2 S5.(03 2 025 F 2 0/5 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 >antuan Meteorologi S5.(0/ S5.,2 S5.(03 2 0/5 F 2 (+0 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M >< 5< %' 9% %T

k=C 2 000 * 3 025 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 2 000 F 2 0+5 T<T%P >< 5< %'

egion 3

2 0+5 F 2 (0: >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.(05 S5.(0+ 2 (0: F 2 (:0

S5.,2 2 (+0 F 2 (:0 %9&!.!'%S&

T<T%P >< 5< %'

S5.,3 S5.(0: 2 (:0 F 2 (:3.5 2 (:3.5 F 2 (,0.5

>< 5< %' M% &T&M >< 5< %' -marabaha7a dan panggilan1

2 (,0.5 F 2 (,/ 2 (,/ F 2 300 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 S5.,2 S5.(03 S5.((2 2 300 F 2 /,0 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 S&% %N S5.((3 S5.(03 2 /,0 F 2 50( F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% -2 500 k=C1 2 50( F 2 502

S5.(00 S5.(0, S5.((0 S5.((( >< 5< %' M% &T&M 2 (,/ F 2 300 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.((2 2 300 F 2 /,5 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N S5.((3 2 /,5 F 2 50( F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9%

-2500 k=C1

F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% Penelitian uang %ngkasa 2 502 F 2 505 F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% 2 505 F 2 050 T<T%P >< 5< %'

2 502 F 2 +25 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 S5.,2 S5.(03 S5.((/ 2 +25 F 2 +50 >< 5< %' M% &T&M N%A&5%S& %9&! M% &T&M S5.,2 2 +50 F 2 050 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 S5.,2 S5.(03 2 050 F 3 025

>< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 S5.((( S5.((5


k=C 2 000 * 3 025 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 2 000 F 2 025 T<T%P >< 5< %' Penggunaan Frekuensi

2 0+5 F 2 (0:

>< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.(05

2 (0: F 2 (:0

S5.(0+ T<T%P >< 5< %'

2 (:0 F 2 (:3.5 2 (:3.5 F 2 (,0.5

>< 5< %' M% &T&M >< 5< %' -marabaha7a dan panggilan1

2 (,0.5 F 2 (,/ 2 (,/ F 2 300

S5.(00 S5.(0, S5.((0 S5.((( >< 5< %' M% &T&M T<T%P >< 5< %'

Frek. marabaha7a internasional untuk narrow band dire4t printing telegraph7 -2 (:/.5 k=C1 Frek. marabaha7a internasional untuk 9istress Sele4ti3e*2alling -2 (02 k=C1 Tetap 9arat*MF >ergerak 9arat*MF >ergerak Maritim Sear4h and es4ue -S% 1 -2 (02.5 k=C1 Frek. marabaha7a internasional untuk narrow band dire4t printing telegraph7 -2 (:/.5 k=C1 Frek. marabaha7a internasional untuk 9istress Sele4ti3e*2alling -2 (02 k=C1 Tetap 9arat*MF >ergerak 9arat*MF

2 300 F 2 /,5

S5.((2 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N S5.((3

adio Siaran *=F -


2 /,5 F 2 50(


2 50( F 2 502

2 502 F 2 505 2 505 F 2 050

F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% Penelitian uang %ngkasa F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% T<T%P >< 5< %'

>ergerak Maritim Tetap 9arat*MF >ergerak 9arat*MF

2 050 F 3 025

>< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 S5.((( S5.((5

>ergerak Penerbangan - 1 9% % dan M?% % Sear4h and es4ue -S% 1 - 3 023 k=C1


egion ( 3 025 F 3 (55 3 (55 F 3 200

k=C 3 025 * 5 003 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 S5.((+ S5.((: T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 S&% %N S5.((3 S5.((+ T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N S5.((3 S5.((+ S5.((0 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 3 500 F 3 :50 %M%T& S5.(20 S5.((, 3 :50 F / 000 %M%T& S5.(20 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1

egion 3

3 200 F 3 230

3 230 F 3 /00

3 /00 F 3 500 3 500 F 3 000 %M%T& S5.(20 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.,2 3 000 F 3 ,00 T<T%P >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 >< 5< %' 9% %T 3 ,00 F 3 ,50 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 S5.(23 3 ,50 F / 000 T<T%P S&% %N / 000 F / 0+3

3 500 F 3 ,00 %M%T& S5.(20 T<T%P >< 5< %'

3 ,00 F 3 ,50 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N S&% %N 3 ,50 F / 000 T<T%P S&% %N S5.(2+

/ 0+3 F / /30

S5.(22 S5.(2/ S5.(25 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.(2: S5.(2+ >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.:,% S5.(0, S5.((0 S5.(30 S5.(3( S5.(32

S5.(20 S5.(2, / /30 F / +50 / /30 F / +50 T<T%P T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan / +50 F / :00 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 / :00 F / :50 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 / :50 F / 050 / :50 F / 050 / :50 F / 050 T<T%P T<T%P T<T%P >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1>< 5< %' ke4uali S&% %N S5.((3 >< 5< %' 9% %T bergerak penerbangan - 1 >ergerak 9arat S&% %N S5.((3 S&% %N S5.((3 / 050 F / ,,5 T<T%P >< 5< %' 9% %T S&% %N S5.((3 / ,,5 F 5 003 F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% -5 000 k=C1


k=C 3 025 * 5 003 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 3 025 F 3 (55 3 (55 F 3 200 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 S5.((+ S5.((: T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 S&% %N S5.((3 S5.((+ T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 S&% %N S5.((3 S5.((+ S5.((0 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 %M%T& S5.(20 T<T%P >< 5< %' Penggunaan Frekuensi

Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak 9arat*=F

3 200 F 3 230

>ergerak Maritim

3 230 F 3 /00

Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak 9arat*=F

3 /00 F 3 500 3 500 F 3 ,00

>ergerak Penerbangan - 1 9% % dan M?% % %matir*=F

3 ,00 F 3 ,50

>< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N S&% %N

adio Siaran *=F -


3 ,50 F / 000

T<T%P S&% %N S5.(2+ T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.(2: S5.(2+ >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.:,% S5.(0, S5.((0 S5.(30 S5.(3( S5.(32

adio Siaran *=F -


/ 000 F / 0+3

Tetap 9arat*=F

/ 0+3 F / /30

/ /30 F / +50

S5.(20 S5.(2, T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 T<T%P S&% %N S5.((3 >ergerak 9arat

>ergerak Maritim Frek. marabaha7a internasional untuk narrow band dire4t printing telegraph7 -/ (::.5 k=C1 Frek. marabaha7a internasional untuk 9istress Sele4ti3e*2alling -/ 20:.5 k=C1 Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak 9arat*=F

/ +50 F / :00 / :00 F / :50 / :50 F / 050

adio Siaran *=F -


/ 050 F / ,,5

/ ,,5 F 5 003

T<T%P >< 5< %' 9% %T S&% %N S5.((3 F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% -5 000 k=C1

Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak 9arat*=F


egion ( 5 003 F 5 005

k=C 5 003 * 0 ,+5 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% Penelitian uang %ngkasa T<T%P S&% %N S5.((3 T<T%P >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.(33 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan 5 /50 F 5 /00 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1

egion 3

5 005 F 5 0+0 5 0+0 F 5 250

5 250 F 5 /50

5 /50 F 5 /00 T<T%P >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 >< 5< %' 9% %T 5 /00 F 5 +00 5 +00 F 5 :30 5 :30 F 5 ,00 T<T%P >< 5< %' 9% %T 5 ,00 F 5 ,50 5 ,50 F + 200 + 200 F + 525

5 /50 F 5 /00 T<T%P >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 >< 5< %' 9% %T

>< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 S5.((( S5.((5 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 S5.((( S5.((5 5 :30 F 5 ,00 5 :30 F 5 ,00 T<T%P T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 bergerak penerbangan - 1 S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(3+ S&% %N >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.(0, S5.((0 S5.(30 S5.(32

+ 525 F + +05 + +05 F + :+5 + :+5 F : 000

S5.(3: >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 T<T%P >ergerak 9arat S5.(3, S5.(30 %M%T& S5.(20 %M%T& *S%T<.&T S5.(/0 S5.(/( : (00 F : 300 %M%T& S5.(20 S5.(/2 S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(/3 T<T%P >ergerak 9arat S5.(// T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M

: 000 F : (00

: (00 F : 300 S&% %N : 300 F : 350 : 350 F 0 (00

: (00 F : 300 S&% %N

0 (00 F 0 (,5

0 (,5 F 0 0(5

>< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.(0, S5.((0 S5.(32 S5.(/5

0 0(5 F 0 ,+5

S5.((( >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1


k=C 5 003 * 0 ,+5 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 5 003 F 5 005 F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) STANDAR Penelitian uang %ngkasa T<T%P S&% %N S5.((3 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.(33 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan T<T%P >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 >< 5< %' 9% %T >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 S5.((( S5.((5 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 S5.((( S5.((5 T<T%P >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(3+ S&% %N >< 5< %' M% &T&M Penggunaan Frekuensi

5 005 F 5 0+0 5 0+0 F 5 250

adio Siaran *=F Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak 9arat*=F


5 250 F 5 /50

Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak 9arat*=F Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak 9arat*=F

5 /50 F 5 /00

5 /00 F 5 +00 5 +00 F 5 :30 5 :30 F 5 ,00

>ergerak Penerbangan - 1 9% % dan M?% % Sear4h and es4ue -S% 1 -5 +00 k=C1 Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak 9arat*=F

5 ,00 F 5 ,50 5 ,50 F + 200 + 200 F + 525

adio Siaran *=F - &1 >ergerak Maritim Frek. marabaha7a internasional untuk narrow band dire4t printing telegraph7 -+ 2+0 k=C1 Frek. marabaha7a internasional untuk 9istress Sele4ti3e*2alling -+ 3(2 k=C1 >ergerak Penerbangan - 1 9% % dan M?% % &SM -&ndustr7" S4ienti#i4 dan Medi4al1 -+ :+5 * + :,5 k=C1 Tetap 9arat*=F %matir *=F

+ 525 F + +05 + +05 F + :+5 + :+5 F : 000

S5.(0, S5.((0 S5.(30 S5.(32 S5.(3: >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 T<T%P >ergerak 9arat S5.(3, S5.(30 %M%T& S5.(20 %M%T& *S%T<.&T S5.(/0 S5.(/( S&% %N

: 000 F : (00

: (00 F : 300

adio Siaran *=F -


: 300 F : 350 : 350 F 0 (00

0 (00 F 0 (,5

S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(/3 T<T%P >ergerak 9arat S5.(// T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.(0, S5.((0 S5.(32 S5.(/5

adio Siaran *=F Tetap 9arat*=F


0 (,5 F 0 0(5

0 0(5 F 0 ,+5

S5.((( >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1

>ergerak Maritim Sear4h and es4ue -S% 1 -0 3+/ k=C1 Frek. marabaha7a internasional untuk narrow band dire4t printing telegraph7 -0 3:+.5 k=C1 Frek. marabaha7a internasional untuk 9istress Sele4ti3e*2alling -0 /(/.5 k=C1 >ergerak Penerbangan - 1 9% % dan M?% %


egion ( 0 ,+5 F , 0/0 , 0/0 F , /00 , /00 F , 500 , 500 F , ,00 , ,00 F , ,,5 , ,,5 F (0 003

k=C 0 ,+5 * (/ ,,0 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 T<T%P

egion 3

S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(/+ S&% %N S5.(/: S5.(/0 T<T%P F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% -(0 000 k=C1

(0 003 F (0 005

S5.((( F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% Penelitian uang %ngkasa S5.((( >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 S5.((( T<T%P %matir S5.(20 T<T%P >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 T<T%P S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(/+ S&% %N S5.(/: S5.(/0 S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(/+ T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.(0, S5.((0 S5.(32 S5.(/5

(0 005 F (0 (00 (0 (00 F (0 (50 (0 (50 F (( (:5

(( (:5 F (( 2:5 (( 2:5 F (( /00 (( /00 F (( +00 (( +00 F (( +50 (( +50 F (2 050 (2 050 F (2 (00 (2 (00 F (2 230 (2 230 F (3 200

(3 200 F (3 2+0 (3 2+0 F (3 3+0 (3 3+0 F (3 /(0

>< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 T<T%P %9&! %ST !N!M& S5.(/, T<T%P >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 S5.(50 S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(5( S&% %N S5.(/0 S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(5( T<T%P >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 %M%T& S5.(20 %M%T& *S%T<.&T %M%T& S5.(20 S5.(52 T<T%P >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1

(3 /(0 F (3 5:0

(3 5:0 F (3 +00 (3 +00 F (3 000 (3 000 F (3 0:0 (3 0:0 F (/ 000

(/ 000 F (/ 250 (/ 250 F (/ 350 (/ 350 F (/ ,,0


k=C 0 ,+5 * (/ ,,0 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 0 ,+5 F , 0/0 , 0/0 F , /00 , /00 F , 500 , 500 F , ,00 , ,00 F , ,,5 , ,,5 F (0 003 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 T<T%P S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(/+ S&% %N S5.(/: S5.(/0 T<T%P F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% -(0 000 k=C1 S5.((( F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% Penelitian uang %ngkasa S5.((( >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 S5.((( T<T%P %matir S5.(20 T<T%P >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 T<T%P S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(/+ S&% %N S5.(/: S5.(/0 S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(/+ T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.(0, S5.((0 S5.(32 S5.(/5 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 T<T%P %9&! %ST !N!M& S5.(/, T<T%P >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 S5.(50 S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(5( S&% %N S5.(/0 S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(5( T<T%P >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 %M%T& S5.(20 %M%T& *S%T<.&T %M%T& S5.(20 S5.(52 T<T%P >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 Penggunaan Frekuensi

adio Siaran *=F Tetap 9arat*=F


(0 003 F (0 005

(0 005 F (0 (00 (0 (00 F (0 (50 (0 (50 F (( (:5

>ergerak Penerbangan - 1 9% % dan M?% % Tetap 9arat*=F %matir -=F1 -Sekunder1 Tetap 9arat*=F

(( (:5 F (( 2:5 (( 2:5 F (( /00 (( /00 F (( +00 (( +00 F (( +50 (( +50 F (2 050 (2 050 F (2 (00 (2 (00 F (2 230 (2 230 F (3 200

>ergerak Penerbangan - 1 9% % dan M?% % Tetap 9arat*=F adio Siaran *=F - &1 adio Siaran *=F &1

Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak Maritim 9istress dengan Telegraph7 -(2 520 k=C 1 9istress Sele4ti3e 2alling -(2 5:: k=C1 >ergerak Penerbangan - 1 9% % dan M?% % &SM -&ndustr7" S4ienti#i4 dan Medi4al1 -(3 553 * (3 5+: k=C1 Tetap 9arat*=F Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak 9arat*=F &SM -&ndustr7" S4ienti#i4 dan Medi4al1 -(3 553 * (3 5+: k=C1

(3 200 F (3 2+0 (3 2+0 F (3 3+0 (3 3+0 F (3 /(0

(3 /(0 F (3 5:0

(3 5:0 F (3 +00 (3 +00 F (3 000 (3 000 F (3 0:0 (3 0:0 F (/ 000

Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak 9arat*=F %matir*=F

(/ 000 F (/ 250 (/ 250 F (/ 350 (/ 350 F (/ ,,0

Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak 9arat*=F


egion ( (/ ,,0 F (5 005

k=C (/ ,,0 * 23 000 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 egion 3 F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% -(5 000 k=C1

(5 005 F (5 0(0

S5.((( F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% Penelitian uang %ngkasa >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 S&% %N S5.(/0 S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(/+ T<T%P S5.(53 >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.(0, S5.((0 S5.(32 S5.(/5

(5 0(0 F (5 (00 (5 (00 F (5 +00 (5 +00 F (5 000 (5 000 F (+ 3+0 (+ 3+0 F (: /(0

(: /(0 F (: /00 (: /00 F (: 550 (: 550 F (: ,00 (: ,00 F (: ,:0 (: ,:0 F (0 030 (0 030 F (0 052 (0 052 F (0 0+0 (0 0+0 F (0 (+0

T<T%P S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(/+ S&% %N S5.(/0 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 T<T%P T<T%P Penelitian uang %ngkasa %M%T& S5.(20 %M%T& *S%T<.&T S5.(5/ T<T%P >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >< 5< %' M% &T&M S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(/+ T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.(32 T<T%P F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% Penelitian uang %ngkasa S5.((( F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% -20 000 k=C1

(0 (+0 F (0 :00

(0 :00 F (0 ,00 (0 ,00 F (, 200 (, 200 F (, +00 (, +00 F (, 000 (, 000 F (, ,,0 (, ,,0 F (, ,,5

(, ,,5 F 20 0(0

20 0(0 F 2( 000 2( 000 F 2( /50 2( /50 F 2( 050 2( 050 F 2( 0:0 2( 0:0 F 2( ,2/ 2( ,2/ F 22 000 22 000 F 22 055 22 055 F 23 000

S5.((( T<T%P >ergerak %M%T& S5.(20 %M%T& *S%T<.&T S&% %N S5.(/0 T<T%P S5.(55% S5.(55 T<T%P S5.(55> >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.(32 S5.(5+ T<T%P S5.(5+


k=C (/ ,,0 * 23 000 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia (/ ,,0 F (5 005 F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% -(5 000 k=C1 S5.((( F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% Penelitian uang %ngkasa >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 S&% %N S5.(/0 S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(/+ T<T%P S5.(53 >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.(0, S5.((0 S5.(32 S5.(/5 T<T%P S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(/+ S&% %N S5.(/0 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 T<T%P T<T%P Penelitian uang %ngkasa %M%T& S5.(20 %M%T& *S%T<.&T S5.(5/ T<T%P >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >< 5< %' M% &T&M S&% %N S5.(3/ S5.(35 S5.(/+ T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.(32 T<T%P F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) STANDAR Penelitian uang %ngkasa S5.((( F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% -20 000 k=C1 S5.((( T<T%P >ergerak %M%T& S5.(20 %M%T& *S%T<.&T S&% %N S5.(/0 T<T%P S5.(55% S5.(55 T<T%P S5.(55> >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.(32 S5.(5+ T<T%P S5.(5+ Penggunaan Frekuensi

(5 005 F (5 0(0

(5 0(0 F (5 (00 (5 (00 F (5 +00 (5 +00 F (5 000 (5 000 F (+ 3+0 (+ 3+0 F (: /(0

adio Siaran *=F -


Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak Maritim 9istress dengan Telegraph7 -(+ +,5 k=C1 9istress Sele4ti3e 2alling -(+ 00/"5 k=C1

(: /(0 F (: /00 (: /00 F (: 550 (: 550 F (: ,00 (: ,00 F (: ,:0 (: ,:0 F (0 030 (0 030 F (0 052 (0 052 F (0 0+0 (0 0+0 F (0 (+0

>ergerak Penerbangan - 1 9% % dan M?% % Tetap 9arat*=F Tetap 9arat*=F %matir -=F1

(0 (+0 F (0 :00

Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak 9arat*=F

(0 :00 F (0 ,00 (0 ,00 F (, 200 (, 200 F (, +00 (, +00 F (, 000 (, 000 F (, ,,0 (, ,,0 F (, ,,5

Tetap 9arat*=F Tetap 9arat*=F

(, ,,5 F 20 0(0

20 0(0 F 2( 000 2( 000 F 2( /50 2( /50 F 2( 050 2( 050 F 2( 0:0 2( 0:0 F 2( ,2/ 2( ,2/ F 22 000 22 000 F 22 055 22 055 F 23 000

Tetap 9arat*=F %matir*=F

Tetap 9arat*=F Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak Maritim Tetap 9arat*=F


egion ( 23 000 F 23 200

M=C 23 * /0.,0 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 T<T%P >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 S5.(5+ T<T%P S5.(5+% >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.(5:

egion 3

23 200 F 23 350 23 350 F 2/ 000

2/ F 2/ .0, 2/. 0, F 2/.,, 2/.,, F 25 .005

T<T%P >< 5< %' 9% %T %M%T& S5.(20 %M%T& *S%T<.&T F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% -25 000 k=C1

25.005 F 25.0(

F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% Penelitian uang %ngkasa T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >< 5< %' M% &T&M T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan %9&! %ST !N!M& S5.(/, S&% %N >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.(32 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

25.0( F 25.0:

25.0: F 25.2( 25.2( F 25.55

25.55 F 25.+: 25.+: F 2+.( 2+.( F 2+.(:5 2+.(:5 F 2:.5

2:.5 F 20

20 F 2,.: 2,.: F 30.005 30.005 F 30.0(

S5.(50 >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& T<T%P >< 5< %' %M%T& %M%T& *S%T<.&T T<T%P >< 5< %' !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -identi#ikasi satelit1 T<T%P >< 5< %' P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% T<T%P >< 5< %' T<T%P >< 5< %' adio %stronomi S5.(/, T<T%P >< 5< %' T<T%P >< 5< %' Penelitian uang %ngkasa T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.(50

30.0( F 3:.5 3:.5 F 30.25

30.25 F 3,.,0+ 3,.,0+ F /0.02

/0.02 F /0.,0


M=C 23 * /0.,0 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 23 000 F 23 200 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 S5.(5+ T<T%P S5.(5+% >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.(5: T<T%P >< 5< %' 9% %T %M%T& S5.(20 %M%T& *S%T<.&T F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% -25 000 k=C1 F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) STANDAR Penelitian uang %ngkasa T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >< 5< %' M% &T&M T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan %9&! %ST !N!M& S5.(/, S&% %N >< 5< %' M% &T&M S5.(32 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan Penggunaan Frekuensi Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak 9arat*=F

23 200 F 23 350 23 350 F 2/ 000

Tetap 9arat*=F Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak 9arat*=F Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak 9arat*=F %matir*=F

2/ F 2/ .0, 2/. 0, F 2/.,, 2/.,, F 25 .005

25.005 F 25.0(

25.0( F 25.0:

Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak 9arat*=F

25.0: F 25.2( 25.2( F 25.55

Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak 9arat*=F

25.55 F 25.+: 25.+: F 2+.( 2+.( F 2+.(:5 2+.(:5 F 2:.5

'omunikasi adio %ntar Penduduk -' %P1 /0 kanal -2+ ,+0 * 2: /(0 k=C1 &SM -&ndustr7" S4ienti#i4 dan Medi4al1 -2+ ,5: * 2: 203 k=C1 Tetap 9arat*=F >ergerak 9arat*=F

2:.5 F 20

20 F 2,.: 2,.: F 30.005 30.005 F 30.0(

30.0( F 3:.5 3:.5 F 30.25

30.25 F 3,.,0+ 3,.,0+ F /0.02

S5.(50 >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& T<T%P >< 5< %' %M%T& %M%T& *S%T<.&T T<T%P >< 5< %' !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -identi#ikasi satelit1 T<T%P >< 5< %' P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% T<T%P >< 5< %' T<T%P >< 5< %' adio %stronomi S5.(/, T<T%P >< 5< %' T<T%P >< 5< %' T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.(50

%matir =F %matir*Satelit -2,.3 * 2,.5 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F

Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F

Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F &SM -&ndustr7" S4ienti#i4 dan Medi4al1 -/0.++ * /0.: M=C1 .and FiMed*A=F .and Mobile*A=F

/0.02 F /0.,0


egion ( /0.,0 F /(.0(5

M=C /0.,0 * (3+ %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 T<T%P >< 5< %' Penelitian uang %ngkasa S5.(+0 S5.(+( T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.(+0 S5.(+( T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.(+2 S5.(+2% /: F 50 T<T%P >< 5< %' 50 F 5/ %M%T&

egion 3

/(.0(5 F //

// F /:

/: F +0 S&% %N

/: F 50 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N

S5.(+3 S5.(+/ S5.(+5 S5.(+, S5.(:( S5.(+2% +0 F :/.0 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

S5.(/, S5.(:/ S5.(:5 S5.(:: S5.(:, :/.0 F :5.2

S5.(++ S5.(+: S5.(+0 S5.(:0 5/ F +0 5/ F +0 S&% %N T<T%P Tetap >< 5< %' >ergerak S&% %N S5.(:2 +0 F :2 +0 F :/.0 S&% %N T<T%P Tetap >< 5< %' >ergerak S5.(:3 :2 F :3 T<T%P >< 5< %' :3 F :/.+ %9&! %ST !N!M& S5.(:0 :/.+ F :/.0 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.(/, S5.(:+ S5.(:, N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.(00 S5.(0( :5.2 F :5./ T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.(:, :5./ F 0: T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.(/, S5.(02 S5.(03 S5.(0+ S5.(00 0: F (00 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N

:5.2 F 0:.5 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

S5.(:5 S5.(:, S5.(0/ S5.(0: 0:.5 F (00 S&% %N S5.(,0 (00 F (00 (00 F ((:.,:5

:5./ F :+ T<T%P >< 5< %' :+ F 00 S&% %N Tetap >ergerak S5.(05 00 F (00 S&% %N S&% %N S5.(,2 S5.(,/ N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.(,: >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1

((:.,:5 F (3+

S5.((( S5.(,0 S5.(,, S5.200 S5.20(


M=C /0.,0 * (3+ %lokasi untuk &ndonesia /0.,0 F /(.0(5 T<T%P >< 5< %' Penelitian uang %ngkasa S5.(+0 S5.(+( T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.(+0 S5.(+( T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.(+2 S5.(+2% T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N S5.(++ S5.(+: S5.(+0 S5.(:0 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N Penggunaan Frekuensi Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F

/(.0(5 F //

Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F 2T*0 -lokal1 -// * 50 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F 2T*0 -lokal1 -// * 50 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F %matir*A=F Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F TA Siaran -TA &1

// F /:

/: F 50

50 F 5/

5/ F +0

+0 F :/.0

T<T%P >< 5< %'

:/.0 F :5.2

S5.(/, S5.(:+ S5.(:, N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.(00 S5.(0( T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.(:, T<T%P >< 5< %'

adio >ea4on

:5.2 F :5./

Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F

:5./ F 0:

Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F

0: F (00

S5.(/, S5.(02 S5.(03 S5.(0+ S5.(00 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N S&% %N S5.(,2 S5.(,/ N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.(,: >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 S5.((( S5.(,0 S5.(,, S5.200 S5.20(

adio Siaran FM - & dan Swasta1 -spasi 350 k=C1 -0: * (00 M=C1 ke4uali di perbatasan negara -(00 * (00 M=C1

(00 F (00 (00 F ((:.,:5

((:.,:5 F (3+

Na3igasi adio Penerbangan -Nasional1 9A! ;9AM< &.S >ergerak Penerbangan -Nasional1 5round to %ir Sear4h and es4ue -S% 1 -(2(.5 M=C1


egion ( (3+ F (3:

M=C (3+ * (/3.+ %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1

egion 3

(3: F (3:.025

S5.202 S5.203 S5.203% S5.203> !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.200% S5.20, P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 Tetap >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1

(3:.025 F (3:.(:5

S5.20/ S5.205 S5.20+ S5.20: S5.200 !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 Tetap >ergerak*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.200% S5.20, >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1

(3:.(:5 F (3:.025

S5.20/ S5.205 S5.20+ S5.20: S5.200 !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.200% S5.20, P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 Tetap >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1

(3:.025 F (30

S5.20/ S5.205 S5.20+ S5.20: S5.200 !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 Tetap >ergerak*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.200% S5.20, >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1

(30 F (/3.+ %< !N%)T&2%. >< 5< %' -! 1 S5.2(0 S5.2(( S5.2(2 S5.2(/

S5.20/ S5.205 S5.20+ S5.20: S5.200 (30 F (/3.+ (30 F (/3.+ T<T%P T<T%P >< 5< %' >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& Penelitian uang %ngkasa Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa*ke*>umi1 -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.20: S5.2(3


M=C (3+ * (/3.+ %lokasi untuk &ndonesia (3+ F (3: >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N - 1 Penggunaan Frekuensi

(3: F (3:.025

(3:.025 F (3:.(:5

(3:.(:5 F (3:.025

(3:.025 F (30

(30 F (/3.+

S5.202 S5.203 S5.203% S5.203> !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa* ke*>umi1 S5.200% S5.20, P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 S5.20/ S5.205 S5.20+ S5.20: S5.200 !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 >ergerak*Satelit -angkasa*ke* >umi1 S5.200% S5.20, S5.20/ S5.205 S5.20+ S5.20: S5.200 !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa* ke*>umi1 S5.200% S5.20, P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 S5.20/ S5.205 S5.20+ S5.20: S5.200 !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 >ergerak*Satelit -angkasa*ke* >umi1 S5.200% S5.20, S5.20/ S5.205 S5.20+ S5.20: S5.200 T<T%P >< 5< %' Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.20: S5.2(3

Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F

Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F

.and FiMed*A=F .and Mobile*A=F

.and FiMed*A=F .and Mobile*A=F

'omunikasi adio %ntar Penduduk -' %P1" +0 kanal -(/2.03:5 * (/3.53:5 M=C1 .and FiMed*A=F .and Mobile*A=F


M=C (/3.+ * (:/ %lokasi untuk 9inas egion ( egion 2 egion 3 (/3.+ F (/3.+5 (/3.+ F (/3.+5 (/3.+ F (/3.+5 >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 T<T%P T<T%P P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% >< 5< %' >< 5< %' -angkasa*ke*>umi1 %9&!.!'%S& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.2(( S5.2(2 S5.2(/ -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.20: S5.2(3 (/3.+5 F (// (/3.+5 F (// (/3.+5 F (// >< 5< %' P<N< >%N5%N -! 1 T<T%P T<T%P >< 5< %' >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& Penelitian uang %ngkasa S5.2(0 S5.2(( S5.2(2 Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.2(/ -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.20: S5.2(3 (// F (/+ %M%T& S5.(20 %M%T& *S%T<.&T S5.2(+ (/+ F (/0 (/+ F (/0 (/+ F (/0 T<T%P %M%T& %M%T& >< 5< %' ke4uali T<T%P bergerak penerbangan - 1 >< 5< %' S5.2(: S5.2(: (/0 F (/,., (/0 F (/,., T<T%P T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali >< 5< %' bergerak penerbangan - 1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T S5.20, ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.20, S5.2(0 S5.2(, S5.22( S5.2(0 S5.2(, S5.22( (/,., F (50.05 >< 5< %'* S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.20, S5.22/% N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T S5.22/>

(50.05 F (53 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan %9&! %ST !N!M& S5.(/, (53 F (5/ T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 >antuan Meteorologi (5/ F (5+.:+25 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan - 1 S5.22+ S5.22: (5+.:+25 F (5+.03:5

S5.220 S5.222 S5.223 (50.05 F (5+.:+25 T<T%P >< 5< %'

S5.225 S5.22+ S5.22: >< 5< %' M% &T&M -marabaha7a dan panggilan1 S5.((( S5.22+ (5+.03:5 F (:/ T<T%P >< 5< %'

(5+.03:5 F (:/ T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.22+ S5.22,

S5.22+ S5.230 S5.23( S5.232


M=C (/3.+ * (:/ %lokasi untuk &ndonesia (/3.+ F (/3.+5 T<T%P >< 5< %' P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.20: S5.2(3 T<T%P >< 5< %' Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.20: S5.2(3 %M%T& S5.(20 %M%T& *S%T<.&T S5.2(+ %M%T& T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.2(: T<T%P >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.20, Penggunaan Frekuensi Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F

(/3.+5 F (//

Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F

(// F (/+

%matir A=F %matir Satelit -(/5.0 * (/+ M=C1 %matir A=F -Sharing1 Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F

(/+ F (/0

(/0 F (/,.,

Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F

(/,., F (50.05

S5.2(0 S5.2(, S5.22( >< 5< %' *S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.20, S5.22/% N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T S5.22/>

(50.05 F (5+.:+25

S5.220 S5.222 S5.223 T<T%P >< 5< %'

Frek. marabaha7a internasional untuk 9istress Sele4ti3e*2alling * 9S2 -(5+.525 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F

(5+.:+25 F (5+.03:5

(5+.03:5 F (:/

S5.225 S5.22+ S5.22: >< 5< %' M% &T&M -marabaha7a dan panggilan1 S5.((( S5.22+ T<T%P >< 5< %'

S5.22+ S5.230 S5.23( S5.232

>ergerak Maritim -nasional1 -#rekuensi marabaha7a dan panggilan dengan teleponi radio1 >ergerak Maritim -lokal1 -(+(.55 * (+2 M=C1 adio Panggil )ntuk )mum - P))1 -(+0 * (+5 M=C dan (+, * (:2.5 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F


egion ( (:/ F 223 S&% %N

S5.235 S5.23: S5.2/3 S5.2// 223 F 230 S&% %N Tetap >ergerak

M=C (:/ * 30: %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 (:/ F 2(+ S&% %N Tetap >ergerak S5.23/ 2(+ F 220 T<T%P >< 5< %' M% &T&M adiolo4ation S5.2/( S5.2/2 220 F 225 %M%T& T<T%P >< 5< %' adiolo4ation S5.2/( 225 F 235 T<T%P >< 5< %'

egion 3 (:/ F 223 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N

S5.233 S5.230 S5.2/0 S5.2/5 223 F 230 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N adiolokasi S5.250 230 F 235 T<T%P >< 5< %' N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.250

S5.2/3 S5.2// S5.2/+ S5.2/: 230 F 235 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.2// S5.2/: S5.25( S5.252 235 F 2+:

T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.((( S5.(,, S5.252 S5.25/ S5.25+ T<T%P >< 5< %' !perasi uang %ngkasa -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.25/ S5.25: !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.25/ T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.25/ T<T%P >< 5< %' >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.25/ S5.255

2+: F 2:2

2:2 F 2:3

2:3 F 3(2

3(2 F 3(5

3(5 F 322

322 F 320.+

320.+ F 335./

T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.25/ T<T%P >< 5< %' %9&! %ST !N!M& S5.(/, N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.250 S5.25, T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.25/

335./ F 30:


M=C (:/ * 30: %lokasi untuk &ndonesia (:/ F 223 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N Penggunaan Frekuensi TA Siaran -TA &1 " 'anal / * (( A=F -(:/ * 230 M=C1

223 F 230

S5.233 S5.230 S5.2/0 S5.2/5 T<T%P TA Siaran -TA &1 " 'anal / * (( A=F >< 5< %' -(:/ * 230 M=C1 S&% %N N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N adiolokasi S5.250 T<T%P 2T*0 lokal " -230 * 250 M=C1 >< 5< %' Tetap 9arat*A=F N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N >ergerak 9arat*A=F S5.250 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.((( S5.(,, S5.252 S5.25/ S5.25+ T<T%P >< 5< %' !perasi uang %ngkasa -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.25/ S5.25: !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.25/ T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.25/ T<T%P >< 5< %' >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.25/ S5.255 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.25/ T<T%P >< 5< %' %9&! %ST !N!M& S5.(/, N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.250 S5.25, T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.25/

230 F 235

235 F 2+:

Sear4h and es4ue -S% 1 -2/3 M=C1 2T*0 lokal " -230 * 250 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F

2+: F 2:2

2:2 F 2:3

Tetap 9arat*A=F >ergerak 9arat*A=F

2:3 F 3(2

3(2 F 3(5

adio Panggil )ntuk )mum - P))1 -2:, * 20( M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F

3(5 F 322 322 F 320.+

Tetap 9aret*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F Tetap 9aret*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F

320.+ F 335./ 335./ F 30:

?ireless .okal .oop -?..1 -3/3.( * 3/5.( M=C1 dan -35:.( * 35,.( M=C1 Tetap dan >ergerak 9arat*)=F


egion ( 30: F 3,0

M=C 30: * /(0 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 T<T%P >< 5< %' >ergerak*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.200% S5.25/ S5.255 T<T%P >< 5< %'

egion 3

3,0 F 3,,.,

3,,., F /00.05

S5.25/ >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.20, S5.22/% N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T S5.222 S5.2+0 S5.22/>

/00.05 F /00.(5

S5.220 F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% *S%T<.&T -/00.( M=C1

/00.(5 F /0(

S5.2+( S5.2+2 >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.200% S5.20, P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.2+3 !perasi uang %ngkasa -angkasa*ke*>umi1

/0( F /02

S5.2+2 S5.2+/ <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 Tetap >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

/02 F /03

<'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 Tetap >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

/03 F /0+

>%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& Tetap >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.2++ S5.2+: T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan %9&! %ST !N!M& S5.(/,

/0+ F /0+.(

/0+.( F /(0


M=C 30: * /(0 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 30: F 3,0 T<T%P >< 5< %' >ergerak*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.200% S5.25/ S5.255 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.25/ >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi *ke* angkasa1 S5.20, S5.22/% N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T S5.222 S5.2+0 S5.22/> S5.220 F <')<NS& 9%N T%N9% ?%'T) ST%N9% *S%T<.&T -/00.( M=C1 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.2+( S5.2+2 >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke* >umi1 S5.200% S5.20, P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.2+3 T<T%P >< 5< %' !perasi uang %ngkasa -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.2+2 S5.2+/ <'SP.! %S& >)M&* S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 Tetap >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 Tetap >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& Tetap >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.2++ S5.2+: T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan %9&! %ST !N!M& S5.(/, Penggunaan Frekuensi adio Trunking -300 * 3,,., M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F adio Trunking -300 * 3,,., M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F

3,0 F 3,,.,

3,,., F /00.05

/00.05 F /00.(5

Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F

/00.(5 F /0(

Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F

/0( F /02

/02 F /03

Tetap 9arat*)=F -Sekunder1 >ergerak 9arat*)=F -Sekunder1

/03 F /0+

Tetap 9arat*)=F -Sekunder1 >ergerak 9arat*)=F -Sekunder1

/0+ F /0+.(

/0+.( F /(0

adio Trunking -lokal1 -/0+.( * /30 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F


egion ( /(0 F /20

egion 3 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*angkasa1 S5.2+0

M=C /(0 * /:0 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2

/20 F /30

T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan adiolokasi S5.2+, S5.2:0 S5.2:( /30 F //0 %9&!.!'%S& %matir

/30 F //0 %M%T& %9&!.!'%S&

S5.(30 S5.2:( S5.2:3 S5.2:/ S5.2:+ S5.2:: S5.20( S5.202 //0 F /50

S5.2:2 S5.2:5 S5.200 S5.203

S5.2:( S5.2:+ S5.2:: S5.2:0 S5.2:, S5.20( S5.202 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan adiolokasi

/50 F /55

S5.2+, S5.2:0 S5.2:( S5.20/ S5.205 S5.20+ T<T%P >< 5< %'

S5.20, S5.2:( S5.20+ S5.20+% S5.20+> S5.20+2 S5.20+9 S5.20+< /55 F /5+ /55 F /5+ /55 F /5+ T<T%P T<T%P T<T%P >< 5< %' >< 5< %' >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.20, S5.2:( S5.20+% S5.20+> S5.20, S5.2:( S5.20+% S5.20, S5.2:( S5.20+% S5.20+2 S5.20+< S5.20+> S5.20+2 S5.20+> S5.20+2 S5.20+< /5+ F /5, T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.2:( S5.20: S5.200 /5, F /+0 /5, F /+0 /5, F /+0 T<T%P T<T%P T<T%P >< 5< %' >< 5< %' >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.20, S5.2:( S5.20+% S5.20+> S5.20, S5.2:( S5.20+% S5.20, S5.2:( S5.20+% S5.20+2 S5.20+< S5.20+> S5.20+2 S5.20+> S5.20+2 S5.20+< /+0 F /:0 T<T%P >< 5< %' Meteorologikal*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.20: S5.200 S5.20, S5.2,0


M=C /(0 * /:0 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia /(0 F /20 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*angkasa1 S5.2+0 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan adiolokasi S5.2+, S5.2:0 S5.2:( %9&!.!'%S& T<T%P >< 5< %' %matir Penggunaan Frekuensi adio Trunking -lokal1 -/0+.( * /30 M=C1 ?ireless 9ata -ren4ana1 Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F adio Trunking -lokal1 -/0+.( * /30 M=C1 ?ireless 9ata -ren4ana1 Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F adio Trunking -lokal1 -/30 * /35 M=C1 dan -/30 * //0 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F %matir*)=F -Sekunder1 %matir Satelit -sharing1 -/35 * /30 M=C1 &SM -/33.05 * /3/.:, M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F

/20 F /30

/30 F //0

//0 F /50

/50 F /55

S5.2:( S5.2:+ S5.2:: S5.2:0 S5.2:, S5.20( S5.202 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan adiolokasi S5.2+, S5.2:0 S5.2:( S5.20/ S5.205 S5.20+ T<T%P >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T S< A&2< ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.20, S5.2:( S5.20+ S5.20+% S5.20+> S5.20+2 S5.20+9 S5.20+< T<T%P >< 5< %'

?ireless .o4al .oop -?..1 -/53.3 * /55.3 M=C1 dan -/50.3 * /+0.3 M=C1 Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 -/5/ * /55 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F ?ireless .o4al .oop -?..1 -/53.3 * /55.3 M=C1

/55 F /5+

/5+ F /5, /5, F /+0

S5.20, S5.2:( S5.20+% S5.20+> S5.20+2 S5.20+< T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.2:( S5.20: S5.200 T<T%P >< 5< %'

>ergerak Maritim pada 'apal .aut Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F ?ireless .o4al .oop -?..1 Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F

/+0 F /:0

S5.20, S5.2:( S5.20+% S5.20+> S5.20+2 S5.20+< T<T%P >< 5< %' Meteorologikal*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.20: S5.200 S5.20, S5.2,0

?ireless .o4al .oop -/50.3 * /+0.3 M=C1 >ergerak Maritim pada 'apal .aut -/+0 * /:0 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F


egion ( /:0 F :,0 S&% %N

M=C /:0 * ,+0 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 /:0 F 5(2 S&% %N Tetap >ergerak S5.2,2 S5.2,3 5(2 F +00 /:0 F 505 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N

egion 3

S&% %N S5.2,: +00 F +(/ %9&! %ST !N!M& >ergerak*Satelit ke4uali bergerak penerbangan*satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1

S5.2,( S5.2,0 505 F +(0 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.(/, S5.305 S5.30+ S5.30: +(0 F 0,0 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N

S5.(/, S5.2,/ S5.2,+ S5.300 S5.302 S5.30/ S5.30+ S5.3(( S5.3(2 S5.2,(% :,0 F 0+2 T<T%P S&% %N S5.3(2 S5.3(3 S5.3(/ S5.3(5 S5.3(+ S5.3(, S5.32( 0+2 F 0,0 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N S5.322 S5.3(, S5.323 0,0 F ,/2 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N S5.322 adiolokasi

+(/ F 00+ S&% %N Tetap >ergerak S5.2,3 S5.30, S5.3(0 S5.3(( 00+ F 0,0 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N

S5.323 ,/2 F ,+0 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N S5.322 S5.323

S5.3(0 S5.3(: S5.3(0 0,0 F ,02 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan adiolokasi S5.3(0 S5.325 ,02 F ,20 T<T%P %matir >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan adiolokasi S5.(50 S5.325 S5.32+ ,20 F ,/2 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan adiolokasi S5.325 ,/2 F ,+0 T<T%P >< 5< %'

S5.(/, S5.305 S5.30+ S5.30: S5.3(( 0,0 F ,/2 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N adiolokasi

S5.32+ ,/2 F ,+0 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N S5.320


M=C /:0 * ,+0 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia /:0 F 505 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N Penggunaan Frekuensi 'omunikasi adio %ntar Penduduk -' %P1 -/0 kanal1 -/:+./( * /::./(5 M=C1 NMT 2ellular >ergerak -lokal 1 -/:, * /03./0 M=C1 dan -/0, * /,3./0 M=C1 TA Siaran -nasional1 -TA & dan TA Swasta1 -'anal 22 * +2 )=F1 -502 * 0(/ M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F TA Siaran -nasional1 -TA & dan TA Swasta1 -'anal 23 * +3 )=F1 -502 * 0(/ M=C1

505 F +(0

S5.2,( S5.2,0 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N N%A&5%S& %9&!

+(0 F 0,0

S5.(/, S5.305 S5.30+ S5.30: T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N

0,0 F ,/2

S5.(/, S5.305 S5.30+ S5.30: S5.3(( T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N adiolokasi

TA Siaran -nasional1 -5o3ernment dan Pri3ateTA1 -'anal 23 * +3 )=F1 -502 * 0(/ M=C1 adio Trunking -lokal1 -00+ * 025 M=C1 dan -05( * 0:0 M=C1 FiMed 2ellular ; ?ireless .o4al .oop -025 * 035 M=C1 dan -0:0 * 000 M=C1 %MPS >ergerak 2ellular -nasional1 -035 * 0/5 M=C1 dan -000 * 0,0 M=C1 2T*2 -lokal1 -0+/.( * 0+0.( M=C1 ?ireless 9ata -ren4ana1 Tetap 9arat*)=F 5SM >ergerak 2ellular -nasional1 -0,0 * ,(5 M=C1 dan -,35 * ,+0 M=C1 adio Panggil )ntuk )mum - P))1 -,3( * ,3:.5 M=C1 ?ireless 9ata -ren4ana1 Tetap 9arat*)=F

,/2 F ,+0

S5.32+ T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N

5SM >ergerak 2ellular -nasional1 -,35 * ,+0 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F



egion ( ,+0 F ( 2(5

M=C ,+0 * ( /,2 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.320 %9&!.!'%S& N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -akti#1

egion 3

( 2(5 F ( 2/0

( 2/0 F ( 2+0

S5.32, S5.330 S5.33( S5.332 %9&!.!'%S& N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -akti#1 %matir

( 2+0 F ( 300

S5.32, S5.330 S5.33( S5.332 S5.33/ S5.335 %9&!.!'%S& %matir <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -akti#1

( 300 F ( 350

S5.202 S5.330 S5.33( S5.332 S5.33/ S5.335 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.33: adiolokasi S5.(/, ( 350 F ( /00 %9&!.!'%S&

( 350 F ( /00 T<T%P >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& S5.(/, S5.330 S5.33, ( /00 F ( /2:

( /2: F ( /2,

S5.(/, S5.33/ S5.33, <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.3/0 S5.3/( !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% ->umi*ke*angkasa1 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

S5.3/( ( /2, F ( /52 ( /2, F ( /52 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.3/( S5.3/2 ( /52 F ( /,2 ( /52 F ( /,2 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N S5.3/5 S5.3/: S&% %N*S%T<.&T S5.3/5 S5.3/: S5.3/( S5.3/2

T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.3/5 S5.3/( T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.3/3 S&% %N S5.3/5 S5.3/: S&% %N*S%T<.&T S5.3/5 S5.3/:

S5.3/( S5.3//


M=C ,+0 * ( /,2 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia ,+0 F ( 2(5 %< !N%)T&2%. %9&!N%A&5%T&!N S5.320 %9&!.!'%S& N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 <'SP.! %S& >)M&* S%T<.&T -akti#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -akti#1 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.32, S5.330 S5.33( S5.332 %9&!.!'%S& N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P >< 5< %' %matir <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -akti#1 S5.32, S5.330 S5.33( S5.332 S5.33/ S5.335 %9&!.!'%S& T<T%P >< 5< %' %matir <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -akti#1 S5.202 S5.330 S5.33( S5.332 S5.33/ S5.335 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.33: adiolokasi S5.(/, %9&!.!'%S& Na3igasi Penggunaan Frekuensi adio Penerbangan - adar1

( 2(5 F ( 2/0

Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F

( 2/0 F ( 2+0

Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F %matir*)=F -Sekunder1 -( 2/0 * ( 300 M=C1

( 2+0 F ( 300

Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F %matir*)=F -Sekunder1 -( 2/0 * ( 300 M=C1

( 300 F ( 350


adio Penerbangan - adar1

( 350 F ( /00

( /00 F ( /2:

( /2: F ( /2,

( /2, F ( /52

S5.(/, S5.33/ S5.33, <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.3/0 S5.3/( !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% ->umi*ke*angkasa1 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.3/( T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.3/5

Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F

Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F

( /52 F ( /,2

S5.3/( T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.3/3 S&% %N S5.3/5 S5.3/: S&% %N*S%T<.&T S5.3/5 S5.3/:

>road4asting*Satelit Ser3i4e ->SS1 -9own*.ink1 Tetap 9arat*)=F >ergerak 9arat*)=F

S5.3/( S5.3//


egion ( ( /,2 F ( 525 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

S5.3/( S5.3/2 ( 525 F ( 530 !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.3/, S5.3/( S5.3/2 S5.350 S5.35( S5.352% S5.35/ ( 530 F ( 533 !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.353% <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit Tetap >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.3/( S5.3/2 S5.35( S5.35/ ( 533 F ( 535 !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.353% <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit Tetap >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.3/( S5.3/2 S5.35( S5.35/ ( 535 F ( 5//

M=C ( /,2 * ( +(0 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 ( /,2 F ( 525 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.3/3 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.3/0% S5.3/( S5.3// S5.3/0 ( 525 F ( 530 !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit Tetap >ergerak S5.3/3

egion 3 ( /,2 F ( 525 T<T%P >< 5< %'

S5.3/( S5.3/0% ( 525 F ( 530 !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit >ergerak S5.3/,

S5.3/( S5.35( S5.35/ ( 530 F ( 533

S5.3/( S5.35( 5.352% S5.35/ !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.353% <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit Tetap >ergerak S5.3/3

S5.3/( S5.35( S5.35/ ( 533 F ( 535 !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.353% <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit Tetap >ergerak S5.3/3

S5.3/( S5.35( >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1


( 5// F ( 5/5

S5.3/( S5.35( S5.353% S5.35/ S5.355 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.3/( S5.35/ S5.355 S5.35+ >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1

( 5/5 F ( 555

( 555 F ( 55,

S5.3/( S5.35( S5.35/ S5.355 S5.35: S5.35, S5.3+2% >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1

( 55, F ( +(0

S5.3/( S5.35( S5.35/ S5.355 S5.35, S5.3+2> N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1


M=C ( /,2 * ( +(0 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia ( /,2 F ( 525 T<T%P >< 5< %' Penggunaan Frekuensi Tetap 9arat*)=F

( 525 F ( 530

S5.3/( S5.3/0% !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit >ergerak S5.3/,

Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -9own*.ink1 -( 525 * ( 55, M=C1

( 530 F ( 533

S5.3/( S5.35( 5.352% S5.35/ !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit Tetap >ergerak S5.3/3

Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -9own*.ink1 -( 525 * ( 55, M=C1

( 533 F ( 535

S5.3/( S5.35( S5.35/ !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.353% <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit Tetap >ergerak S5.3/3

Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -9own*.ink1 -( 525 * ( 55, M=C1

( 535 F ( 5//

( 5// F ( 5/5

( 5/5 F ( 555

( 555 F ( 55,

( 55, F ( +(0

S5.3/( S5.35( S5.35/ >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.3/( S5.35( S5.353% S5.35/ S5.355 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.3/( S5.35/ S5.355 S5.35+ >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.3/( S5.35( S5.35/ S5.355 S5.35: S5.35, S5.3+2% >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.3/( S5.35( S5.35/ S5.355 S5.35, S5.3+2> S5.3+0 S5.3+( S5.3+2 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1

Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -9own*.ink1 -( 525 * ( 55, M=C1

Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -9own*.ink1 -( 525 * ( 55, M=C1 Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -9own*.ink1 -( 525 * ( 55, M=C1

Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -9own*.ink1 -( 525 * ( 55, M=C1


M=C ( +(0 *( ++0 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion ( egion 2 egion 3 ( +(0 F ( +(0.+ ( +(0 F ( +(0.+ ( +(0 F ( +(0.+ >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N %9&! P<N<NT)*S%T<.&T adio penentu*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1

S5.3/( S5.355 S5.35, S5.3+3 S5.3+/ S5.3++ S5.3/( S5.3+/ S5.3++ S5.3+: S5.3+0 S5.3+, S5.3+: S5.3+0 S5.3:0 S5.3:( S5.3:2 S5.3:2 ( +(0.+ F ( +(3.0 ( +(0.+ F ( +(3.0 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 %9&! %ST !N!M& %9&! %ST !N!M& N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N %9&! P<N<NT)*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.(/, S5.3/( S5.355 S5.35, S5.3+3 S5.3+/ S5.(/, S5.3/( S5.3+/ S5.3++ S5.3+: S5.3+0 S5.3++ S5.3+: S5.3+0 S5.3+, S5.3:( S5.3:2 S5.3:0 S5.3:2 ( +(3.0 F ( +2+.5 ( +(3.0 F ( +2+.5 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N >ergerak*Satelit %9&! P<N<NT)*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >ergerak*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.3/( S5.355 S5.35, S5.3+3 S5.3+/ S5.3+5 S5.3++ S5.3+: S5.3+0 S5.3+, S5.3:( S5.3:2 ( +2+.5 F ( +3(.5 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.3/( S5.35( S5.35/ S5.355 S5.35, S5.353% ( +3(.5 F ( +3+.5

S5.3/( S5.355 S5.35, S5.3+/ S5.3++ S5.3+: S5.3+0 S5.3+, S5.3:2 ( +(0.+ F ( +(3.0 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 %9&! %ST !N!M& N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N adio penentu*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.(/, S5.3/( S5.355 S5.35, S5.3+/ S5.3++ S5.3+: S5.3+0 S5.3+, S5.3:2 ( +(3.0 F ( +2+.5 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N >ergerak*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 adio penentu*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1

S5.3/( S5.355 S5.35, S5.3/( S5.3+/ S5.3+5 S5.3+/ S5.3+5 S5.3++ S5.3++ S5.3+: S5.3+0 S5.3+: S5.3+0 S5.3+, S5.3:0 S5.3:2 S5.3:2 ( +2+.5 F ( +3(.5 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.3/( S5.35( S5.35/ S5.355 S5.353% >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1

( +3+.5 F ( +/5.5

S5.3/( S5.35( S5.353 S5.35/ S5.355 S5.35, S5.3:/ S5.353% >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1

( +/5.5 F ( +/+.5

S5.3/( S5.35( S5.353% S5.35/ S5.355 S5.35, >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.3/( S5.35/ S5.3:5 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.3+2%

( +/+.5 F ( +5+.5

( +5+.5 F ( ++0

S5.3/( S5.35( S5.35/ S5.355 S5.35, S5.3:+ >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1

S5.3/( S5.35( S5.35/ S5.355 S5.35, S5.3:/ S5.3+2>


M=C ( +(0 *( ++0 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia ( +(0 F ( +(0.+ >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N adio penentu*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 Penggunaan Frekuensi Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -( +(0 * ( ++0.5 M=C1 Penetapan #rekuensi MSS 5S! perlu dikoordinasikan lebih lan8ut

( +(0.+ F ( +(3.0

S5.3/( S5.355 S5.35, S5.3+/ S5.3++ S5.3+: S5.3+0 S5.3+, S5.3:2 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 %9&! %ST !N!M& N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N adio penentu*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1

Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -( +(0 * ( ++0.5 M=C1 Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * N5S! -( +(+ * ( +2+.5 M=C1 Penetapan #rekuensi MSS perlu dikoordinasikan lebih lan8ut

( +(3.0 F ( +2+.5

S5.(/, S5.3/( S5.355 S5.35, S5.3+/ S5.3++ S5.3+: S5.3+0 S5.3+, S5.3:2 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N >ergerak*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 adio penentu*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1

Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -( +(0 * ( ++0.5 M=C1 Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * N5S! -( +(+ * ( +2+.5 M=C1 Penetapan #rekuensi MSS perlu dikoordinasikan lebih lan8ut

( +2+.5 F ( +3(.5

S5.3/( S5.355 S5.35, S5.3+/ S5.3+5 S5.3++ S5.3+: S5.3+0 S5.3+, S5.3:2 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.3/( S5.35( S5.35/ S5.355 S5.353% >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.3/( S5.35( S5.353 S5.35/ S5.355 S5.35, S5.3:/ S5.353% >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.3/( S5.35( S5.353% S5.35/ S5.355 S5.35, >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.3/( S5.35/ S5.3:5 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.3+2% S5.3/( S5.35( S5.35/ S5.355 S5.35, S5.3:+ >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.3/( S5.35( S5.35/ S5.355 S5.35, S5.3:/ S5.3+2>

Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -( +(0 * ( ++0.5 M=C1 -( +(0 * ( ++0.5 M=C1

( +3(.5 F ( +3+.5

Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -( +(0 * ( ++0.5 M=C1

( +3+.5 F ( +/5.5

Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -( +(0 * ( ++0.5 M=C1

( +/5.5 F ( +/+.5

Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -( +(0 * ( ++0.5 M=C1 Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -( +(0 * ( ++0.5 M=C1

( +/+.5 F ( +5+.5

( +5+.5 F ( ++0

Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -( +(0 * ( ++0.5 M=C1


egion ( ( ++0 F ( ++0.5

M=C ( ++0 *( :(0 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 %9&! %ST !N!M&

egion 3

( ++0.5 F ( ++0./

S5.(/, S5.3/( S5.35( S5.35/ S5.3:+% %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 Tetap >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan


( ++0./ F ( +:0

S5.(/, S5.3/( S5.3:, S5.3:,% >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan %9&! %ST !N!M& S5.(/, S5.3/( >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& T<T%P M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' S5.300 S5.3/( ( +:5 F ( +,0 >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& T<T%P M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.3/( S5.3:: ( +,0 F ( :00 >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1

( +:0 F ( +:5

( +:5 F ( +,0 >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& T<T%P M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

( +:5 F ( +,0 >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& T<T%P M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

S5.3/( ( +,0 F ( :00 >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 Tetap >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.20, S5.3/( S5.302 ( :00 F ( :(0 T<T%P M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

S5.3/( ( +,0 F ( :00 >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1

S5.20, S5.3/( S5.3:: S5.30( ( :00 F ( :(0 T<T%P M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.20, S5.3/( S5.3::

S5.20, S5.3/( S5.30( ( :00 F ( :(0 T<T%P M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

S5.20, S5.3/(

S5.20, S5.3/( S5.30/


M=C ( ++0 *( :(0 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia ( ++0 F ( ++0.5 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 %9&! %ST !N!M& S5.(/, S5.3/( S5.35( S5.35/ S5.3:+% S5.3+2> %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 Tetap >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >antuan Meteorologi S5.(/, S5.3/( S5.3:, S5.3:,% >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan %9&! %ST !N!M& S5.(/, S5.3/( >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& T<T%P M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' S5.300 S5.3/( >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& T<T%P M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan Penggunaan Frekuensi Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -( +(0 * ( ++0.5 M=C1

( ++0.5 F ( ++0./

( ++0./ F ( +:0

Tetap 9arat*)=F

( +:0 F ( +:5

Tetap 9arat*)=F

( +:5 F ( +,0

Tetap 9arat*)=F

( +,0 F ( :00

S5.3/( >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1

( :00 F ( :(0

S5.20, S5.3/( S5.30( T<T%P M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1

Mi4rowa3e .ink -nasional1 -( :00 * 2 300 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F

S5.20, S5.3/( S5.30/


egion ( ( :(0 F ( ,30

M=C ( :(0 * 2 (20 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.300

egion 3

( ,30 F ( ,:0 T<T%P >< 5< %'

S5.300 ( ,:0 F ( ,00 T<T%P >< 5< %'

S5.(/, S5.3/( S5.305 S5.30+ S5.30: S5.300 ( ,30 F ( ,:0 ( ,30 F ( ,:0 T<T%P T<T%P >< 5< %' >< 5< %' >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.300 S5.300 ( ,:0 F ( ,00 ( ,:0 F ( ,00 T<T%P T<T%P >< 5< %' >< 5< %'

S5.300 ( ,00 F 2 0(0

S5.300 S5.300 T<T%P >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1

2 0(0 F 2 025 T<T%P >< 5< %'

S5.300 2 025 F 2 ((0

S5.300 S5.30,% S5.30,> S5.30,F 2 0(0 F 2 025 2 0(0 F 2 025 T<T%P T<T%P >< 5< %' >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.300 S5.30,2 S5.30,9 S5.300 S5.3,0 S5.3,0< !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% ->umi*ke*angkasa1 -angkasa*ke*angkasa1 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 -angkasa*ke*angkasa1 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.3,( P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% ->umi*ke*angkasa1 -angkasa*ke*angkasa1

2 ((0 F 2 (20

S5.3,2 T<T%P >< 5< %' P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa dalam1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.300


M=C ( :(0 * 2 (20 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia ( :(0 F ( ,30 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.300 !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% ->umi*ke*angkasa1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% ->umi*ke*angkasa1 Penggunaan Frekuensi Mi4rowa3e .ink -nasional1 -( :00 * 2 300 M=C1 P2N;92S -nasional1 -( :(0 * ( :05 M=C1 dan -( 005 * ( 000 M=C1 9<2T*?.. -lokal1 -( 000 * (,00 M=C1 P=S -lokal1 -( 0,5 * (,(0 M=C1 &MT*2000 -( 005 * 2 025 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F Mi4rowa3e .ink -nasional1 -( :00 * 2 300 M=C1 &MT*2000 -( 005 * 2 025 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F Mi4rowa3e .ink -nasional1 -( :00 * 2 300 M=C1 &MT*2000 -( 005 * 2 025 M=C1 dan -2 ((0 * 2 200 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F Mi4rowa3e .ink -nasional1 -( :00 * 2 300 M=C1 &MT*2000 -( 005 * 2 025 M=C1 Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -( ,00 * 2 0(0 M=C1 Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * N5S! -)p*.ink1 -( ,00 * 2 0(0 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F S5.30,F Mi4rowa3e .ink -nasional1 -( :00 * 2 300 M=C1 &MT*2000 -( 005 * 2 025 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F

( ,30 F ( ,:0

S5.(/, S5.3/( S5.305 S5.30+ S5.30: S5.300 T<T%P >< 5< %'

( ,:0 F ( ,00

S5.300 T<T%P >< 5< %'

( ,00 F 2 0(0

S5.300 T<T%P >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1

2 0(0 F 2 025

S5.300 S5.30,% S5.30,> T<T%P >< 5< %'

2 025 F 2 ((0

2 ((0 F 2 (20

S5.300 !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% ->umi*ke*angkasa1 -angkasa* ke*angkasa1 <'SP.! %S& >)M&* S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 -angkasa*ke*angkasa1 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.3,( P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% ->umi*ke*angkasa1 -angkasa* ke*angkasa1 S5.3,2 T<T%P >< 5< %' P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa dalam1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.300

Mi4rowa3e .ink -nasional1 -( :00 * 2 300 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F

Mi4rowa3e .ink -nasional1 -( :00 * 2 300 M=C1 &MT*2000 -2 ((0 * 2 200 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F


egion ( 2 (20 F 2 (+0 T<T%P >< 5< %'

S5.300 2 (+0 F 2 (:0 T<T%P >< 5< %'

S5.300 S5.3,2% 2 (:0 F 2 200

M=C 2 (20 * 2 500 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 2 (20 F 2 (+0 2 (20 F 2 (+0 T<T%P T<T%P >< 5< %' >< 5< %' >ergerak*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.300 S5.300 2 (+0 F 2 (:0 2 (+0 F 2 (:0 T<T%P T<T%P >< 5< %' >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.300 S5.30,2 S5.30,9 S5.30,< S5.3,0 S5.300 T<T%P >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1

egion 3

2 200 F 2 2,0

S5.300 S5.30,% S5.30,F S5.3,2% !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 -angkasa*ke*angkasa1 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 -angkasa*ke*angkasa1 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.3,( P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 -angkasa*ke*angkasa1

2 2,0 F 2 300

S5.3,2 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa dalam1 -angkasa*ke*>umi1

2 300 F 2 /50 T<T%P >< 5< %' %matir adiolokasi S5.(50 S5.202 S5.3,5 2 /50 F 2 /03.5 T<T%P >< 5< %' adiolokasi S5.(50 S5.3,: 2 /03.5 F 2 500 T<T%P >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 adiolokasi

2 300 F 2 /50 T<T%P >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& %matir S5.(50 S5.202 S5.3,3 S5.3,/ S5.3,+ 2 /50 F 2 /03.5 T<T%P >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& S5.(50 S5.3,/ 2 /03.5 F 2 500 2 /03.5 F 2 500 T<T%P T<T%P >< 5< %' >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 -angkasa*ke*>umi1 %9&!.!'%S& %9&!.!'%S& %9&! P<N<NT)*S%T<.&T adio penentu*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.3,0 -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.3,0

S5.(50 S5.3:( S5.3,: S5.3,0 S5.3,, S5./00 S5./02

S5.(50 S5./02

S5.(50 S5./00 S5./02


M=C 2 (20 * 2 500 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 2 (20 F 2 (+0 T<T%P >< 5< %' Penggunaan Frekuensi Mi4rowa3e .ink -nasional1 -( :00 * 2 300 M=C1 &MT*2000 -2 ((0 * 2 200 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F Mi4rowa3e .ink -nasional1 -( :00 * 2 300 M=C1 &MT*2000 -2 ((0 * 2 200 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F

2 (+0 F 2 (:0

S5.300 T<T%P >< 5< %'

2 (:0 F 2 200

S5.300 T<T%P >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1

2 200 F 2 2,0

2 2,0 F 2 300

2 300 F 2 /50

S5.300 S5.30,% S5.30,F S5.3,2% !P< %S& )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 -angkasa*ke*angkasa1 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 -angkasa*ke*angkasa1 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.3,( P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 -angkasa*ke*angkasa1 S5.3,2 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa dalam1 -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& %matir S5.(50 S5.202 S5.3,3 S5.3,/ S5.3,+ T<T%P >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& S5.(50 S5.3,/ T<T%P >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 %9&!.!'%S& adio penentu*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.3,0

Mi4rowa3e .ink -nasional1 -( :00 * 2 300 M=C1 &MT*2000 -2 ((0 * 2 200 M=C1 Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -9own*.ink1 -2 (:0 * 2 200 M=C1 Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * N5S! -9own*.ink1 -2 (:0 * 2 200 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F Mi4rowa3e .ink -nasional1 -( :00 * 2 300 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F

Mi4rowa3e .ink -nasional1 -( :00 * 2 300 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F

Mi4rowa3e .ink -nasional1 -2 300 * 2 500 M=C1 %matir*)=F -Sekunder1 Tetap 9arat*)=F

2 /50 F 2 /03.5

Mi4rowa3e .ink -nasional1 -2 300 * 2 500 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F

2 /03.5 F 2 500

Mi4rowa3e .ink -nasional1 -2 300 * 2 500 M=C1 Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * 5S! -9own*.ink1 -2 /03.5 * 2 500 M=C1 Mobile*Satellite Ser3i4e -MSS1 * N5S! -9own*.ink1 -2 /03.5 * 2 500 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*)=F

S5.(50 S5./00 S5./02


egion ( 2 500 F 2 520 T<T%P S5./0, S5./(0 S5./(( >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1

M=C 2 500 * 2 +,0 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 2 500 F 2 520 T<T%P S5./0, S5./(( T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5./(5 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1

egion 3 2 500 F 2 520 T<T%P S5./0, S5./(( T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5./(5 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5./03 S5./0/ S5./0: S5./(/ S5./03% 2 520 F 2 535 T<T%P S5./0, S5./(( T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5./(5 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N*S%T<.&T S5./(3 S5./(+ S5./03 S5./03% 2 535 F 2 +55 T<T%P S5./0, S5./(( >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N* S%T<.&T S5./(3 S5./(+

S5./03 S5./05 S5./0: S5./00 S5./(2 S5./(/ 2 520 F 2 +55 T<T%P S5./0, S5./(0 S5./(( >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N*S%T<.&T S5./(3 S5./(+

S5./03 S5./0/ S5./0: S5./(/ 2 520 F 2 +55 T<T%P S5./0, S5./(( T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5./(5 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N*S%T<.&T S5./(3 S5./(+

S5.33, S5./03 S5./05 S5./00 S5./(2 S5./(: S5./(0 2 +55 F 2 +:0 T<T%P S5./0, S5./(0 S5./(( >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N*S%T<.&T S5./(3 S5./(+ <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -pasi#1 adio %stronomi Penelitian uang %ngkasa -pasi#1 S5.(/, S5./(2 S5./(: S5./20 2 +:0 F 2 +,0 T<T%P S5./0, S5./(0 S5./(( >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -pasi#1 adio %stronomi Penelitian uang %ngkasa -pasi#1

S5.33, S5./03 2 +55 F 2 +:0 T<T%P S5./0, S5./(( T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5./(5 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N*S%T<.&T S5./(3 S5./(+ <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -pasi#1 adio %stronomi Penelitian uang %ngkasa -pasi#1 S5.(/, S5./20 2 +:0 F 2 +,0 T<T%P S5./0, S5./(( T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5./(5 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -pasi#1 adio %stronomi Penelitian uang %ngkasa -pasi#1

S5.33, S5./(0 2 +55 F 2 +:0 T<T%P S5./0, S5./(( T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5./(5 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N*S%T<.&T S5./(3 S5./(+ <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -pasi#1 -pasi#1 adio %stronomi Penelitian uang %ngkasa -pasi#1 S5.(/, S5./20 2 +:0 F 2 +,0 T<T%P S5./0, S5./(( T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5./(5 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -pasi#1 adio %stronomi Penelitian uang %ngkasa -pasi#1

S5.(/, S5./(, S5./20

S5.(/, S5./(, S5./20

S5.(/, S5./(, S5./20


M=C 2 500 * 2 +,0 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 2 500 F 2 520 Penggunaan Frekuensi

egion ( 2 +,0 F 2 :00

2 520 F 2 535

2 :00 F 2 ,00

T<T%P S5./0, S5./(( Tetap 9arat*)=F T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5./(5 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T M=C -angkasa*ke*>umi1 2 +,0 * 5 000 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 egion 3 S5./03 <'SP.! S5./0/ S5./0: S5./(/ %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 S5./03% %9&! %ST !N!M& T<T%P P<N<.&T&%N S5./0, S5./(( Tetap 9arat*)=F )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 T<T%P*S%T<.&T >road4asting Satellite Ser3i4es ->SS1 -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5./(5 -2 520 * 2 +:0 M=C1 >< 5< S5.3/0 %' ke4uali S5./2( S5./22 bergerak penerbangan N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.33: S&% %N*S%T<.&T adiolokasi S5./(3 S5./(+

2 ,00 F 3 (00
2 535 F 2 +55

3 (00 F 3 300

S5./23 S5./2/ N%A&5%S& %9&! S5./2+ S5./03 S5./03% adiolokasi T<T%P S5./25 S5./0, S5./2: S5./(( Tetap 9arat*)=F >< 5< %' ke4uali >road4asting Satellite Ser3i4es ->SS1 %9&!.!'%S& bergerak penerbangan -2 520 * 2 +:0 M=C1 <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -akti#1 S&% %N*Penelitian uang %ngkasa -akti#1 S%T<.&T S5./(3 S5./(+ S5.(/, S5.333 S5./20 3 300 F 3 /00 3 300 F 3 /00 %9&!.!'%S& %9&!.!'%S& S5.33, S5./(0 %matir %matir T<T%P S5./0, S5./(( Tetap 9arat*)=F Tetap T<T%P*S%T<.&T >road4asting Satellite Ser3i4es ->SS1 >ergerak ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5./(5 -2 520 * 2 +:0 M=C1 S5.(/, S5./30 S5.(/, S5./2, >< 5< %' ke4uali 3 /00 F 3 500 bergerak penerbangan T<T%P S&% %N*S%T<.&T T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5./(3 S5./(+ %matir <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit >ergerak -pasi#1 adiolokasi S5./33 -pasi#1 adio %stronomi Penelitian uang %ngkasa -pasi#1 S5.202 S5./32 3 500 F 3 :00 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.(/, S5./20 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan T<T%P S5./0, S5./(( >ergerak Satelit Ser3i4e -MSS1 adiolokasi -setelah S5./33( 6anuar7 20051 T<T%P*S%T<.&T
->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5./(5 Tetap 9arat*)=F S5./35 >< 5< %' ke4uali 3 :00 F / 200 bergerak penerbangan T<T%P >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -pasi#1 adio %stronomi Penelitian uang %ngkasa -pasi#1 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5./30

3 300 F 3 /00 %9&!.!'%S&

2 +55 F 2 +:0

S5.(/, S5./2, S5./30 3 /00 F 3 +00 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >ergerak adiolokasi

S5./3( S5./3/ 3 +00 F / 200 T<T%P 2 +:0 F 2 +,0 T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >ergerak

/ 200 F / /00

/ /00 F / 500 / 500 F / 000

S5./3: S5./3, S5.//0 T<T%P 5< S5./20 %' S5.(/, >< S5./(, T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.//( >< 5< %' T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.//2 %9&! %ST !N!M& S5.(/, S5.33, S5.//3 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan II-4& %9&! %ST !N!M& Penelitian uang %ngkasa -pasi#1 S5.(/,

/ 000 F / ,,0

/ ,,0 F 5 000

M=C 2 +,0 * 5 000 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 2 +,0 F 2 :00 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.3/0 S5./2( S5./22 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.33: Na3igasi adio Penerbangan adiolokasi - adar1 S5./23 S5./2/ N%A&5%S& %9&! S5./2+ adiolokasi S5./25 S5./2: %9&!.!'%S& <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -akti#1 Penelitian uang %ngkasa -akti#1 S5.(/, S5.333 S5./20 %9&!.!'%S& T<T%P >< 5< %' %matir S5.(/, S5./2, T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan %matir adiolokasi S5./33 S5.202 S5./32 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan adiolokasi S5./33 S5./35 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan Penggunaan Frekuensi

2 :00 F 2 ,00

2 ,00 F 3 (00

3 (00 F 3 300

3 300 F 3 /00

>ergerak 9arat*S=F %matir*S=F -Sekunder1 -3 300 * 3 500 M=C1

3 /00 F 3 500

FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! -9own*.ink1 -3 /00 * 3 :00 M=C1 -TTN21 -3 /00 * 3 /05 M=C1 ?.. kom. data sharing terbatas dengan FSS * %lokasi sekunder" di perkotaan -Oone ("2"31 * %lokasi primer" di non*perkotaan -Oone /"51 - 'etentuan Oone .ihat 'M./5 tahun 2000 1 FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! -9own*.ink1 -3 /00 *3 :00 M=C1 ?.. kom. data sharing terbatas dengan FSS * %lokasi sekunder" di perkotaan -Oone ("2"31 * %lokasi primer" di non*perkotaan -Oone /"51 - 'etentuan Oone .ihat 'M./5 tahun 2000 1 FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! -9own*.ink1 -3 :00 * / 200 M=C1 -TTN21 -3 000 * / 000 M=C1

3 500 F 3 :00

3 :00 F / 200

/ 200 F / /00

/ /00 F / 500 / 500 F / 000

/ 000 F / ,,0

/ ,,0 F 5 000

N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5./30 S5./3: S5./3, S5.//0 T<T%P >< 5< %' T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.//( >< 5< %' T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.//2 %9&! %ST !N!M& S5.(/, S5.33, S5.//3 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan %9&! %ST !N!M& Penelitian uang %ngkasa -pasi#1 S5.(/,

Tetap 9arat*S=F Tetap 9arat*S=F

Tetap 9arat*S=F

Tetap 9arat*S=F


egion ( 5 000 F 5 (50

M=C 5 000 * 5 ,25 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.3+: S5./// S5.///% N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.//+ S5.//: S5.//:% S5.//:> S5.//:2 %9&!.!'%S& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 S5.//:9 S5.//0 S5.//0% %9&!.!'%S& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 S5.//0 S5.//0% N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N 5.//, <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 adiolokasi

egion 3

5 (50 F 5 250

5 250 F 5 255

5 255 F 5 350

5 350 F 5 /+0

5 /+0 F 5 /:0 5 /:0 F 5 +50

5 +50 F 5 :25

S5.//0> N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.//, adiolokasi N%A&5%S& %9&! M% &T&M adiolokasi S5./50 S5./5( S5./52 %9&!.!'%S& %matir Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa dalam1

5 :25 F 5 030 T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 %9&!.!'%S& %matir S5.(50 S5./5( S5./53 S5./55 S5./5+ 5 030 F 5 050 T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 %9&!.!'%S& %matir %matir*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.(50 S5./5( S5./53 S5./55 S5./5+ 5 050 F 5 ,25 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %'

S5.202 S5./5( S5./53 S5./5/ S5./55 5 :25 F 5 030 %9&!.!'%S& %matir

S5.(50 S5./53 S5./55 5 030 F 5 050 %9&!.!'%S& %matir %matir*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1


5 050 F 5 ,25 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' %matir adiolokasi S5.(50

S5.(50 S5./53 S5./55 5 050 F 5 ,25 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' adiolokasi S5.(50


M=C 5 000 * 5 ,25 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 5 000 F 5 (50 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N Penggunaan Frekuensi

5 (50 F 5 250

5 250 F 5 255

5 255 F 5 350

5 350 F 5 /+0

S5.3+: S5./// S5.///% N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.//+ S5.//: S5.//:% S5.//:> S5.//:2 %9&!.!'%S& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 S5.//:9 S5.//0 S5.//0% %9&!.!'%S& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 S5.//0 S5.//0% N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.//, <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 adiolokasi S5.//0> N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.//, adiolokasi N%A&5%S& %9&! M% &T&M adiolokasi S5./50 S5./5( S5./52 %9&!.!'%S& T<T%P >< 5< %' %matir Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa dalam1 S5.202 S5./5( S5./53 S5./5/ S5./55 %9&!.!'%S& T<T%P >< 5< %' %matir

5 /+0 F 5 /:0 5 /:0 F 5 +50

5 +50 F 5 :25

Tetap 9arat*S=F %matir*S=F -Sekunder1

5 :25 F 5 030

Tetap 9arat*S=F %matir*S=F -Sekunder1 FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! -TTN21 -5 000 * + 000 M=C1

5 030 F 5 050

S5.(50 S5./53 S5./55 %9&!.!'%S& T<T%P >< 5< %' %matir %matir*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1

Tetap 9arat*S=F %matir*S=F -Sekunder1 FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! -TTN21 -5 000 * + 000 M=C1

5 050 F 5 ,25

S5.(50 S5./53 S5./55 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' adiolokasi

FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! -TTN21 -5 000 * + 000 M=C1



egion ( 5 ,25 F + :00

M=C 5 ,25 * 0 025 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %'

egion 3

+ :00 F : 0:5

S5.(/, S5.//0 S5./50 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.//( >< 5< %'

: 0:5 F : 250

: 250 F : 300

S5./50 S5./50% S5./50> S5./502 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5./50 S5./5, S5./+0 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' S5./+( T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

: 300 F : /50

: /50 F : 550

S5./+( T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

: 550 F : :50

S5./+(% T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

: :50 F : 050

T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan M<T<! !5&2%.*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1


: 050 F : ,00

T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' S5./+(

: ,00 F 0 025


M=C 5 ,25 * 0 025 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 5 ,25 F + :00 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' Penggunaan Frekuensi FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -5 ,25 * + /25 M=C1 -TTN21 -5 000 * + 000 M=C1 FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -+ /25 * + :25 M=C1 -TTN21 -+ /25 * + /30 M=C1

+ :00 F : 0:5

S5.(/, S5.//0 S5./50 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.//( >< 5< %' S5./50 S5./50% S5./50> S5./502 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5./50 S5./5, S5./+0 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' S5./+( T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5./+( T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -+ /25 * + :25 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*S=F

: 0:5 F : 250

Tetap 9arat*S=F

: 250 F : 300

Tetap 9arat*S=F

: 300 F : /50

Tetap 9arat*S=F

: /50 F : 550

Tetap 9arat*S=F

: 550 F : :50

S5./+(% T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5./+(> T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' S5./+(

Tetap 9arat*S=F

: :50 F : 050

Tetap 9arat*S=F

: 050 F : ,00

Tetap 9arat*S=F

: ,00 F 0 025

Tetap 9arat*S=F


egion ( 0 025 F 0 (:5

M=C 0 025 * 0 050 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %'

egion 3

0 (:5 F 0 2(5

S5./+2% S5./+3 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %'

0 2(5 F 0 /00

S5./+2% S5./+3 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %'

0 /00 F 0 500

S5./+2% S5./+3 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5./+5 S5./++

0 500 F 0 550

S5./+: %9&!.!'%S&

0 550 F 0 +50

S5./+0 S5./+, %9&!.!'%S& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -akti#1 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1

0 +50 F 0 :50

S5./+3% S5./+0 S5./+, %9&!.!'%S&

0 :50 F 0 050

S5./+0 S5./+, %9&!.!'%S& N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5./:0



M=C 0 025 * 0 050 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 0 025 F 0 (:5 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' S5./+2% S5./+3 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 M<T<! !.!5&*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' S5./+2% S5./+3 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' Penggunaan Frekuensi >road4asting*Satelit Ser3i4e ->SS1 -)p*link1 -0 0+: * 0 0,2 M=C1 -)p*link1 -0 (20 * 0 2:0 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*S=F

0 (:5 F 0 2(5

>road4asting*Satelit Ser3i4e ->SS1 -)p*link1 -0 (20 * 0 2:0 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*S=F

0 2(5 F 0 /00

Mi4rowa3e .ink -0 2:5 * 0 /00 M=C1 >road4asting*Satelit Ser3i4e ->SS1 -)p*link1 -0 (20 * 0 2:0 M=C1 Tetap 9arat*S=F

0 /00 F 0 500

S5./+2% S5./+3 T<T%P Tetap 9arat*S=F >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5./+5 S5./++ S5./+: %9&!.!'%S& T<T%P >< 5< %' S5./+0 S5./+, %9&!.!'%S& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -akti#1 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 T<T%P >< 5< %'

0 500 F 0 550

Tetap 9arat*S=F

0 550 F 0 +50

Tetap 9arat*S=F

0 +50 F 0 :50

0 :50 F 0 050

S5./+3% S5./+0 S5./+, %9&!.!'%S& T<T%P >< 5< %' S5./+0 S5./+, %9&!.!'%S& N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5./:0 N%A&5%S& %9&! M% &T&M S5./:(

Tetap 9arat*S=F

>ergerak Maritim" khusus radar pantai -0 025 * 0 050 M=C1


egion ( 0 050 F , 000

M=C 0 050 * (0 :00 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 %9&!.!'%S& N%A&5%S& %9&! M% &T&M S5./:2 S5./:3 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.33: adiolokasi S5./:( %9&!.!'%S& N%A&5%S& %9&! M% &T&M S5./:2 S5./:3 S5./:/ N%A&5%S& %9&! S5./:+ adiolokasi S5./2: S5./:/ S5./:5 %9&!.!'%S& N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -akti#1 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 S5./:+% %9&!.!'%S& Tetap S5./:: S5./:0 S5./:, (0 F (0 /50 %9&!.!'%S& %matir

egion 3

, 000 F , 200

, 200 F , 300

, 300 F , 500

, 500 F , 000

, 000 F (0 000

(0 F (0 /50 T<T%P >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& %matir S5./:, (0 /50 F (0 500

(0 500 F (0 550 T<T%P >< 5< %' adiolokasi (0 550 F (0 +00

S5./:, S5./00 %9&!.!'%S& %matir %matir*Satelit S5./0( (0 500 F (0 550

(0 F (0 /50 T<T%P >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& %matir S5./:,

T<T%P >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan adiolokasi <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 adiolokasi

(0 +00 F (0 +00

(0 +00 F (0 :00

S5.(/, S5./02 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

S5.3/0 S5./03


M=C 0 050 * (0 :00 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 0 050 F , 000 %9&!.!'%S& N%A&5%S& %9&! M% &T&M S5./:2 S5./:3 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.33: adiolokasi S5./:( %9&!.!'%S& N%A&5%S& %9&! M% &T&M S5./:2 S5./:3 S5./:/ N%A&5%S& %9&! S5./:+ adiolokasi S5./2: S5./:/ S5./:5 %9&!.!'%S& N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -akti#1 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 S5./:+% %9&!.!'%S& T<T%P S5./:: S5./:0 S5./:, T<T%P >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& %matir S5./:, %9&!.!'%S& %matir %matir*Satelit S5./0( T<T%P >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan adiolokasi <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 adiolokasi S5.(/, S5./02 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.3/0 S5./03 Penggunaan Frekuensi

, 000 F , 200

>ergerak Maritim" khusus radar pantai -, 000 *, 200 M=C1

, 200 F , 300

, 300 F , 500

, 500 F , 000

, 000 F (0 000

Tetap 9arat*S=F

(0 F (0 /50

%matir*S=F -Sekunder1

(0 /50 F (0 500

%matir*S=F -Sekunder1

(0 500 F (0 550

Tetap 9arat*S=F

(0 550 F (0 +00

Tetap 9arat*S=F

(0 +00 F (0 +00

Tetap 9arat*S=F

(0 +00 F (0 :00

Tetap 9arat*S=F


egion ( (0.: F ((.: T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke* >umi1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.//( S5./0/ >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan ((.: F (2.5 T<T%P S&% %N S&% %N*S%T<.&T >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

5=C (0.: * (3.:5 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 egion 3 (0.: F ((.: T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.//( >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

((.: F (2.( T<T%P S5./0+ T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5./05 S5./00 (2.( F (2.2 T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5./05 S5./00 S5./0, (2.2 F (2.: T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N S&% %N*S%T<.&T

((.: F (2.2 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N S&% %N*S%T<.&T

S5./0: S5./0:% S5./,2 (2.5 F (2.:5 T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1

S5./00 S5./,0 S5./,2 S5./0:% (2.: F (2.:5 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan

S5./0: S5./0:% S5./,2% (2.2 F (2.5 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5./0: S5./,( (2.5 F (2.:5 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N*S%T<.&T

S5./,/ S5./,5 S5./,+ (2.:5 F (3.25

5"/,3 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.//( >< 5< %' Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa dalam1 -angkasa*ke*>umi1

(3.25 F (3./

N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5./,: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -akti#1

(3./ F (3.:5

S5./,0% S5./,, %9&!.!'%S& <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% Frekuensi dan Tanda ?aktu Standar*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1

S5./,, S5.500 S5.50( S5.50(% S5.50(>


5=C (0.: * (3.:5 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia (0.: F ((.: T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.//( >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan Penggunaan Frekuensi FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! -9own*.ink1 -(0.,5 * ((.: 5=C1

((.: F (2.2

T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N S&% %N*S%T<.&T

Tetap 9arat*S=F

(2.2 F (2.5

S5./0: S5./0:% S5./,2% T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5./0: S5./,( T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S&% %N*S%T<.&T

FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! -9own*.ink1 -(2.20( * (2.+0( 5=C1

(2.5 F (2.:5

FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! -9own*.ink1 -(2.20( * (2.+0( 5=C1

(2.:5 F (3.25

5"/,3 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.//( >< 5< %' Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa dalam1 -angkasa*ke*>umi1 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5./,: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -akti#1 S5./,0% S5./,, %9&!.!'%S& <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% T<T%P >< 5< %' Frekuensi dan Tanda ?aktu Standar* Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1

Tetap 9arat*S=F

(3.25 F (3./

(3./ F (3.:5

Tetap 9arat*S=F

S5./,, S5.500 S5.50( S5.50(% S5.50(>


egion ( (3.:5 F (/

5=C (3.:5 * (/.5 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 egion 3 T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 %9&!.!'%S& Frekuensi dan Tanda ?aktu Standar*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 Penelitian uang %ngkasa

(/ F (/.25

S5./,, S5.500 S5.50( S5.502 S5.503 S5.503% T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.50+ N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.50/ >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 ke4uali bergerak penerbangan*satelit Penelitian uang %ngkasa

(/.25 F (/.3

S5.505 T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.50+ N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.50/ >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 ke4uali bergerak penerbangan*satelit Penelitian uang %ngkasa

(/.3 F (/./ T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke* angkasa1 S5.50+ >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 Na3igasi adio*Satelit (/./ F (/./:

S5.505 S5.500 S5.50, (/.3 F (/./ T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke* angkasa1 S5.50+ >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke* angkasa1 ke4uali bergerak penerbangan*satelit Na3igasi adio*Satelit

(/.3 F (/./ T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.50+ >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke* angkasa1 ke4uali bergerak penerbangan*satelit Na3igasi adio*Satelit

T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.50+ >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 ke4uali bergerak penerbangan*satelit Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa*ke*>umi1

(/./: F (/.5

T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.50+ >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 ke4uali bergerak penerbangan*satelit adio %stronomi



5=C (3.:5 * (/.5 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia (3.:5 F (/ T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 %9&!.!'%S& T<T%P >< 5< %' Frekuensi dan Tanda ?aktu Standar* Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 Penelitian uang %ngkasa Penggunaan Frekuensi FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -(3.:5 * (/.5 5=C1

(/ F (/.25

(/.25 F (/.3

(/.3 F (/./

S5./,, S5.500 S5.50( S5.502 S5.503 S5.503% T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.50+ N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.50/ T<T%P >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 ke4uali bergerak penerbangan* satelit Penelitian uang %ngkasa S5.505 T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.50+ N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.50/ T<T%P >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 ke4uali bergerak penerbangan* satelit Penelitian uang %ngkasa S5.505 S5.500 S5.50, T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.50+ >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 ke4uali bergerak penerbangan* satelit Na3igasi adio*Satelit

FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -(3.:5 * (/.5 5=C1

FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -(3.:5 * (/.5 5=C1

FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -(3.:5 * (/.5 5=C1

(/./ F (/./:

T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.50+ >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 ke4uali bergerak penerbangan* satelit Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.50+ >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 ke4uali bergerak penerbangan* satelit adio %stronomi S5.(/,

FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -(3.:5 * (/.5 5=C1

(/./: F (/.5

FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! -)p*.ink1 -(3.:5 * (/.5 5=C1


egion ( (/.5 F (/.0

5=C (/.5 * (:.: %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5(0 >< 5< %' Penelitian uang %ngkasa T<T%P >< 5< %' Penelitian uang %ngkasa S5.33, <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

egion 3

(/.0 F (5.35

(5.35 F (5./

(5./ F (5./3 (5./3 F (5.+3

S5.3/0 S5.5(( N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N

S5.5((9 S5.5((%

T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N

(5.+3 F (5.: (5.: F (+.+

S5.5((2 S5.5((9 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N %9&!.!'%S&


(+.+ F (:.(

S5.5(2 S5.5(3 %9&!.!'%S& Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa dalam1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1

(:.( F (:.2

S5.5(2 S5.5(3 %9&!.!'%S&

(:.2 F (:.3

S5.5(2 S5.5(3 %9&!.!'%S& <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 Penelitian uang %ngkasa -akti#1

(:.3 F (:.: T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke* angkasa1 S5.5(+ adiolokasi

S5.5(2 S5.5(3 S5.5(3% (:.3 F (:.: T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke* angkasa1 S5.5(+ S&% %N*S%T<.&T adiolokasi S5.5(/ S5.5(5 S5.5(:

(:.3 F (:.: T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke* angkasa1 S5.5(+ adiolokasi




5=C (/.5 * (:.: %lokasi untuk &ndonesia (/.5 F (/.0 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5(0 >< 5< %' Penelitian uang %ngkasa T<T%P >< 5< %' Penelitian uang %ngkasa S5.33, <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.3/0 S5.5(( N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.5((9 T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5((% N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N Penggunaan Frekuensi Tetap 9arat*S=F

(/.0 F (5.35

Tetap 9arat*S=F

(5.35 F (5./

(5./ F (5./3 (5./3 F (5.+3

(5.+3 F (5.: (5.: F (+.+

(+.+ F (:.(

(:.( F (:.2

(:.2 F (:.3

S5.5((2 S5.5((9 N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N< >%N5%N S5.5((9 %9&!.!'%S& T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.5(2 S5.5(3 %9&!.!'%S& T<T%P >< 5< %' Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa dalam1 ->umi*ke* angkasa1 S5.5(2 S5.5(3 %9&!.!'%S& T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.5(2 S5.5(3 %9&!.!'%S& <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 T<T%P >< 5< %' Penelitian uang %ngkasa -akti#1 S5.5(2 S5.5(3 S5.5(3% T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5(+ adiolokasi

Tetap 9arat*S=F

Tetap 9arat*S=F

Tetap 9arat*S=F

Tetap 9arat*S=F

(:.3 F (:.:



egion ( (:.: F (0.( T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke* >umi1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5(+ >< 5< %'

5=C (:.: * 20.2 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 (:.: F (:.0 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke* >umi1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5(+ S&% %N*S%T<.&T >ergerak S5.5(0

egion 3 (:.: F (0.( T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke* >umi1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5(+ >< 5< %'

(0.( F (0./

S5.5(5 S5.5(: (:.0 F (0.( T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke* >umi1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5(+ >< 5< %' T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.520 >< 5< %' S5.5(, S5.52( T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' (0.+ F (0.0 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.523 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.522 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' (0.+ F (0.0 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke* >umi1 S5.523 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -pasi#1 Penelitian uang %ngkasa -pasi#1

(0./ F (0.+

(0.+ F (0.0 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke* >umi1 S5.523 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -pasi#1 Penelitian uang %ngkasa -pasi#1

S5.522 (0.0 F (,.3

S5.522 S5.523%

(,.3 F (,.:

T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S.523> S5.5232 S5.5239 S5.523< >< 5< %'

(,.: F 20.( T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke* >umi1 >ergerak*Satelit -angkasa*ke* >umi1 S5.52/ 20.( F 20.2

(,.: F 20.( (,.: F 20.( T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke* T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke* >umi1 >umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa* >ergerak*Satelit -angkasa*ke* ke*>umi1 >umi1 S5.52/ S5.525 S5.52+ S5.52: S5.520 S5.52, S5.52/ T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1

S5.52/ S5.525 S5.52+ S5.52: S5.520


5=C (:.: * 20.2 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia (:.: F (0.( T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5(+ >< 5< %' Penggunaan Frekuensi Tetap 9arat*S=F

(0.( F (0./

(0./ F (0.+

T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke* >umi1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.520 >< 5< %' S5.5(, S5.52( T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.523 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -pasi#1 Penelitian uang %ngkasa -pasi#1

Tetap 9arat*S=F

Tetap 9arat*S=F

(0.+ F (0.0

Tetap 9arat*S=F

(0.0 F (,.3

(,.3 F (,.:

S5.522 T<T%P FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * 5S! T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 -9own*.ink1 -(0., * (,.3 5=C1 S5.523 Tetap 9arat*S=F >< 5< %' T<T%P Tetap 9arat*S=F T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S.523> S5.5232 S5.5239 S5.523< >< 5< %' T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke* >umi1 >ergerak*Satelit -angkasa*ke* >umi1

(,.: F 20.(

20.( F 20.2

S5.52/ T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke* >umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa* ke*>umi1 S5.52/ S5.525 S5.52+ S5.52: S5.520


egion ( 20.2 F 2(.2

5=C 20.2 * 2/.+5 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 egion 3 T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 Frekuensi dan Sin7al ?aktu Standar*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1

2(.2 F 2(./

S5.52/ <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P >< 5< %' P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

2(./ F 22 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N*S%T<.&T S5.530 22 F 22.2(

2(./ F 22 T<T%P >< 5< %'

2(./ F 22 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N*S%T<.&T

S5.530 S5.53( T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.(/, <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

22.2( F 22.5

22.5 F 22.55 22.55 F 23.55

23.55 F 23.+ 23.+ F 2/

S5.(/, S5.532 T<T%P >< 5< %' T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.(/, T<T%P >< 5< %' <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

2/ F 2/.05

2/.05 F 2/.25

S5.3/0 %M%T& %M%T& *S%T<.&T S5.(50 %9&!.!'%S& %matir <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -akti#1 S5.(50 2/.25 F 2/./5 N%A&5%S& %9&!

2/.25 F 2/./5 T<T%P

2/./5 F 2/.+5 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T

2/./5 F 2/.+5 %NT% *S%T<.&T N%A&5%S& %9&!


2/.25 F 2/./5 N%A&5%S& %9&! T<T%P >< 5< %' 2/./5 F 2/.+5 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.533


5=C 20.2 * 2/.+5 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 20.2 F 2(.2 T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke* >umi1 Frekuensi dan Tanda ?aktu Standar* Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.52/ <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P >< 5< %' P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N*S%T<.&T Penggunaan Frekuensi

2(.2 F 2(./

Tetap 9arat*S=F

2(./ F 22

Tetap 9arat*S=F

22 F 22.2(

22.2( F 22.5

S5.530 S5.53( T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.(/, <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.(/, S5.532 T<T%P >< 5< %' T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.(/, T<T%P >< 5< %' <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.3/0 %M%T& %M%T& *S%T<.&T S5.(50 %9&!.!'%S& %matir <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -akti#1 S5.(50 N%A&5%S& %9&! T<T%P >< 5< %' T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.533

Tetap 9arat*S=F

Tetap 9arat*S=F

22.5 F 22.55 22.55 F 23.55

Tetap 9arat*S=F Tetap 9arat*S=F

23.55 F 23.+ 23.+ F 2/

Tetap 9arat*S=F

2/ F 2/.05


2/.05 F 2/.25

%matir*S=F -Sekunder1

2/.25 F 2/./5

2/./5 F 2/.+5


egion ( 2/.+5 F 2/.:5 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T

5=C 2/.+5 * 2,., %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 2/.+5 F 2/.:5 %NT% *S%T<.&T %9&!.!'%S&*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 2/.:5 F 25.25 T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke* angkasa1 S5.535

2/.:5 F 25.25 T<T%P

egion 3 2/.+5 F 2/.:5 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.533 S5.53/ 2/.:5 F 25.25 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke* angkasa1 S5.535 >< 5< %' S5.53/

25.25 F 25.5

T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.53+ >< 5< %' Frekuensi dan Sin7al ?aktu Standar*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1

25.5 F 2:

<'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.53+% S5.53+> T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.53+ >< 5< %' Frekuensi dan Sin7al ?aktu Standar*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1

2: F 2:.5 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.53+ >< 5< %'

2: F 2:.5 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.53+ S5.53: >< 5< %' T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.53, >< 5< %' S5.530 S5.5/0 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.523% S5.53, >< 5< %' <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5/(

2:.5 F 20.5

20.5 F 2,.(

2,.( F 2,.5

S5.5/0 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5232 S5.523< S5.535% S5.53, S5.5/(% >< 5< %' <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5/(

2,.5 F 2,., T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.53, <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5/( >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke* angkasa1 S5.5/0 S5.5/2

S5.5/0 2,.5 F 2,., T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.53, >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5/( S5.525 S5.52+ S5.52: S5.52, S5.5/0 S5.5/2

2,.5 F 2,., T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.53, <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5/( >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke* angkasa1 S5.5/0 S5.5/2



5=C 2/.+5 * 2,., %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 2/.+5 F 2/.:5 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.533 S5.53/ T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.535 >< 5< %' S5.53/ T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.53+ >< 5< %' Frekuensi dan Tanda ?aktu Standar* Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.53+% S5.53+> T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.53+ >< 5< %' Frekuensi dan Tanda ?aktu Standar* Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.53+ S5.53: >< 5< %' Penggunaan Frekuensi

2/.:5 F 25.25

25.25 F 25.5

25.5 F 2:

2: F 2:.5

2:.5 F 20.5

20.5 F 2,.(

T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.53, >< 5< %' S5.530 S5.5/0 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.523% S5.53, >< 5< %' <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5/( S5.5/0 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5232 S5.523< S5.535% S5.53, S5.5/(% >< 5< %' <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5/( S5.5/0 T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.53, <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5/( >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke* angkasa1

FiMed*Satelit Ser3i4e -FSS1 * N*5S! -)p*.ink1 -20.: * 2,.( 5=C1

2,.( F 2,.5

2,.5 F 2,.,

S5.5/0 S5.5/2


egion ( 2,., F 30

5=C 2,., * 3/.2 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.53, >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5/(

egion 3

30 F 3(

S5.525 S5.52+ S5.52: S5.530 S5.5/0 S5.5/2 S5.5/3 T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 Frekuensi dan Sin7al ?aktu Standar*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1

3( F 3(.3

S5.5/2 T<T%P >< 5< %' Frekuensi dan Sin7al ?aktu Standar*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 Penelitian uang %ngkasa S5.5//

3(.3 F 3(.5

S5.(/, S5.5/5 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

3(.5 F 3(.0 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 Tetap >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.(/, S5.5/+ 3(.0 F 32

S5.3/0 3(.5 F 3(.0 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

S5.3/0 N%A&5%S& %9&! T<T%P S5.5/:% P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa dalam1 -angkasa*ke*>umi1

3(.5 F 3(.0 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 Tetap >ergerak ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.(/,

32 F 32.3

S5.5/0 S5.5/: S5.5/:> %NT% *S%T<.&T T<T%P S5.5/:% N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa dalam1 -angkasa*ke*>umi1

32.3 F 33

33 F 33./

33./ F 3/.2

S5.5/0 S5.5/: S5.5/:2 %NT% *S%T<.&T T<T%P S5.5/:% N%A&5%S& %9&! S5.5/0 S5.5/: S5.5/:9 N%A&5%S& %9&! T<T%P S5.5/:% S5.5/: S5.5/:< %9&!.!'%S&



2,., F 30

3/.2 F 3/.:

30 F 3( 3/.: F 35.2

5=C 2,., * 3/.2 5=C Penggunaan Frekuensi %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 3/.2 * /0 %lokasi untuk 9inas T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 egion ( egion 2 egion 3 S5.53, %9&!.!'%S& >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke* P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa dalam1 -angkasa*ke*>umi1 angkasa1 <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.5/( S5.525 S5.52+ S5.52: S5.530 S5.5/0 S5.5/2 S5.5/3 T<T%P*S%T<.&T S5.5/, ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke* %9&!.!'%S& angkasa1 Penelitian uang %ngkasa S5.550 Frekuensi dan Tanda ?aktu Standar* Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1

35.2 F 35.5
3( F 3(.3

35.2 F 3+

3(.3 F 3(.5

S5.5/2 T<T%P >< 5< %' Frekuensi dan Tanda ?aktu Standar* S5.5/, Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 Penelitian uang %ngkasa S5.5// >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& %9&!.!'%S& S5.(/, S5.5/5 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -akti#1 <'SP.! %S& >)M& S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.3/0 S5.5/, S5.55(% >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 <'SP.! <'SP.! %S& >)M&%S& S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %9&! %ST !N!M& >< 5< %' %N5'%S% P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 -pasi#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 Tetap >ergerak ke4uali S5.(/, bergerak penerbangan T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.(/, P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 N%A&5%S& %9&! T<T%P S5.5/:% T<T%P P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 -angkasa -angkasa*ke* >< dalam1 5< %' >umi1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.5/0 S5.5/: S5.5/:> <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 %NT% *S%T<.&T T<T%P S5.5/:% N%A&5%S& %9&! P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% T<T%P -angkasa dalam1 -angkasa*ke* T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >umi1 >< 5< %' S5.5/0 S5.5/: S5.5/:2 <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 %NT% *S%T<.&T T<T%P S5.5/:% N%A&5%S& %9&! T<T%P S5.5/0 S5.5/: S5.5/:9 T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 N%A&5%S& %9&! >< 5< %' T<T%P S5.5/:% >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.5/: S5.5/:< <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1 %9&!.!'%S& T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.5/,

S5.5/, >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& %9&!.!'%S&

3+ F F 3: 3(.5 3(.0

3: F 3:.5

3(.0 F 32 3:.5 F 30

32 F 32.3

30 F 3,.5

32.3 F 33

3,.5 F /0
33 F 33./

33./ F 3/.2


5=C 3/.2 * /0 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 3/.2 F 3/.: %9&!.!'%S& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa dalam1 -angkasa*ke* >umi1 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.5/, %9&!.!'%S& Penelitian uang %ngkasa S5.550 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.5/, >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& %9&!.!'%S& T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.5/, <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 >%NT)%N M<T<! !.!5& %9&!.!'%S& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -akti#1 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.5/, S5.55(% <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P >< 5< %' P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.(/, T<T%P >< 5< %' P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -angkasa*ke*>umi1 <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -angkasa* ke*>umi1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -angkasa* ke*>umi1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa* ke*>umi1 <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -angkasa* ke*>umi1 Penggunaan Frekuensi

3/.: F 35.2

35.2 F 35.5

35.2 F 3+

3+ F 3:

3: F 3:.5

3:.5 F 30

30 F 3,.5

3,.5 F /0


egion ( /0 F /0.5

5=C /0 * 55.:0 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 egion 3 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% ->umi*ke*angkasa1 <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -angkasa*ke*>umi1

/0.5 F /2.5 S&% %N S&% %N*S%T<.&T T<T%P >ergerak

/0.5 F /2.5 S&% %N S&% %N*S%T<.&T T<T%P >ergerak T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke* >umi1 S5.55(>

/0.5 F /2.5 S&% %N S&% %N*S%T<.&T T<T%P >ergerak T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke* >umi1 S5.55(> S5.55(<

S5.55(> S5.55(9 /2.5 F /3.5

S5.55(2 S5.55(2 S5.55(F T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.552 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan %9&! %ST !N!M&

/3.5 F /:

/: F /:.2 /:.2 F 50.2

S5.(/, >< 5< %' S5.553 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T N%A&5%S& %9&! N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T S5.55/ %M%T& %M%T& *S%T<.&T T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.552 >< 5< %' S5.(/, S5.3/0 S5.552% S5.555 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

50.2 F 50./

50./ F 5(./

S5.3/0 S5.555% T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke*angkasa1

5(./ F 52.+

52.+ F 5/.25

T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.55+ S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

5/.25 F 55.:0

S5.3/0 S5.55+ <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55+% P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1



5=C /0 * 55.:0 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia /0 F /0.5 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa* ke*>umi1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% ->umi*ke*angkasa1 <ksplorasi >umi*Satelit -angkasa* ke*>umi1 S&% %N S&% %N*S%T<.&T T<T%P >ergerak T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.55(> S5.55(< Penggunaan Frekuensi

/0.5 F /2.5

/2.5 F /3.5

/3.5 F /:

/: F /:.2 /:.2 F 50.2

50.2 F 50./

50./ F 5(./

S5.55(2 S5.55(F T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.552 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan %9&! %ST !N!M& S5.(/, >< 5< %' S5.553 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T N%A&5%S& %9&! N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T S5.55/ %M%T& %M%T& *S%T<.&T T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.552 >< 5< %' S5.(/, S5.3/0 S5.552% S5.555 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.3/0 S5.555% T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' >ergerak*Satelit ->umi*ke* angkasa1 T<T%P >< 5< %' S5.55+ S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.3/0 S5.55+ <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55+% P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.55:%

%matir -<=F1

5(./ F 52.+

52.+ F 5/.25

5/.25 F 55.:0


egion ( 55.:0 F 5+.,

5=C 55.:0 * :( %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55+% >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

egion 3

5+., F 5:

S5.55: S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55+> >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

5: F 50.2

S5.55: S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55+% >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

50.2 F 5,

S5.55: S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

5, F 5,.3

S5.3/0 S5.55+ S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55+% >< 5< %' S5.550 %9&!.!'%S& S5.55,

5,.3 F +/

+/ F +5

S5.(30 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 %9&!.!'%S& S5.55, S5.(30 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T -pasi#1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.55+ S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% %NT% *S%T<.&T T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.5/: >< 5< %' S5.553 S5.550 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T N%A&5%S& %9&! N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55/

+5 F ++

++ F :(


5=C 55.:0 * :( %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 55.:0 F 5+., <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55+% >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.55: S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55+> >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.55: S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55+% >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.55: S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.3/0 S5.55+ S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55+% >< 5< %' S5.550 %9&!.!'%S& S5.55, S5.(30 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 %9&!.!'%S& S5.55, S5.(30 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T -pasi#1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.55+ S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% %NT% *S%T<.&T T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.5/: >< 5< %' S5.553 S5.550 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T N%A&5%S& %9&! N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55/ Penggunaan Frekuensi

5+., F 5:

5: F 50.2

50.2 F 5,

5, F 5,.3

5,.3 F +/

+/ F +5

+5 F ++

++ F :(


egion ( 55.:0 F 5+.,

5=C 55.:0 * :( %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55+% >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

egion 3

5+., F 5:

S5.55: S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55+> >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

5: F 50.2

S5.55: S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55+% >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

50.2 F 5,

S5.55: S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

5, F 5,.3

S5.3/0 S5.55+ S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55+% >< 5< %' S5.550 %9&!.!'%S& S5.55,

5,.3 F +/

+/ F +5

S5.(30 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 %9&!.!'%S& S5.55, S5.(30 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T -pasi#1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.55+ S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% %NT% *S%T<.&T T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.5/: >< 5< %' S5.553 S5.550 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T N%A&5%S& %9&! N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55/

+5 F ++

++ F :(


5=C 55.:0 * :( %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 55.:0 F 5+., <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55+% >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.55: S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55+> >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.55: S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55+% >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.55: S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.3/0 S5.55+ S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55+% >< 5< %' S5.550 %9&!.!'%S& S5.55, S5.(30 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 %9&!.!'%S& S5.55, S5.(30 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T -pasi#1 >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.55+ S5.5/: <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% %NT% *S%T<.&T T<T%P >< 5< %' ke4uali bergerak penerbangan S5.5/: >< 5< %' S5.553 S5.550 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T N%A&5%S& %9&! N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T %NT% *S%T<.&T S5.55/ Penggunaan Frekuensi

5+., F 5:

5: F 50.2

50.2 F 5,

5, F 5,.3

5,.3 F +/

+/ F +5

+5 F ++

++ F :(


egion ( :( F :/

5=C :( * (00 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1

egion 3

:/ F :5.5

S5.(/, S5.55+ T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa*ke*>umi1

:5.5 F :+

%M%T& %M%T& *S%T<.&T Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa*ke*>umi1 %9&!.!'%S& %matir %matir*Satelit Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.5+0 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa*ke*>umi1

:+ F 0(

0( F 0/

0/ F 0+

0+ F ,2

T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N S&% %N*S%T<.&T S5.5+( <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.3/0 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& S5.(/, S5.55+ %9&!.!'%S& <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -akti#1 S5.5+2 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& S5.(/, S5.55+ >< 5< %' S5.553 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T N%A&5%S& %9&! N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T adiolokasi S5.(/, S5.55/ S5.555

,2 F ,/

,/ F ,/.(

,/.( F ,5

,5 F (00


5=C :( * (00 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia :( F :/ T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 S5.(/, S5.55+ T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa*ke*>umi1 %M%T& %M%T& *S%T<.&T Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa*ke*>umi1 %9&!.!'%S& %matir %matir*Satelit Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa*ke*>umi1 S5.5+0 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 Penelitian uang %ngkasa -angkasa*ke*>umi1 T<T%P >< 5< %' S&% %N S&% %N*S%T<.&T S5.5+( <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.3/0 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& S5.(/, S5.55+ %9&!.!'%S& <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -akti#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -akti#1 S5.5+2 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' %9&!.!'%S& S5.(/, S5.55+ >< 5< %' S5.553 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T N%A&5%S& %9&! N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T adiolokasi S5.(/, S5.55/ S5.555 %matir -<=F1 Penggunaan Frekuensi

:/ F :5.5

:5.5 F :+

:+ F 0(

%matir -<=F1 -Sekunder1

0( F 0/

0/ F 0+

0+ F ,2

,2 F ,/

,/ F ,/.(

,/.( F ,5

,5 F (00


egion ( (00 F (02

5=C (00 * (50 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P >< 5< %' P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

egion 3

(02 F (05

S5.3/( T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' S5.3/( <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

(05 F ((+

((+ F ((,.,0

S5.3/0 S5.3/( <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

((,.,0 F (20.02

S5.(30 S5.3/( <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 %matir

(20.02 F (2+

S5.(30 S5.3/( <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

(2+ F (3/

(3/ F (/2

(/2 F (// (// F (/,

(/, F (50

S5.(30 S5.3/( T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 %9&!.!'%S& S5.55, >< 5< %' S5.553 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T N%A&5%S& %9&! N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T adiolokasi S5.(/, S5.3/0 S5.55/ S5.555 %M%T& %M%T& *S%T<.&T %9&!.!'%S& %matir %matir*Satelit S5.(/, S5.555 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'


5=C (00 * (50 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia (00 F (02 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P >< 5< %' P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.3/( T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' S5.3/( <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.3/0 S5.3/( <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.(30 S5.3/( <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 %matir S5.(30 S5.3/( <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.(30 S5.3/( T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 %9&!.!'%S& S5.55, >< 5< %' S5.553 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T N%A&5%S& %9&! N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T adiolokasi S5.(/, S5.3/0 S5.55/ S5.555 %M%T& %M%T& *S%T<.&T %9&!.!'%S& %matir %matir*Satelit S5.(/, S5.555 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' Penggunaan Frekuensi

(02 F (05

(05 F ((+

((+ F ((,.,0

((,.,0 F (20.02

(20.02 F (2+

(2+ F (3/

(3/ F (/2

(/2 F (// (// F (/,

%matir -<=F1 %matir -<=F1 -Sekunder1

(/, F (50


egion ( (50 F (5(

5=C (50 * 200 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

egion 3

(5( F (5+

S5.(/, S5.305 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'

(5+ F (50

(50 F (+/

T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

(+/ F (+0

(+0 F (:0 (:0 F (:/.5

(:/.5 F (:+.5

T<T%P >< 5< %' T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 S5.(/, S5.305 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

(:+.5 F (02

(02 F (05

S5.(/, S5.305 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 S5.(/, S5.305 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

(05 F (,0

(,0 F 200

S5.3/0 S5.5+3 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 S5.(/, S5.305 >< 5< %' S5.553 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T N%A&5%S& %9&! N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T S5.3/( S5.55/


5=C (50 * 200 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia (50 F (5( <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 Penggunaan Frekuensi

(5( F (5+

(5+ F (50

S5.(/, S5.305 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %'

(50 F (+/

T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 T<T%P >< 5< %' T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 S5.(/, S5.305 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.(/, S5.305 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 S5.(/, S5.305 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.3/0 S5.5+3 T<T%P %NT% *S%T<.&T >< 5< %' S5.550 S5.(/, S5.305 >< 5< %' S5.553 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T N%A&5%S& %9&! N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T S5.3/( S5.55/

(+/ F (+0

(+0 F (:0 (:0 F (:/.5

(:/.5 F (:+.5

(:+.5 F (02

(02 F (05

(05 F (,0

(,0 F 200


egion ( 200 F 202

5=C 200 * /00 %lokasi untuk 9inas egion 2 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P >< 5< %' P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

egion 3

202 F 2(:

S5.3/( T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' S5.3/( <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

2(: F 23(

23( F 235

S5.3/0 S5.3/( T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' adiolokasi <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

235 F 230

230 F 2/(

T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' adiolokasi %9&!.!'%S& %matir %matir*Satelit S5.(30 %M%T& %M%T& *S%T<.&T <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1

2/( F 2/0

2/0 F 250 250 F 252

252 F 2+5

S5.(/, S5.555 >< 5< %' S5.553 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T N%A&5%S& %9&! N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T S5.(/, S5.305 S5.55/ S5.555 S5.5+/ T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' %9&! %ST !N!M& S5.(/, -tidak dialokasikan1 S5.5+5

2+5 F 2:5

2:5 F /00


5=C 200 * /00 %lokasi untuk &ndonesia 200 F 202 <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P >< 5< %' P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.3/( T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' S5.3/( <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 %9&! %ST !N!M& P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.3/0 S5.3/( T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' adiolokasi <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 Penggunaan Frekuensi

202 F 2(:

2(: F 23(

23( F 235

235 F 230

230 F 2/(

T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T -angkasa*ke*>umi1 >< 5< %' adiolokasi %9&!.!'%S& %matir %matir*Satelit S5.(30 %M%T& %M%T& *S%T<.&T <'SP.! %S& >)M&*S%T<.&T -pasi#1 P<N<.&T&%N )%N5 %N5'%S% -pasi#1 S5.(/, S5.555 >< 5< %' S5.553 >< 5< %'*S%T<.&T N%A&5%S& %9&! N%A&5%S& %9&!*S%T<.&T S5.(/, S5.305 S5.55/ S5.555 S5.5+/ T<T%P T<T%P*S%T<.&T ->umi*ke*angkasa1 >< 5< %' %9&! %ST !N!M& S5.(/, -tidak dialokasikan1 S5.5+5 %matir -<=F1 -Sekunder1

2/( F 2/0

2/0 F 250 250 F 252

%matir -<=F1

252 F 2+5

2+5 F 2:5

2:5 F /00



2atatan kaki 7ang terdapat pada tabel alokasi #rekuensi &ndonesia menga4u kepada Article S5, Fre uenc! Allocation, Radio Regulation edisi (,,0, Se4tion &A. Table o# Fre@uen47 %llo4ations" %rt. S5.53 s;d %rt S5.5+5" di dalam >ahasa &nggris

S)#$%4( I:" Ta0l) 4* F1);+)(#6 All4#a$%4(s 8S)) N4" S2.(9 S5"53 %dministrations authoriCing the use o# #re@uen4ies below , k=C shall ensure that no harm#ul inter#eren4e is 4aused thereb7 to the ser3i4es to whi4h the bands abo3e , k=C are allo4ated. %dministrations 4ondu4ting s4ienti#i4 resear4h using #re@uen4ies below , k=C are urged to ad3ise other administrations that ma7 be 4on4erned in order that su4h resear4h ma7 be a##orded all pra4ti4able prote4tion #rom harm#ul inter#eren4e. Additional allocation, in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >ulgaria" ussian Federation" 5eorgia" 'aCakstan" '7rg7Cstan" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band (/*(: k=C is also allo4ated to the radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 The stations o# ser3i4es to whi4h the bands (/*(,.,5 k=C and 20.05*:0 k=C and in egion ( also the bands :2*0/ k=C and 0+*,0 k=C are allo4ated ma7 transmit standard #re@uen47 and time signals. Su4h stations shall be a##orded prote4tion #rom harm#ul inter#eren4e. &n %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >ulgaria" 5eorgia" 'aCakstan" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" ussian Federation" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the #re@uen4ies 25 k=C and 50 k=C will be used #or this purpose under the same 4ondi* tions. -? 2*,:1 The use o# the bands (/ * (,.,5 k=C" 20.05 * :0 k=C and :0 * ,0 k=C -:2 * 0/ k=C and 0+ * ,0 k=C in egion (1 b7 the maritime mobile ser3i4e is limited to 4oast radiotelegraph stations -%(% and F(> onl71. <M4eptionall7" the use o# 4lass 62> or 6:> emissions is authoriCed sub8e4t to the ne4essar7 bandwidth not eM4eeding that normall7 used #or 4lass %(% or F(> emissions in the band 4on4erned. Additional allocation, in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >ulgaria" 5eorgia" 'aCakstan" '7rg7Cstan" ussian Federation" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band +:*:0 k=C is also allo4ated to the radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Different categor! of ser+ice, in >angladesh" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran and Pakistan" the allo4ation o# the bands :0 * :2 k=C and 0/ * 0+ k=C to the #iMed and maritime mobile ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. III-1







S5" 0

&n the bands :0 * ,0 k=C -:0 * 0+ k=C in egion (1 and ((0 * (30 k=C -((2 * (30 k=C in egion (1" pulsed radiona3igation s7stems ma7 be used on 4ondition that the7 do not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to other ser3i4es to whi4h these bands are allo4ated. &n egion 2" the establishment and operation o# stations in the maritime radiona3igation ser3i4e in the bands :0 * ,0 k=C and ((0 * (30 k=C shall be sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21 with administrations whose ser3i4es" operating in a44ordan4e with the Table" ma7 be a##e4ted. =owe3er" stations o# the #iMed" maritime mobile and radiolo4ation ser3i4es shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to stations in the maritime radiona3igation ser3i4e established under su4h agreements. %dministrations whi4h operate stations in the radiona3igation ser3i4e in the band ,0 * ((0 k=C are urged to 4oordinate te4hni4al and operating 4hara4teristi4s in su4h a wa7 as to a3oid harm#ul inter#eren4e to the ser3i4es pro3ided b7 these stations.
(SUP - 4R5-(&)

S5" 1

S5" 2

S5" 3 S5" 4

!nl7 4lasses %(% or F(>" %22" %32" F(2 or F32 emissions are authoriCed #or stations o# the #iMed ser3i4e in the bands allo4ated to this ser3i4e between ,0 k=C and (+0 k=C -(/0.5 k=C in egion (1 and #or stations o# the maritime mobile ser3i4e in the bands allo4ated to this ser3i4e between ((0 k=C and (+0 k=C -(/0.5 k=C in egion (1. <M4eptionall7" 4lass 62> or 6:> emissions are also authoriCed in the bands between ((0 k=C and (+0 k=C -(/0.5 k=C in egion (1 #or stations o# the maritime mobile ser3i4e. Different categor! of ser+ice, in >angladesh" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran and Pakistan" the allo4ation o# the bands ((2 * ((:.+ k=C and (2+ * (2, k=C to the #iMed and maritime mobile ser3i4es is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. Different categor! of ser+ice, in 5erman7" the allo4ation o# the band ((5 * ((:.+ k=C to the #iMed and maritime mobile ser3i4es is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331 and to the radiona3igation ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis -see No. S5"321. Additional allocation, in %Cerbai8an" >ulgaria" Mongolia" '7rg7Cstan" omania" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band (30*(/0.5 k=C is also allo4ated to the radiona3igation ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. ?ithin and between these 4ountries this ser3i4e shall ha3e an e@ual right to operate. -? 2*,:1 Alternati+e allocation, in %ngola" >otswana" >urundi" the 2ongo" Malawi" wanda" South %#ri4a and Oaire" the band (+0 * 200 k=C is allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in Somalia" the band 200 * 255 k=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Alternati+e allocation, in %ngola" >otswana" >urundi" 2ameroon" the 2entral %#ri4an epubli4" the 2ongo" <thiopia" 'en7a" .esotho"

S5" 5


S5" !

S5" .

S5" / S5"!0


Madagas4ar" Malawi" MoCambi@ue" Namibia" Nigeria" !man" wanda" South %#ri4a" SwaCiland" TanCania" 2had" Oaire" Oambia and Oimbabwe" the band 200 * 203.5 k=C is allo4ated to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. S5"!1 S5"!2 Alternati+e allocation, in Tunisia" the band 255 * 203.5 k=C is allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Norwegian stations o# the #iMed ser3i4e situated in northern areas -north o# +0K N1 sub8e4t to auroral disturban4es are allowed to 4ontinue operation on #our #re@uen4ies in the bands 203.5 * /,0 k=C and 5(0 * 52+.5 k=C. The band 205*325 k=C -203.5*325 k=C in egion (1 in the maritime radiona3igation ser3i4e ma7 be used to transmit supplementar7 na3igational in#ormation using narrow*band te4hni@ues" on 4ondition that no harm#ul inter#eren4e is 4aused to radiobea4on stations operating in the radiona3igation ser3i4e. -? 2*,:1 Additional Allocation, in egion (" the #re@uen47 band 205.3 * 205.: k=C is also allo4ated to the maritime radiona3igation ser3i4e -other than radiobea4ons1 on a primar7 basis. Different categor! of ser+ice, in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" 5eorgia" 'aCakstan" Moldo3a" '7rg7Cstan" ussia" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan" )kraine and the >la4k Sea areas o# >ulgaria and omania" the allo4ation o# the band 3(5 * 325 k=C to the maritime radiona3igation ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis under the 4ondition that in the >alti4 Sea area" the assignment o# #re@uen4ies in this band to new stations in the maritime or aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4es shall be sub8e4t to prior 4onsultation between the administrations 4on4erned. The #re@uen47 /(0 k=C is designated #or radio dire4tion*#inding in the maritime radiona3igation ser3i4e. The other radiona3igation ser3i4es to whi4h the band /05 * /(5 k=C is allo4ated shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to radio dire4tion*#inding in the band /0+.5 * /(3.5 k=C. Different categor! of ser+ice, in %ustralia" 2hina" the Fren4h !3erseas Territories o# egion 3" &ndia" &ndonesia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" 6apan" Pakistan" Papua New 5uinea and Sri .anka" the allo4ation o# the band /(5 * /,5 k=C to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis. %dministrations in these 4ountries shall take all pra4ti4al steps ne4essar7 to ensure that aeronauti4al radiona3igation stations in the band /35 * /,5 k=C do not 4ause inter#eren4e to re4eption b7 4oast stations o# ship stations transmitting on #re@uen4ies designated #or ship stations on a worldwide basis -see No. S52"3/1. Different categor! of ser+ice, in 2uba" the )nited States o# %meri4a and MeMi4o" the allo4ation o# the band /(5 * /35 k=C to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis.









The use o# the bands /(5 * /,5 k=C and 505 * 52+.5 k=C -505 * 5(0 k=C in egion 21 b7 the maritime mobile ser3i4e is limited to radiotelegraph7. ?hen establishing 4oast stations in the N%AT<P ser3i4e on the #re@uen4ies /,0 k=C" 5(0 k=C and / 20,.5 k=C" administrations are strongl7 re4ommended to 4oordinate the operating 4hara4teristi4s in a44ordan4e with the pro4edures o# the &nternational Maritime !rganiCation -&M!1 -see esolution 33/ 8R)<"5RC=/!91. -? 2*,:1 &n egion 2" the use o# the band /35 * /,5 k=C b7 the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e is limited to non*dire4tional bea4ons not emplo7ing 3oi4e transmission. The bands /,0*/,5 k=C and 505*5(0 k=C shall be sub8e4t to the pro3isions o# %ppendiM S13, Q (5 (1" Part %2. -? 2*,:1 &n the maritime mobile ser3i4e" the #re@uen47 /,0 k=C is" #rom the date o# #ull implementation o# the 5M9SS -see esolution 331 8R)<"5RC=/!91" to be used eM4lusi3el7 #or the transmission b7 4oast stations o# na3igational and meteorologi4al warnings and urgent in#ormation to ships" b7 means o# narrow*band dire4t*printing telegraph7. The 4onditions #or use o# the #re@uen47 /,0 k=C are pres4ribed in %rti4les S31 and S52. &n using the band /(5*/,5 k=C #or the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e" administrations are re@uested to ensure that no harm#ul inter#eren4e is 4aused to the #re@uen47 /,0 k=C. -? 2*,:1 The #re@uen47 500 k=C is an international distress and 4alling #re@uen47 #or Morse radiotelegraph7. The 4onditions #or its use are pres4ribed in %rti4les S31 and S52, and in %ppendiM S13. The 4onditions #or the use o# the #re@uen47 5(0 k=C b7 the maritime mobile ser3i4e are pres4ribed in %rti4les S31 and S52 and in %ppendiM S13. -? 2*,:1 Not used &n egion 2" in the band 525 * 535 k=C the 4arrier power o# broad4asting stations shall not eM4eed ( k? during the da7 and 250 ? at night. Additional allocation, in %ngola" >otswana" .esotho" Malawi" MoCambi@ue" Namibia" South %#ri4a" SwaCiland" Oambia and Oimbabwe" the band 52+.5 * 535 k=C is also allo4ated to the mobile ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. Additional allocation, in )Cbekistan" the band 52+.5*( +0+.5 k=C is also allo4ated to the radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Su4h use is sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21 with administrations 4on4erned and limited to ground*based radiobea4ons in operation on 2: !4tober (,,: until the end o# their li#etime. -? 2*,:1



S5".1 S5".2



S5".5 S5".





Additional allocation, in 2hina" the band 52+.5 * 535 k=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. &n egion 2" the use o# the band ( +05 * ( :05 k=C b7 stations o# the broad4asting ser3i4e is sub8e4t to the Plan established b7 the egional %dministrati3e adio 2on#eren4e - io de 6aneiro" (,001. The eMamination o# #re@uen47 assignments to stations o# the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es in the band ( +25 * ( :05 k=C shall take a44ount o# the allotments appearing in the Plan established b7 the egional %dministrati3e adio 2on#eren4e - io de 6aneiro" (,001.



&n the band ( +05 * ( :05 k=C" in 4ases where a broad4asting station o# egion 2 is 4on4erned" the ser3i4e area o# the maritime mobile stations in egion ( shall be limited to that pro3ided b7 ground* wa3e propagation. Additional allocation, in the Philippines and Sri .anka" the band ( +0+.5*( :05 k=C is also allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Some 4ountries o# egion ( use radiodetermination s7stems in the bands ( +0+.5 * ( +25 k=C" ( +35 * ( 000 k=C" ( 050 * 2 (+0 k=C" 2 (,/ * 2 300 k=C" 2 502 * 2 050 k=C and 3 500 * 3 000 k=C" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. The radiated mean power o# these stations shall not eM4eed 50 ?. Additional allocation, in %ngola" %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >ulgaria" 5eorgia" =ungar7" 'aCakstan" .at3ia" .ithuania" Moldo3a" Mongolia" Nigeria" )Cbekistan" Poland" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" ussia" Ta8ikistan" 2had" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the bands ( +25 * ( +35 k=C" ( 000 * ( 0(0 k=C and 2 (+0 * 2 (:0 k=C are also allo4ated to the #iMed and land mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. Not used &n 5erman7" %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" 9enmark" <stonia" Finland" 5eorgia" =ungar7" &reland" &srael" 6ordan" 'aCakstan" .at3ia" .ithuania" Malta" Moldo3a" Norwa7" )Cbekistan" Poland" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" the )nited 'ingdom" ussia" Sweden" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" administrations ma7 allo4ate up to 200 k=C to their amateur ser3i4e in the bands ( :(5 * ( 000 k=C and ( 050 * 2 000 k=C. =owe3er" when allo4ating the bands within this range to their amateur ser3i4e" administrations shall" a#ter prior 4onsultation with administrations o# neighbouring 4ountries" take su4h steps as ma7 be ne4essar7 to pre3ent harm#ul inter#eren4e #rom their amateur ser3i4e to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es o# other 4ountries. The mean power o# an7 amateur station shall not eM4eed (0 ?. &n egion 3" the .oran s7stem operates either on ( 050 k=C or ( ,50 k=C" the bands o44upied being ( 025 * ( 0:5 k=C and ( ,25 * III-$




S5"/4 a(' S5"/5 S5"/


( ,:5 k=C respe4ti3el7. !ther ser3i4es to whi4h the band ( 000 * 2 000 k=C is allo4ated ma7 use an7 #re@uen47 therein on 4ondition that no harm#ul inter#eren4e is 4aused to the .oran s7stem operating on ( 050 k=C or ( ,50 k=C. S5"/. Alternati+e allocation, in %ngola" %rmenia" %ustria" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >elgium" >ulgaria" 2ameroon" the 2ongo" 9enmark" <g7pt" <ritrea" Spain" <thiopia" 5eorgia" 5ree4e" &tal7" 'aCakstan" .ebanon" .ithuania" Moldo3a" the Netherlands" S7ria" '7rg7Cstan" ussian Federation" Somalia" Ta8ikistan" Tunisia" Turkmenistan" Turke7 and )kraine" the band ( 0(0*( 030 k=C is allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in Saudi %rabia" >osnia and =erCego3ina" &ra@" .ib7a" )Cbekistan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" omania" Slo3enia" 2had" Togo and Dugosla3ia" the band ( 0(0*( 030 k=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 &n egion (" the authoriCation to use the band ( 0(0 * ( 030 k=C b7 the amateur ser3i4e in 4ountries situated totall7 or partiall7 north o# /0K N shall be gi3en onl7 a#ter 4onsultation with the 4ountries mentioned in Nos. S5"/. and S5"// to de#ine the ne4essar7 steps to be taken to pre3ent harm#ul inter#eren4e between amateur stations and stations o# other ser3i4es operating in a44ordan4e with Nos. S5"/. and S5"//. Alternati+e allocation, in >urundi and .esotho" the band ( 0(0 * ( 050 k=C is allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. Alternati+e allocation, in %rgentina" >oli3ia" 2hile" MeMi4o" Paragua7" Peru" )rugua7 and AeneCuela" the band ( 050 * 2 000 k=C is allo4ated to the #iMed" mobile eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" radiolo4ation and radiona3igation ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. &n egion (" in making assignments to stations in the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es in the bands ( 050 * 2 0/5 k=C" 2 (,/ * 2 /,0 k=C" 2 502 * 2 +25 k=C and 2 +50 * 2 050 k=C" administrations should bear in mind the spe4ial re@uirements o# the maritime mobile ser3i4e. &n egion (" the use o# the band 2 025 * 2 0/5 k=C b7 the meteorologi4al aids ser3i4e is limited to o4eanographi4 buo7 stations. &n egion 2" eM4ept in 5reenland" 4oast stations and ship stations using radiotelephon7 in the band 2 0+5 * 2 (0: k=C shall be limited to 4lass 63< emissions and to a peak en3elope power not eM4eeding ( k?. Pre#erabl7" the #ollowing 4arrier #re@uen4ies should be used: 2 0+5.0 k=C" 2 0:,.0 k=C" 2 002.5 k=C" 2 00+.0 k=C" 2 0,3.0 k=C" 2 0,+.5 k=C" 2 (00.0 k=C and 2 (03.5 k=C. &n %rgentina and )rugua7" the 4arrier #re@uen4ies 2 0+0.5 k=C and 2 0:5.5 k=C are also used #or this purpose" while the #re@uen4ies within the band 2 0:2 * 2 0:5.5 k=C are used as pro3ided in No. S52"1 5.






S5"104 S5"105



&n egions 2 and 3" pro3ided no harm#ul inter#eren4e is 4aused to the maritime mobile ser3i4e" the #re@uen4ies between 2 0+5 k=C and 2 (0: k=C ma7 be used b7 stations o# the #iMed ser3i4e 4ommuni4ating onl7 within national borders and whose mean power does not eM4eed 50 ?. &n noti#7ing the #re@uen4ies" the attention o# the >ureau should be drawn to these pro3isions. Additional allocation, in Saudi %rabia" >otswana" <ritrea" <thiopia" &ra@" .esotho" .ib7a" Somalia" SwaCiland and Oambia" the band 2 (+0*2 (:0 k=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile - 1" ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. The mean power o# stations in these ser3i4es shall not eM4eed 50 ?. -? 2*,:1 The 4arrier #re@uen47 2 (02 k=C is an international distress and 4alling #re@uen47 #or radiotelephon7. The 4onditions #or the use o# the band 2 (:3.5 * 2 (,0.5 k=C are pres4ribed in %rti4les S31 and S52 and in %ppendiM S13. The #re@uen4ies 2 (0:.5 k=C" / 20:.5 k=C" + 3(2 k=C" 0 /(/.5 k=C" (2 5:: k=C and (+ 00/.5 k=C are international distress #re@uen4ies #or digital sele4ti3e 4alling. The 4onditions #or the use o# these #re@uen4ies are pres4ribed in %rti4le S31. The #re@uen4ies 2 (:/.5 k=C" / (::.5 k=C" + 2+0 k=C" 0 3:+.5 k=C" (2 520 k=C and (+ +,5 k=C are international distress #re@uen4ies #or narrow*band dire4t*printing telegraph7. The 4onditions #or the use o# these #re@uen4ies are pres4ribed in %rti4le S31. The 4arrier #re@uen4ies 2 (02 k=C" 3 023 k=C" 5 +00 k=C" 0 3+/ k=C and the #re@uen4ies (2(.5 M=C" (5+.0 M=C and 2/3 M=C ma7 also be used" in a44ordan4e with the pro4edures in #or4e #or terrestrial radio4ommuni4ation ser3i4es" #or sear4h and res4ue operations 4on4erning manned spa4e 3ehi4les. The 4onditions #or the use o# the #re@uen4ies are pres4ribed in %rti4le S31 and in %ppendiM S13. The same applies to the #re@uen4ies (0 003 k=C" (/ ,,3 k=C and (, ,,3 k=C" but in ea4h o# these 4ases emissions must be 4on#ined in a band o# L 3 k=C about the #re@uen47.







Alternati+e allocation, in >osnia and =erCego3ina" 27prus" 9enmark" Fran4e" 5ree4e" &4eland" &tal7" Malta" Norwa7" Sri .anka" Turke7 and Dugosla3ia" the band 2 (,/*2 300 k=C is allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 For the 4onditions #or the use o# the bands 2 300 * 2 /,5 k=C -2 /,0 k=C in egion (1" 3 200 * 3 /00 k=C" / :50 * / ,,5 k=C and 5 005 * 5 0+0 k=C b7 the broad4asting ser3i4e" see Nos. S5"1 to S5"20" S5"21 and S23"3 to S23"10. Alternati+e allocation, in >osnia and =erCego3ina" 27prus" 9enmark" Fran4e" 5ree4e" &ra@" &tal7" Malta" Norwa7" Turke7 and Dugosla3ia" the band 2 502*2 +25 k=C is allo4ated to the #iMed and




mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al basis. -? 2*,:1 S5"115





The 4arrier -re#eren4e1 #re@uen4ies 3 023 k=C and 5 +00 k=C ma7 also be used" in a44ordan4e with %rti4le S31 and %ppendiM S13 b7 stations o# the maritime mobile ser3i4e engaged in 4oordinated sear4h and res4ue operations. %dministrations are urged to authoriCe the use o# the band 3 (55 * 3 (,5 k=C to pro3ide a 4ommon worldwide 4hannel #or low power wireless hearing aids. %dditional 4hannels #or these de3i4es ma7 be assigned b7 administrations in the bands between 3 (55 k=C and 3 /00 k=C to suit lo4al needs. &t should be noted that #re@uen4ies in the range 3 000 k=C to / 000 k=C are suitable #or hearing aid de3i4es whi4h are designed to operate o3er short distan4es within the indu4tion #ield.



Alternati+e allocation, in >osnia and =erCego3ina" 27prus" 2Rte dS&3oire" 9enmark" <g7pt" Fran4e" 5ree4e" &4eland" &tal7" .iberia" Malta" Norwa7" Sri .anka" Togo" Turke7 and Dugosla3ia" the band 3 (55*3 200 k=C is allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in the )nited States" 6apan" MeMi4o" Peru and )rugua7" the band 3 230 * 3 /00 k=C is also allo4ated to the radiolo4ation ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. Additional allocation, in =onduras" MeMi4o" Peru and AeneCuela" the band 3 500 * 3 :50 k=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. For the use o# the bands allo4ated to the amateur ser3i4e at 3.5 M=C" :.0 M=C" (0.( M=C" (/.0 M=C" (0.0+0 M=C" 2(.0 M=C" 2/.0, M=C and (// M=C in the e3ent o# natural disasters" see esolution 40. Not used Alternati+e allocation, in %rgentina" >oli3ia" 2hile" <4uador" Paragua7" Peru and )rugua7" the band 3 :50 * / 000 k=C is allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in >otswana" .esotho" Malawi" MoCambi@ue" Namibia" South %#ri4a" SwaCiland" Oambia and Oimbabwe" the band 3 ,00 * 3 ,50 k=C is also allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. Additional allocation, in 2anada" the band 3 ,50 * / 000 k=C is also allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. The power o# broad4asting stations operating in this band shall not eM4eed that ne4essar7 #or a national ser3i4e within the #rontier o# this 4ountr7 and shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to other ser3i4es operating in a44ordan4e with the Table. III-'




S5"121 S5"122




Additional allocation, in 5reenland" the band 3 ,50 * / 000 k=C is also allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. The power o# the broad4asting stations operating in this band shall not eM4eed that ne4essar7 #or a national ser3i4e and shall in no 4ase eM4eed 5 k?. &n egion 3" the stations o# those ser3i4es to whi4h the band 3 ,,5 * / 005 k=C is allo4ated ma7 transmit standard #re@uen47 and time signals. The use o# the band / 000 * / 0+3 k=C b7 the maritime mobile ser3i4e is limited to ship stations using radiotelephon7 -see No. S52"220 and %ppendiM S1!1. &n %#ghanistan" %rgentina" %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >otswana" >urkina Faso" 2entral %#ri4an epubli4" 2hina" 5eorgia" &ndia" 'aCakstan" Mali" Niger" '7rg7Cstan" ussian Federation" Ta8ikistan" 2had" Turkmenistan and )kraine" in the bands / 0+3*/ (23 k=C" / (30*/ (33 k=C and / /00*/ /30 k=C" stations o# limited power in the #iMed ser3i4e whi4h are situated at least +00 km #rom the 4oast ma7 operate on 4ondition that harm#ul inter#eren4e is not 4aused to the maritime mobile ser3i4e. -? 2*,:1 !n 4ondition that harm#ul inter#eren4e is not 4aused to the maritime mobile ser3i4e" the #re@uen4ies in the bands / 0+3 * / (23 k=C and / (30 * / /30 k=C ma7 be used eM4eptionall7 b7 stations in the #iMed ser3i4e 4ommuni4ating onl7 within the boundar7 o# the 4ountr7 in whi4h the7 are lo4ated with a mean power not eM4eeding 50 ?. The 4onditions #or the use o# the 4arrier #re@uen4ies / (25 k=C and + 2(5 k=C are pres4ribed in %rti4les S31 and S52 and in %ppendiM S13. The #re@uen47 / 20,.5 k=C is used eM4lusi3el7 #or the transmission b7 4oast stations o# meteorologi4al and na3igational warnings and urgent in#ormation to ships b7 means o# narrow*band dire4t*printing te4hni@ues. -? 2*,:1 The #re@uen4ies / 2(0 k=C" + 3(/ k=C" 0 /(+.5 k=C" (2 5:, k=C" (+ 00+.5 k=C" (, +00.5 k=C" 22 3:+ k=C and 2+ (00.5 k=C are the international #re@uen4ies #or the transmission o# Maritime Sa#et7 &n#ormation -MS&1 -see esolution 333 8M40=.!9 and %ppendiM S1!1. Different categor! of ser+ice, in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" 5eorgia" 'aCakstan" .at3ia" .ithuania" Moldo3a" )Cbekistan" '7rg7Cstan" ussia" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the allo4ation o# the band 5 (30 * 5 250 k=C to the mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. The use o# the bands 5 ,00*5 ,50 k=C" : 300*: 350 k=C" , /00* , 500 k=C" (( +00*(( +50 k=C" (2 050*(2 (00 k=C" (3 5:0*(3 +00 k=C" (3 000*(3 0:0 k=C" (5 +00*(5 000 k=C" (: /00*(: 550 k=C and (0 ,00* (, 020 k=C b7 the broad4asting ser3i4e is limited to single*sideband emissions with the 4hara4teristi4s spe4i#ied in %ppendiM S11 or to an7 other spe4trum*e##i4ient modulation te4hni@ues re4ommended b7 &T)* III-(










. %44ess to these bands shall be sub8e4t to the de4isions o# a 4ompetent 4on#eren4e. -? 2*,:1 S5"135 S5"13
-S)P * ? 2*,:1

The band 5 ,00 * 5 ,50 k=C is allo4ated" until ( %pril 200:" to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis" as well as to the #ollowing ser3i4es: in egion ( to the land mobile ser3i4e on a primar7 basis" in egion 2 to the mobile eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile - 1 ser3i4e on a primar7 basis" and in egion 3 to the mobile eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile - 1 ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis" sub8e4t to appli4ation o# the pro4edure re#erred to in esolution 21 8R)<"5RC=/59. %#ter ( %pril 200:" #re@uen4ies in this band ma7 be used b7 stations in the abo3e*mentioned ser3i4es" 4ommuni4ating onl7 within the boundar7 o# the 4ountr7 in whi4h the7 are lo4ated" on the 4ondition that harm#ul inter#eren4e is not 4aused to the broad4asting ser3i4e. ?hen using #re@uen4ies #or these ser3i4es" administrations are urged to use the minimum power re@uired and to take a44ount o# the seasonal use o# #re@uen4ies b7 the broad4asting ser3i4e published in a44ordan4e with the adio egulations. !n 4ondition that harm#ul inter#eren4e is not 4aused to the maritime mobile ser3i4e" the bands + 200 * + 2(3.5 k=C and + 220.5 * + 525 k=C ma7 be used eM4eptionall7 b7 stations in the #iMed ser3i4e" 4ommuni4ating onl7 within the boundar7 o# the 4ountr7 in whi4h the7 are lo4ated" with a mean power not eM4eeding 50 ?. %t the time o# noti#i4ation o# these #re@uen4ies" the attention o# the >ureau will be drawn to the abo3e 4onditions. The #ollowing bands: + :+5 * + :,5 k=C /33.05 * /3/.:, M=C -4entre #re@uen47 + :00 k=C1" -4entre #re@uen47 /33.,2 M=C1 in egion ( eM4ept in the 4ountries mentioned in No. S5"2.0" -4entre #re@uen47 +(.25 5=C1" -4entre #re@uen47 (22.5 5=C1" and -4entre #re@uen47 2/5 5=C1



+( * +(.5 5=C (22 * (23 5=C 2// * 2/+ 5=C

are designated #or industrial" s4ienti#i4 and medi4al -&SM1 appli4ations. The use o# these #re@uen47 bands #or &SM appli4ations shall be sub8e4t to spe4ial authoriCation b7 the administration 4on4erned" in agreement with other administrations whose radio4ommuni4ation ser3i4es might be a##e4ted. &n appl7ing this pro3ision" administrations shall ha3e due regard to the latest rele3ant &T)* e4ommendations. S5"13/ Different categor! of ser+ice, in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" 5eorgia" 'aCakstan" .at3ia" .ithuania" Moldo3a" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" '7rg7Cstan" ussia" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the allo4ation o# the band + :+5 * : 000 k=C to the land mobile ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331.



Additional allocation, in %ngola" &ra@" wanda" Somalia and Togo" the band : 000 * : 050 k=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Alternati+e allocation, in <g7pt" <ritrea" <thiopia" 5uinea" .ib7a and Madagas4ar" the band : 000*: 050 k=C is allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 The use o# the band : (00 * : 300 k=C in egion 2 b7 the amateur ser3i4e shall not impose 4onstraints on the broad4asting ser3i4e intended #or use within egion ( and egion 3. The band : 300 * : 350 k=C is allo4ated" until ( %pril 200:" to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis and to the land mobile ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis" sub8e4t to appli4ation o# the pro4edure re#erred to in esolution 21 8R)<"5RC=/59. %#ter ( %pril 200:" #re@uen4ies in this band ma7 be used b7 stations in the abo3e*mentioned ser3i4es" 4ommuni4ating onl7 within the boundar7 o# the 4ountr7 in whi4h the7 are lo4ated" on 4ondition that harm#ul inter#eren4e is not 4aused to the broad4asting ser3i4e. ?hen using #re@uen4ies #or these ser3i4es" administrations are urged to use the minimum power re@uired and to take a44ount o# the seasonal use o# #re@uen4ies b7 the broad4asting ser3i4e published in a44ordan4e with the adio egulations. &n egion 3" the stations o# those ser3i4es to whi4h the band : ,,5 * 0 005 k=C is allo4ated ma7 transmit standard #re@uen47 and time signals. The 4onditions #or the use o# the 4arrier #re@uen4ies 0 2,( k=C" (2 2,0 k=C and (+ /20 k=C are pres4ribed in %rti4les S31 and S52 and in %ppendiM S13. The bands , /00 * , 500 k=C" (( +00 * (( +50 k=C" (2 050 * (2 (00 k=C" (5 +00 * (5 000 k=C" (: /00 * (: 550 k=C and (0 ,00 * (, 020 k=C are allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis until ( %pril 200:" sub8e4t to appli4ation o# the pro4edure re#erred to in esolution 21 8R)<"5RC=/59. %#ter ( %pril 200:" #re@uen4ies in these bands ma7 be used b7 stations in the #iMed ser3i4e" 4ommuni4ating onl7 within the boundar7 o# the 4ountr7 in whi4h the7 are lo4ated" on 4ondition that harm#ul inter#eren4e is not 4aused to the broad4asting ser3i4e. ?hen using #re@uen4ies in the #iMed ser3i4e" administrations are urged to use the minimum power re@uired and to take a44ount o# the seasonal use o# #re@uen4ies b7 the broad4asting ser3i4e published in a44ordan4e with the adio egulations. !n 4ondition that harm#ul inter#eren4e is not 4aused to the broad4asting ser3i4e" #re@uen4ies in the bands , ::5 * , ,00 k=C" (( +50 * (( :00 k=C and (( ,:5 * (2 050 k=C ma7 be used b7 stations in the #iMed ser3i4e 4ommuni4ating onl7 within the boundar7 o# the 4ountr7 in whi4h the7 are lo4ated" ea4h station using a total radiated power not eM4eeding 2/ d>?.
-S)P * ? 2*,:1










S5"14/ bands:

&n making assignments to stations o# other ser3i4es to whi4h the

13 3%) - 13 41) 6H78 2$ $$) - 2$ %&) 6H78 3&"$ - 3'"2$ MH78 &3 - &4"% MH7 i/ R!9io/+ 1 ,/- 38 &("&$ - ')"2$ MH7 i/ R!9io/ 38 1$)")$ - 1$3 MH7 i/ R!9io/ 18 322 - 32'"% MH7*8 4)%"1 - 41) MH78 %)' - %14 MH7 i/ R!9io/+ 1 ,/- 38 1 33) - 1 4)) MH7*8 1 %1)"% - 1 %13"' MH7*8 1 %%) - 1 %&) MH78 1 &1'"' - 1 &22"2 MH7*8 2 %$$ - 2 %() MH78 3 2%) - 3 2%& MH7*8 3 332 - 3 33( MH7*8 3 34$"' - 3 3$2"$ MH7*8 4 '2$ - 4 '3$ MH7*8 4 ($) - 4 (() MH78 4 (() - $ ))) MH78 % %$) - % %&$"2 MH7*8 1)"% - 1)"%' GH78 14"4& - 14"$ GH7*8 22")1 - 22"21 GH7*8 22"21 - 22"$ GH78 22"'1 - 22"'% GH7*8 23")& - 23"12 GH7*8 31"2 - 31"3 GH78 31"$ - 31"' GH7 i/ R!9io/+ 1 ,/- 38 3%"43 - 3%"$ GH7*8 42"$ - 43"$ GH78 42"&& - 42"'& GH7*8 43")& - 43"1& GH7*8 43"3& - 43"4& GH7*8 4'"(4 - 4(")4 GH7*8 &2"&& - &2"(1 GH7*8 (3")& - (3"2& GH7*8 (&"'' - ('")' GH7*8 14)"%( - 14)"(' GH7*8 144"%' - 144"(' GH7*8 14$"4$ - 14$"&$ GH7*8 14%"'2 - 14&"12 GH7*8 1$) - 1$1 GH7*8 1&4"42 - 1&$")2 GH7*8 1&& - 1&&"4 GH7*8 1&'"2 - 1&'"% GH7*8 1'1 - 1'1"4% GH7*8 1'%"2 - 1'%"% GH7*8 2$) - 2$1 GH7*8 2$&"$ - 2$' GH7*8 2%1 - 2%$ GH78 2%2"24 - 2%2"&% GH7*8 2%$ - 2&$ GH78 2%$"%4 - 2%%"1% GH7*8 2%&"34 - 2%&"'% GH7*8 2&1"&4 - 2&2"2% GH7*

are allo4ated -E indi4ates radio astronom7 use #or spe4tral line obser3ations1" administrations are urged to take all pra4ti4able steps to prote4t the radio astronom7 ser3i4e #rom harm#ul inter#eren4e. <missions #rom spa4eborne or airborne stations 4an be parti4ularl7 serious sour4es o# inter#eren4e to the radio astronom7 ser3i4e -see Nos. S4"5 and S4" and %rti4le S2/1. -? 2*,:1 S5"150 The #ollowing bands: (3 553 * (3 5+: k=C -4entre #re@uen47 (3 5+0 k=C1" 2+ ,5: * 2: 203 k=C -4entre #re@uen47 2: (20 k=C1" /0.++ * /0.:0 M=C -4entre #re@uen47 /0.+0 M=C1" ,02 * ,20 M=C 2 /00 * 2 500 M=C 5 :25 * 5 0:5 M=C 2/ * 2/.25 5=C in egion 2 -4entre #re@uen47 ,(5 M=C1" -4entre #re@uen47 2 /50 M=C1" -4entre #re@uen47 5 000 M=C1" and -4entre #re@uen47 2/.(25 5=C1

are also designated #or industrial" s4ienti#i4 and medi4al -&SM1 appli4ations. adio4ommuni4ation ser3i4es operating within these bands must a44ept harm#ul inter#eren4e whi4h ma7 be 4aused b7 these appli4ations. &SM e@uipment operating in these bands is sub8e4t to the pro3isions o# No. S15"13. S5"151 The bands (3 5:0 * (3 +00 k=C and (3 000 * (3 0:0 k=C are allo4ated" until ( %pril 200:" to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis and to the mobile eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile - 1 ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis" sub8e4t to appli4ation o# the pro4edure re#erred to in esolution 21 8R)<"5RC=/59. %#ter ( %pril 200:" #re@uen4ies in these bands ma7 be used b7 stations in the abo3e*mentioned ser3i4es" 4ommuni4ating onl7 within the boundar7 o# the 4ountr7 in whi4h the7 are lo4ated" on the III-12

4ondition that harm#ul inter#eren4e is not 4aused to the broad4asting ser3i4e. ?hen using #re@uen4ies in these ser3i4es" administrations are urged to use the minimum power re@uired and to take a44ount o# the seasonal use o# #re@uen4ies b7 the broad4asting ser3i4e published in a44ordan4e with the adio egulations. S5"152 Additional allocation, in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" 2hina" 2Rte dS&3oire" 5eorgia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" 'aCakstan" Moldo3a" )Cbekistan" '7rg7Cstan" ussian Federation" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band (/ 250*(/ 350 k=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Stations o# the #iMed ser3i4e shall not use a radiated power eM4eeding 2/ d>?. -? 2*,:1 &n egion 3" the stations o# those ser3i4es to whi4h the band (5 ,,5 * (+ 005 k=C is allo4ated ma7 transmit standard #re@uen47 and time signals. Additional allocation, in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" 5eorgia" 'aCakstan" Moldo3a" )Cbekistan" '7rg7Cstan" ussian Federation" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band (0 0+0*(0 (+0 k=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis #or use within their boundaries" with a peak en3elope power not eM4eeding ( k?. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >ulgaria" 5eorgia" =ungar7" 'aCakstan" Moldo3a" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" ussia" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band 2( 050 * 2( 0:0 k=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al mobile - 1 ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. &n %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >ulgaria" 5eorgia" =ungar7" 'aCakstan" Moldo3a" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" ussia" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the use o# the band 2( 050 * 2( 0:0 k=C b7 the #iMed ser3i4e is limited to pro3ision o# ser3i4es related to air4ra#t #light sa#et7. The band 2( 0:0 * 2( ,2/ k=C is used b7 the #iMed ser3i4e #or pro3ision o# ser3i4es related to air4ra#t #light sa#et7. Additional allocation, in Nigeria" the band 22 :20 * 23 200 k=C is also allo4ated to the meteorologi4al aids ser3i4e -radiosondes1 on a primar7 basis. The use o# the band 23 200 * 23 350 k=C b7 the #iMed ser3i4e is limited to pro3ision o# ser3i4es related to air4ra#t #light sa#et7. The use o# the band 23 350 * 2/ 000 k=C b7 the maritime mobile ser3i4e is limited to inter*ship radiotelegraph7.





S5"155B S5"15

S5"15 A S5"15!

S5"15. a(' Not used S5"15/ S5"1 0 Additional allocation, in >otswana" >urundi" .esotho" Malawi" Namibia" 9em. ep. o# the 2ongo" wanda and SwaCiland" the band


/(*// M=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 S5"1 1 Additional allocation, in the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran and 6apan" the band /( * // M=C is also allo4ated to the radiolo4ation ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. Additional allocation, in %ustralia and New Oealand" the band // * /: M=C is also allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in 5erman7" %ustria" >elgium" >osnia and =erCego3ina" 2hina" Aati4an" 9enmark" Spain" <stonia" Finland" Fran4e" &reland" &4eland" &tal7" .at3ia" The Former Dugosla3 epubli4 o# Ma4edonia" .ie4htenstein" .ithuania" .uMembourg" Moldo3a" Mona4o" Norwa7" the Netherlands" Poland" Portugal" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" the )nited 'ingdom" ussian Federation" Sweden" SwitCerland and Turke7" the band /+*+0 M=C is also allo4ated to the radiolo4ation ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. This use is limited to the operation o# wind pro#iler radars in a44ordan4e with esolution 21! 85RC=/!9. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" <stonia" 5eorgia" =ungar7" 'aCakstan" .at3ia" .ithuania" Moldo3a" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" ussia" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the bands /: * /0.5 M=C and 5+.5 * 50 M=C are also allo4ated to the #iMed and land mobile ser3i4es on a se4ondar7 basis. Additional allocation, in %lbania" 5erman7" %ustria" >elgium" >osnia and =erCego3ina" >ulgaria" 2Rte dS&3oire" 9enmark" Spain" Finland" Fran4e" 5abon" 5ree4e" &reland" &srael" &tal7" 6ordan" .ebanon" .ib7a" .ie4htenstein" .uMembourg" Madagas4ar" Mali" Malta" Moro44o" Mauritania" Mona4o" Nigeria" Norwa7" the Netherlands" Poland" S7ria" the )nited 'ingdom" Senegal" Slo3enia" Sweden" SwitCerland" SwaCiland" Togo" Tunisia" Turke7 and Dugosla3ia the band /:*+0 M=C" in omania the band /:*50 M=C and in the 2Ce4h epubli4 the band ++*+0 M=C" are also allo4ated to the land mobile ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. =owe3er" stations o# the land mobile ser3i4e in the 4ountries mentioned in 4onne4tion with ea4h band re#erred to in this #ootnote shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" or 4laim prote4tion #rom" eMisting or planned broad4asting stations o# 4ountries other than those mentioned in 4onne4tion with the band. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in %ngola" 2ameroon" the 2ongo" Madagas4ar" MoCambi@ue" Somalia" Sudan" TanCania and 2had" the band /: * +0 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. Alternati+e allocation, in New Oealand" the band 50 * 5( M=C is allo4ated to the #iMed" mobile and broad4asting ser3i4es on a primar7 basis$ the band 53 * 5/ M=C is allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis.

S5"1 2

S5"1 2A

S5"1 3

S5"1 4

S5"1 5



S5"1 !

Alternati+e allocation, in >angladesh" >runei 9arussalam" &ndia" &ndonesia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" Mala7sia" Pakistan" Singapore and Thailand" the band 50 * 5/ M=C is allo4ated to the #iMed" mobile and broad4asting ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in %ustralia" 2hina and the 9emo4rati4 PeopleSs epubli4 o# 'orea" the band 50 * 5/ M=C is also allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Alternati+e allocation, in >otswana" >urundi" .esotho" Malawi" Namibia" wanda" South %#ri4a" SwaCiland" Oaire" Oambia and Oimbabwe" the band 50 * 5/ M=C is allo4ated to the amateur ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in New Oealand" the band 5( * 53 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in >otswana" >urundi" .esotho" Malawi" Mali" Namibia" wanda" South %#ri4a" SwaCiland" Oaire and Oimbabwe" the band 5/ * +0 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. Different categor! of ser+ice, in the Fren4h !3erseas 9epartments in egion 2" 5u7ana" 6amai4a and MeMi4o" the allo4ation o# the band 5/ * +0 M=C to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. Different categor! of ser+ice, in the Fren4h !3erseas 9epartments in egion 2" 5u7ana" 6amai4a and MeMi4o" the allo4ation o# the band +0 * :2 M=C to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. Alternati+e allocation, in >ulgaria" =ungar7" Poland and omania" the band +0*:3 M=C is allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis and used in a44ordan4e with the de4isions in the Final %4ts o# the Spe4ial egional 2on#eren4e -5ene3a" (,+01. -? 2*,:1 Alternati+e allocation, in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" <stonia" 5eorgia" 'aCakstan" .at3ia" .ithuania" Moldo3a" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" '7rg7Cstan" ussia" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the bands +0 * :3 M=C and :+ * 0:.5 M=C are allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. The ser3i4es to whi4h these bands are allo4ated in other 4ountries and the broad4asting ser3i4e in the 4ountries listed abo3e are sub8e4t to agreements with the neighbouring 4ountries 4on4erned. Additional allocation, in %ustralia" 2hina" the epubli4 o# 'orea" the Philippines" the 9emo4rati4 PeopleSs epubli4 o# 'orea and ?estern Samoa" the band +0 * :/ M=C is also allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >ulgaria" <stonia" 5eorgia" 'aCakstan" .at3ia" .ithuania" Moldo3a" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" Poland" '7rg7Cstan" ussian Federation" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band :3*:/ M=C is also allo4ated to the III-1$

S5"1 .

S5"1 /

S5"1!0 S5"1!1







broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. -? 2*,:1 S5"1!. Additional allocation, in 2olombia" 2osta i4a" 2uba" <l Sal3ador" 5uatemala" 5u7ana" =onduras and Ni4aragua" the band :3 * :/.+ M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a se4ondar7 basis. Additional allocation, in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >ulgaria" 2hina" 5eorgia" 'aCakstan" .at3ia" .ithuania" Moldo3a" Mongolia" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" ussia" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the bands :/.+ * :/.0 M=C and :5.2 * :5./ M=C are also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e" on a primar7 basis" #or ground*based transmitters onl7. The #re@uen47 :5 M=C is assigned to marker bea4ons. %dministrations shall re#rain #rom assigning #re@uen4ies 4lose to the limits o# the guardband to stations o# other ser3i4es whi4h" be4ause o# their power or geographi4al position" might 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e or otherwise pla4e a 4onstraint on marker bea4ons. <3er7 e##ort should be made to impro3e #urther the 4hara4teristi4s o# airborne re4ei3ers and to limit the power o# transmitting stations 4lose to the limits :/.0 M=C and :5.2 M=C. S5"1.1 Additional allocation, in 5erman7" %ustria" 27prus" 9enmark" <g7pt" Fran4e" 5ree4e" &srael" &tal7" 6apan" 6ordan" .ebanon" Malta" Moro44o" Mona4o" Norwa7" S7ria" Sweden and SwitCerland" the band :/.0*:5.2 M=C is also allo4ated to the mobile ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. &n order to ensure that harm#ul inter#eren4e is not 4aused to stations o# the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e" stations o# the mobile ser3i4e shall not be introdu4ed in the band until it is no longer re@uired #or the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e b7 an7 administration whi4h ma7 be identi#ied in the appli4ation o# the pro4edure in3oked under No. S/"21. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in ?estern Samoa" the band :5./ * 0: M=C is also allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in 2hina" the epubli4 o# 'orea" 6apan" the Philippines and the 9emo4rati4 PeopleSs epubli4 o# 'orea" the band :+ * 0: M=C is also allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in >ulgaria and omania" the band :+* 0:.5 M=C is also allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis and used in a44ordan4e with the de4isions 4ontained in the Final %4ts o# the Spe4ial egional 2on#eren4e -5ene3a" (,+01. -? 2*,:1 Different categor! of ser+ice, in the )nited States" the Fren4h !3erseas 9epartments in egion 2" 5u7ana" 6amai4a" MeMi4o and Paragua7" the allo4ation o# the band :+ * 00 M=C to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. III-1%







S5"1. S5"1.!

-S)P * ? 2*,:1

Alternati+e allocation, in %lbania" the band 0( * 0:.5 M=C is allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis and used in a44ordan4e with the de4isions 4ontained in the Final %4ts o# the Spe4ial egional 2on#eren4e -5ene3a" (,+01. Additional allocation, in %ustralia" the band 05 * 0: M=C is also allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. The introdu4tion o# the broad4asting ser3i4e in %ustralia is sub8e4t to spe4ial agreements between the administrations 4on4erned. Not used Additional allocation, in Mona4o" the band 0:.5*00 M=C is also allo4ated to the land mobile ser3i4e on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. -? 2*,:1 Not used Additional allocation, in 2hina and the epubli4 o# 'orea" the band (00*(00 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Not used Additional allocation, in %Cerbai8an" .ebanon" S7ria" '7rg7Cstan" Somalia and Turkmenistan" the band (0/*(00 M=C is also allo4ated to the mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile - 1" ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Not used Additional allocation, in 5erman7" %ustria" 27prus" 9enmark" <g7pt" Fran4e" &tal7" 6apan" 6ordan" .ebanon" Malta" Moro44o" Mona4o" Norwa7" Pakistan" S7ria" and Sweden" the band (00*(((.,:5 M=C is also allo4ated to the mobile ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. &n order to ensure that harm#ul inter#eren4e is not 4aused to stations o# the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e" stations o# the mobile ser3i4e shall not be introdu4ed in the band until it is no longer re@uired #or the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e b7 an7 administration whi4h ma7 be identi#ied in the appli4ation o# the pro4edures in3oked under No. S/"21. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, the band ((:.,:5*(3+ M=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al mobile*satellite - 1 ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. -? 2*,:1 The bands (2(./5 * (2(.55 M=C and 2/2.,5 * 2/3.05 M=C are also allo4ated to the mobile*satellite ser3i4e #or the re4eption on board satellites o# emissions #rom emergen47 position*indi4ating radiobea4ons transmitting at (2(.5 M=C and 2/3 M=C -see %ppendiM S131. &n the band ((:.,:5 * (3+ M=C" the #re@uen47 (2(.5 M=C is the aeronauti4al emergen47 #re@uen47 and" where re@uired" the #re@uen47 III-1&


S5"1./ S5"1/0

S5"1/1 S5"1/2

S5"1/3 S5"1/4

S5"1/5 a(' S5"1/ S5"1/!




(23.( M=C is the aeronauti4al #re@uen47 auMiliar7 to (2(.5 M=C. Mobile stations o# the maritime mobile ser3i4e ma7 4ommuni4ate on these #re@uen4ies under the 4onditions laid down in %rti4le S31 and %ppendiM S13 #or distress and sa#et7 purposes with stations o# the aeronauti4al mobile ser3i4e. S5"201 Additional allocation, in %ngola" %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >ulgaria" <stonia" 5eorgia" =ungar7" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" 6apan" 'aCakstan" .at3ia" Moldo3a" Mongolia" MoCambi@ue" )Cbekistan" Papua New 5uinea" Poland" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" omania" ussian Federation" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band (32*(3+ M=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al mobile -! 1 ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. &n assigning #re@uen4ies to stations o# the aeronauti4al mobile -! 1 ser3i4e" the administration shall take a44ount o# the #re@uen4ies assigned to stations in the aeronauti4al mobile - 1 ser3i4e. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in Saudi %rabia" %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >ulgaria" )nited %rab <mirates" 5eorgia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" 6ordan" 'aCakstan" .at3ia" Moldo3a" !man" )Cbekistan" Poland" S7ria" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" omania" ussian Federation" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan" Turke7 and )kraine" the band (3+*(3: M=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al mobile -! 1 ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. &n assigning #re@uen4ies to stations o# the aeronauti4al mobile -! 1 ser3i4e" the administration shall take a44ount o# the #re@uen4ies assigned to stations in the aeronauti4al mobile - 1 ser3i4e. -? 2*,:1 &n the band (3+*(3: M=C" eMisting operational meteorologi4al satellites ma7 4ontinue to operate" under the 4onditions de#ined in No. S4"4 with respe4t to the aeronauti4al mobile ser3i4e" until ( 6anuar7 2002. %dministrations shall not authoriCe new #re@uen47 assignments in this band to stations in the meteorologi4al*satellite ser3i4e. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in &srael" Mauritania" Tatar and Oimbabwe" the band (3+*(3: M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile - 1" ser3i4es on a se4ondar7 basis until ( 6anuar7 2005. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in Saudi %rabia" )nited %rab <mirates" 6ordan" !man and S7ria" the band (3+*(3: M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a se4ondar7 basis until ( 6anuar7 2005. -? 2*,:1 Different categor! of ser+ice, in %#ghanistan" Saudi %rabia" >ahrain" >angladesh" >osnia and =erCego3ina" >runei 9arussalam" 2hina" 2uba" the )nited %rab <mirates" &ndia" &ndonesia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" Mala7sia" !man" Pakistan" Philippines" Tatar" Singapore" Sri .anka" Thailand" Demen and Dugosla3ia" the band (3: * (30 M=C is allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile - 1" ser3i4es on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331.








Different categor! of ser+ice, in &srael and 6ordan" the allo4ation o# the band (3: * (30 M=C to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. Different categor! of ser+ice, in %rmenia" %ustria" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >ulgaria" <g7pt" Finland" Fran4e" 5eorgia" 5ree4e" =ungar7" 'aCakstan" .ebanon" Moldo3a" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" Poland" '7rg7Cstan" S7ria" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" omania" ussia" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the allo4ation o# the band (3: * (30 M=C to the aeronauti4al mobile -! 1 ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. Additional allocation, in %ustralia" the band (3: * (// M=C is also allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis until that ser3i4e 4an be a44ommodated within regional broad4asting allo4ations. The use o# the band (3:*(30 M=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e is sub8e4t to 4oordination under No. S/"11A. -? 2*,:1 &n making assignments to spa4e stations in the mobile*satellite ser3i4e in the bands (3:*(30 M=C" 30:*3,0 M=C and /00.(5*/0( M=C" administrations shall take all pra4ti4able steps to prote4t the radio astronom7 ser3i4e in the bands (50.05*(53 M=C" 322*320.+ M=C" /0+.(*/(0 M=C and +00*+(/ M=C #rom harm#ul inter#eren4e #rom unwanted emissions. The threshold le3els o# inter#eren4e detrimental to the radio astronom7 ser3i4e are shown in Table ( o# e4ommendation &T)* %.:+,*(. -? 2*,:1 The use o# the bands (3:*(30 M=C" (/0*(50.05 M=C" 3,,.,* /00.05 M=C" /00.(5*/0( M=C" /5/*/5+ M=C and /5,*/+0 M=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e is limited to non*geostationar7*satellite s7stems.
-? 2*,:1



S5"20. S5"20.A



Additional allocation, in %ustria" Fran4e" &tal7" .ie4htenstein" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" the )nited 'ingdom and SwitCerland" the bands (30*(/3.+ M=C and (/3.+5*(// M=C are also allo4ated to the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 on a se4ondar7 basis.
-? 2*,:1


Additional allocation, in 5erman7" Saudi %rabia" %ustria" >ahrain" >elgium" >osnia and =erCego3ina" 9enmark" the )nited %rab <mirates" Spain" Finland" 5ree4e" &reland" &srael" 'en7a" 'uwait" The Former Dugosla3 epubli4 o# Ma4edonia" .ie4htenstein" .uMembourg" Mali" Malta" Norwa7" the Netherlands" Tatar" the )nited 'ingdom" Slo3enia" Somalia" Sweden" SwitCerland" TanCania" Tunisia" Turke7 and Dugosla3ia" the band (30 * (// M=C is also allo4ated to the maritime mobile and land mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. Alternati+e allocation, in %ngola" >otswana" >urundi" 2ameroon" the 2entral %#ri4an epubli4" the 2ongo" 5abon" 5ambia" 5hana" 5uinea" &ra@" 6ordan" .esotho" .iberia" .ib7a" Malawi" MoCambi@ue" Namibia" Nigeria" !man" wanda" Sierra .eone" South %#ri4a" SwaCiland" 2had" Togo" Oaire" Oambia and Oimbabwe" the band (30 * (// M=C is allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. III-1(


S5"213 S5"214

Additional allocation, in 2hina" the band (30 * (// M=C is also allo4ated to the radiolo4ation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in >osnia and =erCego3ina" 2roatia" <ritrea" <thiopia" 'en7a" The Former Dugosla3 epubli4 o# Ma4edonia" Malta" Slo3enia" Somalia" Sudan" TanCania and Dugosla3ia" the band (30 * (// M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Not used Additional allocation, in 2hina" the band (// * (/+ M=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al mobile -! 1 ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. Alternati+e allocation, in %#ghanistan" >angladesh" 2uba" 5u7ana and &ndia" the band (/+ * (/0 M=C is allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, the band (/0 * (/,., M=C is also allo4ated to the spa4e operation ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. The bandwidth o# an7 indi3idual transmission shall not eM4eed U 25 k=C. The use o# the band (/0 * (/,., M=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e is sub8e4t to 4oordination under esolution 4 8R)<"5RC= /!9>No. S/"11A. The mobile*satellite ser3i4e shall not 4onstrain the de3elopment and use o# the #iMed" mobile and spa4e operation ser3i4es in the band (/0 * (/,., M=C. The use o# the bands (/,.,*(50.05 M=C and 3,,.,*/00.05 M=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e is sub8e4t to 4oordination under No. S/"11A. The mobile*satellite ser3i4e shall not 4onstrain the de3elopment and use o# the radiona3igation*satellite ser3i4e in the bands (/,.,*(50.05 M=C and 3,,.,*/00.05 M=C. -? 2*,:1 Stations o# the mobile*satellite ser3i4e in the band (/0* (/,., M=C shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" or 4laim prote4tion #rom" stations o# the #iMed or mobile ser3i4es operating in a44ordan4e with the Table o# Fre@uen47 %llo4ations in the #ollowing 4ountries: %lbania" %lgeria" 5erman7" Saudi %rabia" %ustralia" %ustria" >ahrain" >angladesh" >arbados" >elarus" >elgium" >enin" >osnia and =erCego3ina" >runei 9arussalam" >ulgaria" 2ameroon" 2hina" 27prus" 2ongo" the epubli4 o# 'orea" 2roatia" 2uba" 9enmark" <g7pt" the )nited %rab <mirates" <ritrea" Spain" <stonia" <thiopia" Finland" Fran4e" 5abon" 5hana" 5ree4e" 5uinea" 5uinea >issau" =ungar7" &ndia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &reland" &4eland" &srael" &tal7" 6amai4a" 6apan" 6ordan" 'aCakstan" 'en7a" 'uwait" .at3ia" The Former Dugosla3 epubli4 o# Ma4edonia" .ebanon" .ib7a" .ie4htenstein" .uMembourg" Mala7sia" Mali" Malta" Mauritania" Moldo3a" Mongolia" MoCambi@ue" Namibia" Norwa7" New Oealand" !man" )ganda" )Cbekistan" Pakistan" Panama" Papua New 5uinea" Paragua7" the Netherlands" Philippines" Poland" Portugal" Tatar" S7ria" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" omania" the )nited 'ingdom" ussian Federation" Senegal" Sierra .eone" Singapore" Slo3enia" Sri .anka" South %#ri4a" Sweden" SwitCerland" SwaCiland" TanCania" 2had" Thailand" Togo" Tonga"

S5"215 S5"21 S5"21!






Trinidad and Tobago" Tunisia" Turke7" )kraine" Aiet Nam" Demen" Dugosla3ia" Oambia" and Oimbabwe. -? 2*,:1 S5"222 <missions o# the radiona3igation*satellite ser3i4e in the bands (/,., * (50.05 M=C and 3,,., * /00.05 M=C ma7 also be used b7 re4ei3ing earth stations o# the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e. e4ogniCing that the use o# the band (/,., * (50.05 M=C b7 the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es ma7 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to the radiona3igation*satellite ser3i4e" administrations are urged not to authoriCe su4h use in appli4ation o# No. S4"4.
-S)P * ? 2*,:1


S5"224 S5"224A

The use o# the bands (/,.,*(50.05 M=C and 3,,.,*/00.05 M=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 is limited to the land mobile*satellite ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 until ( 6anuar7 20(5.
-? 2*,:1


The allo4ation o# the bands (/,.,*(50.05 M=C and 3,,.,* /00.05 M=C to the radiona3igation*satellite ser3i4e shall be e##e4ti3e until ( 6anuar7 20(5. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in %ustralia and &ndia" the band (50.05 * (53 M=C is also allo4ated to the radio astronom7 ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. The #re@uen47 (5+.0 M=C is the international distress" sa#et7 and 4alling #re@uen47 #or the maritime mobile A=F radiotelephone ser3i4e. The 4onditions #or the use o# this #re@uen47 are 4ontained in %rti4le S31 and %ppendiM S13. &n the bands (5+ * (5+.:+25 M=C" (5+.03:5 * (5:./5 M=C" (+0.+ * (+0.,:5 M=C and (+(./:5 * (+2.05 M=C" ea4h administration shall gi3e priorit7 to the maritime mobile ser3i4e on onl7 su4h #re@uen4ies as are assigned to stations o# the maritime mobile ser3i4e b7 the administration -see %rti4les S31 and S52" and %ppendiM S131. %n7 use o# #re@uen4ies in these bands b7 stations o# other ser3i4es to whi4h the7 are allo4ated should be a3oided in areas where su4h use might 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to the maritime mobile A=F radio4ommuni4ation ser3i4e. =owe3er" the #re@uen47 (5+.0 M=C and the #re@uen47 bands in whi4h priorit7 is gi3en to the maritime mobile ser3i4e ma7 be used #or radio4ommuni4ations on inland waterwa7s sub8e4t to agreement between interested and a##e4ted administrations and taking into a44ount 4urrent #re@uen47 usage and eMisting agreements.




&n the maritime mobile A=F ser3i4e the #re@uen47 (5+.525 M=C is to be used eM4lusi3el7 #or digital sele4ti3e 4alling #or distress" sa#et7 and 4alling -see esolution 323 8M40=.!91. The 4onditions #or the use o# this #re@uen47 are pres4ribed in %rti4les S31 and S52" and %ppendi4es S13 and S1.. Not used III-21



Alternati+e allocation, in Moro44o" the band (+2 * (:/ M=C is allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. The use o# this band shall be sub8e4t to agreement with administrations ha3ing ser3i4es" operating or planned" in a44ordan4e with the Table whi4h are likel7 to be a##e4ted. Stations in eMisten4e on ( 6anuar7 (,0(" with their te4hni4al 4hara4teristi4s as o# that date" are not a##e4ted b7 su4h agreement. Additional allocation, in 2hina" the band (+3 * (+: M=C is also allo4ated to the spa4e operation ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. Additional allocation, in %#ghanistan" 2hina and Pakistan" the band (+: * (:/ M=C is also allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. The introdu4tion o# the broad4asting ser3i4e into this band shall be sub8e4t to agreement with the neighbouring 4ountries in egion 3 whose ser3i4es are likel7 to be a##e4ted. Additional allocation, in 6apan" the band (:0 * (:/ M=C is also allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in 2hina" the band (:/ * (0/ M=C is also allo4ated to the spa4e resear4h -spa4e*to*<arth1 and the spa4e operation -spa4e*to*<arth1 ser3i4es on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. These ser3i4es shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" or 4laim prote4tion #rom" eMisting or planned broad4asting stations. Different categor! of ser+ice, in MeMi4o" the allo4ation o# the band (:/ * 2(+ M=C to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. Additional allocation, in 5erman7" %ustria" >elgium" 9enmark" Spain" Finland" Fran4e" &srael" &tal7" .ie4htenstein" Malta" Mona4o" Norwa7" the Netherlands" the )nited 'ingdom" Sweden and SwitCerland" the band (:/ * 223 M=C is also allo4ated to the land mobile ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. =owe3er" the stations o# the land mobile ser3i4e shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" or 4laim prote4tion #rom" broad4asting stations" eMisting or planned" in 4ountries other than those listed in this #ootnote. Not used Additional allocation, in the 2ongo" <ritrea" <thiopia" 5ambia" 5uinea" .ib7a" Malawi" Mali" Senegal" Sierra .eone" Somalia" TanCania and Oimbabwe" the band (:/*223 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a se4ondar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in >angladesh" &ndia" Pakistan and the Philippines" the band 200 * 2(+ M=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Not used



S5"232 S5"233



S5"23 S5"23!





Additional allocation, in 2hina and &ndia" the band 2(+ * 223 M=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis and to the radiolo4ation ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. &n egion 2" no new stations in the radiolo4ation ser3i4e ma7 be authoriCed in the band 2(+ * 225 M=C. Stations authoriCed prior to ( 6anuar7 (,,0 ma7 4ontinue to operate on a se4ondar7 basis. Additional allocation, in 2anada" the band 2(+ * 220 M=C is also allo4ated to the land mobile ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in Somalia" the band 2(+ * 225 M=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to not 4ausing harm#ul inter#eren4e to eMisting or planned broad4asting ser3i4es in other 4ountries.
-S)P * ? 2*,:1


S5"242 S5"243

S5"244 S5"245

Additional allocation, in 6apan" the band 222 * 223 M=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis and to the radiolo4ation ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. Alternati+e allocation, in Spain" Fran4e" &srael and Mona4o" the band 223 * 230 M=C is allo4ated to the broad4asting and land mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331 on the basis that" in the preparation o# #re@uen47 plans" the broad4asting ser3i4e shall ha3e prior 4hoi4e o# #re@uen4ies$ and allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept land mobile" ser3i4es on a se4ondar7 basis. =owe3er" the stations o# the land mobile ser3i4e shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" or 4laim prote4tion #rom" eMisting or planned broad4asting stations in Moro44o and %lgeria. Additional allocation, in Saudi %rabia" >ahrain" the )nited %rab <mirates" 6ordan" !man" Tatar and S7ria" the band 223 * 235 M=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis.



S5"24. a(' Not used S5"24/ S5"250 S5"251 Additional allocation, in 2hina" the band 225 * 235 M=C is also allo4ated to the radio astronom7 ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. Additional allocation, in Nigeria" the band 230 * 235 M=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. Alternati+e allocation, in >otswana" .esotho" Malawi" MoCambi@ue" Namibia" South %#ri4a" SwaCiland" Oambia and Oimbabwe" the bands 230 * 230 M=C and 2/+ * 25/ M=C are allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. Not used





The bands 235 * 322 M=C and 335./ * 3,,., M=C ma7 be used b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21" on 4ondition that stations in this ser3i4e do not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to those o# other ser3i4es operating or planned to be operated in a44ordan4e with the Table o# Fre@uen47 %llo4ations. The bands 3(2 * 3(5 M=C -<arth*to*spa4e1 and 30: * 3,0 M=C -spa4e*to*<arth1 in the mobile*satellite ser3i4e ma7 also be used b7 non*geostationar7*satellite s7stems. Su4h use is sub8e4t to 4oordination under esolution 4 8R)<"5RC=/59>No. S/"11A. The #re@uen47 2/3 M=C is the #re@uen47 in this band #or use b7 sur3i3al 4ra#t stations and e@uipment used #or sur3i3al purposes -see %ppendiM S131. The band 2+: * 2:2 M=C ma7 be used b7 administrations #or spa4e telemetr7 in their 4ountries on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. The use o# the band 320.+ * 335./ M=C b7 the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e is limited to &nstrument .anding S7stems -glide path1. Additional allocation, in 5erman7" %ustria" 27prus" the epubli4 o# 'orea" 9enmark" <g7pt" Spain" Fran4e" 5ree4e" &srael" &tal7" 6apan" 6ordan" Malta" Moro44o" Mona4o" Norwa7" the Netherlands" S7ria and Sweden" the band 320.+*335./ M=C is also allo4ated to the mobile ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. &n order to ensure that harm#ul inter#eren4e is not 4aused to stations o# the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e" stations o# the mobile ser3i4e shall not be introdu4ed in the band until it is no longer re@uired #or the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e b7 an7 administration whi4h ma7 be identi#ied in the appli4ation o# the pro4edure in3oked under No. S/"21. -? 2*,:1 e4ogniCing that the use o# the band 3,,., * /00.05 M=C b7 the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es ma7 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to the radiona3igation satellite ser3i4e" administrations are urged not to authoriCe su4h use in appli4ation o# No. S4"4. <missions shall be 4on#ined in a band o# U 25 k=C about the standard #re@uen47 /00.( M=C. Additional allocation, in Saudi %rabia" %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >ahrain" >elarus" >osnia and =erCego3ina" >ulgaria" 2olombia" 2osta i4a" 2uba" <g7pt" the )nited %rab <mirates" <4uador" <stonia" 5eorgia" =ungar7" &ndonesia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" &srael" 6ordan" 'aCakstan" 'uwait" .iberia" Mala7sia" Moldo3a" Nigeria" )Cbekistan" Pakistan" the Philippines" Tatar" S7ria" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" omania" ussia" Singapore" Somalia" Sri .anka" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan" )kraine and Dugosla3ia" the band /00.05 * /0( M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. The band /00.(5 * /0( M=C is also allo4ated to the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e in the spa4e*to*spa4e dire4tion #or 4ommuni4ations III-24






S5"2 0

S5"2 1 S5"2 2

S5"2 3

with manned spa4e 3ehi4les. &n this appli4ation" the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e will not be regarded as a sa#et7 ser3i4e. S5"2 4 The use o# the band /00.(5 * /0( M=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e is sub8e4t to 4oordination under esolution 4 8R)<"5RC= /59>No. S/"11A. The power #luM*densit7 limit indi4ated in %nneM 2 o# esolution 4 8R)<" 5RC=/59;%nneM ( o# %ppendiM S5 shall appl7 until su4h time as a 4ompetent world radio4ommuni4ation 4on#eren4e re3ises it. Not used The use o# the band /0+ * /0+.( M=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e is limited to low power satellite emergen47 position*indi4ating radiobea4ons -see also %rti4le S31 and %ppendiM S131. %n7 emission 4apable o# 4ausing harm#ul inter#eren4e to the authoriCed uses o# the band /0+ * /0+.( M=C is prohibited. )se o# the band /(0*/20 M=C b7 the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e is limited to 4ommuni4ations within 5 km o# an orbiting" manned spa4e 3ehi4le. The power #luM*densit7 at the sur#a4e o# the <arth produ4ed b7 emissions #rom eMtra*3ehi4ular a4ti3ities shall not eM4eed F(53 d>-?;m21 #or 0K 5K" *(53 V 0.0:: - F 51 d>-?;m21 #or 5K :0K and F(/0 d>-?;m21 #or :0K ,0o" where is the angle o# arri3al o# the radio*#re@uen47 wa3e and the re#eren4e bandwidth is / k=C. No. S4"10 does not appl7 to eMtra*3ehi4ular a4ti3ities. &n this #re@uen47 band the spa4e resear4h -spa4e*to*spa4e1 ser3i4e shall not 4laim prote4tion #rom" nor 4onstrain the use and de3elopment o#" stations o# the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es. -? 2*,:1 Different categor! of ser+ice, in %ustralia" the )nited States" &ndia" 6apan and the )nited 'ingdom" the allo4ation o# the bands /20 * /30 M=C and //0 * /50 M=C to the radiolo4ation ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. Additional allocation, in %ustralia" the )nited States" 6amai4a and the Philippines" the bands /20 * /30 M=C and //0 * /50 M=C are also allo4ated to the amateur ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. Additional allocation, in %Cerbai8an" >elarus" 2hina" <stonia" &ndia" .at3ia" .ithuania" '7rg7Cstan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band /20*/+0 M=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e -radio altimeters1 on a se4ondar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Different categor! of ser+ice, in Fran4e" the allo4ation o# the band /30 * /3/ M=C to the amateur ser3i4e is on a se4ondar7 basis -see No. S5"321. Different categor! of ser+ice, in 9enmark" .ib7a and Norwa7" the allo4ation o# the bands /30 * /32 M=C and /30 * //0 M=C to the radiolo4ation ser3i4e is on a se4ondar7 basis -see No. S5"321. Alternati+e allocation, in 9enmark" Norwa7 and Sweden" the bands /30 * /32 M=C and /30 * //0 M=C are allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. III-2$

S5"2 5 S5"2

S5"2 ! S5"2 .

S5"2 /







Additional allocation, in >osnia and =erCego3ina" 2roatia" <stonia" Finland" .at3ia" The Former Dugosla3 epubli4 o# Ma4edonia" .ib7a" Slo3enia and Dugosla3ia" the bands /30*/32 M=C and /30*//0 M=C are also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in %#ghanistan" %lgeria" Saudi %rabia" >ahrain" >angladesh" >runei 9arussalam" >urkina Faso" >urundi" <g7pt" the )nited %rab <mirates" <4uador" <ritrea" <thiopia" 5ree4e" 5uinea" &ndia" &ndonesia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" &srael" &tal7" 6ordan" 'en7a" 'uwait" .ebanon" .ib7a" .ie4htenstein" Mala7sia" Malta" Nigeria" !man" Pakistan" the Philippines" Tatar" S7ria" 9emo4rati4 PeopleWs epubli4 o# 'orea" Singapore" Somalia" SwitCerland" TanCania" Thailand" Togo" Turke7 and Demen" the band /30 * //0 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis and the bands /30 * /35 M=C and /30 * //0 M=C are also allo4ated to the mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in %ngola" %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" 2ameroon" the 2ongo" 98ibouti" 5abon" 5eorgia" =ungar7" 'aCakstan" .at3ia" Mali" Moldo3a" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" Pakistan" Poland" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" omania" ussian Federation" wanda" Ta8ikistan" 2had" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band /30*//0 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Different categor! of ser+ice, in %rgentina" 2olombia" 2osta i4a" 2uba" 5u7ana" =onduras" Panama and AeneCuela" the allo4ation o# the band /30 * //0 M=C to the amateur ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. Additional allocation, in MeMi4o" the bands /30 * /35 M=C and /30 * //0 M=C are also allo4ated on a primar7 basis to the land mobile ser3i4e" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. &n 5erman7" %ustria" >osnia and =erCego3ina" 2roatia" The Former Dugosla3 epubli4 o# Ma4edonia" .ie4htenstein" Portugal" Slo3enia" SwitCerland and Dugosla3ia" the band /33.05 * /3/.:, M=C -4entre #re@uen47 /33.,2 M=C1 is designated #or industrial" s4ienti#i4 and medi4al -&SM1 appli4ations. adio4ommuni4ation ser3i4es o# these 4ountries operating within this band must a44ept harm#ul inter#eren4e whi4h ma7 be 4aused b7 these appli4ations. &SM e@uipment operating in this band is sub8e4t to the pro3isions o# No. S15"13. Additional allocation, in the Fren4h !3erseas 9epartments in egion 2 and &ndia" the band /33.:5 * /3/.25 M=C is also allo4ated to the spa4e operation ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 on a primar7 basis. &n Fran4e and in >raCil" the band is allo4ated to the same ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. &n the bands /35 * /30 M=C" ( 2+0 * ( 2:0 M=C" 2 /00 * 2 /50 M=C" 3 /00 * 3 /(0 M=C -in egions 2 and 3 onl71 and 5 +50 * 5 +:0 M=C" the amateur*satellite ser3i4e ma7 operate sub8e4t to not 4ausing harm#ul inter#eren4e to other ser3i4es operating in a44ordan4e with the









Table -see No. S5"431. %dministrations authoriCing su4h use shall ensure that an7 harm#ul inter#eren4e 4aused b7 emissions #rom a station in the amateur*satellite ser3i4e is immediatel7 eliminated in a44ordan4e with the pro3isions o# No. S25"11. The use o# the bands ( 2+0 * ( 2:0 M=C and 5 +50 * 5 +:0 M=C b7 the amateur*satellite ser3i4e is limited to the <arth*to*spa4e dire4tion. S5"2.3 Additional allocation, in %ustria" the band /30 * //0 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in 2anada" the band //0 * /50 M=C is also allo4ated to the amateur ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. Different categor! of ser+ice, in 2anada" the allo4ation o# the band //0 * /50 M=C to the radiolo4ation ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. The band //,.:5 * /50.25 M=C ma7 be used #or the spa4e operation ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 and the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. The use o# the bands /5/*/5+ M=C and /5,*/+0 M=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e is sub8e4t to 4oordination under No. S/"11A. -? 2*,:1 The use o# the band /5/*/55 M=C in the 4ountries listed in No. S5"2. D" /55*/5+ M=C and /5,*/+0 M=C in egion 2" and /5/* /5+ M=C and /5,*/+0 M=C in the 4ountries listed in No. S5"2. E" b7 stations in the mobile*satellite ser3i4e" shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" or 4laim prote4tion #rom" stations o# the #iMed or mobile ser3i4es operating in a44ordan4e with the Table o# Fre@uen47 %llo4ations. -? 2*,:1 The use o# the band /5/*/55 M=C in the 4ountries listed in No. S5"2. D" /55*/5+ M=C and /5,*/+0 M=C in egion 2" and /5/* /5+ M=C and /5,*/+0 M=C in the 4ountries listed in No. S5"2. E" b7 stations in the mobile*satellite ser3i4e" shall not 4onstrain the de3elopment and use o# the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es operating in a44ordan4e with the Table o# Fre@uen47 %llo4ations. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in 2anada" the )nited States" MeMi4o and Panama" the band /5/*/55 M=C is also allo4ated to the mobile*satellite ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in 2ape Aerde" &ndonesia" Nepal" Nigeria and Papua New 5uinea" the bands /5/*/5+ M=C and /5,*/+0 M=C are also allo4ated to the mobile*satellite -<arth*to*spa4e1 ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 &n the maritime mobile ser3i4e" the #re@uen4ies /5:.525 M=C" /5:.550 M=C" /5:.5:5 M=C" /+:.525 M=C" /+:.550 M=C and /+:.5:5 M=C ma7 be used b7 on*board 4ommuni4ation stations. ?here needed" e@uipment designed #or (2.5 k=C 4hannel spa4ing using also the additional #re@uen4ies /5:.53:5 M=C" /5:.5+25 M=C" /+:.53:5

S5"2.4 S5"2.5


S5"2. A

S5"2. B

S5"2. C

S5"2. D

S5"2. E



M=C and /+:.5+25 M=C ma7 be introdu4ed #or on*board 4ommuni4ations. The use o# these #re@uen4ies in territorial waters ma7 be sub8e4t to the national regulations o# the administration 4on4erned. The 4hara4teristi4s o# the e@uipment used shall 4on#orm to those spe4i#ied in e4ommendation &T)* M.((:/ -see esolution 341 85RC=/!91. -? 2*,:1 S5"2.. &n the territorial waters o# the )nited States and the Philippines" the pre#erred #re@uen4ies #or use b7 on*board 4ommuni4ation stations shall be /5:.525 M=C" /5:.550 M=C" /5:.5:5 M=C and /5:.+00 M=C paired" respe4ti3el7" with /+:.:50 M=C" /+:.::5 M=C" /+:.000 M=C and /+:.025 M=C. The 4hara4teristi4s o# the e@uipment used shall 4on#orm to those spe4i#ied in e4ommendation &T)* M.((:/. <arth eMploration*satellite ser3i4e appli4ations" other than the meteorologi4al*satellite ser3i4e" ma7 also be used in the bands /+0 = /:0 M=C and ( +,0 * ( :(0 M=C #or spa4e*to*<arth transmissions sub8e4t to not 4ausing harm#ul inter#eren4e to stations operating in a44ordan4e with the Table. Different categor! of ser+ice, in %#ghanistan" %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" 2hina" 6apan" 'aCakstan" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" ussian Federation" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the allo4ation o# the band /+0* /:0 M=C to the meteorologi4al*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in 2hina" the band /:0 * /05 M=C is also allo4ated to the spa4e resear4h -spa4e*to*<arth1 and the spa4e operation -spa4e*to*<arth1 ser3i4es on a primar7 basis sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21 and sub8e4t to not 4ausing harm#ul inter#eren4e to eMisting and planned broad4asting stations. Additional allocation, in 5erman7" %ustria" 9enmark" <stonia" Finland" .ie4htenstein" Norwa7" Netherlands" the 2Ce4h epubli4 and SwitCerland" the band /:0*/,/ M=C is also allo4ated to the radiolo4ation ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. This use is limited to the operation o# wind pro#iler radars in a44ordan4e with esolution 21! 85RC=/!9. -? 2*,:1 Different categor! of ser+ice, in MeMi4o and AeneCuela" the allo4ation o# the band /:0 * 5(2 M=C to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es" and in %rgentina and )rugua7 to the mobile ser3i4e" is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. Different categor! of ser+ice, in 2hile" 2olombia" 2uba" the )nited States" 5u7ana" =onduras" 6amai4a" MeMi4o and Panama" the allo4ation o# the bands /:0 * 5(2 M=C and +(/ * 00+ M=C to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. Additional allocation, in >urundi" 2ameroon" the 2ongo" <thiopia" &srael" 'en7a" .ebanon" .ib7a" Malawi" Senegal" Sudan" S7ria" and III-2'








Demen" the band /:0 * 502 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. S5"2/5 S5"2/ Not used Additional allocation, in 5erman7" %ustria" >elgium" 27prus" 9enmark" Spain" Finland" Fran4e" &reland" &srael" &tal7" .ib7a" Malta" Moro44o" Mona4o" Norwa7" the Netherlands" Portugal" S7ria" the )nited 'ingdom" Sweden" SwitCerland" SwaCiland and Tunisia" the band /:0* :,0 M=C is also allo4ated on a se4ondar7 basis to the land mobile ser3i4e" intended #or appli4ations an4illar7 to broad4asting. Stations o# the land mobile ser3i4e in the 4ountries listed in this #ootnote shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to eMisting or planned stations operating in a44ordan4e with the Table o# Fre@uen47 %llo4ations in 4ountries other than those listed in this #ootnote. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in 2osta i4a" 2uba" <l Sal3ador" the )nited States" 5uatemala" 5u7ana" =onduras" 6amai4a" MeMi4o and AeneCuela" the band 5(2 * +00 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. Additional allocation, in &ndia" the band 5/,.:5 * 550.25 M=C is also allo4ated to the spa4e operation ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 on a se4ondar7 basis. Not used Additional allocation, in &srael" .ib7a" S7ria and Sudan" the band 502 * :,0 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a se4ondar7 basis. Not used Additional allocation, in the )nited 'ingdom" the band 5,0 * 5,0 M=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. %ll new assignments to stations in the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e" in4luding those trans#erred #rom the ad8a4ent bands" shall be sub8e4t to 4oordination with the %dministrations o# the #ollowing 4ountries: 5erman7" >elgium" 9enmark" Spain" Fran4e" &reland" .uMembourg" Moro44o" Norwa7 and the Netherlands. Not used Additional allocation, in the %#ri4an >road4asting %rea -see Nos. S5"10 to S5"131" the band +0+ * +(/ M=C is also allo4ated to the radio astronom7 ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in 2hina" the band +0+ * +(/ M=C is also allo4ated to the radio astronom7 ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in egion (" eM4ept in the %#ri4an >road4asting %rea -see Nos. S5"10 to S5"131" and in egion 3" the band +00 * +(/ M=C is also allo4ated to the radio astronom7 ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis.



S5"2// S5"300

S5"301 S5"302

S5"303 S5"304

S5"305 S5"30


S5"30! S5"30. S5"30/

Additional allocation, in &ndia" the band +00 * +(/ M=C is also allo4ated to the radio astronom7 ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Not used Different categor! of ser+ice, in 2osta i4a" <l Sal3ador and =onduras" the allo4ation o# the band +(/ * 00+ M=C to the #iMed ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21.
-S)P * ? 2*,:1

S5"310 S5"311

?ithin the #re@uen47 band +20 * :,0 M=C" assignments ma7 be made to tele3ision stations using #re@uen47 modulation in the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e sub8e4t to agreement between the administrations 4on4erned and those ha3ing ser3i4es" operating in a44ordan4e with the Table" whi4h ma7 be a##e4ted -see esolutions 33 and 50!1. Su4h stations shall not produ4e a power #luM*densit7 in eM4ess o# the 3alue F(2, d>-?;m21 #or angles o# arri3al less than 20K -see e4ommendation !051 within the territories o# other 4ountries without the 4onsent o# the administrations o# those 4ountries. Additional allocation: in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >ulgaria" 5eorgia" =ungar7" 'aCakstan" .at3ia" Moldo3a" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" Poland" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" omania" ussian Federation" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band +/5*0+2 M=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1
-S)P * ? 2*,:1


S5"313 S5"314

Additional allocation: in %ustria" &tal7" )Cbekistan" the )nited 'ingdom and SwaCiland" the band :,0*0+2 M=C is also allo4ated to the land mobile ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Alternati+e allocation, in 5ree4e" &tal7" Moro44o and Tunisia" the band :,0 * 030 M=C is allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation: in 5erman7" >osnia and =erCego3ina" >urkina Faso" 2ameroon" 2Rte dS&3oire" 2roatia" 9enmark" <g7pt" Finland" &srael" 'en7a" the Former Dugosla3 epubli4 o# Ma4edonia" .ib7a" .ie4htenstein" Mona4o" Norwa7" the Netherlands" Portugal" S7ria" Sweden" SwitCerland and Dugosla3ia" the band :,0*030 M=C" and in these same 4ountries and in Spain" Fran4e" 5abon and Malta" the band 030*0+2 M=C" are also allo4ated to the mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. =owe3er" stations o# the mobile ser3i4e in the 4ountries mentioned in 4onne4tion with ea4h band re#erred to in this #ootnote shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" or 4laim prote4tion #rom" stations o# ser3i4es operating in a44ordan4e with the Table in 4ountries other than those mentioned in 4onne4tion with the band. -? 2*,:1





Additional allocation, in egion 2 -eM4ept >raCil and the )nited States1" the band 00+ * 0,0 M=C is also allo4ated to the mobile*satellite ser3i4e on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. The use o# this ser3i4e is intended #or operation within national boundaries. Additional allocation, in 2anada" the )nited States and MeMi4o" the bands 0/, * 05( M=C and 0,/ * 0,+ M=C are also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al mobile ser3i4e on a primar7 basis" #or publi4 4orresponden4e with air4ra#t. The use o# the band 0/, * 05( M=C is limited to transmissions #rom aeronauti4al stations and the use o# the band 0,/ * 0,+ M=C is limited to transmissions #rom air4ra#t stations. Additional allocation, in >elarus" ussia and )kraine" the bands 00+ * 0/0 M=C -<arth*to*spa4e1 and 05+ * 0,0 M=C -spa4e*to*<arth1 are also allo4ated to the mobile*satellite" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile* satellite - 1" ser3i4e. The use o# these bands b7 this ser3i4e shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" or 4laim prote4tion #rom" ser3i4es in other 4ountries operating in a44ordan4e with the Table o# Fre@uen47 %llo4ations and is sub8e4t to spe4ial agreements between the administrations 4on4erned. Additional allocation, in egion 3" the bands 00+ * 0,0 M=C and ,/2 * ,+0 M=C are also allo4ated to the mobile*satellite" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile*satellite - 1" ser3i4e on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. The use o# this ser3i4e is limited to operation within national boundaries. &n seeking su4h agreement" appropriate prote4tion shall be a##orded to ser3i4es operating in a44ordan4e with the Table" to ensure that no harm#ul inter#eren4e is 4aused to su4h ser3i4es. Alternati+e allocation, in &tal7" the band 030 * 05/ M=C is allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis as #rom ( 6anuar7 (,,5. &n egion (" in the band 0+2*,+0 M=C" stations o# the broad4asting ser3i4e shall be operated onl7 in the %#ri4an >road4asting %rea -see Nos. S5"10 to S5"131 eM4luding %lgeria" <g7pt" Spain" .ib7a" Moro44o" Nigeria" South %#ri4a" TanCania and Oimbabwe" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation: in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >ulgaria" =ungar7" 'aCakstan" .at3ia" Moldo3a" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" Poland" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" omania" ussian Federation" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band 0+2*,+0 M=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Su4h use is sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21 with administrations 4on4erned and limited to ground*based radiobea4ons in operation on 2: !4tober (,,: until the end o# their li#etime. -? 2*,:1 Not used










Different categor! of ser+ice, in the )nited States" the allo4ation o# the band 0,0 * ,/2 M=C to the radiolo4ation ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. Different categor! of ser+ice, in 2hile" the band ,03 * ,05 M=C is allo4ated to the mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4e on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. Different categor! of ser+ice, in %ustralia" the allo4ation o# the band ,(5 * ,20 M=C to the radiolo4ation ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. The band ,+0 * ( 2(5 M=C is reser3ed on a worldwide basis #or the use and de3elopment o# airborne ele4troni4 aids to air na3igation and an7 dire4tl7 asso4iated ground*based #a4ilities. )se o# the radiona3igation*satellite ser3i4e in the band ( 2(5 * ( 2+0 M=C shall be sub8e4t to the 4ondition that no harm#ul inter#eren4e is 4aused to the radiona3igation ser3i4e authoriCed under No. S5"331. Additional allocation, in %ngola" Saudi %rabia" >ahrain" >angladesh" 2ameroon" 2hina" the )nited %rab <mirates" <ritrea" <thiopia" 5u7ana" &ndia" &ndonesia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" &srael" 6apan" 6ordan" 'uwait" .ebanon" .ib7a" Moro44o" MoCambi@ue" Nepal" Nigeria" Pakistan" the Philippines" Tatar" S7ria" Somalia" Sudan" Sri .anka" 2had" Togo and Demen" the band ( 2(5*( 300 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*







Additional allocation, in %lgeria" 5erman7" %ustria" >ahrain" >elgium" >enin" >osnia and =erCego3ina" >urundi" 2ameroon" 2hina" 2roatia" 9enmark" the )nited %rab <mirates" Fran4e" 5ree4e" &ndia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" 'en7a" The Former Dugosla3 epubli4 o# Ma4edonia" .ie4htenstein" .uMembourg" Mali" Mauritania" Norwa7" !man" Pakistan" the Netherlands" Portugal" Tatar" Senegal" Slo3enia" Somalia" Sudan" Sri .anka" Sweden" SwitCerland" Turke7 and Dugosla3ia" the band ( 2(5 * ( 300 M=C is also allo4ated to the radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. &n the band ( 2(5=( 300 M=C" a4ti3e spa4eborne sensors in the earth eMploration*satellite and spa4e resear4h ser3i4es shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" 4laim prote4tion #rom" or otherwise impose 4onstraints on operation or de3elopment o# the radiolo4ation ser3i4e" the radiona3igation*satellite ser3i4e and other ser3i4es allo4ated on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1
-S)P * ? 2*,:1


S5"333 S5"334

Additional allocation, in 2anada and the )nited States" the bands ( 2/0 * ( 300 M=C and ( 350 * ( 3:0 M=C are also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis.



&n 2anada and the )nited States in the band ( 2/0*( 300 M=C" a4ti3e spa4eborne sensors in the earth eMploration*satellite and spa4e resear4h ser3i4es shall not 4ause inter#eren4e to" 4laim prote4tion #rom" or otherwise impose 4onstraints on operation or de3elopment o# the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e . -? 2*,:1 The use o# the bands ( 300 * ( 350 M=C" 2 :00 * 2 ,00 M=C and , 000 * , 200 M=C b7 the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e is restri4ted to ground*based radars and to asso4iated airborne transponders whi4h transmit onl7 on #re@uen4ies in these bands and onl7 when a4tuated b7 radars operating in the same band. &n %Cerbai8an" >ulgaria" Mongolia" Poland" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" omania" Turkmenistan and )kraine" eMisting installations o# the radiona3igation ser3i4e ma7 4ontinue to operate in the band ( 350*( /00 M=C. -? 2*,:1 The bands ( 3:0 * ( /00 M=C" 2 +/0 * 2 +55 M=C" / ,50 * / ,,0 M=C and (5.20 * (5.35 5=C are also allo4ated to the spa4e resear4h -passi3e1 and earth eMploration*satellite -passi3e1 ser3i4es on a se4ondar7 basis. %ll emissions are prohibited in the #ollowing bands:
( /00*( /2: M=C" 2 +,0*2 :00 M=C" (0.+0*(0.: 5=C" (5.35*(5./ 5=C" 23.+*2/ 5=C" eM4ept those pro3ided #or b7 Nos. S5"421 and S5"422" eM4ept those pro3ided #or b7 No. S5"4.3" eM4ept those pro3ided #or b7 No. S5"511"






3(.3*3(.5 5=C" 3(.5*3(.0 5=C" /0.,/*/,.0/ 5=C" 50.2*50./ 5=C2" 52.+*5/.25 5=C" 0+*,2 5=C" (05*((+ 5=C" (/0.+,*(/0.,0 5=C" #rom airborne stations and #rom spa4e stations in the spa4e*to*<arth dire4tion" (02*(05 5=C" 2(:*23( 5=C. -? 2*,:1 eM4ept those pro3ided #or b7 No. S5"5 3" in egion 2" #rom airborne stations" eM4ept those pro3ided #or b7 No. S5"555A"

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX S5"341 The allo4ation to the earth eMploration*satellite ser3i4es -passi3e1 and the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e -passi3e1 in the band 50.2 * 50./ 5=C should not impose undue 4onstraints on the use o# the ad8a4ent bands b7 the primar7 allo4ated ser3i4es in those bands. Additional allocation, in >elarus" ussia and )kraine" the band ( /2, * ( 535 M=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al mobile ser3i4e on a primar7 basis eM4lusi3el7 #or the purposes o# aeronauti4al telemetr7 within the national territor7. %s o# ( %pril 200:" the use o# the band ( /52 * ( /,2 M=C is sub8e4t to agreement between the administrations 4on4erned. &n egion 2" the use o# the band ( /35 * ( 535 M=C b7 the aeronauti4al mobile ser3i4e #or telemetr7 has priorit7 o3er other uses b7 the mobile ser3i4e. Alternati+e allocation, in the )nited States" the band ( /52 * ( 525 M=C is allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis -see also No. S5"3431. )se o# the band ( /52 * ( /,2 M=C b7 the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e" and b7 the broad4asting ser3i4e" is limited to digital audio broad4asting and is sub8e4t to the pro3isions o# esolution 52. 85ARC= /29. Not used






S5.340.1 T*! ,11o0, io/ o *! !,r * !:.1or, io/-+, !11i ! +!r;i0! (.,++i;!) ,/- *! +.,0! r!+!,r0* +!r;i0! (.,++i;!) i/ *! <,/- $)"2-$)"4 GH7 +*ou1- /o i=.o+! u/-u! 0o/+ r,i/ + o/ *! u+! o# *! ,->,0!/ <,/-+ <? *! .ri=,r? ,11o0, !- +!r;i0!+ i/ *o+! <,/-+" (4R5-(&)



Different categor! of ser+ice, in >angladesh" >osnia and =erCego3ina" >otswana" >ulgaria" >urkina Faso" 2uba" 9enmark" <g7pt" 5ree4e" &reland" &tal7" 6ordan" 'en7a" MoCambi@ue" Portugal" Sri .anka" SwaCiland" Demen" Dugosla3ia and Oimbabwe" the allo4ation o# the band ( /52*( /,2 M=C to the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e and the broad4asting ser3i4e is on a se4ondar7 basis until ( %pril 200:.
-? 2*,:1


The use o# the band ( /,2 * ( 525 M=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e is sub8e4t to 4oordination under esolution 4 8R)<"5RC=/59> No. S/"11A. =owe3er" no 4oordination threshold in %rti4le S21 #or spa4e stations o# the mobile*satellite ser3i4e with respe4t to terrestrial ser3i4es shall appl7 to the situation re#erred to in No. S5"343. ?ith respe4t to the situation re#erred to in No. S5"343" the re@uirement #or 4oordination in the band ( /,2 * ( 525 M=C will be determined b7 band o3erlap. &n the band ( /,2 * ( 525 M=C" the 4oordination threshold in terms o# the power #luM*densit7 le3els at the sur#a4e o# the <arth in appli4ation o# esolution 4 8R)<"5RC=/59>S"/"11A #or spa4e stations in the mobile*satellite -spa4e*to*<arth1 ser3i4e" with respe4t to the land mobile ser3i4e use #or spe4ialiCed mobile radios or used in 4on8un4tion with publi4 swit4hed tele4ommuni4ation networks -PSTN1 operating within the territor7 o# 6apan" shall be F(50 d>-?;m 21 in an7 / k=C band #or all angles o# arri3al" instead o# those gi3en in %nneM 2 to esolution 4 8R)<"5RC=/59>Table S5*2 o# %ppendiM S5" The abo3e threshold le3el o# the power #luM*densit7 shall appl7 until it is 4hanged b7 a 4ompetent world radio4ommuni4ation 4on#eren4e. Different categor! of ser+ice, in Saudi %rabia" %Cerbai8an" >ahrain" >osnia and =erCego3ina" 2ameroon" <g7pt" the )nited %rab <mirates" Fran4e" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" &srael" 'aCakstan" 'uwait" The Former Dugosla3 epubli4 o# Ma4edonia" .ebanon" Moro44o" Mongolia" !man" Tatar" S7ria" '7rg7Cstan" omania" Turkmenistan" )kraine" Demen and Dugosla3ia" the allo4ation o# the band ( 525*( 530 M=C to the mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in %Cerbai8an" '7rg7Cstan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band ( 525*( 530 M=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al mobile ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 The bands ( 525 * ( 5// M=C" ( 5/5 * ( 55, M=C" ( +2+.5 * ( +/5.5 M=C and ( +/+.5 * ( ++0.5 M=C shall not be used #or #eeder links o# an7 ser3i4e. &n eM4eptional 4ir4umstan4es" howe3er" an earth station at a spe4i#ied #iMed point in an7 o# the mobile*satellite ser3i4es ma7 be authoriCed b7 an administration to 4ommuni4ate 3ia spa4e stations using these bands.
-S)P * ? 2*,:1.








&n the band ( 525*( 530 M=C" stations in the mobile*satellite ser3i4e" eM4ept stations in the maritime mobile*satellite ser3i4e" shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" or 4laim prote4tion #rom" stations o# the #iMed ser3i4e in Fran4e and Fren4h o3erseas territories in egion 3" %lgeria" Saudi %rabia" <g7pt" 5uinea" &ndia" &srael" &tal7" 6ordan" 'uwait" Mali" Malta" Moro44o" Mauritania" Nigeria" !man" Pakistan" Philippines" Tatar" S7ria" TanCania" Aiet Nam and Demen noti#ied prior to ( %pril (,,0. -? 2*,:1 S5.353Not used.


&n appl7ing the pro4edures o# No. S/"11A to the mobile*satellite ser3i4e in the bands ( 530*( 5// M=C and ( +2+.5*( +/5.5 M=C" priorit7 shall be gi3en to a44ommodating the spe4trum re@uirements #or distress" urgen47 and sa#et7 4ommuni4ations o# the 5lobal Maritime 9istress and Sa#et7 S7stem -5M9SS1. Maritime mobile*satellite distress" urgen47 and sa#et7 4ommuni4ations shall ha3e priorit7 a44ess and immediate a3ailabilit7 o3er all other mobile satellite 4ommuni4ations operating within a network. Mobile*satellite s7stems shall not 4ause una44eptable inter#eren4e to" or 4laim prote4tion #rom" distress" urgen47 and sa#et7 4ommuni4ations o# the 5M9SS. %44ount shall be taken o# the priorit7 o# sa#et7*related 4ommuni4ations in the other mobile*satellite ser3i4es. -See esolution 21. 85RC=/!9.1
-? 2*,:1


The use o# the bands ( 525 * ( 55, M=C and ( +2+.5 * ( ++0.5 M=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4es is sub8e4t to 4oordination under esolution 4 8R)<" 5RC=/59>No. S/"11A. Additional allocation, in >ahrain" >angladesh" the 2ongo" <g7pt" the )nited %rab <mirates" <ritrea" <thiopia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" &srael" 6ordan" 'uwait" .ebanon" Malta" Moro44o" !man" Tatar" S7ria" Somalia" Sudan" Sri .anka" 2had" Togo" Demen and Oambia" the bands ( 5/0*( +/5.5 M=C and ( +/+.5*( ++0 M=C are also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 The use o# the band ( 5// * ( 5/5 M=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 is limited to distress and sa#et7 4ommuni4ations -see %rti4le S311. Transmissions in the band ( 5/5 * ( 555 M=C #rom terrestrial aeronauti4al stations dire4tl7 to air4ra#t stations" or between air4ra#t stations" in the aeronauti4al mobile - 1 ser3i4e are also authoriCed when su4h transmissions are used to eMtend or supplement the satellite*to*air4ra#t links.
(SUP - 4R5-(&)




S5"35. S5"35/

Additional allocation, in 5erman7" Saudi %rabia" %rmenia" %ustria" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >enin" >ulgaria" 2ameroon" Spain" Fran4e" 5abon" 5eorgia" 5ree4e" 5uinea" 5uinea*>issau" =ungar7" 6ordan" 'aCakstan" 'uwait" .at3ia" .ib7a" Mali" Mauritania" Moldo3a" Mongolia" Nigeria" )ganda" )Cbekistan" Pakistan" Poland" S7ria"


'7rg7Cstan" the 9emo4rati4 PeopleSs epubli4 o# 'orea" omania" ussian Federation" Senegal" SwaCiland" Ta8ikistan" TanCania" Turkmenistan" )kraine" Oambia and Oimbabwe the bands ( 550*( +/5.5 M=C and ( +/+.5*( ++0 M=C are also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. %dministrations are urged to make all pra4ti4able e##orts to a3oid the implementation o# new #iMed*ser3i4e stations in the bands ( 550*( 555 M=C" ( +(0*( +/5.5 M=C and ( +/+.5*( ++0 M=C. S5"3 0 S5"3 1 S5"3 2 S5"3 2A
(SUP - 4R5-(&) (SUP - 4R5-(&) -S)P * ? 2*,:1

&n the )nited States" in the bands ( 555*( 55, M=C and ( +5+.5* ( ++0.5 M=C" the aeronauti4al mobile*satellite - 1 ser3i4e shall ha3e priorit7 a44ess and immediate a3ailabilit7" b7 pre*emption i# ne4essar7" o3er all other mobile*satellite 4ommuni4ations operating within a network. Mobile*satellite s7stems shall not 4ause una44eptable inter#eren4e to" or 4laim prote4tion #rom" aeronauti4al mobile*satellite - 1 ser3i4e 4ommuni4ations with priorit7 ( to + in %rti4le S44. %44ount shall be taken o# the priorit7 o# sa#et7*related 4ommuni4ations in the other mobile*satellite ser3i4es. -? 2*,:1 &n the )nited States" in the bands ( 555 * ( 55, M=C and ( +5+.5 * (++0.5 M=C" the aeronauti4al mobile*satellite - 1 ser3i4e -%MS- 1S1 shall ha3e priorit7 a44ess and immediate a3ailabilit7" b7 pre* emption i# ne4essar7" o3er all other mobile*satellite 4ommuni4ations operating within a network. Mobile*satellite s7stems shall not 4ause una44eptable inter#eren4e to" or 4laim prote4tion #rom" %MS- 1S 4ommuni4ations with priorit7 ( to + in %rti4le S44. %44ount shall be taken o# the priorit7 o# sa#et7*related 4ommuni4ations in the other mobile*satellite ser3i4es. Alternati+e allocation, in Sweden" the band ( 5,0 * ( +2+.5 M=C is allo4ated to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. The use o# the band ( +(0 * ( +2+.5 M=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 and b7 the radiodetermination*satellite ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 is sub8e4t to 4oordination under esolution 4 8R)<"5RC=/59>No. S/"11A. % mobile earth station operating in either o# the ser3i4es in this band shall not produ4e a peak e.i.r.p. densit7 in eM4ess o# F(5 d>-?;/ k=C1 in the part o# the band used b7 s7stems operating in a44ordan4e with the pro3isions o# No. S5"3 -to whi4h No. S4"10 applies1" unless otherwise agreed b7 the a##e4ted administrations. &n the part o# the band where su4h s7stems are not operating" the mean e.i.r.p. densit7 o# a mobile earth station shall not eM4eed F3 d>-?;/ k=C1. Stations o# the mobile*satellite ser3i4e shall not 4laim prote4tion #rom stations in the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e" stations operating in a44ordan4e with the pro3isions o# No. S5"3 and stations in the #iMed ser3i4e operating in a44ordan4e with the pro3isions o# No. S5"35/. %dministrations responsible #or the 4oordination o# mobile* III-3&

S5"3 2B

S5"3 3

S5"3 4

satellite networks shall make all pra4ti4able e##orts to ensure prote4tion o# stations operating in a44ordan4e with the pro3isions o# No. S5"3 . S5"3 5 The use o# the band ( +(3.0 * ( +2+.5 M=C b7 the mobile* satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 is sub8e4t to 4oordination under esolution 4 8R)<"5RC=/59>No. S/"11A. The band ( +(0 * ( +2+.5 M=C is reser3ed on a worldwide basis #or the use and de3elopment o# airborne ele4troni4 aids to air na3igation and an7 dire4tl7 asso4iated ground*based or satellite*borne #a4ilities. Su4h satellite use is sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. Additional allocation: the bands ( +(0 * ( +2+.5 M=C and 5 000 * 5 (50 M=C are also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al mobile*satellite - 1 ser3i4e on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. ?ith respe4t to the radiodetermination*satellite and mobile* satellite ser3i4es the pro3isions o# No. S4"10 do not appl7 in the band ( +(0 * ( +2+.5 M=C" with the eM4eption o# the aeronauti4al radiona3igation*satellite ser3i4e. Different categor! of ser+ice, in %ngola" %ustralia" >urundi" 2hina" 2Rte dS&3oire" <ritrea" <thiopia" &ndia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &srael" 6ordan" .ebanon" .iberia" .ib7a" Madagas4ar" Mali" Pakistan" Papua New 5uinea" 9em. ep.o# the 2ongo" S7ria" Senegal" Sudan" SwaCiland" Togo and Oambia" the allo4ation o# the band ( +(0* ( +2+.5 M=C to the radiodetermination*satellite ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21 #rom 4ountries not listed in this pro3ision. -? 2*,:1 Different categor! of ser+ice, in AeneCuela" the allo4ation to the radiodetermination*satellite ser3i4e in the band ( +(0 * ( +2+.5 M=C -<arth*to*spa4e1 is on a se4ondar7 basis. Additional allocation, in egion (" the bands ( +(0 * ( +2+.5 M=C -<arth*to*spa4e1 and 2 /03.5 * 2 500 M=C -spa4e*to*<arth1 are also allo4ated to the radiodetermination*satellite ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. =arm#ul inter#eren4e shall not be 4aused to stations o# the radio astronom7 ser3i4e using the band ( +(0.+ * ( +(3.0 M=C b7 stations o# the radiodetermination*satellite and mobile*satellite ser3i4es -No. S2/"13 applies1. Not used
-S)P * ? 2*,:1


S5"3 !

S5"3 .

S5"3 /




S5"3!3 S5"3!3A S5"3!4

Mobile earth stations in the mobile*satellite ser3i4e operating in the bands ( +3(.5*( +3/.5 M=C and ( +5+.5*( ++0 M=C shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to stations in the #iMed ser3i4e operating in the 4ountries listed in No. S5"35/. -? 2*,:1



The use o# the band ( +/5.5 * ( +/+.5 M=C b7 the mobile* satellite ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 and #or inter*satellite links is limited to distress and sa#et7 4ommuni4ations -see %rti4le S311. Transmissions in the band ( +/+.5 * ( +5+.5 M=C #rom air4ra#t stations in the aeronauti4al mobile - 1 ser3i4e dire4tl7 to terrestrial aeronauti4al stations" or between air4ra#t stations" are also authoriCed when su4h transmissions are used to eMtend or supplement the air4ra#t* to*satellite links. Mobile earth stations operating in the band ( ++0*( ++0.5 M=C shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to stations in the radio astronom7 ser3i4e. -? 2*,:1 &n the band ( +:5 * ( :(0 M=C" stations in the mobile*satellite ser3i4e shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" nor 4onstrain the de3elopment o#" the meteorologi4al*satellite and meteorologi4al aids ser3i4es -see esolution 213 8R)<"5RC=/591 and the use o# this band shall be sub8e4t to 4oordination under esolution 4 8R)<"5RC=/59>No. S/"11A. Not used Additional allocation, in >angladesh" &ndia" &ndonesia" Nigeria and Pakistan" the band ( ++0.5 * ( ++0./ M=C is also allo4ated to the meteorologi4al aids ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. %dministrations are urged to gi3e all pra4ti4able prote4tion in the band ( ++0.5 * ( ++0./ M=C #or #uture resear4h in radio astronom7" parti4ularl7 b7 eliminating air*to*ground transmissions in the meteorologi4al aids ser3i4e in the band ( ++/./ * ( ++0./ M=C as soon as pra4ti4able. The bands ( +:0 * ( +:5 M=C and ( 000 * ( 005 M=C are intended #or use" on a worldwide basis" b7 administrations wishing to implement aeronauti4al publi4 4orresponden4e. The use o# the band ( +:0 * ( +:5 M=C b7 stations in the s7stems #or publi4 4orresponden4e with air4ra#t is limited to transmissions #rom aeronauti4al stations and the use o# the band ( 000 * ( 005 M=C is limited to transmissions #rom air4ra#t stations. Additional allocation, in %#ghanistan" 2osta i4a" 2uba" &ndia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" Mala7sia" Pakistan and Sri .anka" the band ( +,0*( :00 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Different categor! of ser+ice, in Saudi %rabia" %rmenia" %ustria" %Cerbai8an" >ahrain" >elarus" >osnia and =erCego3ina" >ulgaria" the 2ongo" <g7pt" the )nited %rab <mirates" <ritrea" <thiopia" 5uinea" =ungar7" &ra@" &srael" 6ordan" 'aCakstan" 'uwait" the Former Dugosla3 epubli4 o# Ma4edonia" .ebanon" Mauritania" Moldo3a" Mongolia" !man" )Cbekistan" Poland" Tatar" S7ria" '7rg7Cstan" omania" ussian Federation" Somalia" Ta8ikistan" TanCania" Turkmenistan" )kraine" Demen and Dugosla3ia" the allo4ation o# the band ( +,0*


S5"3! A


S5"3!. S5"3!/






( :00 M=C to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331" and in the 9emo4rati4 PeopleSs epubli4 o# 'orea" the allo4ation o# the band ( +,0*( :00 M=C to the #iMed ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331 and to the mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 S5"3.3 S5"3.4 Not used Additional allocation, in &ndia" &ndonesia and 6apan" the band ( :00*( :(0 M=C is also allo4ated to the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, the bands ( :(0.0 * ( :22.2 M=C" (50 * (5( 5=C" (:/./2 * (:5.02 5=C" (:: * (::./ 5=C" (:0.2 * (:0.+ 5=C" (0( * (0(./+ 5=C" (0+.2 * (0+.+ 5=C and 25:.5 * 250 5=C are also allo4ated to the radio astronom7 ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis #or spe4tral line obser3ations. Additional allocation, the band ( :50 * ( 050 M=C is also allo4ated to the spa4e operation -<arth*to*spa4e1 and spa4e resear4h -<arth*to*spa4e1 ser3i4es in egion 2" in %ustralia" &ndia" &ndonesia and 6apan on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21" ha3ing parti4ular regard to tropos4atter s7stems. Additional allocation, in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" 5eorgia" 'aCakstan" Mali" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" omania" ussian Federation" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band ( ::0*( :,0 M=C is also allo4ated to the meteorologi4al*satellite ser3i4e on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. -? 2*,:1 The bands ( 005*2 025 M=C and 2 ((0*2 200 M=C are intended #or use" on a worldwide basis" b7 administrations wishing to implement &nternational Mobile Tele4ommuni4ations*2000 -&MT*20001. Su4h use does not pre4lude the use o# these bands b7 other ser3i4es to whi4h the7 are allo4ated. The bands should be made a3ailable #or &MT*2000 in a44ordan4e with esolution 212 8R)<"5RC=/!9. -? 2*,:1 Not used The use o# the bands ( ,00 * 2 0(0 M=C and 2 (:0 * 2 200 M=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e is sub8e4t to 4oordination under esolution 4 8R)<"5RC=/59>No. S/"11A and to the pro3isions o# esolution !1 85RC=/59. The use o# these bands shall not 4ommen4e be#ore ( 6anuar7 2000$ howe3er the use o# the band ( ,00 * ( ,,0 M=C in egion 2 shall not 4ommen4e be#ore ( 6anuar7 2005. The use o# the band ( ,00 * ( ,,0 M=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to or 4onstrain the de3elopment o# the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es in %rgentina" >raCil" 2anada" 2hile" <4uador" the )nited States" =onduras" 6amai4a" MeMi4o" Peru" Suriname" Trinidad and Tobago" )rugua7 and AeneCuela.





S5"3./ S5"3./A




The use o# the bands 2 0(0*2 025 M=C and 2 (+0*2 (:0 M=C in egion 2 b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e shall not 4ommen4e be#ore ( 6anuar7 2002 and is sub8e4t to 4oordination under No. S/"11A and to the pro3isions o# esolution !1 85RC=/59. -? 2*,:1 &n 2anada and the )nited States the use o# the bands 2 0(0 * 2 025 M=C and 2 (+0 * 2 (:0 M=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e shall not 4ommen4e be#ore ( 6anuar7 2000. The use o# the bands 2 0(0 * 2 025 M=C and 2 (+0 * 2 (:0 M=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e in egion 2 shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to or 4onstrain the de3elopment o# the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es in egions ( and 3. &n %lgeria" >enin" 2ape Aerde" <g7pt" Mali" S7ria and Tunisia" the use o# the bands ( ,00 * 2 0(0 M=C and 2 (:0 * 2 200 M=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e shall neither 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es" nor hamper the de3elopment o# those ser3i4es prior to ( 6anuar7 2005" nor shall the #ormer ser3i4e re@uest prote4tion #rom the latter ser3i4es. &n %rgentina" >raCil" 2hile" 2olombia" 2uba" <4uador and Suriname" the use o# the bands 2 0(0*2 025 M=C and 2 (+0*2 (:0 M=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4es shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to stations in the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es be#ore ( 6anuar7 2005. %#ter this date" the use o# these bands is sub8e4t to 4oordination under No. S/"11A and to the pro3isions o# esolution !1 85RC=/59. -? 2*,:1 &n making assignments to the mobile ser3i4e in the bands 2 025* 2 ((0 M=C and 2 200*2 2,0 M=C" administrations shall not introdu4e high*densit7 mobile s7stems" as des4ribed in e4ommendation &T)* S%.((5/" and shall take that e4ommendation into a44ount #or the introdu4tion o# an7 other t7pe o# mobile s7stem. -? 2*,:1 %dministrations are urged to take all pra4ti4able measures to ensure that spa4e*to*spa4e transmissions between two or more non* geostationar7 satellites" in the spa4e resear4h" spa4e operations and <arth eMploration*satellite ser3i4es in the bands 2 025 * 2 ((0 M=C and 2 200 * 2 2,0 M=C" shall not impose an7 4onstraints on <arth*to*spa4e" spa4e*to*<arth and other spa4e*to*spa4e transmissions o# those ser3i4es and in those bands between geostationar7 and non* geostationar7 satellites. Additional allocation, in ussia" the band 2 (+0 * 2 200 M=C is also allo4ated to the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 on a primar7 basis until ( 6anuar7 2005. Stations in the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" or 4laim prote4tion #rom" stations in the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es operating in this #re@uen47 band. Additional allocation, in the )nited States" &ndia and MeMi4o" the band 2 3(0*2 3+0 M=C is also allo4ated to the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e -sound1 and 4omplementar7 terrestrial sound broad4asting










ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Su4h use is limited to digital audio broad4asting and is sub8e4t to the pro3isions o# esolution 52. 85ARC= /29. -? 2*,:1 S5"3/4 &n the )nited States" the use o# the band 2 300 * 2 3,0 M=C b7 the aeronauti4al mobile ser3i4e #or telemetr7 has priorit7 o3er other uses b7 the mobile ser3i4es. &n 2anada" the use o# the band 2 300 * 2 /03.5 M=C b7 the aeronauti4al mobile ser3i4e #or telemetr7 has priorit7 o3er other uses b7 the mobile ser3i4es. &n Fran4e" the use o# the band 2 3(0 * 2 3+0 M=C b7 the aeronauti4al mobile ser3i4e #or telemetr7 has priorit7 o3er other uses b7 the mobile ser3i4e. Spa4e stations o# the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e in the band 2 3(0 * 2 3+0 M=C operating in a44ordan4e with No. S5"3/3 that ma7 a##e4t the ser3i4es to whi4h this band is allo4ated in other 4ountries shall be 4oordinated and noti#ied in a44ordan4e with esolution 33. 2omplementar7 terrestrial broad4asting stations shall be sub8e4t to bilateral 4oordination with neighbouring 4ountries prior to their bringing into use. Different categor! of ser+ice, in Fran4e" the band 2 /50 * 2 500 M=C is allo4ated on a primar7 basis to the radiolo4ation ser3i4e -see No. S5"331. Su4h use is sub8e4t to agreement with administrations ha3ing ser3i4es operating or planned to operate in a44ordan4e with the Table o# Fre@uen47 %llo4ations whi4h ma7 be a##e4ted. &n respe4t o# the radiodetermination*satellite ser3i4e in the band 2 /03.5 * 2 500 M=C" the pro3isions o# No. S4"10 do not appl7. &n egion (" in 4ountries other than those listed in No. S5"400" harm#ul inter#eren4e shall not be 4aused to" or prote4tion shall not be 4laimed #rom" stations o# the radiolo4ation ser3i4e b7 stations o# the radiodetermination satellite ser3i4e. Different categor! of ser+ice, in %ngola" %ustralia" >angladesh" >urundi" 2hina" <ritrea" <thiopia" &ndia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" 6ordan" .ebanon" .iberia" .ib7a" Madagas4ar" Mali" Pakistan" Papua New 5uinea" 9em. ep. o# the 2ongo" S7ria" Sudan" SwaCiland" Togo and Oambia" the allo4ation o# the band 2 /03.5*2 500 M=C to the radiodetermination*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21 #rom 4ountries not listed in this pro3ision. -? 2*,:1 Not used The use o# the band 2 /03.5 * 2 500 M=C b7 the mobile*satellite and the radiodetermination*satellite ser3i4es is sub8e4t to the 4oordination under esolution 4 8R)<"5RC=/59>No. S/"11A. %dministrations are urged to take all pra4ti4able steps to pre3ent harm#ul inter#eren4e to the radio astronom7 ser3i4e #rom emissions in the 2 /03.5 * 2 500 M=C band" espe4iall7 those 4aused b7 se4ond*




S5"3/. S5"3//


S5"401 S5"402


harmoni4 radiation that would #all into the / ,,0 *5 000 M=C band allo4ated to the radio astronom7 ser3i4e worldwide. S5"403 Sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21" the band 2 520 * 2 535 M=C -until ( 6anuar7 2005 the band 2 500 * 2 535 M=C1 ma7 also be used #or the mobile*satellite -spa4e*to*<arth1" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile*satellite" ser3i4e #or operation limited to within national boundaries. The pro3isions o# esolution 4 8R)<"5RC= /59>No. S/"11A appl7. Additional allocation, in 6apan" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21" the band 2 5(5 * 2 535 M=C ma7 also be used #or the mobile*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 #or operation limited to within its national boundar7 #rom ( 6anuar7 2000. Additional allocation, in &ndia and the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" the band 2 500 * 2 5(+.5 M=C ma7 also be used #or the radiodetermination*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 #or operation limited to within national boundaries" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. Additional allocation, in Fran4e" the band 2 500 * 2 550 M=C is also allo4ated to the radiolo4ation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Su4h use is sub8e4t to agreement with the administrations ha3ing ser3i4es operating or planned to operate in a44ordan4e with the Table whi4h ma7 be a##e4ted. Not used &n the band 2 500 * 2 520 M=C" the power #luM*densit7 at the sur#a4e o# the <arth #rom spa4e stations operating in the mobile*satellite -spa4e*to*<arth1 ser3i4e shall not eM4eed F(52 d>-?;m 2;/ k=C1 in %rgentina" unless otherwise agreed b7 the administrations 4on4erned. Additional allocation, in the )nited 'ingdom" the band 2 500 * 2 +00 M=C is also allo4ated to the radiolo4ation ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. %dministrations shall make all pra4ti4able e##orts to a3oid de3eloping new tropospheri4 s4atter s7stems in the band 2 500 * 2 +,0 M=C. The band 2 500 * 2 +,0 M=C ma7 be used #or tropospheri4 s4atter s7stems in egion (" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. ?hen planning new tropospheri4 s4atter radio*rela7 links in the band 2 500 * 2 +,0 M=C" all possible measures shall be taken to a3oid dire4ting the antennae o# these links towards the geostationar7*satellite orbit. Alternati+e allocation, in %Cerbai8an" >ulgaria" '7rg7Cstan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band 2 500*2 +,0 M=C is allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1




S5"40 S5"40!








&n the design o# s7stems in the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e in the bands between 2 500 M=C and 2 +,0 M=C" administrations are urged to take all ne4essar7 steps to prote4t the radio astronom7 ser3i4e in the band 2 +,0 * 2 :00 M=C. The allo4ation o# the #re@uen47 band 2 500 * 2 520 M=C to the mobile*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 shall be e##e4ti3e on ( 6anuar7 2005 and is sub8e4t to 4oordination under esolution 4 8R)<"5RC= /59>No. S/"11A. The use o# the bands 2 500 * 2 +,0 M=C in egion 2 and 2 500 * 2 535 M=C and 2 +55 * 2 +,0 M=C in egion 3 b7 the #iMed* satellite ser3i4e is limited to national and regional s7stems" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21" gi3ing parti4ular attention to the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e in egion (. &n the dire4tion spa4e*to* <arth" the power #luM*densit7 at the <arthSs sur#a4e shall not eM4eed the 3alues gi3en in %rti4le S21" Table S2(*/. Additional allocation: in 6apan" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21" the band 2 5(5*2 535 M=C ma7 also be used #or the aeronauti4al mobile*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 #or operation limited to within its national boundar7 #rom ( 6anuar7 2000. -? 2*





The use o# the band 2 520 * 2 +:0 M=C b7 the broad4asting* satellite ser3i4e is limited to national and regional s7stems #or 4ommunit7 re4eption" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. The power #luM*densit7 at the <arthSs sur#a4e shall not eM4eed the 3alues gi3en in %rti4le S21" Table S2(*/. Alternati+e allocation, in 5erman7 and 5ree4e" the band 2 520 * 2 +:0 M=C is allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in >angladesh" >elarus" 2hina" ep. o# 'orea" &ndia" 6apan" Pakistan" ussia" Singapore" Sri .anka" Thailand and )kraine the band 2 535 * 2 +55 M=C is also allo4ated to the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e -sound1 and 4omplementar7 terrestrial broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Su4h use is limited to digital audio broad4asting and is sub8e4t to pro3isions o# esolution 52. 85ARC=/29. The pro3isions o# No. S5"41 and %rti4le S21" Table S2(*/" do not appl7 to this additional allo4ation. The allo4ation o# the #re@uen47 band 2 +:0 * 2 +,0 M=C to the mobile*satellite ser3i4e shall be e##e4ti3e #rom ( 6anuar7 2005. ?hen introdu4ing s7stems o# the mobile*satellite ser3i4e in this band" administrations shall take all ne4essar7 steps to prote4t the satellite s7stems operating in this band prior to 3 Mar4h (,,2. The 4oordination o# mobile*satellite s7stems in the band shall be in a44ordan4e with esolution 4 8R)<"5RC=/59>No. S/"11A. The band 2 +55 * 2 +:0 M=C -until ( 6anuar7 2005 the band 2 +55 * 2 +,0 M=C1 ma7 also be used #or the mobile*satellite -<arth*to* spa4e1" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile*satellite" ser3i4e #or operation limited to within national boundaries" sub8e4t to agreement obtained

S5"41! S5"41.




under No. S/"21. The 4oordination under /59>No. S/"11A applies. S5"420A

esolution 4


Additional allocation, in 6apan" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21" the band 2 +:0*2 +,0 M=C ma7 also be used #or the aeronauti4al mobile*satellite ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 #or operation limited to within its national boundar7 #rom ( 6anuar7 2000. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in 5erman7 and %ustria" the band 2 +,0 * 2 +,5 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Su4h use is limited to e@uipment in operation b7 ( 6anuar7 (,05. Additional allocation, in Saudi %rabia" %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >ahrain" >elarus" >osnia and =erCego3ina" >runei 9arussalam" the 2entral %#ri4an epubli4" the 2ongo" 2Rte dS&3oire" 2uba" <g7pt" the )nited %rab <mirates" <ritrea" <thiopia" 5abon" 5eorgia" 5uinea" 5uinea*>issau" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" &srael" 6ordan" 'aCakstan" .ebanon" Mala7sia" Mali" Moro44o" Mauritania" Moldo3a" Mongolia" Nigeria" !man" )Cbekistan" Pakistan" the Philippines" Tatar" S7ria" '7rg7Cstan" 9em ep. o# the 2ongo" omania" ussian Federation" Somalia" Ta8ikistan" Tunisia" Turkmenistan" )kraine" Demen" Dugosla3ia and Oambia" the band 2 +,0*2 :00 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. Su4h use is limited to e@uipment in operation b7 ( 6anuar7 (,05. -? 2*,:1 &n the band 2 :00 * 2 ,00 M=C" ground*based radars used #or meteorologi4al purposes are authoriCed to operate on a basis o# e@ualit7 with stations o# the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e. Additional allocation, in 2anada" the band 2 050 * 2 ,00 M=C is also allo4ated to the maritime radiona3igation ser3i4e" on a primar7 basis" #or use b7 shore*based radars. &n the band 2 ,00 * 3 (00 M=C" the use o# the shipborne interrogator*transponder s7stem -S&T1 shall be 4on#ined to the sub*band 2 ,30 *2 ,50 M=C. The use o# the band 2 ,00 * 3 (00 M=C b7 the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e is limited to ground*based radars. &n the bands 2 ,00 * 3 (00 M=C and , 300 * , 500 M=C" the response #rom radar transponders shall not be 4apable o# being 4on#used with the response #rom radar bea4ons -ra4ons1 and shall not 4ause inter#eren4e to ship or aeronauti4al radars in the radiona3igation ser3i4e" ha3ing regard" howe3er" to No. S4"/ o# these egulations. Additional allocation, in %Cerbai8an" >ulgaria" 2uba" 'aCakstan" Mongolia" Poland" '7rg7Cstan" omania" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band 3 (00*3 300 M=C is also allo4ated to the radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in Saudi %rabia" >ahrain" >angladesh" >runei 9arussalam" 2hina" the 2ongo" the epubli4 o# 'orea" the






S5"42 S5"42!




)nited %rab <mirates" &ndia" &ndonesia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" &srael" 6apan" 6ordan" 'uwait" .ebanon" .ib7a" Mala7sia" !man" Pakistan" Tatar" S7ria" 9emo4rati4 PeopleSs epubli4 o# 'orea and Demen" the band 3 300 * 3 /00 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. The 4ountries bordering the Mediterranean shall not 4laim prote4tion #or their #iMed and mobile ser3i4es #rom the radiolo4ation ser3i4e. S5"430 Additional allocation, in %Cerbai8an" >ulgaria" 2uba" Mongolia" Poland" '7rg7Cstan" omania" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band 3 300*3 /00 M=C is also allo4ated to the radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in 5erman7" &srael" Nigeria and the )nited 'ingdom" the band 3 /00 * 3 /:5 M=C is also allo4ated to the amateur ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. Different categor! of ser+ice, in the epubli4 o# 'orea" &ndonesia" 6apan and Pakistan" the allo4ation o# the band 3 /00* 3 500 M=C to the mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. -? 2*,:1 &n egions 2 and 3" in the band 3 /00 * 3 +00 M=C the radiolo4ation ser3i4e is allo4ated on a primar7 basis. =owe3er" all administrations operating radiolo4ation s7stems in this band are urged to 4ease operations b7 (,05. Therea#ter" administrations shall take all pra4ti4able steps to prote4t the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e and 4oordination re@uirements shall not be imposed on the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e.
-S)P * ? 2*,:1




S5"434 S5"435 S5"43 S5"43!

&n 6apan" in the band 3 +20 * 3 :00 M=C" the radiolo4ation ser3i4e is eM4luded. Not used Additional allocation, in 5erman7 and Norwa7" the band / 200* / 2(0 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis.
-? 2*,:1


)se o# the band / 200 * / /00 M=C b7 the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e is reser3ed eM4lusi3el7 #or radio altimeters installed on board air4ra#t and #or the asso4iated transponders on the ground. =owe3er" passi3e sensing in the earth eMploration*satellite and spa4e resear4h ser3i4es ma7 be authoriCed in this band on a se4ondar7 basis -no prote4tion is pro3ided b7 the radio altimeters1. Additional allocation, in 2hina" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran and .ib7a" the band / 200*/ /00 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 The standard #re@uen47 and time signal*satellite ser3i4e ma7 be authoriCed to use the #re@uen47 / 202 M=C #or spa4e*to*<arth transmissions and the #re@uen47 + /2: M=C #or <arth*to*spa4e transmissions. Su4h transmissions shall be 4on#ined within the limits o# III-4%



L 2 M=C o# these #re@uen4ies" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. S5"441 The use o# the bands / 500*/ 000 M=C -spa4e*to*<arth1" + :25* : 025 M=C -<arth*to*spa4e1 b7 the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e shall be in a44ordan4e with the pro3isions o# %ppendiM S30B. The use o# the bands (0.:*(0.,5 5=C -spa4e*to*<arth1" ((.2*((./5 5=C -spa4e*to* <arth1 and (2.:5*(3.25 5=C -<arth*to*spa4e1 b7 geostationar7*satellite s7stems in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e shall be in a44ordan4e with the pro3isions o# %ppendiM S30B. The use o# the bands (0.:*(0.,5 5=C -spa4e*to*<arth1" ((.2*((./5 5=C -spa4e*to*<arth1 and (2.:5*(3.25 5=C -<arth*to*spa4e1 b7 non*geostationar7*satellite s7stems in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e shall be in a44ordan4e with the pro3isions o# esolution 130 85RC=/!9. -? 2*,:1 &n the bands / 025 * / 035 M=C and / ,50 * / ,,0 M=C" the allo4ation to the mobile ser3i4e is restri4ted to the mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4e. Different categor! of ser+ice, in %rgentina" %ustralia and 2anada" the allo4ation o# the bands / 025 * / 035 M=C and / ,50 * / ,,0 M=C to the radio astronom7 ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. The band 5 000 * 5 (50 M=C is to be used #or the operation o# the international standard s7stem -mi4rowa3e landing s7stem1 #or pre4ision approa4h and landing. The re@uirements o# this s7stem shall take pre4eden4e o3er other uses o# this band. For the use o# this band" No. S5"444A and esolution 114 85RC=/59 appl7. Additional allocation, the band 5 0,( * 5 (50 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 on a primar7 basis. This allo4ation is limited to #eeder links o# non*geostationar7 mobile*satellite s7stems and is sub8e4t to 4oordination under esolution 4 8R)<"5RC=/59>No. S/"11A. &n the band 5 0,( * 5 (50 M=C" the #ollowing 4onditions also appl7: F prior to ( 6anuar7 20(0" the use o# the band 5 0,( * 5 (50 M=C b7 #eeder links o# non*geostationar7*satellite s7stems in the mobile*satellite ser3i4e shall be made in a44ordan4e with esolution 114 85RC=/59$ prior to ( 6anuar7 20(0" the re@uirements o# eMisting and planned international standard s7stems #or the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e whi4h 4annot be met in the 5 000 * 5 0,( M=C band" shall take pre4eden4e o3er other uses o# this band$ a#ter ( 6anuar7 2000" no new assignments shall be made to stations pro3iding #eeder links o# non*geostationar7 mobile* satellite s7stems$ a#ter ( 6anuar7 20(0" the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e will be4ome se4ondar7 to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e. Not used III-4&





F S5"445


Additional allocation, in the 4ountries listed in Nos. S5"3 / and S5"400" the band 5 (50 * 5 2(+ M=C is also allo4ated to the radiodetermination*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. &n egion 2" the band is also allo4ated to the radiodetermination*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to* <arth1 on a primar7 basis. &n egions ( and 3" eM4ept those 4ountries listed in Nos. S5"3 / and S5"400" the band is also allo4ated to the radiodetermination*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 on a se4ondar7 basis. The use b7 the radiodetermination*satellite ser3i4e is limited to #eeder links in 4on8un4tion with the radiodetermination*satellite ser3i4e operating in the bands ( +(0 * ( +2+.5 M=C and;or 2 /03.5 *2 500 M=C. The total power #luM*densit7 at the <arthSs sur#a4e shall in no 4ase eM4eed *(5, d>?;m2 in an7 / k=C band #or all angles o# arri3al. Additional allocation, in 5erman7" %ustria" >elgium" 9enmark" Spain" Finland" Fran4e" 5ree4e" &srael" &tal7" 6apan" 6ordan" .ebanon" .ie4htenstein" .uMembourg" Malta" Moro44o" Norwa7" Pakistan" the Netherlands" Portugal" S7ria" the )nited 'ingdom" Sweden" SwitCerland and Tunisia" the band 5 (50 * 5 250 M=C is also allo4ated to the mobile ser3i4e" on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. The allo4ation to the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 is limited to #eeder links o# non*geostationar7*satellite s7stems in the mobile*satellite ser3i4e and is sub8e4t to 4oordination under esolution 4 8R)<"5RC=/59> No. S/"11A. Additional allocation: the band 5 (50 * 5 2(+ M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 on a primar7 basis. This allo4ation is limited to #eeder links o# non*geostationar7* satellite s7stems in the mobile*satellite ser3i4e and is sub8e4t to pro3isions o# esolution 4 8R)<"5RC=/59> No. S/"11A. The power #luM*densit7 at the <arthSs sur#a4e produ4ed b7 spa4e stations o# the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e operating in the spa4e*to*<arth dire4tion in the band 5 (50 * 5 2(+ M=C shall in no 4ase eM4eed *(+/ d>-?;m 21 in an7 / k=C band #or all angles o# arri3al. %dministrations responsible #or #iMed*satellite ser3i4e networks in the band 5 (50 * 5 250 M=C operated under Nos. S5"44!A and S5"44!B shall 4oordinate on an e@ual basis in a44ordan4e with esolution 4 8R)<"5RC=/59>No. S/"11A with administrations responsible #or non* geostationar7*satellite networks operated under No. S5"44 and brought into use prior to (: No3ember (,,5. Satellite networks operated under No. S5"44 brought into use a#ter (: No3ember (,,5 shall not 4laim prote4tion #rom" and shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" stations o# the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e operated under Nos. S5"44!A and S5"44!B. The allo4ation o# the band 5 250*5 255 M=C to the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e on a primar7 basis is limited to a4ti3e spa4eborne sensors. !ther uses o# the band b7 the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e are on a se4ondar7 basis. -? 2*,:1








Additional allocation, in %ustria" %Cerbai8an" >ulgaria" .ib7a" Mongolia" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" omania" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band 5 250*5 350 M=C is also allo4ated to the radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 The use o# the #re@uen47 band 5 250*5 350 M=C b7 the earth eMploration*satellite -a4ti3e1 and spa4e resear4h -a4ti3e1 ser3i4es shall not 4onstrain the #uture de3elopment and deplo7ment o# the radiolo4ation ser3i4e. -? 2*,:1 The earth eMploration*satellite -a4ti3e1 ser3i4e operating in the 5 350 * 5/+0 M=C shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" or 4onstrain the #uture de3elopment" o# the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. The earth eMploration*satellite -a4ti3e1 ser3i4e operating in the band 5 350*5 /+0 M=C shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" or 4onstrain the use and de3elopment o#" the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in %ustria" %Cerbai8an" >ulgaria" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" Mongolia" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" omania" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band 5 /:0*5 +50 M=C is also allo4ated to the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis.
-? 2*,:1






Additional allocation, in the )nited 'ingdom" the band 5 /:0 * 5 050 M=C is also allo4ated to the land mobile ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis. The power limits spe4i#ied in Nos. S21"2" S21"3" S21"4 and S21"5 shall appl7 in the band 5 :25 * 5 050 M=C. >etween 5 +00 M=C and 5 +50 M=C" ground*based radars used #or meteorologi4al purposes are authoriCed to operate on a basis o# e@ualit7 with stations o# the maritime radiona3igation ser3i4e. Additional allocation, in Saudi %rabia" >ahrain" >angladesh" >runei 9arussalam" 2ameroon" the 2entral %#ri4an epubli4" 2hina" the 2ongo" the epubli4 o# 'orea" <g7pt" the )nited %rab <mirates" 5abon" 5uinea" &ndia" &ndonesia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" &srael" 6apan" 6ordan" 'uwait" .ebanon" .ib7a" Madagas4ar" Mala7sia" Nigeria" !man" Pakistan" the Philippines" Tatar" S7ria" 9emo4rati4 PeopleSs epubli4 o# 'orea" Singapore" SwaCiland" TanCania" 2had" and Demen" the band 5 +50*5 050 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Different categor! of ser+ice, in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >ulgaria" 5eorgia" 'aCakstan" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" '7rg7Cstan" ussian Federation" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the allo4ation o# the band 5 +:0*5 :25 M=C to the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >ulgaria" 'aCakstan" .at3ia" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" '7rg7Cstan" ussia" III-4(





Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band 5 +:0 * 5 050 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331 S5"45 Additional allocation, in 5erman7 and in 2ameroon" the band 5 :55 * 5 050 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Not used &n the band + /25 * : 0:5 M=C" passi3e mi4rowa3e sensor measurements are 4arried out o3er the o4eans. &n the band : 0:5 * : 250 M=C" passi3e mi4rowa3e sensor measurements are 4arried out. %dministrations should bear in mind the needs o# the <arth eMploration*satellite -passi3e1 and spa4e resear4h -passi3e1 ser3i4es in their #uture planning o# the bands + /25 *: 025 M=C and : 0:5 * : 250 M=C. &n making assignments in the band + :00 * : 0:5 M=C to spa4e stations o# the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e" administrations are urged to take all pra4ti4able steps to prote4t spe4tral line obser3ations o# the radio astronom7 ser3i4e in the band + +50 * + +:5.2 M=C #rom harm#ul inter#eren4e #rom unwanted emissions. The spa4e*to*<arth allo4ation to the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e in the band + :00 * : 0:5 M=C is limited to #eeder links #or non*geostationar7 satellite s7stems o# the mobile*satellite ser3i4e and is sub8e4t to 4oordination under esolution 4 8R)<"5RC=/59>No. S/"11A. The use o# the band + :00 * : 0:5 M=C -spa4e*to*<arth1 b7 #eeder links #or non* geostationar7 satellite s7stems in the mobile*satellite ser3i4e is not sub8e4t to No. S22"2. %dministrations making submissions in the band : 025 * : 0:5 M=C -<arth*to*spa4e1 #or geostationar7*satellite s7stems in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e a#ter (: No3ember (,,5 shall 4onsult on the basis o# rele3ant &T)* e4ommendations with the administrations that ha3e noti#ied and brought into use non*geostationar7*satellite s7stems in this #re@uen47 band be#ore (0 No3ember (,,5 upon re@uest o# the latter administrations. This 4onsultation shall be with a 3iew to #a4ilitating shared operation o# both geostationar7*satellite s7stems in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e and non*geostationar7*satellite s7stems in this band. Additional allocation, in ussian Federation" the #re@uen47 bands : (00*: (55 M=C and : (,0*: 235 M=C are also allo4ated to the spa4e operation ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, the band : (/5 * : 235 M=C is also allo4ated to the spa4e resear4h -<arth*to*spa4e1 ser3i4e on a primar7 basis" sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. The use o# the band : (/5 *: (,0 M=C is restri4ted to deep spa4e$ no emissions to deep spa4e shall be e##e4ted in the band : (,0 * : 235 M=C.

S5"45! S5"45.





S5"4 0


S5"4 1

The use o# the band : /50*: 550 M=C b7 the meteorologi4al* satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 is limited to geostationar7*satellite s7stems. Non*geostationar7 meteorologi4al*satellite s7stems in this band noti#ied be#ore 30 No3ember (,,: ma7 4ontinue to operate on a primar7 basis until the end o# their li#etime. -? 2*,:1 The use o# the band : /50*: 550 M=C b7 the meteorologi4al* satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 is limited to geostationar7*satellite s7stems. Non*geostationar7 meteorologi4al*satellite s7stems in this band noti#ied be#ore 30 No3ember (,,: ma7 4ontinue to operate on a primar7 basis until the end o# their li#etime. -? 2*,:1 The use o# the band : :50*: 050 M=C b7 the meteorologi4al* satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 is limited to non*geostationar7 satellite s7stems. -? 2*,:1
-S)P * ? 2*,:1

S5"4 1A

S5"4 1B

S5"4 2 S5"4 2A

&n egions ( and 3 -eM4ept #or 6apan1" in the band 0 025* 0 /00 M=C" the earth eMploration*satellite ser3i4e using geostationar7 satellites shall not produ4e a power #luM*densit7 in eM4ess o# the #ollowing pro3isional 3alues #or angles o# arri3al - 1" without the 4onsent o# the a##e4ted administration: F(:/ d>-?;m21 in a / k=C band F(:/ V 0.5 - F 51 d>-?;m21 in a / k=C band F(+/ d>-?;m21 in a / k=C band
/!9. -? 2*,:1

#or 0 < 5 #or 5 < 25 #or 25 ,0 esolution 124 85RC=

These 3alues are sub8e4t to stud7 under S5"4 3 S5"4 4 S5"4 5 S5"4

%ir4ra#t stations are not permitted to transmit in the band 0 025* 0 /00 M=C. -? 2*,:1
-S)P * ? 2*,:1

&n the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e" the use o# the band 0 /00 * 0 /50 M=C is limited to deep spa4e. Different categor! of ser+ice, in &srael" Mala7sia" Singapore and Sri .anka" the allo4ation o# the band 0 /00*0 500 M=C to the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e is on a se4ondar7 basis -see No. S5"321. -? 2*,:1 Alternati+e allocation, in the )nited 'ingdom" the band 0 /00 * 0 500 M=C is allo4ated to the radiolo4ation and spa4e resear4h ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in Saudi %rabia" >ahrain" >angladesh" >runei 9arussalam" >urundi" 2ameroon" 2hina" the 2ongo" 2osta i4a" <g7pt" the )nited %rab <mirates" 5abon" 5u7ana" &ndonesia" the III-$1

S5"4 !

S5"4 .

&slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" 6amai4a" 6ordan" 'uwait" .ebanon" .ib7a" Mala7sia" Mali" Moro44o" Mauritania" Nepal" Nigeria" !man" Pakistan" Tatar" S7ria" 9emo4rati4 PeopleWs epubli4 o# 'orea" Senegal" Singapore" Somalia" SwaCiland" TanCania" 2had" Togo" Tunisia and Demen" the band 0 500*0 :50 M=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 S5"4 / Additional allocation, in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >ulgaria" 5eorgia" =ungar7" 'aCakstan" .ithuania" Moldo3a" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" Poland" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" omania" ussia" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band 0 500 * 0 :50 M=C is also allo4ated to the land mobile and radiona3igation ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. &n the band 0 550*0 +50 M=C" stations in the earth eMploration* satellite ser3i4e -a4ti3e1 and spa4e resear4h ser3i4e -a4ti3e1 shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" or 4onstrain the use and de3elopment o#" stations o# the radiolo4ation ser3i4e. -? 2*,:1 The use o# the band 0 :50 * 0 050 M=C b7 the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e is limited to airborne 9oppler na3igation aids on a 4entre #re@uen47 o# 0 000 M=C. Additional allocation, in %lgeria" 5erman7" >ahrain" >elgium" 2hina" the )nited %rab <mirates" Fran4e" 5ree4e" &ndonesia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" .ib7a" the Netherlands" Tatar and Sudan" the bands 0 025 * 0 050 M=C and , 000 * , 200 M=C are also allo4ated to the maritime radiona3igation ser3i4e" on a primar7 basis" #or use b7 shore*based radars onl7. &n the bands 0 050 * , 000 M=C and , 200 * , 225 M=C" the maritime radiona3igation ser3i4e is limited to shore*based radars. Additional allocation, in %rmenia" %ustria" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >ulgaria" 2uba" 5eorgia" =ungar7" 'aCakstan" Moldo3a" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" Poland" '7rg7Cstan. Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" omania" ussia" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the bands 0 050 * , 000 M=C and , 200 * , 300 M=C are also allo4ated to the radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. &n the band , 200 * , 500 M=C" sear4h and res4ue transponders -S% T1 ma7 be used" ha3ing due regard to the appropriate &T)* e4ommendation -see also %rti4le S311. The use o# the band , 300 * , 500 M=C b7 the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e is limited to airborne weather radars and ground*based radars. &n addition" ground*based radar bea4ons in the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e are permitted in the band , 300 * , 320 M=C on 4ondition that harm#ul inter#eren4e is not 4aused to the maritime radiona3igation ser3i4e. &n the band , 300 * , 500 M=C" ground*based radars used #or meteorologi4al purposes ha3e priorit7 o3er other radiolo4ation de3i4es.

S5"4 /A



S5"4!2 S5"4!3





&n the band , 300 * , 320 M=C in the radiona3igation ser3i4e" the use o# shipborne radars" other than those eMisting on ( 6anuar7 (,:+" is not permitted until ( 6anuar7 200(. &n the band , 500*, 000 M=C" stations in the earth eMploration* satellite ser3i4e -a4ti3e1 and spa4e resear4h ser3i4e -a4ti3e1 shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" or 4onstrain the use and de3elopment o#" stations o# the radiona3igation and radiolo4ation ser3i4es. -? 2*,:1 Different categor! of ser+ice, in %lgeria" Saudi %rabia" %ustria" >ahrain" >angladesh" >runei 9arussalam" 2ameroon" the epubli4 o# 'orea" <g7pt" the )nited %rab <mirates" <ritrea" <thiopia" 5u7ana" &ndia" &ndonesia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" 6amai4a" 6apan" 6ordan" 'uwait" .ebanon" .iberia" Mala7sia" Nigeria" !man" Pakistan" Tatar" 9emo4rati4 PeopleWs epubli4 o# 'orea" Singapore" Somalia" Sudan" Sweden" Trinidad and Tobago" and Demen" the allo4ation o# the band , 000*(0 000 M=C to the #iMed ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in %Cerbai8an" >ulgaria" 'aCakstan" Mongolia" '7rg7Cstan" Slo3akia" the 2Ce4h epubli4" omania" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band , 000*(0 000 M=C is also allo4ated to the radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 The band , ,:5 * (0 025 M=C is also allo4ated to the meteorologi4al*satellite ser3i4e on a se4ondar7 basis #or use b7 weather radars. Additional allocation, in >raCil" 2osta i4a" <4uador" 5uatemala" =onduras and MeMi4o" the band (0*(0./5 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in 5erman7" %ngola" 2hina" <4uador" Spain" 6apan" Moro44o" Nigeria" !man" 9emo4rati4 PeopleSs epubli4 o# 'orea" Sweden" TanCania and Thailand" the band (0./5 * (0.5 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. &n the band (0.+ * (0.+0 5=C" stations o# the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es shall be limited to a maMimum e@ui3alent isotropi4all7 radiated power o# /0 d>? and the power deli3ered to the antenna shall not eM4eed F3 d>?. These limits ma7 be eM4eeded sub8e4t to agreement obtained under No. S/"21. =owe3er" in Saudi %rabia" %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >ahrain" >angladesh" >elarus" 2hina" the )nited %rab <mirates" 5eorgia" &ndia" &ndonesia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" 6apan" 'aCakstan" 'uwait" .at3ia" .ebanon" Moldo3a" Nigeria" )Cbekistan" Pakistan" the Philippines" Tatar" S7ria" '7rg7Cstan" ussia" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the restri4tions on the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es are not appli4able. Additional allocation, in Saudi %rabia" %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >ahrain" >elarus" >osnia and =erCego3ina" 2hina" 2olombia" the

S5"4! A









epubli4 o# 'orea" 2osta i4a" <g7pt" the )nited %rab <mirates" 5eorgia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" &srael" 6apan" 6ordan" 'aCakstan" 'uwait" .at3ia" .ebanon" Moldo3a" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" Pakistan" Tatar" '7rg7Cstan" 9emo4rati4 PeopleSs epubli4 o# 'orea" omania" ussian Federation" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan" )kraine" Demen and Dugosla3ia" the band (0.+0*(0.: 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. Su4h use is limited to e@uipment in operation b7 ( 6anuar7 (,05. -? 2*,:1 S5"4.4 &n egion (" the use o# the band (0.: * ((.: 5=C b7 the #iMed* satellite ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 is limited to #eeder links #or the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e. The use o# the bands (0.,5*((.2 5=C -spa4e*to*<arth1" ((./5* ((.: 5=C -spa4e*to*<arth1" ((.:*(2.2 5=C -spa4e*to*<arth1 in egion 2" (2.2*(2.:5 5=C -spa4e*to*<arth1 in egion 3" (2.5*(2.:5 5=C -spa4e*to*<arth1 in egion (" (3.:5*(/.5 5=C -<arth*to*spa4e1" (:.0* (0.+ 5=C -spa4e*to*<arth1" (,.:*20.2 5=C -spa4e*to*<arth1" 2:.5*20.+ 5=C -<arth*to*spa4e1" 2,.5*30 5=C -<arth*to*spa4e1 b7 non* geostationar7* and geostationar7*satellite s7stems in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e is sub8e4t to the pro3isions o# esolution 130 85RC=/!9. The use o# the band (:.0*(0.( 5=C -spa4e*to*<arth1 b7 non*geostationar7 #iMed* satellite ser3i4e s7stems is also sub8e4t to the pro3isions o# esolution 53. 85RC=/!9. -? 2*,:1 &n egion 2" in the band ((.: * (2.2 5=C" transponders on spa4e stations in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e ma7 be used additionall7 #or transmissions in the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e" pro3ided that su4h transmissions do not ha3e a maMimum e.i.r.p. greater than 53 d>? per tele3ision 4hannel and do not 4ause greater inter#eren4e or re@uire more prote4tion #rom inter#eren4e than the 4oordinated #iMed*satellite ser3i4e #re@uen47 assignments. ?ith respe4t to the spa4e ser3i4es" this band shall be used prin4ipall7 #or the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e. Different categor! of ser+ice, in MeMi4o and the )nited States" the allo4ation o# the band ((.: * (2.( 5=C to the #iMed ser3i4e is on a se4ondar7 basis -see No. S5"321. &n the band ((.: * (2.5 5=C in egions ( and 3" the #iMed" #iMed* satellite" mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" and broad4asting ser3i4es" in a44ordan4e with their respe4ti3e allo4ations" shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to broad4asting*satellite stations operating in a44ordan4e with the pro3isions o# %ppendiM S30. Additional allocation, in egion (" the band ((.:*(2.5 5=C" in egion 2" the band (2.2*(2.: 5=C and" in egion 3" the band ((.:*(2.2 5=C" are also allo4ated to the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 on a primar7 basis" limited to non*geostationar7 s7stems and sub8e4t to the pro3isions o# esolution 53. 85RC=/!9. -? 2*,:1 The use o# the bands ((.: * (2.2 5=C b7 the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e in egion 2 and (2.2 * (2.: 5=C b7 the broad4asting*satellite








ser3i4e in egion 2 is limited to national and subregional s7stems. The use o# the band ((.: * (2.2 5=C b7 the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e in egion 2 is sub8e4t to pre3ious agreement between the administrations 4on4erned and those ha3ing ser3i4es" operating or planned to operate in a44ordan4e with the Table" whi4h ma7 be a##e4ted -see %rti4les S/ and S111. For the use o# the band (2.2 * (2.: 5=C b7 the broad4asting* satellite ser3i4e in egion 2" see %ppendiM S30. S5"4./ S5"4/0 Additional allocation, in Peru" the band (2.( * (2.2 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. &n egion 2" in the band (2.2 * (2.: 5=C" eMisting and #uture terrestrial radio4ommuni4ation ser3i4es shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to the spa4e ser3i4es operating in 4on#ormit7 with the >road4asting*Satellite Plan #or egion 2 4ontained in %ppendiM S30. Additional allocation, in egion 3" the band (2.2 * (2.5 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed*satellite -spa4e*to*<arth1 ser3i4e on a primar7 basis" limited to national and sub*regional s7stems. The power #luM* densit7 limits in %rti4le S21" Table S2(*/ shall appl7 to this #re@uen47 band. The introdu4tion o# the ser3i4e in relation to the broad4asting* satellite ser3i4e in egion ( shall #ollow the pro4edures spe4i#ied in %rti4le : o# %ppendiM S30" with the appli4able #re@uen47 band eMtended to 4o3er (2.2 * (2.5 5=C. %ssignments to stations o# the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e in 4on#ormit7 with the appropriate regional Plan in %ppendiM S30 ma7 also be used #or transmissions in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1" pro3ided that su4h transmissions do not 4ause more inter#eren4e or re@uire more prote4tion #rom inter#eren4e than the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e transmissions operating in 4on#ormit7 with this Plan. ?ith respe4t to the spa4e ser3i4es" this band shall be used prin4ipall7 #or the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e. -? 2*,:1 The broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e in the band (2.5*(2.:5 5=C in egion 3 is limited to a power #luM*densit7 not eM4eeding F ((( d>-?;m21;2: M=C #or all 4onditions and #or all methods o# modulation at the edge o# the ser3i4e area. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in %lgeria" %ngola" Saudi %rabia" >ahrain" 2ameroon" the 2entral %#ri4an epubli4" the 2ongo" 2Rte dW&3oire" <g7pt" the )nited %rab <mirates" <ritrea" <thiopia" 5abon" 5hana" 5uinea" &ra@" &srael" 6ordan" 'uwait" .ebanon" .ib7a" Madagas4ar" Mali" Moro44o" Mongolia" Nigeria" Tatar" 9em. ep. o# the 2ongo" S7ria" Senegal" Somalia" Sudan" 2had" Togo and Demen" the band (2.5* (2.:5 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in >osnia and =erCego3ina" 2roatia" 9enmark" Fran4e" 5ree4e" .ie4htenstein" Mona4o" Norwa7" )ganda" Portugal" omania" Slo3enia" SwitCerland" TanCania" Tunisia and Dugosla3ia" the band (2.5*(2.:5 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and







mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es on a se4ondar7 basis.

-? 2*,:1


Additional allocation, in %ustria" %Cerbai8an" '7rg7Cstan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band (2.5*(2.:5 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e and the mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. =owe3er" stations in these ser3i4es shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to #iMed*satellite ser3i4e earth stations o# 4ountries in egion ( other than those listed in this #ootnote. 2oordination o# these earth stations is not re@uired with stations o# the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es o# the 4ountries listed in this #ootnote. The power #luM*densit7 limit at the <arthWs sur#a4e gi3en in %rti4le S21" Table S21=4" #or the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e shall appl7 on the territor7 o# the 4ountries listed in this #ootnote. -? 2*,:1 The use o# the band (3.25 * (3./ 5=C b7 the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e is limited to 9oppler na3igation aids.
-S)P * ? 2*,:1

S5"4/! S5"4/. S5"4/.A

The <arth eMploration*satellite -a4ti3e1 and spa4e resear4h -a4ti3e1 ser3i4es operating in the band (3.25*(3./ 5=C shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" or 4onstrain the use and de3elopment o#" the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in >angladesh" &ndia and Pakistan" the band (3.25 *(/ 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in %lgeria" %ngola" Saudi %rabia" >ahrain" >runei 9arussalam" 2ameroon" the epubli4 o# 'orea" <g7pt" the )nited %rab <mirates" 5abon" &ndonesia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" &srael" 6ordan" 'uwait" .ebanon" Madagas4ar" Mala7sia" Mali" Malta" Moro44o" Mauritania" Nigeria" Pakistan" Tatar" S7ria" Senegal" Singapore" Sudan" 2had and Tunisia" the band (3./*(/ 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*




Additional allocation, in %ustria" %Cerbai8an" >ulgaria" =ungar7" 6apan" Mongolia" '7rg7Cstan" omania" the )nited 'ingdom" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the band (3./*(/ 5=C is also allo4ated to the radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 The allo4ation o# the band (3./*(3.:5 5=C to the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e on a primar7 basis is limited to a4ti3e spa4eborne sensors. !ther uses o# the band b7 the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e are on a se4ondar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 &n the band (3./*(3.:5 5=C" the <arth eMploration*satellite -a4ti3e1 and spa4e resear4h -a4ti3e1 ser3i4es shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" or 4onstrain the use and de3elopment o#" the radiolo4ation ser3i4e. -? 2*,:1 III-$%




&n the band (3.:5 * (/ 5=C" the e.i.r.p. o# an7 emission #rom an earth station in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e shall be at least +0 d>?" and should not eM4eed 05 d>?" with a minimum antenna diameter o# /.5 metres. &n addition the e.i.r.p." a3eraged o3er one se4ond" radiated b7 a station in the radiolo4ation or radiona3igation ser3i4es towards the geostationar7*satellite orbit shall not eM4eed 5, d>?. &n the band (3.:5 * (/ 5=C" geostationar7 spa4e stations in the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e #or whi4h in#ormation #or ad3an4e publi4ation has been re4ei3ed b7 the >ureau prior to 3( 6anuar7 (,,2 shall operate on an e@ual basis with stations in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e$ a#ter that date" new geostationar7 spa4e stations in the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e will operate on a se4ondar7 basis. The e.i.r.p. densit7 o# emissions #rom an7 earth station in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e shall not eM4eed :( d>? in an7 + M=C band in the #re@uen47 range (3.::2 * (3.::0 5=C until those geostationar7 spa4e stations in the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e #or whi4h in#ormation #or ad3an4e publi4ation has been re4ei3ed b7 the >ureau prior to 3( 6anuar7 (,,2 4ease to operate in this band. %utomati4 power 4ontrol ma7 be used to in4rease the e.i.r.p. densit7 abo3e :( d>? in an7 + M=C band in this #re@uen47 range to 4ompensate #or rain attenuation" to the eMtent that the power*#luM densit7 at the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e spa4e station does not eM4eed the 3alue resulting #rom use o# an e.i.r.p. o# :( d>? in an7 + M=C band in 4lear sk7 4onditions. )ntil ( 6anuar7 2000" stations in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to non*geostationar7 spa4e stations in the spa4e resear4h and <arth eMploration*satellite ser3i4es. %#ter that date" these non*geostationar7 spa4e stations will operate on a se4ondar7 basis in relation to the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e. %dditionall7" when planning earth stations in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e to be brought into ser3i4e between ( 6anuar7 2000 and ( 6anuar7 200(" in order to a44ommodate the needs o# spa4eborne pre4ipitation radars operating in the band (3.:,3 * (3.005 5=C" ad3antage should be taken o# the 4onsultation pro4ess and the in#ormation gi3en in e4ommendation &T)* S%.(0:(. The use o# the band (/ * (/.3 5=C b7 the radiona3igation ser3i4e shall be su4h as to pro3ide su##i4ient prote4tion to spa4e stations o# the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e -see e4ommendation !0. 1.





Additional allocation, in %lgeria" %ngola" Saudi %rabia" %ustralia" >ahrain" >angladesh" >otswana" >runei 9arussalam" 2ameroon" 2hina" the 2ongo" the epubli4 o# 'orea" <g7pt" the )nited %rab <mirates" 5abon" 5uatemala" 5uinea" &ndia" &ndonesia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" &srael" 6apan" 6ordan" 'uwait" .esotho" .ebanon" Mala7sia" Mali" Moro44o" Mauritania" !man" Pakistan" the Philippines" Tatar" S7ria" the 9emo4rati4 PeopleWs epubli4 o# 'orea" Senegal"

*@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ *

Note by the Secretariat: R!0o==!/-, io/ &)' A,+ ,<ro9, !- <? 4AR5-(2" III-$&

Singapore" Somalia" Sudan" SwaCiland" TanCania" 2had and Demen" the band (/*(/.3 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 S5"50 The band (/ * (/.5 5=C ma7 be used" within the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1" #or #eeder links #or the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e" sub8e4t to 4oordination with other networks in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e. Su4h use o# #eeder links is reser3ed #or 4ountries outside <urope. Not used Additional allocation, in 5erman7" %ustria" >osnia and =erCego3ina" Fran4e" 5ree4e" &reland" &4eland" &tal7" The Former Dugosla3 epubli4 o# Ma4edonia" .ib7a" .ie4htenstein" Portugal" the )nited 'ingdom" Slo3enia" SwitCerland" Turke7 and Dugosla3ia" the band (/.25*(/.3 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in 6apan and Pakistan the band (/.25 * (/.3 5=C is also allo4ated to the mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. The use o# the band (/.5 * (/.0 5=C b7 the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 is limited to #eeder links #or the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e. This use is reser3ed #or 4ountries outside <urope. Additional allocation, in Saudi %rabia" >ahrain" >osnia and =erCego3ina" 2ameroon" <g7pt" the )nited %rab <mirates" 5uinea" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" &srael" 'uwait" .ebanon" .ib7a" Pakistan" Tatar" S7ria" Slo3enia" Somalia and Dugosla3ia" the band (5.35*(5./ 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a se4ondar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 )se o# the band (5./3*(5.+3 5=C b7 the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth -see esolution 123 85RC=/!91 and <arth*to*spa4e1 is limited to #eeder links o# non*geostationar7 s7stems in the mobile* satellite ser3i4e" sub8e4t to 4oordination under No. S/"11A. &n the spa4e*to*<arth dire4tion" the minimum earth station ele3ation angle abo3e and gain towards the lo4al horiContal plane and the minimum 4oordination distan4es to prote4t an earth station #rom harm#ul inter#eren4e shall be in a44ordan4e with e4ommendation &T)* S.(3/(. %lso in the spa4e*to*<arth dire4tion" harm#ul inter#eren4e shall not be 4aused to stations o# the radio astronom7 ser3i4e using the band (5.35*(5./ 5=C. The threshold le3els o# inter#eren4e and asso4iated power #luM*densit7 limits whi4h are detrimental to the radio astronom7 ser3i4e are gi3en in e4ommendation &T)* %.:+,*(. Spe4ial measures will need to be emplo7ed to prote4t the radio astronom7 ser3i4e in the band (5.35*(5./ 5=C. -? 2*,:1
(SUP - 4R5-(&)

S5"50! S5"50.








Stations operating in the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e shall limit the e##e4ti3e e.i.r.p. in a44ordan4e with e4ommendation &T)* S.(3/0. The minimum 4oordination distan4e re@uired to prote4t the aeronauti4al radiona3igation stations -No. S4"10 applies1 #rom harm#ul inter#eren4e #rom #eeder*link earth stations and the maMimum e.i.r.p. transmitted towards the lo4al horiContal plane b7 a #eeder*link earth station shall be in a44ordan4e with e4ommendation &T)* S.(3/0.
-? 2*,:1


FiMed*satellite ser3i4e s7stems #or whi4h 4omplete in#ormation #or ad3an4e publi4ation has been re4ei3ed b7 the >ureau b7 2( No3ember (,,: ma7 operate in the bands (5./*(5./3 5=C and (5.+3* (5.: 5=C in the spa4e*to*<arth dire4tion and (5.+3*(5.+5 5=C in the <arth*to*spa4e dire4tion. &n the bands (5./*(5./3 5=C and (5.+5*(5.: 5=C" emissions #rom a non*geostationar7 spa4e station shall not eM4eed the power #luM*densit7 limits at the <arthWs sur#a4e o# F(/+ d>-?;m2;M=C1 #or an7 angle o# arri3al. &n the band (5.+3*(5.+5 5=C" where an administration plans emissions #rom a non*geostationar7 spa4e station that eM4eed F(/+ d>-?;m2;M=C1 #or an7 angle o# arri3al" it shall 4oordinate under No. S/"11A with the a##e4ted administrations. Stations in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e operating in the band (5.+3*(5.+5 5=C in the <arth*to*spa4e dire4tion shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to stations in the aeronauti4al radiona3igation ser3i4e -No. S4"10 applies1. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in %lgeria" %ngola" Saudi %rabia" %ustria" >ahrain" >angladesh" >osnia and =erCego3ina" >runei 9arussalam" 2ameroon" the 2ongo" 2osta i4a" <g7pt" <l Sal3ador" the )nited %rab <mirates" Finland" 5uatemala" &ndia" &ndonesia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" 6ordan" 'uwait" .ib7a" Mala7sia" Moro44o" MoCambi@ue" Nepal" Ni4aragua" !man" Pakistan" Tatar" Singapore" Slo3enia" Somalia" Sudan" SwaCiland" TanCania" 2had" Demen and Dugosla3ia" the band (5.:*(:.3 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in &srael" the band (5.: * (:.3 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. These ser3i4es shall not 4laim prote4tion #rom or 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to ser3i4es operating in a44ordan4e with the Table in 4ountries other than those in4luded in No. S5"512. Spa4eborne a4ti3e sensors operating in the band (:.2*(:.3 5=C shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" or 4onstrain the de3elopment o#" the radiolo4ation and other ser3i4es allo4ated on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in %lgeria" 5erman7" %ngola" Saudi %rabia" %ustria" >ahrain" >angladesh" >osnia and =erCego3ina" 2ameroon" 2osta i4a" <l Sal3ador" the )nited %rab <mirates" Finland" 5uatemala" =onduras" &ndia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" &srael" 6apan" 6ordan" 'uwait" .ib7a" Nepal" Ni4aragua" !man" Pakistan" Tatar" Slo3enia" Sudan" Sweden and Dugosla3ia" the band (:.3*(:.: III-$(





5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a se4ondar7 basis. The power limits gi3en in Nos. S21"3 and S21"5 shall appl7. -? 2*,:1 S5"515 &n the band (:.3 * (:.0 5=C" sharing between the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 and the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e shall also be in a44ordan4e with the pro3isions o# se4tion ( o# %nneM / o# %ppendiM S30A. The use o# the band (:.3*(0.( 5=C b7 geostationar7*satellite s7stems in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 is limited to #eeder links #or the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e. For the use o# the band (:.3*(:.0 5=C in egion 2 b7 #eeder links #or the broad4asting* satellite ser3i4e in the band (2.2*(2.: 5=C" see %rti4le S11. The use o# the bands (:.3*(0.( 5=C -<arth*to*spa4e1 in egions ( and 3 and (:.0* (0.( 5=C -<arth*to*spa4e1 in egion 2 b7 non*geostationar7*satellite s7stems in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e is sub8e4t to the pro3isions o# esolution 53. 85RC=/!9. -? 2*,:1 &n egion 2" the allo4ation to the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e in the band (:.3 * (:.0 5=C shall 4ome into e##e4t on ( %pril 200:. %#ter that date" use o# the #iMed*satellite -spa4e*to*<arth1 ser3i4e in the band (:.: * (:.0 5=C shall not 4laim prote4tion #rom and shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to operating s7stems in the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e. Different categor! of ser+ice, in egion 2" the allo4ation o# the band (:.: * (:.0 5=C to the mobile ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis until 3( Mar4h 200:. Additional allocation, the band (0.( * (0.3 5=C is also allo4ated to the meteorologi4al*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 on a primar7 basis. &ts use is limited to geostationar7 satellites and shall be in a44ordan4e with the pro3isions o# %rti4le S21" Table S2(*/. The use o# the band (0.( * (0./ 5=C b7 the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 is limited to #eeder links #or the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e. Alternati+e allocation, in 5erman7" 9enmark" the )nited %rab <mirates" 5ree4e" Slo3akia and the 2Ce4h epubli4" the band (0.(* (0./ 5=C is allo4ated to the #iMed" #iMed*satellite -spa4e*to*<arth1 and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. The pro3isions o# No. S5"51/ also appl7. -? 2*,:1 &n making assignments to stations in the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es" administrations are in3ited to take a44ount o# passi3e sensors in the earth*eMploration satellite and spa4e resear4h ser3i4es operating in the band (0.+ * (0.0 5=C. &n this band" administrations should endea3our to limit as #ar as possible both the power deli3ered b7 the transmitter to the antenna and the e.i.r.p. in order to redu4e the risk o# inter#eren4e to passi3e sensors to the minimum.










&n assigning #re@uen4ies to stations in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e in the dire4tion spa4e*to*<arth" administrations are re@uested to limit as #ar as pra4ti4able the power #luM*densit7 at the <arthSs sur#a4e in the band (0.+ * (0.0 5=C" in order to redu4e the risk o# inter#eren4e to passi3e sensors in the earth eMploration*satellite and spa4e resear4h ser3i4es. The use o# the bands (0.0*(,.3 5=C -spa4e*to*<arth1 and 20.+* 2,.( 5=C -<arth*to*spa4e1 b7 geostationar7 and non*geostationar7 #iMed*satellite ser3i4e networks is sub8e4t to the appli4ation o# the pro3isions o# No. S/"11A and No. S22"2 does not appl7. %dministrations ha3ing geostationar7*satellite networks under 4oordi* nation prior to (0 No3ember (,,5 shall 4ooperate to the maMimum eMtent possible to 4oordinate pursuant to No. S/"11A with non*geostationar7*satellite networks #or whi4h noti#i4ation in#ormation has been re4ei3ed b7 the >ureau prior to that date" with a 3iew to rea4hing results a44eptable to all the parties 4on4erned. Non*geostationar7*satellite networks shall not 4ause una44eptable inter#eren4e to geostationar7 #iMed*satellite ser3i4e networks #or whi4h 4omplete %ppendiM S4 noti#i4ation in#ormation is 4onsidered as ha3ing been re4ei3ed b7 the >ureau prior to (0 No3ember (,,5. -? 2*,:1 S5.523> The use o# the band (,.3 * (,.+ 5=C -<arth*to*spa4e1 b7 the FSS is limited to #eeder links #or non*5S! s7stems in the MSS. Su4h use is sub8e4t to the appli4ation o# the pro3isions o# esolution 4 8R)<"5RC=/59>No. S/"11A" and No. S22"2 does not appl7.



No. S22"2 o# the adio egulations shall 4ontinue to appl7 in the bands (,.3*(,.+ 5=C and 2,.(*2,./ 5=C" between #eeder links o# non* geostationar7 mobile*satellite ser3i4e networks and those #iMed*satellite ser3i4e networks #or whi4h 4omplete %ppendiM S4 4oordination in#ormation" or noti#i4ation in#ormation" is 4onsidered as ha3ing been re4ei3ed b7 the >ureau prior to (0 No3ember (,,5. -? 2*,:1 The use o# the band (,.3*(,.: 5=C -spa4e*to*<arth1 b7 geostationar7 #iMed*satellite ser3i4e s7stems and b7 #eeder links #or non*geostationar7*satellite s7stems in the mobile*satellite ser3i4e is sub8e4t to the appli4ation o# the pro3isions o# No. S/"11A" but not sub8e4t to the pro3isions o# No. S22"2. The use o# this band #or other non*geostationar7 #iMed*satellite ser3i4e s7stems" or #or the 4ases indi4ated in Nos. S5"523C and S5"523E" is not sub8e4t to the pro3isions o# No. S/"11A and shall 4ontinue to be sub8e4t to %rti4les S/ -eM4ept No. S/"11A1 and S11 pro4edures" and to the pro3isions o# No. S22"2.
-? 2*,:1



No. S22"2 o# the adio egulations shall 4ontinue to appl7 in the bands (,.+*(,.: 5=C and 2,./*2,.5 5=C" between #eeder links o# non* geostationar7 mobile*satellite ser3i4e networks and those #iMed*satellite ser3i4e networks #or whi4h 4omplete %ppendiM S4 4oordination in#ormation" or noti#i4ation in#ormation" is 4onsidered as ha3ing been re4ei3ed b7 the >ureau b7 2( No3ember (,,:. -? 2*,:1 III-%1


Additional allocation, in %#ghanistan" %lgeria" %ngola" Saudi %rabia" >ahrain" >angladesh" >runei 9arussalam" 2ameroon" 2hina" the 2ongo" the epubli4 o# 'orea" 2osta i4a" <g7pt" the )nited %rab <mirates" 5abon" 5uatemala" 5uinea" &ndia" &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" &srael" 6apan" 6ordan" 'uwait" .ebanon" Mala7sia" Mali" Moro44o" Mauritania" Nepal" Nigeria" !man" Pakistan" the Philippines" Tatar" 9em. ep. o# the 2ongo" S7ria" 9emo4rati4 PeopleWs epubli4 o# 'orea" Singapore" Somalia" Sudan" TanCania" 2had" Togo and Tunisia" the band (,.:*2(.2 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. This additional use shall not impose an7 limitation on the power #luM*densit7 o# spa4e stations in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e in the band (,.:*2(.2 5=C and o# spa4e stations in the mobile*satellite ser3i4e in the band (,.:*20.2 5=C where the allo4ation to the mobile* satellite ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis in the latter band. -? 2*,:1 &n order to #a4ilitate interregional 4oordination between networks in the mobile*satellite and #iMed*satellite ser3i4es" 4arriers in the mobile* satellite ser3i4e that are most sus4eptible to inter#eren4e shall" to the eMtent pra4ti4able" be lo4ated in the higher parts o# the bands (,.: * 20.2 5=C and 2,.5 * 30 5=C. &n the bands (,.: * 20.2 5=C and 2,.5 * 30 5=C in egion 2" and in the bands 20.( * 20.2 5=C and 2,., * 30 5=C in egions ( and 3" networks whi4h are both in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e and in the mobile*satellite ser3i4e ma7 in4lude links between earth stations at spe4i#ied or unspe4i#ied points or while in motion" through one or more satellites #or point*to*point and point*to*multipoint 4ommuni4ations. &n the bands (,.: * 20.2 5=C and 2,.5 * 30 5=C" the pro3isions o# No. S4"10 do not appl7 with respe4t to the mobile*satellite ser3i4e. The allo4ation to the mobile*satellite ser3i4e is intended #or use b7 networks whi4h use narrow spot*beam antennas and other ad3an4ed te4hnolog7 at the spa4e stations. %dministrations operating s7stems in the mobile*satellite ser3i4e in the band (,.: * 20.( 5=C in egion 2 and in the band 20.( * 20.2 5=C shall take all pra4ti4able steps to ensure the 4ontinued a3ailabilit7 o# these bands #or administrations operating #iMed and mobile s7stems in a44ordan4e with the pro3isions o# No. S5"524. The use o# the bands (,.: * 20.( 5=C and 2,.5 * 2,., 5=C b7 the mobile*satellite ser3i4e in egion 2 is limited to satellite networks whi4h are both in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e and in the mobile*satellite ser3i4e as des4ribed in No. S5"52 . &n egions ( and 3" the allo4ation to the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e in the band 2(./ * 22 5=C shall 4ome into e##e4t on ( %pril 200:. The use o# this band b7 the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e a#ter that date and on an interim basis prior to that date is sub8e4t to the pro3isions o# esolution 525 85ARC=/29. Additional allocation, in 6apan" the band 2(./ * 22 5=C is also allo4ated to the broad4asting ser3i4e on a primar7 basis.



S5"52! S5"52.






The use o# the band 22.2( * 22.5 5=C b7 the earth eMploration* satellite -passi3e1 and spa4e resear4h -passi3e1 ser3i4es shall not impose 4onstraints upon the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es. The inter*satellite ser3i4e shall not 4laim prote4tion #rom harm#ul inter#eren4e #rom airport sur#a4e dete4tion e@uipment stations o# the radiona3igation ser3i4e. Additional allocation, in 6apan" the band 2/.+5 * 25.25 5=C is also allo4ated to the radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis until 2000. &n the band 2/.:5 * 25.25 5=C" #eeder links to stations o# the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e shall ha3e priorit7 o3er other uses in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1. Su4h other uses shall prote4t and shall not 4laim prote4tion #rom eMisting and #uture operating #eeder* link networks to su4h broad4asting satellite stations. The use o# the band 2,.(*2,.5 5=C -<arth*to*spa4e1 b7 the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e is limited to geostationar7*satellite s7stems and #eeder links to non*geostationar7*satellite s7stems in the mobile* satellite ser3i4e. Su4h use is sub8e4t to the appli4ation o# the pro3isions o# No. S/"11A" but not sub8e4t to the pro3isions o# No. S22"2" eM4ept as indi4ated in Nos. S5"523C and S5"523E where su4h use is not sub8e4t to the pro3isions o# No. S/"11A and shall 4ontinue to be sub8e4t to %rti4les S/ -eM4ept No. S/"11A1 and S11 pro4edures" and to the pro3isions o# No. S22"2. -? 2*,:1 )se o# the 25.25 * 2:.5 5=C band b7 the inter*satellite ser3i4e is limited to spa4e resear4h and <arth eMploration*satellite appli4ations" and also transmissions o# data originating #rom industrial and medi4al a4ti3ities in spa4e. %dministrations installing earth eMploration*satellite earth stations 4annot 4laim prote4tion #rom #iMed and mobile stations operated b7 neighbouring administrations. &n addition" earth stations operating in the earth eMploration*satellite ser3i4e should take into a44ount e4ommendation &T)* S%.(2:0. -? 2*,:1 &n 5erman7" Saudi %rabia" %ustria" >elgium" >raCil" >ulgaria" 2hina" the epubli4 o# 'orea" 9enmark" <g7pt" )nited %rab <mirates" Spain" <stonia" Finland" Fran4e" =ungar7" &ndia" &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &reland" &srael" &tal7" 6ordan" 'en7a" 'uwait" .ebanon" .ib7a" .ie4htenstein" .ithuania" Moldo3a" Norwa7" !man" )ganda" Pakistan" the Philippines" Poland" Portugal" S7ria" Slo3akia" 2Ce4h epubli4" omania" the )nited 'ingdom" Singapore" Sweden" SwitCerland" TanCania" Turke7" Aiet Nam and Oimbabwe" earth stations operating in the <arth eMploration*satellite ser3i4e in the band 25.5*2: 5=C shall not 4laim prote4tion #rom" or 4onstrain the use and deplo7ment o#" stations o# the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es. -? 2*,:1






S5"53 A

S5"53 B



Spa4e ser3i4es using non*geostationar7 satellites operating in the inter*satellite ser3i4e in the band 2: * 2:.5 5=C are eMempt #rom the pro3isions o# No. S22"2. Additional allocation, the bands 2:.500 * 2:.50( 5=C and 2,.,,, * 30.000 5=C are also allo4ated to the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 on a primar7 basis #or the bea4on transmissions intended #or up*link power 4ontrol. Su4h spa4e*to*<arth transmissions shall not eM4eed an e@ui3alent isotropi4all7 radiated power -e.i.r.p.1 o# Y(0 d>? in the dire4tion o# ad8a4ent satellites on the geostationar7* satellite orbit. &n the band 2:.500 * 2:.50( 5=C" su4h spa4e*to*<arth transmissions shall not produ4e a power #luM*densit7 in eM4ess o# the 3alues spe4i#ied in %rti4le S21" Table S2(*/ on the <arthSs sur#a4e. The band 2:.5 * 30 5=C ma7 be used b7 the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e -<arth*to*spa4e1 #or the pro3ision o# #eeder links #or the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e. Additional allocation, the band 2:.50( * 2,.,,, 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 on a se4ondar7 basis #or bea4on transmissions intended #or up*link power 4ontrol. &n the band 20.5 * 30 5=C" the earth eMploration*satellite ser3i4e is limited to the trans#er o# data between stations and not to the primar7 4olle4tion o# in#ormation b7 means o# a4ti3e or passi3e sensors. Feeder links o# non*geostationar7 networks in the mobile*satellite ser3i4e and geostationar7 networks in the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e operating in the band 2,.(*2,.5 5=C -<arth*to*spa4e1 shall emplo7 uplink adapti3e power 4ontrol or other methods o# #ade 4ompensation" su4h that the earth station transmissions shall be 4ondu4ted at the power le3el re@uired to meet the desired link per#orman4e while redu4ing the le3el o# mutual inter#eren4e between both networks. These methods shall appl7 to networks #or whi4h %ppendiM S4 4oordination in#ormation is 4onsidered as ha3ing been re4ei3ed b7 the >ureau a#ter (: Ma7 (,,+ and until the7 are 4hanged b7 a #uture 4ompetent world radio4ommuni4ation 4on#eren4e. %dministrations submitting %ppendiM S4 in#ormation #or 4oordination be#ore this date are en4ouraged to utiliCe these te4hni@ues to the eMtent pra4ti4able. These methods are also sub8e4t to re3iew b7 &T)* -see esolution 121 8R)<"5RC=/!91. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in %lgeria" Saudi %rabia" >ahrain" >angladesh" >runei 9arussalam" 2ameroon" 2hina" the 2ongo" the epubli4 o# 'orea" <g7pt" the )nited %rab <mirates" <ritrea" <thiopia" 5uinea" &ndia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" 6apan" 6ordan" 'uwait" .ebanon" Mala7sia" Mali" Moro44o" Mauritania" Nepal" Pakistan" the Philippines" Tatar" S7ria" 9emo4rati4 PeopleWs epubli4 o# 'orea" Somalia" Sudan" Sri .anka and 2had" the band 2,.5*3( 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a se4ondar7 basis. The power limits spe4i#ied in Nos. S21"3 and S21"5 shall appl7. -? 2*,:1









The band 2,.,5 * 30 5=C ma7 be used #or spa4e*to*spa4e links in the earth eMploration*satellite ser3i4e #or telemetr7" tra4king" and 4ontrol purposes" on a se4ondar7 basis. &n the band 3( * 3(.3 5=C the power #luM*densit7 limits spe4i#ied in %rti4le S21" Table S2(*/ shall appl7 to the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e. Different categor! of ser+ice, in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >ulgaria" 5eorgia" 'aCakstan" Mongolia" '7rg7Cstan" ussian Federation" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the allo4ation o# the band 3(* 3(.3 5=C to the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. -? 2*,:1 Different categor! of ser+ice, in Saudi %rabia" %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >ulgaria" <g7pt" )nited %rab <mirates" Spain" <stonia" Finland" 5eorgia" =ungar7" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &srael" 6ordan" 'aCakstan" .at3ia" .ebanon" Moldo3a" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" Poland" S7ria" '7rg7Cstan" omania" the )nited 'ingdom" ussian Federation" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan" Turke7 and )kraine" the allo4ation o# the band 3(.5*3(.0 5=C to the #iMed and mobile" eM4ept aeronauti4al mobile" ser3i4es is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. -? 2*,:1 The bands 3(.0*33./ 5=C" 5(./*52.+ 5=C" 55.:0*5, 5=C and +/*++ 5=C are a3ailable #or high*densit7 appli4ations in the #iMed ser3i4e -see esolution !2 85RC=/!91. -? 2*,:1 )se o# the band 3(.0*33./ 5=C b7 the #iMed ser3i4e shall be in a44ordan4e with esolution 12 85RC=/!9. -? 2*,:1 Alternati+e allocation: in the )nited States" the band 3(.0* 32 5=C is allo4ated to the radiona3igation and spa4e resear4h -deep spa4e1 -spa4e*to*<arth1 ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Alternati+e allocation: in the )nited States" the band 32* 32.3 5=C is allo4ated to the inter*satellite" radiona3igation and spa4e resear4h -deep spa4e1 -spa4e*to*<arth1 ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Alternati+e allocation: in the )nited States" the band 32.3* 33 5=C is allo4ated to the inter*satellite and radiona3igation ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Alternati+e allocation: in the )nited States" the band 33* 33./ 5=C is allo4ated to the radiona3igation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 &n designing s7stems #or the inter*satellite and radiona3igation ser3i4es in the band 32 * 33 5=C" and #or the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e -deep spa4e1 in the band 3(.0 * 32.3 5=C" administrations shall take all ne4essar7 measures to pre3ent harm#ul inter#eren4e between these

S5"544 S5"545



S5"54!A S5"54!B






ser3i4es" bearing in mind the sa#et7 aspe4ts o# the radiona3igation ser3i4e -see e4ommendation !0!1. S5"54/ Additional allocation, in Saudi %rabia" >ahrain" >angladesh" <g7pt" the )nited %rab <mirates" 5abon" &ndonesia" the &slami4 epubli4 o# &ran" &ra@" &srael" 6ordan" 'uwait" .ebanon" .ib7a" Mala7sia" Mali" Malta" Moro44o" Mauritania" Nepal" Nigeria" !man" Pakistan" the Philippines" Tatar" 9em. ep. o# the 2ongo" S7ria" Senegal" Singapore" Somalia" Sudan" Sri .anka" Togo" Tunisia and Demen" the band 33./* 3+ 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Different categor! of ser+ice, in %rmenia" %Cerbai8an" >elarus" >ulgaria" 5eorgia" 'aCakstan" Mongolia" )Cbekistan" '7rg7Cstan" ussian Federation" Ta8ikistan" Turkmenistan and )kraine" the allo4ation o# the band 3/.:*35.2 5=C to the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. -? 2*,:1
-S)P * ? 2*,:1


S5"551 S5"551A

&n the band 35.5=3+.0 5=C" a4ti3e spa4eborne sensors in the earth eMploration*satellite and spa4e resear4h ser3i4es shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to" 4laim prote4tion #rom" or otherwise impose 4onstraints on operation or de3elopment o# the radiolo4ation ser3i4e" the meteorologi4al aids ser3i4e and other ser3i4es allo4ated on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 The use o# the band /(.5*/2.5 5=C b7 the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 is sub8e4t to esolution 12. 85RC=/!9. -? 2*,:1 Alternati+e allocation, in the Fren4h o3erseas territories in egions 2 and 3" the epubli4 o# 'orea and &ndia" the band /0.5* /2.5 5=C is allo4ated to the broad4asting" broad4asting*satellite and #iMed ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in %lgeria" Saudi %rabia" >ahrain" >enin" 2ameroon" <g7pt" )nited %rab <mirates" &srael" 6ordan" 'uwait" .ebanon" .ib7a" Mali" Moro44o" Mauritania" Nigeria" !man" Tatar" S7ria" Tunisia and Demen" the band /0.5*/2.5 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e -spa4e*to*<arth1 on a primar7 basis. The use o# this band b7 the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e shall be in a44ordan4e with esolution 134 85RC=/!9. -? 2*,:1 )se o# the band /0.5*/2.5 5=C b7 the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e shall be in a44ordan4e with esolution 134 85RC=/!9. -? 2*,:1 Different categor! of ser+ice: in 6apan" the allo4ation o# the band /(.5*/2.5 5=C to the mobile ser3i4e is on a primar7 basis -see No. S5"331. -? 2*,:1

S5"551B S5"551C


S5"551E S5"551F



The allo4ation o# the spe4trum #or the #iMed*satellite ser3i4e in the bands /2.5 * /3.5 5=C and /:.2 * 50.2 5=C #or <arth*to*spa4e transmission is greater than that in the band 3:.5 * 3,.5 5=C #or spa4e* to*<arth transmission in order to a44ommodate #eeder links to broad4asting satellites. %dministrations are urged to take all pra4ti4able steps to reser3e the band /:.2 * /,.2 5=C #or #eeder links #or the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e operating in the band /0.5 * /2.5 5=C. The allo4ation to the #iMed ser3i4e in the bands /:.2*/:.5 5=C and /:.,*/0.2 5=C is designated #or use b7 high altitude plat#orm stations. The use o# the bands /:.2*/:.5 5=C and /:.,*/0.2 5=C is sub8e4t to the pro3isions o# esolution 122 85RC=/!9. -? 2*,:1 &n the bands /3.5 * /: 5=C" ++ * :( 5=C" ,5 * (00 5=C" (3/ * (/2 5=C" (,0 * 200 5=C and 252 * 2+5 5=C" stations in the land mobile ser3i4e ma7 be operated sub8e4t to not 4ausing harm#ul inter#eren4e to the spa4e radio4ommuni4ation ser3i4es to whi4h these bands are allo4ated -see No. S5"431. &n the bands /3.5 * /: 5=C" ++ * :( 5=C" ,5 *(00 5=C" (3/ * (/2 5=C" (,0 * 200 5=C and 252 * 2+5 5=C" satellite links 4onne4ting land stations at spe4i#ied #iMed points are also authoriCed when used in 4on8un4tion with the mobile*satellite ser3i4e or the radiona3igation* satellite ser3i4e. Additional allocation, the bands /0.,/ * /,.0/ 5=C" ,:.00 * ,0.00 5=C" (/0.+, * (/0.,0 5=C" (//.+0 * (//.,0 5=C" (/5./5 * (/5.:5 5=C" (/+.02 * (/:.(2 5=C" 250 * 25( 5=C and 2+2.2/ * 2+2.:+ 5=C are also allo4ated to the radio astronom7 ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. The band 50.2*50./ 5=C is also allo4ated" on a primar7 basis" to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es until ( 6ul7 2000. -? 2*,:1 &n the bands 5(./ * 5/.25 5=C" 50.2 * 5, 5=C" +/ * +5 5=C" :2.:: * :2.,( 5=C and ,3.0: * ,3.2: 5=C" radio astronom7 obser3ations ma7 be 4arried out under national arrangements. )se o# the bands 5/.25=5+., 5=C" 5:*50.2 5=C and 5,* 5,.3 5=C b7 the inter*satellite ser3i4e is limited to satellites in the geostationar7*satellite orbit. The single*entr7 power #luM*densit7 at all altitudes #rom 0 km to ( 000 km abo3e the <arthWs sur#a4e produ4ed b7 a station in the inter*satellite ser3i4e" #or all 4onditions and #or all methods o# modulation" shall not eM4eed *(/: d>-?;m2;(00 M=C1 #or all angles o# arri3al. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in 6apan" the band 5/.25*55.:0 5=C is also allo4ated to the mobile ser3i4e on a primar7 basis #or low*densit7 use. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in 6apan" the band 55.:0*50.2 5=C is also allo4ated to the radiolo4ation ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. -? 2*,:1 &n the bands 55.:0 * 50.2 5=C" 5, * +/ 5=C" ++ * :( 5=C" ((+ * (3/ 5=C" (:0 * (02 5=C and (05 * (,0 5=C" stations in the III-%&





S5"555A S5"55

S5"55 A

S5"55 B

S5"55! S5"55.

aeronauti4al mobile ser3i4e ma7 be operated sub8e4t to not 4ausing harm#ul inter#eren4e to the inter*satellite ser3i4e -see No. S5"431. S5"55.A )se o# the band 5+.,*5: 5=C b7 inter*satellite s7stems is limited to links between satellites in geostationar7*satellite orbit and to transmissions #rom non*geostationar7 satellites in high*<arth orbit to those in low*<arth orbit. For links between satellites in the geostationar7*satellite orbit" the single entr7 power #luM*densit7 at all altitudes #rom 0 km to ( 000 km abo3e the <arthWs sur#a4e" #or all 4onditions and #or all methods o# modulation" shall not eM4eed F(/: d>-?;m2;(00 M=C1 #or all angles o# arri3al. -? 2*,:1 &n the bands 5, * +/ 5=C and (2+ * (3/ 5=C" airborne radars in the radiolo4ation ser3i4e ma7 be operated sub8e4t to not 4ausing harm#ul inter#eren4e to the inter*satellite ser3i4e -see No. S5"431. &n the band :0 * :, 5=C radars lo4ated on spa4e stations ma7 be operated on a primar7 basis in the earth eMploration*satellite ser3i4e and in the spa4e resear4h ser3i4e. &n the band 0/ * 0+ 5=C" stations in the #iMed" mobile and broad4asting ser3i4es shall not 4ause harm#ul inter#eren4e to broad4asting*satellite stations operating in a44ordan4e with the de4isions o# the appropriate #re@uen47 assignment planning 4on#eren4e #or the broad4asting*satellite ser3i4e. The use o# the band ,/*,/.( 5=C b7 the <arth eMploration* satellite -a4ti3e1 and spa4e resear4h -a4ti3e1 ser3i4es is limited to spa4eborne 4loud radars. -? 2*,:1 Additional allocation, in the )nited 'ingdom" the band (02 * (05 5=C is also allo4ated to the #iMed and mobile ser3i4es on a primar7 basis. Additional allocation, in 5erman7" %rgentina" Spain" Finland" Fran4e" &ndia" &tal7 and the Netherlands" the band 2+(*2+5 5=C is also allo4ated to the radio astronom7 ser3i4e on a primar7 basis. -? 2*


S5"5 0

S5"5 1

S5"5 2

S5"5 3

S5"5 4

S5"5 5

The #re@uen47 band 2:5 * /00 5=C ma7 be used b7 administrations #or eMperimentation with" and de3elopment o#" 3arious a4ti3e and passi3e ser3i4es. &n this band a need has been identi#ied #or the #ollowing spe4tral line measurements #or passi3e ser3i4es: F F radio astronom7 ser3i4e: 2:0 * 200 5=C and 3/3 * 3/0 5=C$ spa4e resear4h ser3i4e -passi3e1 and earth eMploration*satellite ser3i4e -passi3e1: 2:5 * 2:: 5=C" 300 * 302 5=C" 32/ * 32+ 5=C" 3/5 * 3/: 5=C" 3+3 * 3+5 5=C and 3:, * 30( 5=C.

Future resear4h in this largel7 uneMplored spe4tral region ma7 7ield additional spe4tral lines and 4ontinuum bands o# interest to the passi3e ser3i4es. %dministrations are urged to take all pra4ti4able steps to


prote4t these passi3e ser3i4es #rom harm#ul inter#eren4e until the neMt 4ompetent world radio 4on#eren4e.



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