Anda di halaman 1dari 3

1. Lameire N, Biesen WV, Vanholder R.

The rise of prevalence and the fall mortality

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2. Roesli RMA. Epidemiologi gangguan ginjal akut. Dalam Roesli RMA,
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3. Waikar SS. Declining mortality in patients with acute renal failure, 1988 to 2002.
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4. Brady HR, Brenner BM. Acute renal failure. Dalam Kasper DL, Fauci AS, Longo
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7. Bagshaw SM, George C, Bellomo R. A comparison of the RIFLE and AKIN
criteria for acute kidney injury in critically ill patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant.


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10. Roesli RMA. Epidemiologi gangguan ginjal akut. Dalam Roesli RMA,
Gondodiputro RS, Bandiara R, editor. Diagnosis dan pengelolaan gangguan
ginjal akut. Bandung: Pusat Penerbitan Ilmiah Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK
UNPAD/RS dr. Hasan Sadikin; 2008.p.27-40.
11. Waikar SS. Declining mortality in patients with acute renal failure, 1988 to 2002.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006;17:1143-50.
12. Brady HR, Brenner BM. Acute renal failure. Dalam Kasper DL, Fauci AS, Longo
DL, Braunwald E, Hauser SL, Jameson JL, editor. Harrisons principle of internal
medicine. Ed 16. New York:McGraw-Hill, Inc; 2005.p.1644-53.
13. Mehta RL, Chertow GM. Acute renal failure definitions and classification: time
for change?. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2003;14:2178-87.
14. Mehta RL, Kellum JA, Shah SV, Molitoris BA, Ronco C, Warnock DG, et al.
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16. Bagshaw SM, George C, Bellomo R. A comparison of the RIFLE and AKIN
criteria for acute kidney injury in critically ill patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant.
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