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Choose France LEVELS DEGREES THE LMD SYSTEM 18 semesters (+ Syears) © | vears oF stupy 2 A NOT Ss DOCTORATE 16 semesters (+ 8 années) 12 semesters ‘= Mastére spécialisé (MS) (+ 6 years) ‘= Master of Business ‘Administration - MBA Sate MASTER + Engineering degree 10 semesters ‘= Master of Science - MSc (+ 5 years ‘= Business school diplomas ieee ‘+ Degrees from, the Grandes Ecoles Se) 4 semesters ‘Admission to the fist year [| (+ 2 years) of a Grande Ecole program += Preparation for admission ‘to Grandes Ecoles (CPGE) Rees Re uae Oost) Ueto e rT} CGC Mme eee eC ecu uss es ee eee aurea tetra *Crédits ECTS: Credits earned under the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System are recogni- zed throughout Europe. A full year of academic work represents 60 ECTS credits.

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