Anda di halaman 1dari 47


TOKSIKAN eliminasi potensi toksik
turun (o.k. Peluang menumpuk &
merusak sel2 penting berkurang)
Elimination melalui metabolisme &
Eksresi eliminasi melalui organ
ekskretory khusus

Toxican yg polar > mdh di

ekskresikan dari tubuh lewat
berbagai jalur kecuali paru
non polar lewat paru
u/ bisa dikeluarkan dari tubuh
bahan kimia harus melewati berlapis
Sifat kimia & fisik bhn yg
menentukan bs tidaknya bhn melalui
membran juga berlaku di organ


berbagai rute
Jalur utama : urine, feces & ekshalasi
organ utama u/ ekskresi : urinary
system, gastrointestinal system &
respiratory system.
Jalur lain (krg penting) , kecuali dlm hal

Jalur ekskresi :
a. GIT, sweat, & saliva
b. ASI, Air mata (tears), &
c. Urinary & Fecal excretion
d. Ekshalasi

Urinary Excretion
Melalui ginjal urine
Fgs utama ginjal : ekskkresi sisa
metabolisme & bhn kimia bbhy
Unit fungsional ginjal : Nephron

Tiap ginjal terdiri

atas 1 juta
3 daerah nephron
yg bfgs ekskresi:
proximal tubule &
the distal tubule.

3 proses ekskresi lewat urine: Filtrasi,

sekresi, reabsorbsi
Proses pertama
Di glomerulus (the very vascular
beginning of the nephron).
Curah jantung melalui ginjal
(organ yg menerima aliran darah
Banyak plasma drh yg disaring di
glomerulus karena :
a. Banyak aliran darah
b. pori berukuran besar (40 )

Molekul berukuran kecil (termasuk air)

dapat segera melewati filter di nephron
Bahan Polar & Non Polar dpt lewat
glomerulus masuk tubulus sbg filtrat
Juml. Filtrat sangat banyak 45
galon/hari (dws)
99% fitralt yg larut air , molekul kecil,
larut lemak diserab lagi di tubulus; yg
jadi urin hanya 1%

Molekul berukuran besar >60.000 ,

ex: protein dan sel darah tak dapat
menembus lubang kapiler tetap
berada dalam aliran darah

Adanya darah dan protein di urine

pertanda ada kerusakan di
Bahan yg polar tak terikat dg protein
plasma dapat lewat dan tersaring
menuju tubulus
Bahan yg non polar akan tetap

Terjadi di tubulus bagian atas/proximal
mengeluarkan molekul keluar dari darah
menjadi urine)
Yg disekresi : ion K, H, bbrp, xenobiotic
Sekersi terjadi dg transport aktif dpt
membedakan bahan berdasar polaritasnya
Ada 2 sistem sekresi :
a. Yg mentransport asam lemah (ex: obat
yg sdh terkonjugasi)
b. Yg mentransport basa (ex: histamine
& choline).

Terutama terjadi di proximal convoluted tubule

Hampir semua air, glukosa, K, AA yg telah

menjadi filtrat masuk kembali ke darah melalui

Reabsorpsi terutama terjadi melalui transfer

pasif (tgr gradient konsentrasi : tinggirendah ;
dari tubulus proximal kapiler di sekitarnya)

Faktor yg sangat berpenagruh

pd Reabsorbsi & Ekskresi : pH
Urine basa asam lemah
terionisasi >>dikeluarkan
Urine asam asam lemah
kurang terionisasi reabsorbsi
ekskresi <<
pH urine beragam ekskresi
elektrolit lemah juga beragam

Phenobarbital (asam) terionisasi

pd urine yg basa;
Amphetamine (basa) terionisasi
pd urine yg asam

Pada keracunan phenobarbital:
urine diubah menjadi basa
Pd keracunan amphetamine urine
dibuat asam (diet tinggi protein)


E liminasi melalui GINJAL sangat dipengaruhi o/ :

- SIFAT FISIK (terutama ukuran molekul) dan
- POLARITAS filtrat
Racun yg ukuran molekul KECIL (polar maupun non
polar) dg MUDAH disaring Glomerulus
Pd bbrp kasus, Molekul yg BESAR (termasuk yg
terikat protein) dpt disekresi dg TRANSFER PASIF
(darah sel endotel kapiler & membran tubulus
POLARITAS merupakan Faktor utama dlm ELIMINASI
Bahan yg TERIONISASI dikeluarkan mel URINE
Bahan yg non polar reabsorbsi masuk kembali
ke sirkulasi memperpanjang T meningkatkan
potensi toksik

Racun, infeksi, ketuaan kerusakan

Ginjal kemampuan eliminasi toksin
turun lebih rentan thd racun)
Albuminuria tanda kerusakan sistem
filtrasi glomerulus (alb. :molekul ukuran
besar -dapat lewat)
Glucosuria tanda adanya kegagalan

For Academics :
The reason that much of the blood
plasma filters into the renal tubule is
due to:
a. the large amount of blood, under
relatively high pressure, that flows
through kidney glomerulae whose
capillaries have large pores
b. its high lipid content
c. the high binding content of plasma

A considerable amount of the blood

plasma filters through the glomerulus
into the nephron tubule. This results
from the large amount of blood flow
through the glomerulus, the large
pores (40 ) in the glomerular
capillaries, and the hydrostatic
pressure of the blood. (a)

For Academics :
In which area of the nephron does
active secretion take place?
a. the collecting duct of
b. the nephron
c. the proximal tubule of the
d. the glomerulus of the nephron

Secretion occurs in the proximal

tubule section of the nephron and is
responsible for the transport of
certain molecules out of the blood
and into the urine. (c)

For Academics :
Most of the material filtered through
the glomerulus is reabsorbed in the
proximal convoluted tubule of the
nephron. The primary property of a
xenobiotic that determines whether it
will be reabsorbed is:
a. protein binding
b. molecular size
c. its polarity

The ultimate fate of a substance

filtered into the renal tubule is
governed by its polarity. Those
substances that are ionized remain in
the urine and leave the body. (c)

Fecal Excretion
Eliminasi toksikan mel. feces terjadi
dg 2 proses :
a. Ekskresi di empedu masuk
kembali ke
b. Ekskresi langung ke lumen usus

Rute Billiar
Mekanisme penting pd ekskresi fecal
> penting dari ekskresi metabolit
Rute ini > banyak SEKRESI AKTIF

Bahan kimia tertentu (basa organik, asam

organic, bahan yang netral keasamannya)
mengalami transport khusus
Logam berat yang diekskresikan lewat
empedu : e.g., arsenic, lead, and mercury
ekskresi melalui empedu terutama untuk

- Molekul Terionisasi,
- Ukuran besar (>300),
- Terkonjugasi

Begitu suatu bahan diekskresi o/liver

empedu usus eliminasi melalui


Krn hampir semua bhn yg diekskresikan di

empedu LARUT AIR tdk diserab kembali
Namun , ada enzym di usus yg dpt
mengHIDROLISIS konjugat glukoronat &
sulfat sehingga bahan menjadi < POLAR
DISERAB kembali
Proses ekskresi ke usus melalui empedu &
reabsorbsi kembali ke liver melalui
sirkulasi portal : sirkulasi enterohepatik /
enterohepatic circulation
memperpanjang T menambah
peluang toksik

Jika terjadi bioaktifasi metabolit > toksik

dibanding konjugat
Sirkulasi enterohepatik T1/2 memanjang
racun sulit keluar perlu obat lewat oral
untuk binding bahan yg diekskresi empedu
Keracunan dimethylmercury diberi RESIN
binding racun tdk diserap kembali lewat


efisiensi ekskresi empedu dipengaruhi

oleh produksi dan aliran cairan empedu
Sakit liver aliran empedu turun
Phenobarbital dpt meningkatkan
aliran empedu
Pemberian phenobarbital
meningkatkan pengeluaran methyl

Direct intestinal excretion

>> bhn yg dpt diekskresi lewat
usus dan dikskresikan lewat
TERUTAMA yg poorly ionized
dlm plasma (ex: asam & basa
lemah) dpt lewat dinding
kapiler menembus sub
mukosa masuk lumen usus -
dieliminasi lewat feces

Ekskresi lewat usus lambat rute

penting proses eliminasi yg
penting u/ xenobiotics yg lambat
biotransformasinya atau yg lambat
dikeluarkan lewat urin / empedu
Jika kandungan lemak di usus
ditingkatkan ekskresi lewat usus
dpt lebih cepat u/ mengeluarkan
racun diet mineral oil lgs keluar
lewat usus

For Academics :
Substances excreted in the bile are
a. small, lipid soluble molecules
b. comparatively large, ionized
c. large lipid soluble molecules

The most likely substances to be

excreted via the bile are
comparatively large, ionized
molecules, such as large molecular
weight (greater than 300)
conjugates. (b)

For Academics :
Many substances excreted in bile undergo
enterohepatic circulation, which involves:
a. excretion of substances into the
system rather than into the intestine
b. excretion into the intestinal tract and
reabsorption and return to the liver by
portal circulation
c. the recycling of xenobiotics between the
and gall bladder

The process of excretion into the

intestinal tract via the bile and
reabsorption and return to the liver
by the portal circulation is known as
the enterohepatic circulation. The
effect of this enterohepatic
circulation is to prolong the life of the
xenobiotic in the body.(b)

Exhaled Air
Paru rute penting ekskresi xenobiotics
(& metabolites) yg bentuknya gas dlm
Blood gases ekskresi pasif dari darah
alveolus- mengikuti gradien konsentrasi
(terjadi jika kadar gas dlm darah > di
Gas yg kkurang larut dl darah (jadi larut
lemak) > cepat dieliminasi dibanding

Cairan yg mdh menguap (Volatile liquids )

yg larut dlm darah juga cepat dikeluarkan
lewat ekshalasi
Jumlah likuida yg dikeluarkan lewat
ekshalasi tgt tekanan uapnya (vapor
Ekshalasi mrp rute yg efisien u/ bhn ug
larut lemak
Kapiler sangat banyak di alveoli +
membram alveoli tipis mdh terjadi
pertukaran gas

For Academics :
Xenobiotics are eliminated in exhaled
air by:
a. passive diffusion
b. active transport
c. facilitated transport

Blood gases are excreted by passive

diffusion from the blood into the
alveolus, following a concentration
gradient. This occurs when the
concentration of the xenobiotic
dissolved in capillary blood is greater
than the concentration of the
substance in the alveolar air.(a)

Other Routes of
minor routes of excretion exist,

primarily via:
a. mother's milk, d. tears
b. sweat,
e. semen
c. saliva,
Excretion into milk can be important since
toxicants can be passed with milk to the
nursing offspring.
In addition, toxic substances may be passed
from cow's milk to people.
Toxic substances are excreted into milk by
simple diffusion.

Bahan yang BASA & NON POLAR dpt diekskresi

lewat ASI
Bahan BASA mdh terkonsentrasi di air susu
karena air susu > ASAM (pH ~ 6.5) dibanding
Karena SUSU mengandung 3-4% LEMAK
xenobiotik yg LARUT LEMAK --dapat terdifusi
bersama lemak plasma kelenjar mammae
ada pada ASI
Bahan yg sifat kimianya mirip Calsium dpt
dekeluarkan lewat ASI bersama kalsium
Contoh yg dpt keluarlewat ASI:
- DDT, polybrominated biphenyls, &
(which follows calcium kinetics).

Ekskresi lewat rute lain (saliva, sweat, tears, hair,

and skin) kurang penting
Pada produksi keringat yg ber>an ekskresi
menjadi penting (bisa signifikan)
Beberapa logam (cadmium, copper, iron, lead,
nickel, and zinc) dpt dieliminasi lewat keringat
Xenobiotics yg terdifusi pasif lewat liur (saliva) dpt
tertelan absorbsi lewat GIT
Ekskresi lewat saliva RASA tak enak di mulut (EX:
Rasa Logam)

For Academics :
The following are minor routes of
a. sweat and saliva
b. urinary excretion, fecal excretion,
and exhaled air

Several minor routes of excretion

exist, primarily via mother's milk,
sweat, saliva, tears, and semen.

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