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currently a trend of the house is an apartment building than landed house.

do you
think as an engineer or contractor, the contruction of which is more profitable? why?
while the goverment always decides to build public goods, whay? explain with using
the benefit cost analisys!
if the company wants to be succesful in the bussines, the company should be in an
efficient condition. efficient can be achieved if efficient technology and development
processes are also efficient, explain this statement!
the risk must be in every activity or job, explain what solutions you can do to reduce
this risk?
1. Saat ini tren rumah adalah sebuah bangunan apartemen dari rumah
mendarat. Menurut Anda sebagai seorang insinyur atau kontraktor,
contruction yang lebih menguntungkan? kenapa?
sementara pemerintah selalu memutuskan untuk membangun
barang publik, whay? menjelaskan dengan menggunakan analisis
biaya manfaat!
2. jika perusahaan ingin menjadi sukses dalam bussines, perusahaan
harus dalam kondisi efisien. efisien dapat dicapai jika teknologi dan
pengembangan yang efisien proses juga efisien, menjelaskan
pernyataan ini!
3. risiko harus dalam setiap kegiatan atau pekerjaan, menjelaskan apa
solusi yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk mengurangi risiko ini?
Advantages of living in apartments:
- Save your fixed expenses such as electricity bills and water.
- The details of amenities ranging from fitness center, children's playground, tennis
courts up.
- Allows you to clean the room as spacious apartments are limited.
- Apartment security system more safe and secure.
- When we needed a place to stay for a while, the apartment is the best choice
compared to home.

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