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F ig English for grade 8 Nguyen Hong Anh Junior High School. Full name: VanLam, Nguyen Schoolyear: 2009- 2010. (32) The simple present and the present continuous. 1) What does Tom think of the Budget? He thinks it most unfair agree with him. 2) What does this one cost?” Tteosts forty pence. 3) Do you hear the wind? It is blowing very strongly tonight. 4) Do you see my car keys anywhere? ‘No, I'm looking for them but I don’t sce them 5) He never listens to what you say. He always thinks about something else. 6) This book is about 2 man who deserts his family and goes to live on a Pacific island. 7) Do you understand what the lecturer is saying? No, [don’t understand him at all 8) What do you have for breakfast usually? Tusually eat a carrot and drink a glass of cold water. 9) When the curtain rises we see a group of workers. They are picketing a factory gate. 10) Why are you walking so fast today? You usually walk quite slowly. Tam hurrying because I am meeting my mother at 4 o°clock and she doesn’t like to be kept waiting 11) Lwish that dog would lie down. He is keeping jumping up on my lap. T think he wants to go for a walk 12) Do you recognize that man? 1 think that I have seen him before but I don’t remember his name. 13) Look at that crowd. I wonder what they are waiting for. 14) This message has just arrived and the man is waiting for in case you want to send a reply. 15) Stop! Aren’t you seeing the notice? see it but T can't read it because I am not wearing my glasses. What does it say? Itsay * These premises are patrolled by guard dogs’. 16) She is always borrowing from me and she never remembers to pay me back. 17) Do you need another blanket or do you fell warm enough’? 18) Does it save time if you take the path through the wood? No, It doesn’t matier which path you take 19) Tam saving up because I am going abroad in July. 20) I think it isa pity you don’t take more exercise. You are gett 21) The plane that you are looking at now just taking off for Paris. 22) Tome never does any work in the garden; He always works on his car. 23) What is he doing to his car now? I think he is polishing it, 24) That film is coming to the local cinema next week. Do you want to see it? 25) How does Peter get on at school? Very well. He seems to like the life 26) Why does Mrs Pitt look so angry? Mr Pitt is smoking a cigarette and dropping tha ash on the carpet 27) This is our itinerary. We leave home on the 8" , arrive in Paris on the 9" , send the day in Paris, and set our that night for Venice ‘That sounds most interesting. You must tell me all about it when you get back. 28) This story is about a boy who makes friends with a snake which he finds in his garden. Then he goes away but he doesn’t forget the snake and some years later he returns and looks for it. 29) He finds the snake who recognizesits old friend and coils round him affectionately. But, unfortunately, the snake is by now a full- grown boa- constrictor and its embrace kills the poor boy. 30) Does the snake feel sorry about this? don't know. The story ends there. 31) How do you end a letter that begin, “Dear Sir"? always put, “Yours truly’, but Tom prefers “Yours faithfully’. 32) What does the word ‘catastrophe” mean’ Tt means ‘disaster’. 33) What are you waiting for? Tam waiting for the shop to open, But it doesn’t open tll 9.00. 1 know but I want to be early, as their sale starts today. 34) Why are you smoking a cigar, Mrs Pitt? You doesn’t smoke cigars as a rule. I'm smoking it because want the ash. This book says that cigar ash mixed with oil is removing heat stains from wood, 35) Who owns this umbrella? | don’t know. Everybody uses it but nobody knows who owns i. 36) Do you mind if | ask you a question?” That is depending on the question. It concerns your brother. T refuse to answer any question about my brother. (33) The simple past tense. 1) L went to work by bus, 2) Let her on Tuesdays. 3) He always wore black. 4) Lused to make cake every week. 5) She got up at 6.30. 6) He understood me. 7) He shuted the shop at 6.00. 8) She spoke slowly. 9) He left the house at 9.00. 10) Lused to read a chapter every night. 11) You ate too much. 12) L used to see him everyday. 13) Tom sang in the choir 14) He used to ery when he was hurt 15) Who knew the answer? 16) I think Tknew it 17) The curtain rose at 8.00. 18) He used to take the dog out twice a day. 19) We bought them here. 20) T used to dream every night. 21) Bluetits often laid eggs in that nesting box. 22) He often felt ill. 23) 1 knew what he wanted. 24) Tusually paid him five pound. 25) His dog always bit me 26) It smelt odd, 27) It cost 30p. 28) My back hurt. 29) Tay down after lunch. 30)We drank water. 31) His roses grew well 32) He used to ride everyday. 33) He often fell off. 34) These dogs fought whenever they met 35) He used to put up his prices every year. 36) He slept badly. (34) The simple past tense. 1) () She didn’t see your brother. (2) Did she see your brother? 2) () We didn’t hear a terrible noise. (?) Did you hear a terrible noise? 3) (©) He didn’t sleep till 10.00. (2) Did he steep till 10.002 4) (-) He didn’t look at the picture. (2) Did he look at the picture? 5) -) They didn’t drink all the wine. (°) Did they drink all the wine? 6)(-) They didn’t set out early enough. (2) Did they set out early enough? 7) (-) She didn’t think about it. (2) Did she think about it? 8) (2) The police didn’t catch the thief. (2) Did the police catch the thief? 9) (2) He didn’t hit the etter (2) Did he hit the letter? 10) -) She didn’t find her watch, (2) Did she find her watch’ 11) ©) His nose didn’t bleed. (2) Did his nose. bleed? 12) ) My mother didn’t choose this hotel (2) Did your mother choose this hotel? 13) -) She didn’t lend you enough money. (2) Did she lend you enough money? 14) (-) Keiko didn’t teach Japanese, (2) Did Keiko teach Japanese? 15) () Tom didn’t hurt his foot. (2) Did Tom hurt his foot? 16) (-) He didn’t break his arm. (2) Did he break his arm? 17) C) His wife didn’t come at 8.00. (°) Did his wife come at 8.00, 18) (-) He didn’t lose his wallet. (2) Did he lose his wallet? 19) () His son didn’t write a novel (2) Die his son write a novel? 20) (-) They didn’t fly to New York (2) Did they fly to New York? 21) (©) Ann didn’t draw you a map. (2) Did Ann draw you a map? 22) (-) Tom didn’t lay the table (2) Did Tom lay the table? 23) (-) Mr Pitt didn’t fall downstairs (2) Did Mr Pitt fall downstairs? 24) (2) She didn’t lose her way. (°) Did she lose her way? 25) (-) He didn’t forbid her to leave. (2) Did he forbid her to leave? 26) (2) didn’t send it to the faundry. (2) Did you send it to the laundry? 27) (2) Jack didn’t keep the money. (2) Did Jack keep the money? 28) (-) He didn’t rie slowly. (2) Did he ride slowly? 29) (2) They didn’t spend ital. (2) Did they spend it all? 30) (-) They didn’t sell the car. (2) Did they sell the car’? 31) () Jean didn’t ring the bell. (2) Did Jean ring the bell? 32) (-) The sun didn’t rise at 6.00 (2) Did the sun rise at 6.00? 33) (-) The boys didn’t run home. (°) Did the boys run home? 34) (-) He didn’t shake the bottle. (2) Did he shake the bottle? 35) (-) He didn’t forgive her. (2) Did he forgive her? 36) (-) They didn’t broadcast an appeal for money. (2) Did they broadcast an appeal for money? (35) The past continuous tense. 1) Detective: I'm afraid I must ask you both what you were doing yesterday at 10.20p.m, Mr.X Iwas playing chess with my wife. Mr. ¥_: T'was listening to a play on the radio, 2) The children were frightened because it was getting dark, 3) It was a fine day and the roads were crowded because a lot of people were rushing to the seaside, 4) The aeroplane in which the football team was traveling crashed soon after taking off. 5) He usually wears sandals but when I last saw him he was wearing boots. 6) The house was in great disorder because he was redecorateing it 7) The director didn’t allow the actors to travel by air while they were working on the film, 8) The car has nobody in it but the engine was nuni 9) Two children were playing on the sand and two fis upturned boat 10) Twas alone in the house at that time because Mr. Jones was working in the garage and Mrs, Jones was shopping. 11) He said that he was the captain of a ship which was sailing that night for Marseilles. 12) Are you going to Rome? I thought that you were going to Milan, 13) My wife and I were talking about you the other day. 14) When I first met him he was studying painting. 15) There was a strong smell and the sound of frying. Obviously Mrs. Jones was cooking ish, 16) Tome ate nothing for lunch because he was dieting, He said that he was trying to lose 10 kilos. 17) Who were you talking to on the telephone as I came in? Iwas talking to Mr. Pitt. 18) As she was climbing the ladder it slipped sideways and she fell off it 19) When I first met him he was working in a restaurant. 20) He watched the children for a moment. Some of them were bathing in the sea, others were looking for shells, others were playing in the sand, 21) Where was he living when you saw him last? 22) She was standing at the bus stop. [asked her what bus she was waiting for. 23) From the sounds it was clear that Mary was practicing the piano. ng. jermen were leaning against an 24) There had been an accident and men were carrying the injured people to an Ambulance. 25) Two men were fighting at a street comer a policeman was trying to stop them. ‘What were they fighting about? ‘Nobody seemed to know. 26) Tom was sitting in a comer with a book. I told him that he was reading in very bad light 27) Lent into the garden to see what the boys were doing. James was weeding and Alexander was cutting the grass 28) They had taken off the wheel of the car and were mending the puncture, | asked when it would be ready. 29) When I arrived at the meeting the first speaker had just finished speaking and the audience were clapping, 30) The traffic was making so much noise that I couldn’t hear what he was saying. 31) While he was learning to drive he had twenty- five accidents 32) He had a bad fall while he was repairing his roof. 33) He was alittle mad. He was always trying to prove that the earth was flat. 34) While we were fishing someone came to the house and left this note 35) The exam had just begun and the candidates were writing their names at the top of ‘Their papers. 36) Just as. Twas wondering what to do next, the phone rang, (36) The simple past and the past continuous. 1) Lit the fire at 6.00 and it was burning brightly when Tom came in at 7.00. 2) When I arrived the lecture had already started and the professor was writing on the overhead projector. 3) L was making a cake when the light went out, had to finish it in the dark, 4) I didn’t want to meet Paul so when he entered the room I was leaving. 5) Unfortunately when | arrived Ann just was leaving, so we only had time for a few words 6) He was watching TV when the phone rang, Very unwillingly he turned down the sound and went to answer it 7) He was very polite. Whenever his wife entered the room he stood up. 8) The admiral was playing bowls when he received news of the invasion. He insisted on fishing the game, 9) My dog was walking along quietly when Mr. Pitt's Pekinese attacked him, 10) When I arrived she was having lunch. She apologized for starting without me but said that she always lunched at 12.30, 11) He was always wearing a raincoat and carrying an umbrella when he walked to the office. 12) What did you think of his fast book? 1 liked it very much, 13) I shared a flat with him when were students, He was always complaining about my untidiness. 14) He suddenly realized that he was traveling in the wrong direction, 15) He was playing the guitar outside her house when someone opened the window and threw out a bucket of water. 16) Iwas just opening the letter when the wind blew it out of my hand. 17) The burglar was opening the safe when he heard footsteps. He immediately put out his torch and crawled under the bed. 18) When I was looking for my passport [found this old photograph. 19) You looked very busy when I saw you last night. What were you doing? 20) The boys were playing cards when they heard their father’s siep. They immediately hid the cards took out their lesson books. 21) He was cleaning his gun when it went off and killed him. 22) He didn’t allow us to go out in the boat yesterday as a strong wind was blowing, 23) As T was crossing the road I stepped on a banana skin and fell heavily. 24) I-was still lying on the road when I saw a lorry approaching. 25) Luckily the driver saw me and stopped the lorry in time. 26) How did you damage your car so badly? Tran into a lamp- post yesterday. | suppose you drove too quickly or were not looking where you was going. 27) As he was getting into the bus it started suddenly and he fell backwards on to the road. 28) I was calling Paul at 7.00 but it wasn’t necessary because he already got up. 29) When he mended the fuse he got a very bad shock. 30) When I heard his knock I went to the door and opened it, but I did not recognize him at first because I didn’t wear my glasses. 31) When I came in they were sitting round the fire. Mr Pitt was doing a crossword puzzle, Mrs Pitt was knitting, the others were reading. Mrs Pitt smiled at me and said“ Come and sit down”. 32) While the guests were dancing thieves broke into the house and stole alot of far coats. 33) The next day, as they knew that the police was looking for them, they hid the coats in a wood and went off in different directions. 34) She was very extravagant. She was always buying herself new clothes. 35) Her mother often told her that she spent too much money but she never listened, 36) Whenever the drummer began pratising, the people in the next flat banged on the wall (37) The simple past and the past continuous. 1) Mr Smith never woke up in time in the mornings and was always getting into trouble for being late; so one day he went to town and bought an alarm clock. 2) To get home he had to go through a field where a bad- tempered bull was usually grazing, 3) This bull didn’t normally chase people unless something made him angry. Unfortunately, as Mr Smith crossing the field, his alarm clock went off 4) This annoyed the bull, who immediately began to chase Mr Smith 5) Mr Smith carried an open umbrella as it was raining slightly. He threw the umbrella to the ground ran away as fast as he could. 6) The bull stopped and began to attack the umbrella, While he was doing this Mr Smith escaped. 7) When he awoke she was sitting by the window. She was looking at something in the street, but when he called her she turned and smiled at him, 8) Why did you interrupt me just now? I had a very interesting conversation with Mr Pitt, 9) The murderer was carrying the corpse down the stairs when he heard a knock on the door. 10) When I looked through your books I noticed that you have a copy of ‘Murder in the Cathedral. 11) As they were walking along the road they heard a car coming from behind them. Tom ‘turned round and held up his hand. The ear stopped. 12) When I arrived at the station Mary was waiting for me. She was wearing a blue dress and looked very pretty. As soon as she saw me she waved and shouted something, but I couldn’t hear what she was saying because everybody was making such a noise 13) The prisoner escaped by climbing the wall of the garden where he was working, He wore blue overalls and black shoes, 14) She said that the car was traveling at 40 k.p.h when it began to skid. 15) She said that she didn’t like her present flat and tried to find another. 16) While he was making his speech the minister suddenly felt faint. But someone brought him a glass of water and after a minutes he was able to continue. 17) When I saw him he was painting a portrait of his wife, Did you like it? He only just started when I saw it , so T couldn't judge 18) I took my friend to a murder tral the other day. Who was tried? ‘A man called Bill Sykes, Was he acquitted? Tdon’t know. They were stil listening to the evidence when we left. 19) was sorry that I had to leave the party early, because I enjoyed myself 20) As we were comig here a policeman stoppedus. He said that he was looking for some stolen property and asked if he could search the car. 21) T saw you yesterday from the bus. Why were you using a stick? was using a stick because I had hurt my leg that morning falling off a horse. Whose horse did you ride? 22) The floor was covered with balls of wool Obviously Mrs Pitt was knitting something, 23) Ann said that she was on holiday. I said that I hoped that she enjoyed herself. 24) While he was watering the flowers it began to rain, He put up his umbrella and went on watering 25) I was just writing a cheque when I remember that I had nothing in the bank. 26) | found this ring as I was digging in the garden. It looks very old. I wonder who it belonged to?,

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