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: SMAN 10 Bogor

Mata Pelajaran

: Bahasa Inggris


: X/2

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Alokasi Waktu

: 1 x 20 menit


: Writing

Topik Pembelajaran : Narrative text

A. Kompetensi Inti :
1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong
royong, kerja sama, toleransi, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan
sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara
efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai
cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.
3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan, faktual, konseptual, prosedural
berdasarkan rasa ingintahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan
humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban
terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada
bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan
4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan
pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu
menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.
B. Kompetensi Dasar:
1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar
komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.
2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi
interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.
2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam
melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.
2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai, dalam
melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.

3.10 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks naratif
sederhana berbentuk legenda rakyat, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran:
Setelah mempelajari materi ini, siswa diharapkan mampu:
1. Menunjukkan kesungguhan belajar bahasa Inggris terkait teks naratif sederhana
berbentuk legenda rakyat.
2. Menunjukkan perilaku peduli, percaya diri, dan tanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan
komunikasi terkait teks naratif sederhana berbentuk legenda rakyat.
3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks naratif
sederhana berbentuk legenda rakyat.
D. Materi Pokok
Narrative Text


: A narrative text is a story that tells in a sequence of fictional or nonfictional events..

Social Function

: To amuse or to entertain the readers.

Generic Structure

Orientation : It sets the scene and introduces the participants.

Complication : A crisis arises.
: The crisis is resolved.

Language Features :

Focus on specific and usually individualized participants . The character of the story is
specific, not general. (Malin Kundang, Malin Kundangs mother, etc).
Using direct speech
Using past tense.

E. Metode Pembelajaran/Tekhnik
Ceramah dan group work
F. Langkah-langkah kegiatan Pembelajaran
1. Pendahuluan (pre-activity) 10
Guru menyapa siswa.
Guru menyampaikan materi yang akan dipelajari.
2. Kegiatan Inti (whilst)

Guru memberi kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk membaca contoh dari
narrative text.

Mendiskusikan materi bersama siswa

Guru bersama peserta didik mencari generic structure dari narrative text.

Guru memberi kesempatan peserta didik untuk mengerjakan task 1

Guru bersama peserta didik membahas task 1 bersama-sama

Guru mengarahkan peserta didik untuk membuat kelompok.

Setiap anggota kelompok diarahkan untuk membaca potongan potongan

paragraf dari narrative text masing-masing.

Guru memberi instruksi kepada setiap anggota kelompok untuk membuat

rangkuman dari potongan-potongan paragraf yang mereka baca

3. Kegiatan Akhir (post activity)

Guru dan peserta didik membuat rangkuman dari materi yang sudah diajarkan

G. Sumber/Bahan/Alat
- Printed text
- Buku BSE
- Internet

H. Penilaian
Rubrik Penilaian (Writing)


Aspek yang Dinilai

Kesesuaian isi dengan

tujuan penulisan pesan

Pilihan kata

Keterpaduan kalimat

Penulisan kosa kata

Ketepatan tata bahasa

100% isi sesuai
80% isi sesuai
60% isi sesuai
40% isi sesuai
20% isi sesuai
100% pilihan kata tepat
80% pilihan kata tepat
60% pilihan kata tepat
40% pilihan kata tepat
20% pilihan kata tepat
100% kalimat terpadu dan runtut
80% kalimat terpadu dan runtut
60% kalimat terpadu dan runtut
40% kalimat terpadu dan runtut
20% kalimat terpadu dan runtut
100% penulisan kosa kata tepat
80% penulisan kosa kata tepat
60% penulisan kosa kata tepat
40% penulisan kosa kata tepat
20% penulisan kosa kata tepat
100% penggunaan tata bahasa tepat
80% penggunaan tata bahasa tepat
60% penggunaan tata bahasa tepat
40% penggunaan tata bahasa tepat
20% penggunaan tata bahasa tepat
80% tulisan hasil pemikiran sendiri
60% tulisan hasil pemikiran sendiri
40% tulisan hasil pemikiran sendiri
20% tulisan hasil pemikiran sendiri



: A narrative text is a story that tells in a sequence of fictional or nonfictional events..

Social Function

: To amuse or to entertain the readers.

Generic Structure

Orientation : It sets the scene and introduces the participants.

Complication : A crisis arises.Narrative Text
: The crisis is resolved.

Language Features :

Focus on specific and usually individualized participants . The character of the story is
specific, not general. (Malin Kundang, Malin Kundangs mother, etc).
Using direct speech
Using past tense.

a. Individual Activity
Read the following text, and then answer the following questions.
A long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra lived a woman and
her son, Malin Kundang. Malin Kundang and his mother had to live hard because his father
had passed away when he was a baby. Malin Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and strong
boy. He usually went to sea to catch fish. After getting fish he would bring it to his mother, or
sell the caught fish in the town.
One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he saw a merchants ship being raided by
a band of pirates. With his bravery, Malin Kundang helped the merchant defeat the pirates. To
thank him, the merchant allowed Malin Kundang to sail with him. Malin Kundang agreed in
the hope to get a better life. He left his mother alone.
Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy. He had a huge ship and a lot of
crews who worked loading trading goods. He was also married to a beautiful woman. When
he was sailing on his trading journey, his ship landed on a coast near a small village. The
local people recognized that it was Malin Kundang, a boy from the area. The news ran fast in
the town; Malin Kundang has become rich and now he is here. An old woman, who was
Malin Kundangs mother, ran to the beach to meet the new rich merchant. She wanted to hug
him to release her sadness of being lonely after a long time. When his mother came near him,
Malin Kundang who was with his beautiful wife and his ship crews denied that she was his
mother. She had pleaded Malin Kundang to look at her and admit that she was her mother.
But he kept refusing to do it and yelling at her. At last Malin Kundang said to her Enough,
old woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly woman! After that he
ordered his crews to set sail to leave the old woman who was then full of sadness and anger.
Finally, feeling enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone if
he didnt apologize to her. Malin Kundang just laughed and set sail. Suddenly a thunderstorm
came in the quiet sea, wrecking his huge ship. He was thrown out to a small island. It was
really too late for him to avoid his curse; he had turned into a stone.
Taken with adaptation from:
Task 1
Answer the following questions based on the story of Malin Kundang

1. Why did Malin Kundang and his mother have to live hard? Because his father had passed
away when he was a baby.
2. What happened many years after Malin Kundang join the sail? He became wealthy.
3. What did Malin Kundangs mother do when she heard that Malin Kundang landed on the
coast? She ran to the beach to meet the new rich merchant
4. What made Malin Kundangs mother sad and angry? Because Malin denied that she was
her mother and he yelled at her.
5. What did she do when Malin Kundang denied that she was his mother? She cursed Malin
Kundang that he would turn into a stone if he didnt apologize to her.
6. How did the curse happen? A thunderstorm came in the quiet sea, wrecking his huge
ship. He was thrown out to a small island and turned into a stone.
7. What is the moral of the story? The moral of the story is that we have to respect our
parents, especially our mother.

Group Work
Make a summary from the text that you have read with your group (max. 2 paragraphs)
The Legend Of Prambanan Temple
Once, there was a beautiful Javanese princess whose name was Rara Jonggrang.
Rara Jonggrang whose beauty was very famous in the land was the daughter of Prabu
Baka, and evil king.
One day, a handsome young man with super natural power named Bandung
Bondowoso defatted and killed Prabu Baka. On seeing Princess Rara Jonggrangs beauty,
Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with her and wanted to marry her.

Meanwhile, Princess Rara jonggrang felt sad due to her death father. She did not
want to marry Bandung because he had killed her father. But she was also afraid of
Bandung. So to refuse politely, she made a condition. "I will marry you but you have to
build one thousand temples in one night as a wedding gift" requested Rara Jonggrang.
Bandung Bondowoso agreed with the condition. Helped by the spirit of the demons,
Bandung Bondowoso started building the temples. Approaching midnight, the work
would nearly be done. Rara Jonggrang knew and thought, "What shall I do? Bandung
Bondowoso is smarter than I. I would lose against Bandung."
Suddenly she got an idea. She woke up all the women in the palace and ordered
them to make the noisy sounds of grinding rice so that the rooster thought it had already
been dawn. Bandung Bondowoso got frustrated because he failed completing the
thousandth temple."The Princess has deceived me!" Following his anger, he cursed Roro
Jonggrang, "You have been cheated. Now, the thousandth temple is you!"
At once, the Princess turned into a statue. Knowing this, Bandung Bondowoso
regretted and he went away into a farm land. From then, people called the temple
Prambanan Temple and the Princess statue Rara Jonggrang statue.

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