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PENELITIAN ASPEK LINGKUNGAN FISIK PERAIRAN SEKITAR PELABUHAN SABANG CCB Herman Eayamto Pusst Texnalog! Surbsrcaya vanan, Wayah dan Mga Beneane ‘Badan Pengkajan den Panerapan Tekneloh Abatract Ports tha she movement might be one of the busiest center of actives inthe boas! aroas. 1! could be undarstocd sce pots become the main gles where Dassengers and goods are cotwated and dstbated tram ond 10 entre oat. The fafoct rom thas aatatine rng oft tos degraesvon of waters quality oud pot because ofa spl, demise! of chemo, igus and cold waste around t Sebang ot ay in an itornatonalfatway tjeton which hve cis o ol pil and oer flscard materials othe fori watrs Understanding th quay of tert waters ti bebo overcome the prooms wich maybe faced ata pend o come. Kata kune: wiser qual, polton, ports, Sabang 1. PENDAHULUAN Munauinya kesadaran masyarakat akan. at pentngnya kwaltas inghungan ser dampakry {orhatap kegatan bake dperaran maypun

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