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Pengukuran suhu tubuh dilakukan untuk mengetahui rentang suhu tubuh.

Alat dan Bahan Termometer 3 buah botol: Botol 1 berisi larutan sabun Botol 2 berisi larutan desinfektan Botol 3 berisi air bersih Bengkok Kertas / tissue Vaselin Buku catatan suhu Sarung tangan Prosedur Kerja PEMERIKSAAN SUHU ORAL Jelaskan prosedur kepada klien Cuci tangan Gunakan sarung tangan Atur posisi pasien Tentukan letak bawah lidah Turunkan suhu termometer dibawah anatara 340C 350C. Letakkan termometer dibawah lidah sejajar dengan gusi Anjurkan mulut dikatupkan selama 3 5 menit Angkat termometer dan baca hasilnya

Catat hasil Bersihkan termometer dengan kertas / tissue Cuci termometer dengan air sabun, desinfektan, bilas dengan air bersih dan keringkan. Cuci tangan setelah prosedur dilakukan PEMERIKSAAN SUHU AKSILA Jelaskan prosedur kepada klien Cuci tangan Gunakan sarung tangan Atur posisi pasien Tentukan letak aksila (Ketiak) dan bersihkan daerah aksila dengan menggunakan tissue Turunkan suhu termometer dibawah anatara 340C 350C. Letakkan termometer pada daerah aksila dan lengan pasien fleksi diatas dada (mendekap dada) Setelah 3 5 menit, angkat termometer dan baca hasilnya Catat hasil Bersihkan termometer dengan kertas / tissue Cuci termometer dengan air sabun, desinfektan, bilas dengan air bersih dan keringkan. Cuci tangan setelah prosedur dilakukan PEMERIKSAAN SUHU REKTAL Jelaskan prosedur kepada klien Cuci tangan Gunakan sarung tangan Atur posisi pasien dengan posisi miring Pakaian diturunkan sampai dibawah glutea (dibawah pantat) Tentukan letak rektal, lalu oleskan vaseline Turunkan suhu termometer dibawah anatara 340C 350C. Letakkan telapak tangan pada sisi glutea pasien, masukkan termometer kedalam rektal dengan perlahan-lahan, jangan sampi berubah posisi dan ukur suhu Setelah 3 5 menit, angkat termometer dan baca hasilnya

Catat hasil Bersihkan termometer dengan kertas / tissue Cuci termometer dengan air sabun, desinfektan, bilas dengan air bersih dan keringkan. Cuci tangan setelah prosedur dilakukan


Body temperature measurement is performed to determine the range of body temperature.

Tools and Materials Thermometer 3 bottles: 1 bottle containing a solution of soap Bottle 2 contains a solution of disinfectant 3 bottles containing clean water Crooked Paper / Tissue Vaseline The book records the temperature Gloves Work Procedures TEMPERATURE ORAL EXAMINATION Explain procedure to client Wash hands Use gloves Adjust the position of the patient Determine the location under the tongue Lower the temperature of the thermometer under anatara 340C - 350C. Place the thermometer under the tongue parallel to the gums Suggest clenched mouth for 3 - 5 minutes Lift the thermometer and read the results

Record results Clean the thermometer with paper / tissue Wash the thermometer with soapy water, disinfectant, rinse with clean water and dry. Wash hands after procedure TEMPERATURE INVESTIGATION axillary Explain procedure to client Wash hands Use gloves Adjust the position of the patient Determine the location of axillary (armpits) and clean the axillary region using a tissue Lower the temperature of the thermometer under anatara 340C - 350C. Place the thermometer in the axilla and chest above the patient's arm flexion (holding the chest) After 3-5 minutes, remove the thermometer and read the results Record results Clean the thermometer with paper / tissue Wash the thermometer with soapy water, disinfectant, rinse with clean water and dry. Wash hands after procedure EXAMINATION rectal temperature Explain procedure to client Wash hands Use gloves Adjust the position of the patient on his side Clothing lowered to below glutea (below the buttocks) Determine the location of the rectal, then apply vaseline Lower the temperature of the thermometer under anatara 340C - 350C. Place the palms on the side glutea patient, insert the thermometer into the rectum by slowly, do not sampi changed positions and measuring the temperature After 3-5 minutes, remove the thermometer and read the results

Record results Clean the thermometer with paper / tissue Wash the thermometer with soapy water, disinfectant, rinse with clean water and dry. Wash hands after procedure

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