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Habis itu baru ketik kode cheatnya (inget yah: Case Sensitive, jadi ketik nya harus sesuai). Cheatnya sbb : Meow Festival untuk semua god Cat Fight Bast akan leveling city's best houses. syarat harus ada kuil BAst. Mesektet Nurunin Kingdom Rating. syarat harus ada kuil Ra. Sun Disk Naekin Kingdom Rating. syarat harus ada kuil Ra. Life from Death semua farms yg ditepi sungai akan panen dobel.syarat harus ada kuil Osiris. Underworld semua farms yg ada di tepi sungai akan hancur. syarat harus ada kuil Osiris. Hippo Stomp Munculin Kuda Nil yg ngamuk di kota, lumayan buat bunuh enemy, dari pada ngandelin prajurit. :) Side Show Kudanil Joget, syarat harus ada kuda nil dulu :) Pharaohs Tomb Automatic win, jangan dipake, ngga seru :( Fury of Seth hancurin semua kapal, termasuk punya kita. Treasure Chest nambahin 1000 deben, ini favoritku :) Bounty peningkatan hasil panen. syarat harus ada kuil osiris. Mummys Curse nurunin hasil panen. syarat harus ada kuil osiris. Pharaohs Glory export meningkat 50%, syarat harus ada kuil Ra. Bird of Prey nurunin perdagangan. syarat harus ada kuil Ra. Supreme Craftsman storage yard full (gems, clay, pottery, flax, linen, jewelry). syarat harus ada kuil ptah. Noble Djed full bahan baku (Shipwrights, weavers, jewelers), syarat harus ada kuil ptah. Typhonian Relief perlindungan buat prajurit yg dikirim. syarat harus ada kuil seth. Seth Strikes hancurkan fort & pasukan kota musuh. syarat harus ada kuil seth. Cat Nip Houses & bazaars full goods & food. syarat harus ada kuil bast. Kitty Litter plague strike. syarat harus ada kuil bast.

Big Dave Ptah ngancurin industrial buildings. syarat harus ada kuil ptah. Grenow Ptah ngancurin Storage Yard. syarat harus ada kuil ptah. Spirit of Typhon ngalahin musuh yg nyerang. syarat harus ada kuil seth. Upgrade all residences5 Living Large City attacked by land Mockattack1 City attacked by sea Mockattack2 Effect Code 1000 deben Treasure Chest City attacked by hippos Hippo Stomp City attacked by land Mockattack1 City attacked by sea Mockattack2 Destroy all military ships Fury of Seth 4 Destroy part of next invasion group Spirit of Typhon Destroy single storage yard Grenow Exports decrease for one year Bird of Prey Exports increased for one year Pharaohs Glory 5 Festival for all the gods Meow Flood plain farms is destroyed by next flood Underworld Harvest from flood plain farms is doubled after next flood Life from Death Houses and bazaars full of goods5 Cat Nip Increase number of already available hippos Side Show Inundation decreased Mummys Curse Inundation increased Bounty Level skip Pharoahs Tomb Lower kingdom rating Mesektet 5 Plague strikes city ; Kitty Litter Population includes homeless Help Homeless Raise kingdom rating Sun Disk Shipwrights, weavers, and jewelers stocked with materials Noble Died Storage yard at maximum Supreme Craftsman 4 Troops destroyed Seth Strikes 4 Troops protected Typhonian Relief 5 Upgrade all residences Living Large 5 Various best houses destroyed Cat Fight Various industrial buildings destroyed Big Dave

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Only Only Only Only Only

available available available available available

if if if if if

Osiris is worshipped in city. Ra is worshipped in city. Ptah is worshipped in city. Seth is worshipped in city. Bast is worshipped in city

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