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MOEWARDI SURAKARTA. Pembimbing I : Prof. DR. Harsono Salimo, dr. SpA (K), Pembimbing II : Dr. Sudarman, SpTHT-KL (K). Tesis: Program Studi Magister Kedokteran Keluarga, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Latar Belakang: Letak tumor nasofaring berada di daerah tersembunyi (terutama di Fossa Rosenmulleri) yang berdekatan dengan muara tuba Eustachius. Sehingga keluhan yang sering muncul adalah gangguan pendengaran pada satu sisi atau unilateral dan bersifat konduktif. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan letak tumor nasofaring terhadap derajat tuli konduksi. Bahan dan Cara: Penelitian dilakukan dengan studi cross sectional di Departemen THT-KL FK UNS/ RSUD. Dr. Moewardi Surakarta, secara consecutive sampling mulai April 2011 sampai Oktober 2011. Terhadap pasien KNF dilakukan pemeriksaan nasofaringoskopi rigid serta pemeriksaan audiometri nada murni. Data dianalisis dengan uji korelasi Pearson Chi Square dengan batas kebermaknaan p < 0.05. Hasil: Dari 35 sampel yang terdiri dari 27 pasien laki-laki dan 8 pasien wanita, didapatkan hasil bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara letak tumor nasofaring dengan derajat tuli konduksi telinga kanan dan telinga kiri. Uji korelasi Pearson Chi Square telinga kanan menunjukkan p = 0.033 dan telinga kiri p = 0.015. Letak tumor nasofaring yang menutup tuba Eustachius akan memiliki risiko 14 kali lebih besar mengalami tuli konduksi telinga kanan dan 20 kali lebih besar mengalami tuli konduksi telinga kiri. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara letak tumor nasofaring dengan derajat tuli konduksi telinga kanan dan telinga kiri. Kata kunci: Letak tumor, Karsinoma Nasofaring, Derajat Tuli Konduksi, Audiometri.


ABSTRACT Arne Laksmiasanti, S 59206001. 2012. CORRELATION BETWEEN THE SITE OF NASOPHARYNGEAL CARCINOMA AND CONDUCTIVE HEARING LOSS DEGREE IN Dr. MOEWARDI HOSPITAL SURAKARTA. Advisor I : Prof. Dr. Harsono Salimo, dr. SpA (K), co-Advisor : Dr. Sudarman, SpTHT-KL (K). Thesis: Master Program in Family Medicine, Post Graduate Program of Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta Background: The site of nasopharyngeal tumour is at the hidden area (especially at fossa Rossenmulleri) that is near to tuba Eustachius end. The chief complaint that usually arise is hearing loss in one side or unilateral dan conductive type. The aim of this study is to know the correlation between the site of nasopharyngeal tumour and conductive hearing loss degree at Moewardi Hospital Surakarta. Material and Methods: Research done in cross sectional study in Ear Nose and Throath-Head and Neck Surgery Department Medical Faculty University of SebelasMaret/ Dr. Moewardi Hospital Surakarta, with consecutive sampling methods, start from April 2011 until Oktober 2011. The nasopharyngeal carcinoma patient examined for rigid nasopharyngoscopy and pure tone audiometry. Data has analyzed using Pearson Chi Square correlation test with p < 0.05. Result: From thirty five (35) samples those were twenty seven (27) males and eight (8) females patients was found correlation between the site of nasopharyngeal tumour with conductive right ear and left ear hearing loss degree. Pearson Chi Square correlation test at the right ear, p = 0.033 and the left ear, p = 0.015. The site of nasopharyngeal tumour that blocked Eustachius tube will have 14 times greater risk to have conductive hearing loss in the right ear and 20 times greater risk to have conductive hearing loss in the left ear. Conclusions: There were correlation between the site of nasopharyngeal tumour and conductive hearing loss degree in the right ear and left ear. Keywords: The site of Nasopharyngeal Tumour, Hearing Loss Degree, Audiometry.


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