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Thoughts on Music Ethnography in Urban Indonesia: From Yogyakarta Recordings to Translocal Popular Culture in the Melayu Borderlands

Max Richter Monash University Email:

Abstract Banyak studi tentang musik Indonesia berfokus pada warisan budaya dan pemeliharaan tradisi daerah atau nasional atau musik modern musik pop dan rock yang memiliki gaya barat. Keduanya dipandang secara terpisah, bahkan musik modern seringkali dilihat sebagai aliran musik yang merendahkan musik tradisi. Penulis berpendapat bahwa analisis genre yang terhibridasi seperti keroncong dan dangdut menyajikan gambaran yang ternyata lebih rumit daripada kedua dikotomi di atas. Penulis memaparkan sejarah panjang pertukaran antar budaya di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia yang justru mencerminkan sejarah saling pengaruh dari dua golongan musik tersebut. Penulis mengangkat kasus musik di wilayah perkotaan sebagai penanda gaya yang menjadi ciri utama dari karakter sosial perkotaan di seluruh Indonesia. Artikel ini menggambarkan fenomena tersebut melalui rekaman lapangan dari etnografi doktoral penulis tentang musik jalanan dan campursari di Yogyakarta, dan menghubungkannya dengan kehidupan sosial dan budaya populer di beberapa kota daerah di Indonesia. Budaya populer diartikan di sini sebagai rekreasi informal di berbagai arena sosial yang berbeda-beda. Gejala Budaya tersebut menurut penulis menjelaskan aspek sosial translokal yang kemudian muncul sebagai indikator penting di antara kelompok afiliasi dan menopang keteraturan sosial di wilayah perkotaan. Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk merumuskan cara-cara baru untuk mengidentifikasi pola hubungan antara gaya musik dan identitas sosial dalam perkotaan Indonesia.
Key words: pertukaran antar-budaya, kebudayaan populer, translokal, gaya musik, identitas sosial

Tapal Kuda Bergolak: Suatu Kajian Tentang Resistensi Terhadap Pelengseran Presiden Gus Dur 20011
Abd. Latif Bustami Universitas Negeri Malang Email:

Abstract This article describes social resistance in Tapal Kuda community against The People Consultative Assembly (Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat) who deposed President Wahid (Gus Dur) in 2001. Their resistance resulted in loss of human life as well as the destruction of religious buildings, educational institutions, and other public facilities, which are believed to have historical connections to their opponents, i.e. Muhammadiyah or its leader Amien Rais.The Tapal Kuda community shares typical cultural characteristics such as: Maduranese, Muslim, remain traditional, based on Ulama, and made their kyai (religious leader) as the highest role-model. Additionally, they have developed network of religious boarding schools of Tarekat Naqsyabandiah wal Qadiriah and classifying them into hierarchy of core schools (pesantren induk) and their sub-levels.The resistance shows symbolic manipulations made up by local elite leaders for fabricating profane symbols into a sacred ones in a way that unmistakebly drawing political dimension into intra-religious conflicts. The tension appeared in how they define themselves as minna (saya, as self) and minkum (kamu, the others). This definition had became a moral basis that justified their act in destroying the opponents as the others. It is important to see how value of Islamic solidarity within traditional muslim community in Madura tends to get firmer while paradoxically the wholeness of Muslim brotherhood is under threat. Key words: tapal kuda, Madura, kyai, pesantren, resistance, Nahdlatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah

Bahasa dan Konstruksi Solidaritas Antaretnis Masyarakat Transmigran di Nusa Tenggara Barat
Kamaludin Yusra & Yuni Budi Lestari PBS FKIP Universitas Mataram Email: Abstract This study is aimed at identifying linguistic features, indexing ethnic identities, and interethnic solidarity in transmigration contexts. Data were collected through interview, documentation and ethnography of various transmigrate communities on Sumbawa island. The data were then analyzed qualitatively with the ethnography of speaking and interaction analysis. The study found that (a) Ethnic identities in the migrant areas can be linguistically identified in four forms: orang aida (to refer to Sumbawa people), orang kalembo ade (for Bima people), dengan batur (for Sasak people) and orang beli (Balinese people). (b) These people were identifiable in the way they articulate particular sounds: orang beli (the Balinese) were identified in terms of dominant use of alveolar retroflexed, orang batur (the Sasak) were identified in the way they marked use of alveolar retroflexed, and orang kalembo ade (the Bima people) were identified through their articulation of closed central vowel as open low front vowel. It was also found that the forms had been used to construct ethnicity and interethnic solidarity between participants. The use of ana and ente in interaction indicated solidarity regardless of differences in age and social status. Key words: language and society, contextualization, ethnicity, solidarity, inter-cultural
communication, transmigration

Engels tentang Evolusi Manusia: Catatan Pendahuluan Atas Gagasan Friedrich Engels (1820 1895) Tentang Alur Evolusi Manusia dan Peran Kerja di Dalamnya
Dede Mulyanto Universitas Padjadjaran Email:

Abstract This paper represents Engels theory of human origin with more modern facts and theories from contemporary fossil record. In Engels theory, brain and cognitive ability is not the essential attribute of humanity. Brain capacity is not a cause; it is result or effect of evolution of more essential attribute in hominid evolution, that are terrestrial-bipedal life style and the use of tools by which labour social organisation emerge in hominid evolution. Keywords: evolution, paleoanthropology, Marxism, hominid

Petani dan Pedagang: Perubahan Ekonomi dan Agama di Buton

Blair Palmer Australian National University Email:

Abstract This article examines a dispute over proper religious practice in an all-Muslim village in Buton, Southeast Sulawesi. Traditionalists and modernists disagree over whether agricultural ceremonies involving offerings for territorial spirits should be allowed to continue. Local views on this dispute are explored with reference to the historical context of religious practice in the village, and processes of social change over the past several generations. It is argued that key social, political and economic dynamics which are relevant to the current religious dispute include the decline of agriculture in the village, the eclipsing of the Butonese Sultanate and integration into the Indonesian state, and new patterns of mobility whereby many villagers have become migrants to urban centers in eastern Indonesia. Thus it traces how processes of the increasing penetration of capitalism, the decline of traditional authority, and new patterns of mobility have played out in this particular village in the context of a dispute over religious practice. Key words: Islam, trade, Buton, Indonesia, agriculture, religion, migration

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