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. Mike Cable Calibration: A Technician’s Guide Copyrighe DAE By IBA — Reatrwsttereiation, Sevres, une! Autrimatinm fesckety SF Mlesanelae Dive FO Dawe LDF Research Triangle Bark, NCS Al rights nieve, Printed In the Walted States of America, wWearedas BON LSSITAEN, ‘No patted thin nee may be cepruchecre, stewed in a retrial wpe, urstumateitted is aie Leet ce by any) maar, estrone eiechursical, phemucupeyitg, reueingg ur cebertedie, withea! the pric wilten ye=mhibaion of Ee putter Nutioe ‘Thee information: geescretead am this pudelination is ice Hoe pprruoral ecaicution wf tne fhadie, Deore nether the authur net the publiher act any control over ther una othe \iefonnation by the reader. both the moar afel te guiblacher disclaim any seed all ality of any kind arising oat of suche, The-rader is mapected In eomcke seund professional Audgmend in using any of the inonnation presented in a particular application. Adalithonally, neither the author nox the puliliaher huree kavestigaled or coriidened the ‘effect of ary patents on the ability of the readers bo use ary of the information in a particular upplientiin. The-seadar is pescunrcaiale for nevieneinge amy pameilthy pata that emp atfect cafvy particular uss od ive Gittermnation poeseitent, “Any raberenoes Io oommenchl products in the work are cited aes ewannjikes cry, 'Neltheer the surthor nm hy publisher mdoesm ary navcencad ocenraelal product. Amy ‘radernarks ur trodenomnes teberemurd belong io the respective cmener of thee mark oe name Neither the autor sor fre publisher makes any repressntation regarding the availability of Amr rvtvernond commercial pruduct any tine, The marnutctume's iretructions.on une ot any eomescneal product mast be folltreed dt all terra. evus if in comdlict with the sslunniting & the. publication, Library sf Crongres Cstaloging-in-Peblication Data in pencess, TABLE OF CONTENTS (Chapter Calibration Principles... eee TO 1.4 Whs Peetorias, Cabheatena? — Tha Canad ‘System Technicion. eee 8 1.8 Charncteriatics of a Contral »Technicion . & ‘L& Loop Calinration vs. individual Instrument F Ex in We TP ee 2.4 Loop Diagrams (Spa Exeempags in ADDON AD ccc cance eee een e ees 25

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