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Methapors of Movement

President SBY, I ndonesia

Sejak awal dipahami, bahwa pertemuan ini merupakan pertemuan darurat, yang
dimaksudkan untuk menghasilkan program aksi yang konkret dan transparan, guna
membantu masyarakat di kawasan Samudera Hindia yang tertimpa bencana. Jadi bukan
hanya komitmen, tetapi yang kita perlukan adalah concrete action, dan saya kira, para wartawan
tadi mengikuti jalannya diskusi, statement, termasuk joint declaration, bahwa kita telah masuk
kepada wilayah action, dan bukan hanya komitmen.
Saya akan menggaris bawahi beberapa hal penting yang telah disepakati dalam
pertemuan ini, seperti tercantum dalam deklarasi yang ada pada Saudara. Para pemimpin
menyadari pentingnya untuk melaksanakan koordinasi yang lebih baik, better coordination, dan
menjamin semua kontribusi dan bantuan dapat didistribusikan secara efektif dan berkelanjutan.
Bantuan tersebut harus benar-benar disalurkan kepada para korban. Para pemimpin juga
menyadari, perlunya dilakukan upaya-upaya untuk mencegah jatuhnya korban yang lebih
besar dalam bencana alam seperti ini, di waktu yang akan datang. Untuk mencapai tujuan
tersebut, para pemimpin selanjutnya sepakat untuk mengambil langkah-langkah konkret,
khususnya dalam tiga hal. Pertama adalah bantuan darurat, emergency relief, yang kedua
adalah rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi, dan yang ketiga adalah pencegahan dan
J apan Prime Minister, J unichiro Koizumi
The tsunami disaster has caused serious damage to social infrastructures in the disaster-
stricken countries. From now onwards, in addition to immediate relief assistance, it is necessary
that countries and international organizations concerned will make concerted efforts to provide
assistance based upon medium and long term rehabilitation and reconstruction plans which will
be laid down taking account of the situations of the respective countries. Japan will extend its
maximum possible assistance in this area.
UN, Secretary General, Kofi Annan
Beyond the immediate relief, there is already a great deal we are doing to get recovery
efforts on the way. Let me give you an example: the vast number of those affected are sub-
subsistence fishermen and their families. To enable both their rehabilitation and livelihoods, the
best assistance we can offer them is an early opportunity to repair their boats and their fishing
nets. More broadly, these are very self sufficient people who are in need, who are used to living
by their own hard work. If we give them quick financial support, building materials and other
resources, they will make their own recovery. They will get their villages and municipalities
cleaned-up, their children back in school. We must invest in their recovery efforts and not make
them wait for hours.
I t is equally important to ensure that from now on there are no gaps in the funding
effort as we move into the intermediate and the longer term. We know from experience that
such gaps can wipe out painstakingly achieved progress towards recovery. We trust that the
world community will work with us in the implementation of the programmes covered by this
appeal and stay with us for the longer term. And I look to you, the media, to hold them to that
commitment. Copies of the appeal are being distributed to you, if you haven't got them already.
And with me here on the podium is Ms. Margareta Wahlstrom, my Special Coordinator for the
tsunami relief effort, who over the past week has visited several of the countries affected and
together we will try to answer your questions. The floor is open.
The immediate priority of the Malaysian Government is to restore normalcy to the
affected areas and provide assistance in all appropriate ways to help the victims who survive
the tsunami to rebuild their lives. On record, 68 victims lost their lives; 276 people were hurt;
6750 persons had to be relocated and 5997 fishermen lost their means of livelihood. The
financial burden to the Malaysian Government in terms of rehabilitation and reconstruction will
be quite heavy. Damage has been done not only to the physical but also social infrastructure.
Nevertheless, Malaysia feels that on the question of emergency international assistance in cash or
in kind, most of the other affected countries deserve immediate attention more than Malaysia
China Prime Minister, Wen J iabao
First, providing emergency relief. The Chinese Government calls on countries and
international organizations concerned to work together with coordinated steps and honor their
commitments in good faith. I can assure you that by the end of this month, over 50% of the
pledges of assistance made by the Chinese government in both cash and kind will be put in place.
Disaster relief is our top priority right now. The need for medicine, water and food is most urgent.
We should readjust and beef up the aid packages in quick response to the needs of the national
governments and people in the disaster areas and facilitate their speedy delivery, so as to
guarantee the livelihood of the people, provide medical treatment and prevent the outbreak of
epidemics. The Chinese Government has provided lists of aid both in kind and in cash to the
recipient countries and is also ready to dispatch additional health experts, doctors, nurses,
volunteers and other relief workers on short notice.
World Bank President J ames D. Wolfensohn
First, we must ensure that communities are involved in assessing their needs and
designing their own, homegrown recovery programs. Second, emergency assistance must be kept
simple and focused on the most urgent recovery priorities. Third, the longer term recovery and
development planning must integrate disaster risk reduction to avoid future losses from disasters.
Fourth, the international community must work in a coordinated way and help countries with the
transition from relief to recovery to reconstruction,,,contentMDK:20311722

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