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Pengaruh Terapi Pijat Kaki Getar Terhadap Nilai Ankle Brachial Index
(ABI) Pada Pasien Diabetes Militus Tipe II Di Poliklinik Penyakit Dalam
RSUD Kabupaten Badung Tahun 2014
Kadek Widi Artawan1, I Wayan Sukawana, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Pd 2, Ns.I Nyoman
Terja,S.Sos.,S.Kep 3.
Diabetes melitus Tipe II merupakan suatu keadaan hiperglikemia yang timbul
pada seseorang akibat tubuh mengalami gangguan dalam mengontrol kadar gula
darah. Pijat Kaki Getar dapat mengaktifkan sistem GLUT tipe 4 yang berada di
dalam otot manusia, dimana GLUT tipe 4 aktif menangkap gula yang beredar di
dalam darah dan akan dimasukan ke dalam otot untuk diubah menjadi energi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi pijat kaki getar
terhadap nilai ABI pada pasien diabetes militus tipe II. Jenis penelitian quasi
eksperimen dengan rancangan pre test-post test with control group design.
Menggunakan tehnik Purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian dari 24 sampel yaitu
terdapat pengaruh terapi pijat kaki getar terhadap nilai ABI pada pasien diabetes
militus tipe II pada post kelompok perlakuan yaitu 9 orang (75%) obstruksi ringan
dan 3 orang (25) nilai ABI normal, dan pada post kelompok kontrol yaitu 2 orang
(16,7%) obstruksi sedang, 8 orang (83,4%) obstruksi ringan, 2 orang (16,7%) nilai
ABI normal. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan uji T -Test Independent
didapatkan nilai p value= 0,004 < 0,05 berarti Ho ditolak Ha diterima, jadi ada
pengaruh terapi pijat kaki getar terhadap nilai ABI pada pasien diabetes militus
tipe II di Poliklinik Penyakit Dalam RSUD Kabupaten Badung. Disarankan agar
pemberian pijat kaki getar dijadikan sebagai bahan penyusunan standar
operasional prosedur untuk peningkatan nilai ABI pada pasien DM tipe II.
Kata Kunci : Pijat Kaki Getar, Ankle Brachial Index (ABI), DM Tipe II


The Impact of Foot Vibration Massage Therapy Towards the Ankle Brachial
Index (ABI) Value in Diabetes Mellitus Type II Patients at Internal Polyclinic
of RSUD Badung Regency in the Year of 2014
Kadek Widi Artawan1, I Wayan Sukawana, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Pd.2,
Ns. I Nyoman Terja, S.Sos.,S.Kep.3
Diabetes Mellitus Type II is a state of hyperglycemia which appears on someone
due to the body having a disorder in controlling blood sugar level. Foot Vibration
Massage can activate GLUT type 4 system located in the human muscles, where
GLUT type 4 actively catches sugar which is circulated within the blood and will
be entered into the muscle to be converted into energy. The research aims to find
out the impact of foot vibration massage therapy towards ABI value in patients
diabetes mellitus type II. The type of research is quasi experiment with pretestposttest with control group design. It is using a Purposive sampling technique. The
result of research from 24 samples concludes that there is an impact of foot
vibration massage therapy towards ABI value in diabetes mellitus type II patients
in both treatment to post group of 9 people (75%) obstruction light and 3 persons
(25%) the value of ABI normal, and post in the control group that is, 2 person
(16,7%) were moderate obstruction, 8 persons (66,6%) obstruction light, 2 person
(16,7%) the value ABI normal. Based on statistical analysis conducted with T-Test
Independent obtained that p value = 0.004 < 0.05 means Ho is rejected and Ha is
accepted, so there is an impact of foot vibration massage therapy towards ABI
value on diabetes mellitus type II patients at Internal Polyclinic of RSUD Badung
Regency. It is recommended that administration of the vibrating foot massager
used as an ingredient for the preparation of standard operating procedures increase
the value of ABI in patients with diabetes mellitus type II.
Key words:Foot Vibration Massage, Ankle Brachial Index (ABI),DM Type II.

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