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Water therapy

Nah gue punya kebiasaan sejak diet, setiap bangun pagi minum 2 gelas
besar air panas dengan suhu paling panas yang sanggup gue tahan. Soalnya
gue pernah baca artikel gitu tentang kebiasaan Water Therapy yang bagus
buat tubuh, terutama yang gue rasakan sih ngefek banget buat melancarkan
pencernaan. Jadi water therapy kurang lebih seperti ini:
1. Drink about 3-4 glasses of water once you wake up in the
morning. If you can drink around 1 liter of water, it would be great.
2. If you have constipation/digestion issues, drinking water before
brushing will help. The micro-organisms in the mouth when you
wake up, will get washed into the stomach and help regularize
bowel movements.
3. Dont drink/eat anything for at least 45 minutes after drinking
4. If you cannot drink 3-4 glasses of water at a stretch, you can start
with a smaller quantity. You can then drink the remaining amount of
water after a gap.
Nah gue pernah dapat tips dari seorang personal trainer katanya setelah
minum air hangat/panas ini langsung minum teh hijau. Nah gue
implementasikan deh. Bangun tidur isi teko listrik, nyalain, dan siapin dua
gelas, satu gelas buat water therapy dan satu gelas buat nyeduh green tea.
Oh iya green tea yang gue minum selalu tawar, gak pake
madu/susu/gula/pemanis. Polos aja pokoknya. Hal ini udah jadi kebiasaan
selama beberapa bulan terakhir, baik di rumah gue di Jakarta (nyokap jadi

ikut-ikutan) dan kosan gue di Bandung. Tapi entah kenapa, baru terjadi
perubahan signifikan setelah gue minum green teanya merek Dilmah.

Manfaat yang gue rasakan dari minum

teh hijau setiap pagi: sayonara jerawat!
Entah kenapa setelah gue minum teh hijau, gak ada jerawat baru yang
tumbuh, sekalipun gue lagi dapet atau gak cuci muka sebelum tidur (karena
ketiduran pas belajar dan terlalu lelah untuk beranjak, atau karena nginep di
kosan temen tanpa persiapan apapun). Muka juga jadi lebih cerah. Tementemen gue pun notice, mereka nanya gue lagi perawatan kulit, kulit gue
bersihan. Eh setelah gue telusuri penyebabnya ternyatakebiasaan gue
minum green tea setiap pagi itu luar biasa buat kulit! Gue baca di website
banyak testimonial orang yang mengatakan hal yang sama.
I soak fresh tea tree leaves in hot water for 5 hours, then drink it. I
drink around 1 liter of green tea water a day.
My face has no new acne since i drink green tea instead of
coffee. Luckily, fresh tea leaves in my country is very cheap. Only
$1 green tea leaves can be used for whole week.
I started drinking around one cup of green tea a day. I didnt add
sugar, honey, lemon, milk etc. because I really wanted the max
effects of the green tea. But I didnt think green tea tasted so bitter!
It was almost unbearable. I did this for a month, realised that it
didnt do anything, and upped my intake. You have to drink lots for
see results. Then I started drinking 4 cups a day, and now I drink
around 8 cups a day. I love the taste now. I dont need any sugar,
honey etc. It can be hard to get used to though.
WOW what a difference this drink has made! I cannot live without

this stuff. My skin no longer breaks out every single day. Its
soft and bouncy. My acne decreased a lot! I only ever get small
whiteheads now. Pimples come up around my period, but theyre
smaller in size and now as painful. Unfortunately, it took me months
and months to see results. I mean, it took me nearly 6 months to
see improvement!
I started drinking green tea after every meal and watched
my skin clear right up within a week. It is very inexpensive and
good for your health (even helps with weight loss).. for the price and
health benefits theres no reason not to give this a try!
I started drinking green tea two months ago when I arrived in Korea,
both because it was cheap and readily available. During the time
that I was drinking it, my skin was more clear than it ever
had been before; I stopped drinking it and started drinking regular
juice because I did not know it was the green tea that was helping,
and the pimples returned. Having visited this site, it makes sense to
me that it was the green tea that was helping, and have since
returned to drinking it. It is healthy, and helpful, drink it if you can.

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