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Recieved 10 June 2013, Accepted 17 June 2013


Trisnawati Yulindra1*), Titik Dwi Sulistiyati 2*) dan Eddy Suprayitno 3*)
PS Teknologi Hasil Perikanan
Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
1*), 3*)
Ikan yang mengandung zat gizi yang lengkap salah satunya adalah protein dan albumin yang
cukup tinggi ialah ikan gabus (Ophiocephalus striatus). Albumin merupakan protein plasma yang
paling tinggi jumlahnya sekitar 60% dan memiliki berbagai fungsi yang sangat penting bagi kesehatan.
Selama ini ikan gabus yang diekstrak akan menghasilakan filtrat dan residu. Pada penelitian ini, residu
daging ekstraksi dimanfaatkan untuk diversifikasi produk sosis.Sosis yang berbahan utama residu
daging ikan gabus mempunyai tujuan untuk meningkatkan nilai protein dan albumin. Tujuan dari
penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh residu daging ikan terhadap kualitas sosis ikan gabus,
pengaruh penambahan residu daging ikan gabus terhadap kadar albumin sosis ikan dan
mendapatkan penambahan residu daging ikan yang optimal yang menghasilkan sosis ikan gabus
dengan kualitas terbaik. Perlakuan dari penelitian ini adalah konsentrasi residu daging ekstraksi yang
berbeda. Parameter uji pada penelitian ini adalah kadar albumin, lemak, protein, air, abu, karbohidrat ,
garam dan organoleptik. Hasil penelitian diolah menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL)
sederhana dengan 3 kali ulangan.
Hasil penelitian memberikan pengaruh yang beda nyata terhadap kadar albumin, kadar
protein, kadar lemak dan kadar garam. Namun, memberikan pengaruh yang tidak beda nyata
terhadap kadar air,abu dan kadar coklat. Dan memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap nilai
oraganoleptik sosis ikan gabus. Perlakuan terbaik konsentrasi residu daging terdapat pada perlakuan
E dengan konsentrasi daging 375 g, dengan kadar albumin 3.2810%, kadar protein 7.5423%, kadar
lemak 0.8068%, kadar air 42.0422%, kadar abu 1.6360%, kadar karbohidrat 47.6484%, nilai
organoleptik aroma 4.8000%, warna 5.2111%, rasa 4.9000% dan tekstur 5.0778%.
Kata kunci : Ikan Gabus (Ophiocephalus striatus), Konsentrasi residu daging ikan gabus,
Albumin, Sosis
The snake-head fish (Ophiocephalus striatus) composed by the high protein and albumin.
Albumin is the plasma protein that has the higher amount of 60% and has some functions that very
important in health. During this time the snake-head fish that had been extracted would produce the
filtrate and residue. In this research, the meat residue from the extraction had been used for sausage
product diversification. Sausage from the meat residue of head-snake fish aims to increase the value
of protein and albumin. The aims of this research are to learn about the effect of the fish meat residue
towards the quality of fish sausage, to learn the effect of the addition of the meat residue of snakehead fish towards the albumin value of fish sausage and to get the optimal addition of fish meat
residue that will produce the fish sausage with the good quality. The treatment of this research was the
different concentration of the extracted fish meat residue. The parameter in this research were the
content of albumin, fat, protein, water, ash, carbohydrate, salt, and organoleptic. The results of this
research were analyzed by the simple completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 repetitions.
The results give the real different effect towards the content of abumin, protein, fat, and salt.
However, it did not give the real different effect towards the content of water, ash, and carbohydrate.
And it gives the real effect towards the organoleptic value of the fish sausage. The best treatment of
the concentration of the meat residue can be found at the treatment E with the 375 g of the meat
concentration with the 3.2810% of albumin content, 7.5423% of protein content, 0.8068% of fat
content, 42.0422% of water content, 1.6360% of ash content, 47.6484% of carbohydrate content, the
organoleptic value were 4.8000% of the aroma, 5.2111% of the color, 4.9000% of the taste and
5.0778% of the texture.
Keywords : Snake-head fish (Ophiocephalus striatus), concentration of the meat residue of the
snake-head fish, albumin, fish sausage.

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