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CARIGALI STANDARD PROCEDURE ONSHORE/OFFSHORE CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE NO: CSP-01 REVISION: 2 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURE FOR PETRONAS CARIGALI SDN BHD KUALA LUMPUR In the event of any ambiguity, inconsistency or conflict between this procedure and the Contract Document and / or the Petronas Technical Standards (PTS), the Contract Document and / or PTS shall take precedence over this procedure. PETRONAS Carigali’s interpretation shall be final. PCSB BEV] DATE NO. PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY NAME SIGNATURE] DATE NAME ‘SIGNATURE DATE NAME ‘SIGNATURE DATE 0 | 02076 ]) NINE (0207796) PIC 02107795 MSM a2r07796 T_|23/03/99|[ Czcr 73003 PIC [23703799] MSM [23703799 2 | 25/08/08 ||ATA EEE =e Las] @| we ZB: ashy Fae PETRONAS CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURE NO. : CSP-01 CARIGALI PROCEDURE REVISION : 2 ONSHORE/OFFSHORE CONSTRUCTION REVISION LIST SECTION [REV DATE DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT All 1 23/03/99_| Revised as per PETRONAS Carigali’s requirements. All 2 20/07/09 _| Revised as per PETRONAS Carigali’s requirements. PETRONAS PROCEDURE NO. : CSP-01 _o a ONSHORE/OFFSHORE CONSTRUCTION PAGE 1 OF 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE 10 PURPOSE 2 20 SCOPE 2 3.0 REFERENCES 2 40 DEFINITIONS 2 50 PROCEDURES 2 5.1 Changes 2 5.2 Field Instruction Request 4 53 Field Instruction 4 54 Change Order Proposal 5 5.5 Change Order 6 60 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 6 70 RECORDS a APPENDICES Appendix I Field Instruction Request Appendix I Field Instruction Appendix IIL Change Order Proposal Appendix IV: Cost Estimation Sheet Appendix V ‘Change Order Appendix VI Change Order Register PETRONAS PROCEDURE NO. : CSP-01 canit ee REVISION : 2 ONSHORE/OFFSHORE CONSTRUCTION PAGE 2 OF 7 10 PURPOSE 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 This procedure addresses the basic requirements for processing changes to the CONTRACT that may affect the cost or the time required to complete the project cither due to addition or deletion to the WORKS. SCOPE This procedure outlines the basic requirements for handling all changes to the CONTRACT. REFERENCES Contract Document Procurement Procedure - (FSP-14) DEFINITIONS FIR - Field Instruction Request TI - Field Instruction COP = Change Order Proposal co - Change Order WORKS — - —_As defined in the Contract Form CONTRACT - As defined in the Contract Form SMCD - Scheduled Mechanical Completion Date PROCEDURE 5.1 Changes 5.1.1 CONTRACTOR shall anticipate that as the WORKS progress, PETRONAS Carigali may request for changes to the WORKS. The changes can be addition or deletion to the WORKS. 5.12 As the WORKS progress, PETRONAS Carigali reserves the right to request changes in the WORKS and may request CONTRACTOR to quote, source and examine the feasibility of the change before issuing the FI. CONTRACTOR on its own initiative shall reply within the given duration, specifying the validity of the quotation, for PETRONAS Carigali’s evaluation. PETRONAS 7 PROCEDURE NO. : CSP-01 CHANGE ORDER CARIGALI PROCEDURE ONSHORE/OFFSHORE CONSTRUCTION PAGE 3 OF 7 REVISION :2 5.1.3 CONTRACTOR shall refer to the Figure 1 below for the responsibility and handling the changes in the CONTRACT. ‘CONTRACTOR'S PETRONAS CarigalfS ere emonsoun ewan rev ener) [Fea PETROS Cas a =e} eee er y seis ‘annonce a! = Figure 1 - Flowchart for FIR/F/COP/CO. 5.14. Ifat any time CONTRACTOR believes that any act or instruc tion by PETRONAS Carigali constitutes a change to the WORKS, and it is not covered under FI or the CONTRACT, CONTRACTOR may request for a FI from PETRONAS. Carigali by forwarding the FIR. Pernonas CARIGALI PROCEDURE ONSHORE/OFFSHORE CONSTRUCTION PAGE 4 OF 7 REVISION : 2 5.2 53 5.1.5 PETRONAS Carigali reserves the right to specify which Sched- ule in the Exhibit II of the CONTRACT shall be utilised to ‘compute the cost for such change. Field Instruction Request (FIR) 5.2.1 If at any time CONTRACTOR believes that there has been a change in the Scope of Work and/or change in the Scope of Work is needed, CONTRACTOR may request PETRONAS Carigali to issue a FI by completing and forwarding two copies of signed FIR (see Appendix I) with detailed justification indicating the cost or schedule impact of the change. 5.2.2 Upon receipt of the FIR, PETRONAS Carigali will evaluate the request and at its discretion may approve or reject the request. If PETRONAS Carigali agrees with the request, then a FL will be issued, 5.2.3 CONTRACTOR shall maintain a running reference number for the FIR but it may not necessarily be the same number as the FL. Field Instruction (FD) 5.3.1. If PETRONAS Carigali desires a change to the WORKS, PETRONAS Carigali may instruct the CONTRACTOR to make such changes by completing and forwarding to CONTRACTOR two copies of the signed FI. (see Appendix 0). 53.2 Upon receipt of the Fl, CONTRACTOR shall execute the changes in line with the action required in the FI. CONTRACTOR shall acknowiedge receipt and return one copy of the FI to PETRONAS Carigali. The FI may be used to request CONTRACTOR to provide a COP for PETRONAS Carigali's review and approval before proceeding with the change. . 5.3.3. PETRONAS Carigali will assign a running number for the FI. This number shall also be used for the COP and CO. If PETRONAS Carigali decides to cancel the FI, then the FI number shall not be used again for the issuance of the next FI (CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURE NO. : CSP-01 eee REVISION : 2 ONSHORE/OFFSHORE CONSTRUCTION PAGE 5 OF 7 PETRONAS PROCEDURE NO. : CSP-01 CARIGALI © CHANGE ORDER 5.3.4 CONTRACTOR shall then study the FI and distribute copies to relevant Departments who are involved with the changes. The Project Manager shall assign a coordinator to monitor the status of the FI. The assigned coordinator shall be capable to review the Fl against the CONTRACT requirements. 5.4 Change Order Proposal (COP) 5.4.1 CONTRACTOR shall prepare the COP (see Appendix IIf) in Jine with the action requested in the FI and complete with all the necessary supporting document. The CONTRACTOR’s responsibility for the change shall cover the following: ENGINEERING - shell study in detail the changes involved related to engineering, produce material take- off, drawings, specification and other technical informa tion required for the change PLANNING/SCHEDULING - shall study and evaluate any schedule impact to the Overall Master Schedule or SMCD and assess the time impact due to the change as stated in the FI. A schedule for the execution of the change shall be developed if requested by PETRONAS. Carigali PURCHASING - if the FT requires additional materials to be purchased, then the Procurement Coordinator shall obtain quotations based on the approved Procurement Procedure (FSP-14) and submit to PETRONAS Carigali with detailed pricing. If the specified pricing is based on Cost Plus, PETRONAS Carigali reserves the right to attend the bid opening for both the Technical and Commercial Proposals. The proposals shall be submit- ted to Engineering for technical evaluation and Planning/Scheduling for delivery and schedule analysis. PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM - if the Fl involves fabrication works based on Time Rate Basis, then the Discipline Engineers who are involved in the change shall monitor the works involved. The Time Sheets of the personnel doing the work shall be filled-up by the Discipline Engineer and verified by PETRONAS CARIGALI leita REVISION :2 ONSHORE/OFFSHORE CONSTRUCTION PAGE 6 OF 7 55 5.4.2 Carigali on the day the work was performed, All the Time Sheets shall be endorsed by the Project Manager. The Time Sheets shall then be immediately forwarded to PETRONAS Carigali for approval a day following the performance of such work. CONTRACTOR shall compile and submit to PETRONAS Carigali two sets of the signed COP and Cost Estimation Sheet (see Appendix IV) as Revision 0 within the duration stated in the FI. A complete supporting documents such as Purchase Orders, Time Sheets, Drawings, etc. shall be attached to the COP for PETRONAS Carigali’s review and approval. Change Order (CO) 5.5.1 5.8.2 5.5.3 Note: PETRONAS Carigali will review the COP and if PETRONAS Carigali disagrees or has comments, the COP will be returned to the CONTRACTOR for resubmission. CONTRACTOR shall incorporate all the comments and resubmit the revised COP (as Revision 1) following Section 5.4.2 of this procedure. Once agreement is reached on the COP, PETRONAS Carigali will prepare the CO and issue two (2) copies of the signed CO (see Appendix V) to CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge receipt and retum a copy of the signed CO to PETRONAS Carigali PETRONAS Carigali may at its option instruct CONTRACTOR to proceed with the changes by issuing an official letier before issuance of the CO. An line with PETRONAS Carigali internal approval process for the execution of changes to contract, approval by Approving Authority (AA) is required prior to the issuance of the CO / instruction to proceed with the changes by PETRONAS Cari to CONTRACTOR. This equally applies to Section 5.5.3. 6.0 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 61 Payment for completed CO, either addition or deletion to the total Contract Price shall be im requirement stated in Exhi CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURE NO. : CSP-01 permonas CARIGALI CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURE NO. : CSP-01 PROCEDURE ey ONSHORE/OFFSHORE CONSTRUCTION PAGE 7 OF 7 62 PETRONAS Carigali may instruct CONTRACTOR to assign a Milestone Payment for work completed. The Milestone Payment Schedule shall be submitted by the CONTRACTOR together with the COP for approval. 7.0 RECORDS TA 72 74 73 CONTRACTOR shall prepare FIR Register and submit to PETRONAS Carigali on monthly basis. CONTRACTOR shall register all the FI, COP, CO and payment status of each CO according to Appendix VI-Change Order Register and to be submitted to PETRONAS Carigali on monthly basis. All revision numbers to the Fl, COP, CO and their descriptions shall be recorded in the Change Order Register. CONTRACTOR’s Project Manager shall be responsible to ensure that this procedure is made available to the respective personnel APPENDICES FIELD INSTRUCTION Rev No. REQUEST (covtracrom: 1080) one [_ eawns [E) srectcanons Comers: Preareby ‘etnontaige cat OF ate OMe “ Cohnmaston Mover LARAGER OTHER AUTHORED REPRESENOATI PAGE LOFI ni FIELD INSTRUCTION | eno PAGE oF PROUECT ‘TENDER NO, ‘TeNoeR TLE ATTENTION susvect “Tis ald tren issu formate ston DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUCTION REASONS FORINSTRUCTION. [SPECIFICATIONS AFFECTED: INTATOR OF STRUCTION DOCUMENTS ATTACHIEENT :* [Corawanes [Hsescrcanons Comers ‘ACTION REQUESTED * [Hoenera nistaucrion, Nor GHANGE ORDER WORK Hlosance onoer work. SubMIT CHANGE ORDER PROPOSAL WITHIN __ avs [prove ry avorArion OF LUMP Sul PRICE FOR PERFORMING THE CHANGE AND EFFECT ON SCHEDULE WITHIN_OYS [prownoe esrimats oF Cost EFFECT AND SCHEDULE MPACT OF CHANGE WITHIN ons ([pprocer win or mMMEDIATELY (GENERAL INSTRUCTION) [prroce0 with WORK IMMEDIATELY AT RATES ATTACHED voor proceso wera wore etwas by : Foran on Behalf of PETRONAS Cag ‘Accoptad by : For and on best of CONTRACTOR PETRONAS CARIGALI REPRESENTATIVE ‘CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE. Nae ante pare are 1 Te WHERE APPUCABLE PETRONAS CARCGALIR- OR OTHER AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE . "CONTRACTOR'S PROLECT NANAGER OR OTHER AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE PAGE OF 1 CHANGE ORDER. eV No (conrexcror’stos0) PROPOSAL. ome Pree oF 70 sussect DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGE REASONS FOR PROPOSED GRANGE + ‘DOCUMENTS ATTACHMENT = 1 omwnes [Bsreceicanons: omens’ _sgrome, poco + = an cost eSmmTe Comes (SeECINC METRICTONS SUCH AS MBBUNG [_testene paren a0 work sons ouewet et) or ‘aeknowipe oct B= ‘COPY TO PETRONAS CARIGALSTE TEAM) PETRONAS GARIOAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGER FLE urs 1c WHERE ABODE “ GONTRAGTOR PROIECT MANAGER / OTHER AUTHORSED REPRESENTATIVE Page oF csP-01 APPENDIX-V PAGE 1OF1 COST ESTIMATION SHEET tied CONTRACT NO. : DATE, ‘CONTRACT TITLE: PAGE 1. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 2. COST OF BREAKOOWN ‘AID : ADDITION DELETION ‘BASIS : COST PLUS (CP)/ UNIT RATE (UR] /TIME RATE (TR) AT COST (AC) feet oe ForaL | REMARKS oNT cost | oN cosT rem DESCRIPTION tyee|avo]easis| unt | ary | price |mumpuer! (1 cosr estmare (C1 otmers (sreciric insTRUCTIONS SUCH AS MANNING, [E]_mesrone exrvenr Ano WORK soweoutes EQUEMENT,) QUGTATION, PURCHASE GROER, ETC) lesued by: For and on behal! of PETRONAS Gaga ‘ecaped oy: Fr a on Bohl of CONTRAGTOR PETRONAS GARALI REPRESENTATIVE. = CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE = ae awe ate onre (COPY 10 PETRONAS CARIGAL! PROSECT MANAGER/ PROJECT SERVICES MANAGER /ENGINEERING MANAGER /FLE Fes + Tek WHERE APPUCABLE PETRONAS CARIGALIRESIDENT ENGNEERIOTHER AUTHORISED REPRESENTATWE * CONTRACTOR PROJECT MANAGER /OTHER AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE PAGELOFY CSP-01 APPENDIX - VI PAGE 10F3 CHANGE ORDER REGISTER (AS OF ) CONTRACT NO: COP PENDING SUBMISSION COP PENDING RE-SUBMISSION COP CANCELLED / CO REVOKED COP PENDING CARIGALISITE REVIEW COP PENDING CARIGALI KL APPROVAL. CO APPROVED TOTAL INVOICING 11) TOTAL C.0. PAID ( ADDITIONAL) 2) TOTAL C.0. PAID [ DELETION } 3) TOTALC.O. PAID 4.) TOTAL C.0. FOR INVOICING 1a) (a) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% lconrRact no, lconrracr nue lconRACT VALUE : ROA [GaaNGE ORDERNUMER [cae PENDING SURNASSON. (Go? PENOWNG RE SUBMISSION [cop canceiteD / REVOKED [CoP PENOING cARuGAL REVIEW [COP PENDING CARIGAL! APPROVAL [coapenoveD Inores oo csP-o1 APPENDIX - VI PAGE20F 3 ‘CHANGE ORDER STATUS TABLE {STATUS AS OF) DoE GOS] Ooe O65 wos | Gor | ooe | 65 [oxo] oni] waa | ons] ora ors] ore] oir] cas] ora] ono eos] aaa [025 [oe Toa spon [APPENDEX- VI PAGESOF3 (CHANGE ORDER REGISTER (AS OF) innate | =r =e ans ann exanee | rev. | ome | sev. | ore | cortcosr owe | cost | coro frrw. wom | sworene sso swt | esnvare sssuso | pt_| snocesans _frnoaness ‘Jom cumenrevare : PERC FROM CONTRACT VALLE 000%

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