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Produk produk seputar eyebrow

Alis : orang orang bilang alis adalah bingkai wajah. Bener ngga sih? Kalau masih belum percaya,
coba lihat gambar dibawah ini :
Hanya dengan gaya yang sedikit berubah, tampilah wajah kita bisa langsung terlihat berbeda
meskipun expresi wajahnya sama. Yap, memang betul eyebrow itu menentukan air wajah kita
sehingga biasa disebut sebagai bingkai wajah. Tetapi, tidak semua wanita terlahir dengan bentuk
eyebrow yang sudah rapih, cantik, terbentuk dengan indah dan merata. Masih banyak wanita yang
masih harus mempercantik bentuk alisnya, salah satu caranya adalah dengan menggambar alis
menggunakan beberapa produk yang tersedia di pasaran. Apa aja sih produk produk yang
diciptakan untuk mempercantik alis? Berikut listnya :
1. eyebrow coat
2. eyebrow pencil
3. eyebrow pen
4. eyebrow gel
5. eyebrow powder
6. eyebrow pomade
7. eyebrow tint
8. eyebrow brush
9. brow tamer (?)
10. eyebrow mascara (?)
11. eyebrow fixing
Banyak juga ya sis -___-
Okay, mungkin reader sudah mengenal atau familiar dengan beberapa produk diatas, tapi masih ada
produk yang belum terlalu dikenal dikalangan wanita terutama di indonesia, maka dari itu, yukk
kita bahas satu persatu produk produk diatas :
1. eyebrow coat
Eyebrow = alis, coat = mantel, jadi eyebrow coat itu jas hujannya alis? =,=
baik, kita gunakan google translate dengan seksama ya :D
coat bisa juga diartikan lapisan (kita ambil arti yang ini yak, sepakat!) jadi, eyebrow coat
adalah produk untuk melapisi alis agar lebih tahan lama dan tidak mudah luntur. Eyebrow
coat tidak memiliki warna atau transparant karena fungsinya yang digunakan sebagai shield.
Jadi sesungguhnya eyebrow coat ini solusi yang tepat bagi reader yang suka males touch up,
karena produk ini bekerja seperti hairspay yang menjadikan alis rapih, anti air, minyak,
keringat dan alir mata jadi akan menjaga alis tetap badaii selama reader beraktivitas!

2. eyebrow pencil
kalau produk yang ini kebalikan dari produk sebelumnya. Ini adalah produk yang paling
dikenal dan familiar didengar juga dipakai oleh kaum wanita. Yess, pensil alis : senjata
pamungkas untuk membingkai wajah. Produk ini memang tergolong paling mudah dan
simple untuk digunakan sehari hari, tidak hanya itu produk ini juga paling gampang
ditemukan di pasaran!
3. eyebrow pen
produk ini sesungguhnya hampir sama dalam segi kemasan dengan eyebrow pencil, tetapi
seuai dengan namanya, eyebrow pen berbentuk seperti bolpoin yang berisi tinta.
4. eyebrow gel
5. eyebrow powder
6. eyebrow pomade
7. eyebrow tint
8. eyebrow brush
9. brow tamer (?)
10. eyebrow mascara (?)

11. eyebrow fixing

12. eyebrow template

If you are an avid fan of RuPauls Drag Race, then youve surely learned some secrets on how to
beat a face. For instance, you may know the secret to eye-catching, creative faux brows begins with
no brows, although taking a razor to your face is enough to spook even the fiercest queen. So whats
a bold beauty lover to do? You may be surprised to learn that one of the most useful brow-coverage
tools is hiding not in your makeup bag, but in your craft closet! Were talking your everyday
Elmers glue stick.
We picked up a few lessons in working with the paste backstage at the Chromat fashion show last
month in NYC. Makeup artist Lizzie Arneson led a team of creatives that included Gina Frey and
Ashley Victoria to cover a slew of models (many with very full brows) with the grade school glue
sticks before adorning them with appliques.
Gina Frey gave us a briefing on the glue brow and even offers up some personal words of wisdom,
I like to use the purple glue sticks, she told us, They dry clear so you can tell when the glue is set
in the eyebrow. Heres an easy step by step that Gina walked us through.
Comb brows in a downward direction using a brush or clean mascara wand.
Apply a layer of Elmers Glue Stick (yes, that non-toxic craft glue) using a metal spatula, and

smooth over.

Before glue is set, comb brows back up into the proper position and smooth over with another layer
of glue to create a flat surface.

Once glue is dry, dust with powder and coat with a final layer of glue to keep fly-aways at bay.

With a sturdy brush, dab concealer over the brows and blend out.

Finish with foundation over the entire face and powder.

You are now ready for your new eyebrows!

If you are an avid fan of RuPauls Drag Race, then youve surely learned some secrets on how to
beat a face. For instance, you may know the secret to eye-catching, creative faux brows begins with
no brows, although taking a razor to your face is enough to spook even the fiercest queen. So whats
a bold beauty lover to do? You may be surprised to learn that one of the most useful brow-coverage
tools is hiding not in your makeup bag, but in your craft closet! Were talking your everyday
Elmers glue stick.
We picked up a few lessons in working with the paste backstage at the Chromat fashion show last
month in NYC. Makeup artist Lizzie Arneson led a team of creatives that included Gina Frey and
Ashley Victoria to cover a slew of models (many with very full brows) with the grade school glue
sticks before adorning them with appliques.
Gina Frey gave us a briefing on the glue brow and even offers up some personal words of wisdom,
I like to use the purple glue sticks, she told us, They dry clear so you can tell when the glue is set
in the eyebrow. Heres an easy step by step that Gina walked us through.
Comb brows in a downward direction using a brush or clean mascara wand.
Apply a layer of Elmers Glue Stick (yes, that non-toxic craft glue) using a metal spatula, and
smooth over.
Before glue is set, comb brows back up into the proper position and smooth over with another layer
of glue to create a flat surface.

Once glue is dry, dust with powder and coat with a final layer of glue to keep fly-aways at bay.

With a sturdy brush, dab concealer over the brows and blend out.

Finish with foundation over the entire face and powder.

You are now ready for your new eyebrows!

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