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Monday, 22 August 2016

SIRI SOALAN RAMALAN SPM 2016 (KBAT) (3/10) - Importance of Cell Specialization
& Homeostasis
Another one for you guys!

Credit goes to University of Bristol

Q: Using the graph above, answer two questions below:
a) Briefly discuss 2 importance of b-cells specialisation in pancreas. (4 marks)
b) Briefly discuss 2 importance of the homeostasis process as indicated in the graph. (4 marks)
Questions a)

Question b)

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SOALAN RAMALAN 2015 + KBAT Question Examples - ADH
SIRI SOALAN RAMALAN SPM 2016 (2/10) - Causes of Variation
Soalan KBAT/HOTS- Golgi Apparatus
SOALAN RAMALAN KBAT 2015 - Plant's Macronutrients and ...
Posted by Cikgu Heery at 13:09 1 comment:
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Labels: bio f4 chpter 2, bio f5 chpter 3, must-know points, soalan HOTS/KBAT, soalan lazim
Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Skema Jawapan Kertas 2 Bahagian B (SPM) - Kepentingan Homeostasis kepada

Contoh soalan:
"Bincangkan secara ringkas kepentingan homeostasis kepada benda
hidup" (8 markah).
Skema Jawapan:

2 markah tambahan diperoleh apabila pelajar memberi definisi (maksud) homeostasis dalam
ayat pertama dan kesimpulan (pendapat logik/bernas pelajar) dalam ayat terakhir skema
Maksud: Mekanisma kawalatur dalam organisma untuk memelihara keseimbangan
persekitaran dalaman.
Kesimpulan: Pada pendapat saya, homeostasis adalah penting supaya kita dapat mengelakkan
persekitaran dalaman daripada menjadi berkecamuk yang boleh menjejaskan sistem tubuh kita.
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Skema Jawapan (SPM) - Bagaimana Keimunan Tercapai
5 Kepentingan Air kepada Benda Hidup
SOALAN RAMALAN KBAT 2015 - Plant's Macronutrients and ...
Soalan KBAT/HOTS- Golgi Apparatus
Monday, 28 December 2015
Meet the Ground Tissues- Plant's Support Team
Indeed, the function of ground tissue is to provide mechanical support to the plant. Let's meet
them all shall we..!



p/s: Happy holiday! Looking forward for 2016... :-)

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Quickeasy - Understanding the Structural Difference of ...
5 Kepentingan Air kepada Benda Hidup
Teknik Menjawab + Cool Note: Explaining Compensation Point
KBAT - Importance of Locomotion

LinkwithinQuickeasy - Understanding the Structural Difference of the Plant's Ground

1. This is one of the most commonly asked by the teachers and students whenever I go delivering
seminars in schools. Here is the quickeasy note:

2. This is highly useful for you to understand the topic of type of plant tissue (F4)
and terrestrial plant's support system (F5).
The questions are quite direct. For example, "What are the features of parenchyma tissu?".

Friday, 13 February 2015

8 Terms you MUST know for Cell Chapter (Bahasa)

Berikut ialah 8 istilah yang perlu pelajar tahu untuk bab 2 Sel. Semoga berjaya!

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Soalan KBAT Aras Tertinggi (Mencipta) - Fungsi-fungsi Struktur/Organel di dalam Sel
Berikut ialah contoh soalan KBAT yang bakal ditanya kepada pelajar Tingkatan 4 yang telah
mempelajari Bab Sel.
"Berikut ialah diagram berlabel mengenai sel haiwan:

Anda ialah pegawai pendidikan yang telah ditugaskan untuk memberi ceramah tentang fungsi
kelima-lima struktur/organel di dalam sel haiwan kepada penduduk kampung di kawasan
pedalaman. Tuliskan intipati ceramah anda. Anda dikehendaki memberikan jawapan dalam
bentuk simile/metafora." (10 markah).
Teknik simile/metafora bermaksud kaedah memperihalkan satu-satu perkara dalam bentuk
perbandingan yang mudah difahami oleh masyarakat umum.

Berikut ialah jawapan lengkap saranan Cikgu Heery:

Untuk pelajar-pelajar Tingkatan 4 dan guru-guru Biologi, anda perlu siap siaga untuk soalan
seperti ini pada tahun-tahun akan datang. Semoga berjaya!
KICK-START 2015 - Animal & Plant Cell Comparison
We shall initiate this year with the most fundamental question of them all for Biology SPM comparing the animal and plant cell, which we learnt in Cell chapter F4:

The question would ask you to analyze their features by providing both similarities &
differences. The perfect answer outline is shown below:


As usual, one tick denotes one mark, which you would easily score 7 marks for this question
alone. And, always remember to write down your answers in full sentence with correct
RESPECTO for glorious 2015!
P/S: thank you for your incessant WhatsApp/email messages of appreciation & constructive
comments. Let's continue to make this blog as the best blog for Biology SPM & education tips in
Malaysia :-)

Snippet from the Book: Describing Eutrophication

FORECAST 2014 SERIES#1 - Homeostasis Importance
Students have been asking about my notes they can purchase. Unfortunately, it will be available
starting next year.

Still, good news for you taking SPM this year. I present you some of my free snippets of my
module, which I shall deliver regularly until the Biology exam. Here is one of them. Enjoy!

Soalan KBAT/HOTS- Golgi Apparatus
Let's study about this guy:


At this time you already know its function:

SPM question would ask you the cells containing much GA, so according to the answer above,
we can deduce the examples:
hormone = insulin
enzyme = pepsin
glycoprotein = mucus
hence, the answer:

SOALAN RAMALAN 2015 + KBAT Question Examples - ADH

Q: Describe the phagocytosis process by an amoeba ingesting a food particle (max 5 marks)


Two main points I would like to discuss - you should include the keywords & process involved.
You can see them underlined above.


Using Buffalo in Car to Memorize the List of Connective Tissues

According to the Bloom's taxonomy of learning objective, remembering/memorizing is in the
lowest level. But that doesn't mean we cannot have fun with it. Today we shall use the acronym
BBAFLo Car to memorize the list of connective tissues we learnt in Cell.

Here is some real Buffalo in Car for you :-)


"on the way to _laughterhouse"

(credit to a post in
The Story of Endoplasmic Reticulums (ER)
Here are the points of ER for easy comprehension:
1. There are 2 ER in cells - rough & smooth. The ribosomes are attached at rough ER.

"This R means Ribosome"

"Ohh... I thought R stands for Rosak Masa Depan Dia."
2. The function of ribosomes are to synthesize proteins. The rough ER will carry the proteins.

3. The function of smooth ER is to do both synthesize & transporting lipids (tough jobs!)


"My life is miserable & I like it."

4. Finally, both proteins & lipids will be send to Golgi apparatus to be further
processed/modified & packaged and send them out of the cell.

"The reticulums have arrived. Do you really reti xxxxx?"

You might also like:
School Holiday Special - 6 Points you MUST know about Amoeba
Amoeba & Paramecium are frequently asked in Paper 2 Section A and B. Here is the points for
Amoeba sp. Enjoy :-)



Monday, 22 August 2016

SIRI SOALAN RAMALAN SPM 2016 (KBAT) (3/10) - Importance of Cell
Specialization & Homeostasis

Another one for you guys!

Credit goes to University of Bristol

Q: Using the graph above, answer two questions below:

a) Briefly discuss 2 importance of b-cells specialisation in
pancreas. (4 marks)
b) Briefly discuss 2 importance of the homeostasis process as
indicated in the graph. (4 marks)
Questions a)


Question b)

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SOALAN RAMALAN 2015 + KBAT Question Examples ADH

SIRI SOALAN RAMALAN SPM 2016 (2/10) - Causes of
Soalan KBAT/HOTS- Golgi Apparatus
SOALAN RAMALAN KBAT 2015 - Plant's Macronutrients
and ...

Posted by Cikgu Heery at 13:09 1 comment:
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Labels: bio f4 chpter 2, bio f5 chpter 3, must-know points, soalan HOTS/KBAT, soalan lazim

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

SOALAN RAMALAN 2015 + KBAT Question Examples - ADH
Today, we discuss the effect of ADH in regulating the blood osmotic pressure (BOP). Common
KBAT question would show graph like below:

For today's post, we shall discuss the questions involving A:



SOALAN RAMALAN 2015 + KBAT (Soalan Struktur) - Diabetes Mellitus


Here is the graph of diabetic person being admitted to clinic and administered hormone injection
at time X.


QUICKEASY - Understanding Auxin Graph

Here is the quickeasy way to understand the auxin graph. We

just need to divide the graph into 3 level of auxin concentration.
The description of the effect of auxin to shoot and root is given


1. The red-circled ones are frequently asked in the SPM.
BONUS SPM 2014 - My Sweet Auxin... (5 Features of Auxin)

My Sweet Lil' Auxin


Such a sweet girl so fine,

yet so shy to the shine.
Heralding from tip of fantasy,
gracing down elongating our reality.
Up in mind she stimulates us heartily,
down in heart she subdues us mindfully.
Let's analyze the above poem to identify the auxin features:
1. "...shy to the shine" - Auxin is sensitive to light (auksin adalah
sensitif cahaya)
2. "...from tip..." - Auxin is produced in the plants' tips (auksin terhasil
di hujung pucuk/akar)
3. "...elongating our reality" - Auxin works in elongation zone. (zon
pemanjangan sel)
4. "Up in mind... stimulates..." - Auxin stimulates cell growth in
shoots. (merangsang pertumbuhan sel dalam pucuk)
5. " Down in heart... subdues..." - Auxin inhibits cell growth in
roots. (merencat pertumbuhan sel dalam akar)
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FORECAST 2014 SERIES#4 - Clarifying the 3 Actions


We learnt the 3 actions coordinated by the nervous system. But can you clarify them? Here are
the quick note for you guys. Indulge!
*the red-circled are the important ones that you MUST memorize.


CNS labels

FORECAST 2014 SERIES#2 - Pancreas Malfunction

A doctor-patient situation is given below:


A) State and explain the effect of the condition above to the production of pancreatic enzymes
and hormones (4 marks)
B) Suggest and explain relevant advice that can be given by the physician so the patient can
manage his condition (4 marks)
Before we answer these question, let's do a quick revision about the pancreas function:


Now you can make sense of the ultrafiltration process. Here is the set of good answer:

The answers above are considered perfect for the Paper 2 due to 3 primary reasons:
a) The answer contains keywords which are appropriately described.
b) The answer contains suitable examples.
c) They have 'flow' due to the use of conjunctions.
There you go - the secret to get perfect marks for the Paper 2 Section B questions. Now, get
yourself busy for the SPM trial.


Homeostasis Made Dazzling - The Mechanism of Blood Osmotic Pressure

Here is the regulation of BOP (blood osmotic pressure) made simple in a powerful expression:


Soalan KBAT/HOTS - Flight or Fight Responses

Today we discuss the Fight-or-Flight question & answer outline:

Q: A person encounters a potentially dangerous wild animal in

the forest. Describe the changes occurring in the person's body
that trigger the Fight-or-Flight responses.

This question is pretty wide in scope. So, we need to include the stimulus-response outline, as
shown below:



Here is a cool note to memorize all 6 (or 7) responses. Good luck! :-)

Print this & stick it to your study wall.


Mother's Day Special : Full Notes Motor Neurone

From the previous post, we know that then function of motor neurone (efferent neurone) is to
transmist impulse from CNS to effectors. Now, we shall go detail about this nerve cell. Here
are your two things you should know:

1) You should know the labels...

Yup, together with the direction of impulse (shown with red breaking arrow)

2) You should know the labels' functions...

Speaking of nodes of Ranvier (NOR), diagram below shows how it works:


The impulse seems to 'jump' across the NOR to gain the speed.

Finally, we just realized a special relationship between the myelin sheath & the axon. Here is
how I put it :-)


Clarifying the 3 Notes in the Nervous System

We have charted the deepest oceans & mapped the observable universe. Yet, we have no idea
when it comes to our brain. Interesting questions can be asked such as...
What is consciousness?
What is mind over matter?
Is clairvoyance possible?
How much can we remember?
Are the brains actually the location of our souls..?
That' why the nervous system topic in Coordination & Response is one the most exciting topic
in Biology F5. Before we venture forth to the mystery of the mind, let's clarify ourselves by
enjoying the 3 notes below...
1) Differentiating neurone & nerve tissue

The neuron is a cell, while the nerve tissue is a bunch of similar cells. Their functions are to
transmit impulse.
2) Nervous System Classification


Central nervous system (CNS) organs are located in the middle of our body, while the peripheral
nervous system (PNS) components are located at the 'side' of the CNS.

The nervous system stripped from a human body. Can you identify the CNS & PNS?

3) Afferent & Efferent Neurones

Combining the notes above, we can see the arrangement of CNS/PNS & the neurones inside
Afferent & efferent neurones form the PNS, with different function.

Afferent neurones are the PNS neurones transmitting impulse towards the CNS.
Efferent neurones are the PNS neurones transmitting impulse away from the CNS.
Next time, we shall explore the almighty connections that make the mind possible - the synapse.
Until then...

BIOLOGY 2013 FORECAST SERIES 4 - Homeostasis (Temperature II)

The body response towards icy hell is here. The question would be like this:

Q: Discuss the role of effectors in regulating the body in cold


See the girl above. You can see she's cold. Too bad we are not there to warm her up, oppsss! :-p

Her cute face is pale, creamy as milk...

If you look closer, her body hairs stand, waiting
to be caressed...
She is shivering, waiting to be hugged...
Her eyes are wide, as they are fixed upon yours...

waiting for your kiss...

Sound like your ideal future girlfriend, am i right boys?
All her four conditions are the effect of effectors in order to keep her warm. Let's discuss
them for the SPM...


- undergo VASOCONSTRICTION - blood vessels' size SHRINK - less blood
goes to skin - avoid heat release via skin to conserve heat - pale cute face


- hair stands to entrap a thin layer of heat around skin - keep body warm


- cause SHIVERING - generate FRICTION in muscles - generate HEAT (1m)


-releasing thyroxine & adrenaline hormones - to INCREASE BODY METABOLISME generate more body heat - eyes wide open & alert! (1m)
Ice demon is now exorcised. Next, we talk discuss about the heart of Biology (Dynamic
Ecosystem & Endangered Ecosystem).
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BIOLOGY 2013 FORECAST SERIES 3 - Homeostasis (Temperature)

Homeostasis, which is about the response of the body towards certain stimulus have been a
favorite. We discuss the effect
start. Example of question:

of warm temperature to the body for a

Q: Discuss the role of effectors in regulating the body in warm

The key point here is the effectors, so discuss about the effectors

only, nothing

Diagram above is a typical human response in a warm climate. She is not horny, she's feeling
hot -indeed she is! :-p. OK, let's forego our natural reproductive instinct and focus on the
First you need to know what is effectors,

which are simply muscles

So, what the effectors for body response towards warm condition? They are

effectors involved, as shown below:



1. SWEAT GLANDS (1mark)

- release sweat - cool down body when in evaporates. (1mark)


MUSCLE (1mark)
- undergo VASODILATION - blood vessels is ENLARGED - more blood goes to skin - heat
is released via skin. (that's why skin becomes red!) (1mark)


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