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Mata Pelajaran/Kelas : Bahasa Inggris / II

Hari, Tanggal : .....
Nama :

Petunjuk mengerjakan:
1) mulailah dengan membaca basmalah!
2) isilah nama dan kelas pada lembar jawab!
3) kerjakan soal yang termudah dahulu!
4) apabila ada soal yang kurang jelas tanyakan kepada Bapak/Ibu guru!
5) periksa kembali jawaban!
6) akhiri dengan hamdalah!

I. Match the words with the correct answer!

(Jodohkan kata-kata berikut dengan jawaban yang benar!)

1. (........ ) 5. (........ )

2. (........ ) 6. (........ )

3. (........ ) 7. (........ )

4. (........ ) 8. (........ )

a. Duck e. Turtle i. Tie

b. Shoes f. Socks
c. Giraffe g. Hat
d. Short h. Chair
II. Choose the best and correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, or c!
Pilihlah Jawaban Yang benar dan terbaik dengan menyilang (X) a, b, atau c!

1) We meet Mr.Sutrisno in the morning. a. canteen

2) We say
b. toilet
a. Good afternoon
c. library
b. Good bye 11) We are always study at
c. Good morning a. School
3) I have two . (telinga)
b. Canteen
a. eyes c. nose
c. Park
b. ears 12) Mrs. Ayu goes to school everyday to teach
4) I have ten . (jari kaki)
students. She is a .
a. fingers c. cheeks
a. teacher
b. toes
b. doctor
5) Eye is for
c. nurse
a. seeing c. walking
13) I eat pempek in the
b. hearing
a. toilet
6) There are days in a week.
b. classroom
a. five c. seven
c. canteen
b. six
14) likes to eat fish.
7) Before Thursday is ..
a. Wednesday c. Monday
b. Thursday
8) We attend the flag ceremony on . c.monkey
15) 6 + 5 = .
a. Monday c. Friday
b. Tuesday
9) The colors of our uniform of elementary b.twelve
are . c.therteen
16) 10 3= .
a. White and Red
b. White and Blue
c. White and grey
10) The students in SDN 2 Surabaya are c.seve
reading books in the .
III. Please match all the following question on the left to choice on the right side!
18) Monday (....F...) a. Telinga
19) What is your name? (..........) b. Ibu
20) Three birds (..........) c. Mata
21) Canteen (..........) d. Siapa nama kamu?
22) How old are you? (...........) e. Dimana dia tingggal? 28)
23) Where does she live? (..........) f. Senin
24) Daughter (..........) g. Anak Perempuan
25) Ears (..........) h. Kantin
26) Eyes (..........) i. Tiga Burung
27) Mother (..........) j. Berapa umurmu?

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