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Nama : ........................................................... Kelas : II (Dua) A

No. Absen : ........................................................... Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 16/12/2021
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00

Petunjuk Pengerjaan :
(1) Untuk soal berbentuk pilihan ganda, berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, atau c di depan jawaban
yang paling benar!
(2) Untuk soal berbentuk essai, isilah dengan jawaban paling benar!

1. Complete the sentences!

I’am …………………….. when it’s rainy

2. Rearrange the letters!

a. Rabbit b. Horse c. Apple

3. Complete the sentences!

There is....

4. Complete the sentences!

There is.......

5. What is it?

a. Mouse
b. Hen
c. Rabbit

6. What is it?

a. Bird b. Duck c.Fish

7. How many chicken are there?

a. Four b. Five c. Six

8. Green in indonesian is....
a. Biru b. Hijau c. Ungu

9. Hitam dalam bahasa inggris berarti....

a. Brown b. Black c. Blue

10. Bima meets Afifah in the....

a. Garden
b. School
c. Farm

11. Complete the sentences!

Ali likes .................. (Menyanyi)

12. We say good....

a. Morning
b. Night
c. Afternoon

13. Complete the sentences!

Elmira likes .............. (membaca)

14. He is Azka’s........... (Paman)

a. Grandfather b. Uncle c. Father

15. Dinda drink a .......... (Susu)

a. Coffe b. Milk c. Tea

16. Look at the picture!

This is………

17. Ibu dalam bahasa inggris adalah....

a. Uncle b. Father c. Mother

18. Complete the numbers!

Seven, Eight, Nine, .....,
a. Four b. Ten c. Two

19. Today is Thursday, tomorrow is….

a. Friday b. Sunday c. Wednesday

20. Today is Sunday, tomorrow is….

b. Friday b. Saturday c. Wednesday

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