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Pasien Dengan Kebutuhan Khusus

Menghormati setiap individu dan keragaman komunitas memenuhi kebutuhan

khusus pasien dengan berkomunikasi jelas, mempromosikan penyembuhan dan
memberikan keselamatan sebagai bagian dari perawatan, , kami menawarkan jasa
untuk mengakomodasi pasien dengan jenis

kebutuhan umum


Kami membantu pasien dengan bahasa tertentu, kebutuhan penglihatan atau

pendengaran , untuk membantu memberikan informasi medis penting sampai yakin
dan merasa membuat keputusan


Sebuah ponsel untuk mentrjemahkan secara gratis, 24 jam per hari di setiap kamar


Memberi pelayanan keperawatan satu visi dengan anda


Dapat membantu dengan perangkat untuk memperkuat suara

Dietary requirements

Were not just about jello any more. Please inform the hospital of special diet needs.
We offer meals and snacks that respect cultural and religious practices, vegetarianism
and other special requests.

Cultural and religious practices

Do you have specific cultural or religious practices that we can honor while you are
with us? Let us know. We want to make sure you are comfortable with the healing

Service dogs

We want to make the visit safe and comfortable for you and your dog, as well as other
patients. Talk to our staff and review our service dog guidelines (PDF, 162 KB).

If you have special needs

If possible, phone the hospital in advance and ask to speak with a patient relations
representative. Inquire about the services available to meet your needs.

Be sure to inform Scripps staff on check-in of any special needs you or a loved one
have. You should also inform your nurse and doctor

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