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Evaluation of the deodorant stick

Softening point :

This is the temperature at which the stick becomes unusable. In this test, the stick
was cut in half lengthways,mounted vertically in petri dishes and put in incubator it
was then observed as temperature was slowly raised until the sharp edges of the tip
and slides began to melt or round off.

Disintegration time :

The stick was placed in enough distilled water to make an 8% w/w solution of the
stick mass. The beaker containing the stick and water (37 o C) was observed and the
time needed for complete dissolution of the stick was recorded.

pH instrument :

1% solution was prepared by dissolving 0,5 g sample in 49,4 g distilled water. The
sample solution was then measured with pH meter at controlled temperature (21 o C
to 24 o C).

Stabillity :

Stability test was carried out at room temperature (25 o C) and 45o C for two weeks.
The samples were observed for sweating, and stick deformation phase separation.
When the stick was out of shape or oil droplet could be seen on the surface of the
deodorant stick, the system indicated unstable and vice versa. Colour change of the
formulations were also observed.


Evaluasi deodorant tongkat

Titik pelunakan:
Ini adalah suhu di mana tongkat itu menjadi tidak dapat digunakan. Dalam tes ini,
tongkat itu dipotong setengah memanjang, dipasang vertikal di cawan petri dan
dimasukkan ke dalam inkubator itu kemudian diamati karena suhu perlahan-lahan
mengangkat sampai tepi tajam dari ujung dan slide mulai meleleh atau melengkapi.
Waktu hancur:
Tongkat ditempatkan dalam air suling yang cukup untuk membuat 8% b / b larutan
massa tongkat. Gelas yang berisi tongkat dan air (37o C) diamati dan waktu yang
diperlukan untuk pembubaran lengkap tongkat tercatat.
Instrumen pH:
1% larutan dibuat dengan melarutkan 0,5 g sampel di 49,4 g air suling. Sampel
larutan kemudian diukur dengan pH meter pada suhu terkontrol (21o C sampai 24 o
Uji stabilitas dilakukan pada suhu kamar (25o C) dan 45o C selama dua minggu.
Sampel diamati untuk berkeringat, dan tongkat deformasi pemisahan fase. Ketika
tongkat itu keluar dari bentuk atau tetesan minyak bisa dilihat di permukaan
deodorant stick, sistem menunjukkan sebaliknya tidak stabil dan wakil. Perubahan
Warna dari formulasi juga diamati

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