Anda di halaman 1dari 2


1 ALA asam-aminolevulinat
2 AM Angka Mutu

3 BB Berat Badan
4 Cm Sentimeter
5 CO2 Karbondioksida
6 d Tingkat kepercayaan yang
7 Depkes Departemen Kesehatan
8 dl Desiliter
9 DPG DiPropylene Glycol
10 F Fetal
11 FAO Food and Agriculture
12 Fe2+ Ferro
13 FK Fakultas Kedokteran
14 g Gram
15 H0 Hipotesis nol
16 Ha Hipotesis Alternatif
17 Hb Hemoglobin
18 HCO3 Hidrogen Karbonat
19 Hct Hematokrit
20 IMT Indeks Massa Tubuh
21 IOTF International Obesity Taskforce
22 IPK Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif
23 IPS Indeks Prestasi Sementara
24 IQ Intelligence Quotient
25 Kg Kilogram
26 KHS Kartu Hasil Studi

27 M Meter
28 ml Mililiter
29 N Jumlah Populasi
30 n Jumlah Sampel
31 NCHS National Centre For Statistics
32 O2 Oksigen
33 PCM Protein Calori Malnutrition
34 PCV Pneumococcal Vaccine
35 SKS Sistem Kredit Semester
36 TB Tinggi Badan
37 TU Tata Usaha
38 UHO Universitas Halu Oleo
39 VER Volume Eritrosit Rata-rata
40 WHO World Health Organization
41 WHR Waist to Hip Ratio


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