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Nama sekolah : SMPN 20 Kota Bengkulu

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX (Sembilan) / 2
Standar Kompetensi : 11. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek
sederhana berbentuk narrative dan report untuk
berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar : 11.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks tulis fungsional dan
esei pendek sederhana berbentuk narrative dan report
dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima
untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Jenis teks : monolog narrative/report dan teks tulis fungsional
Tema : read the Story
Aspek/Skill : Membaca
Alokasi Waktu: 2 x 40 menit
1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat merespon makna dalam:
a. Siswa dapat mengetahui generic structure of narrative
b. Membaca Snow White dengan intonasi dan ekspresi yang tepat
c. Mengetahui generic structure of snow white
d. Membaca the legend of Rawa Pening dengan intonasi dan pelafalan
yang tepat
e. Membaca Timun Mas dengan intonasi dan pelafalan yang sesuai
Siswa dapat menetukan generic structure of Timu Mas

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan :

Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect
Tekun ( diligence )

2. Materi Pembelajaran

Narrative Text
Purpose :
Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell
stories or past events and entertain the readers.
Generic Structure of News Item :
A narrative text consists of the following structure:

1. Orientation : Introducing the participants and

informing the time and the place
2. Complication : Describing the rising crises which the
participants have to do with
3. Resolution : Showing the way of participant to solve
the crises, better or worse
Tense : Past Tense

Narrative TexT
Language Feature of Narrative :
In Narrative Text, there are some characteristics are as follows:
1. Using the Action Verb in the Past Tense form. For example: climbed,
Turned, Brought, etc.
2. Using specific nouns as a personal pronoun, certain animals and objects in
the story. For example: the king, the queen, and so on.
3. Using adjectives which form the noun phrase. For example: long black
hair, two red apples, etc.
4. Using Time and Conjunctions connectives to sequence events. For
example: then, before, after, soon, etc.
5. Using Adverbs and adverbial Phrase to indicate the location of the incident
or event. For example: here, in the mountain, happily ever after, and so on.

a. Narrative text,read the story and Try to understand the story then
retell it using your own word of the class!

A Fox and Goat

Have you ever heard any stories about foxes? A Fox is told about as a sly
animal which like to cheat others by tricks.
One hot summer day when all the ponds and rivers were dry, a fox walked
about to look for water to drink . At last he found an old well in which there was a
little water. But the well was very deep, and the water was out of his reach.
He tried again to reach it, and last he fell in but he could not get out. He was
just like a prey in a trap.
By and by a goat came to the well and saw the fox in it. He asked the fox,
what is the water like down there?
The water is very nice, and I cannot stop drinking it, said the fox. why not
come down and try it?
Down jumped the goat at once. As soon he jumped down, the fox jumped on his
back and go out of the well.

Taken from New Standard English Reader.

b. Analisis Narrative Text (A Fox and Goat)
1. The Vocabulary :
Able Fell Jar Story
Bill Flew Jumped Thought
Cheat Found Pond Trick
Crow Fox Reach Tried
Deep Goat Saw Walked
Dropped Heard sly Well

2. Generic Structure of Narrative Text

a) First Paragraph : Orientation

b) Second Paragraph : Orientation

c) Third Paragraph : Complication

d) Fourth Paragraph : Complication

e) Fifth Paragraph : Complication

f) Sixth Paragraph : Resolution

3. Language Features :

1. Use action verbs : walked, look for, reach, drinking, jumped, and etc
2. Use saying verbs : asked and said
3. Use adverb : well and summer

4. Tense : Past


Positif Negatif Interrogative

Simple S + to S + to be to be (was/were)
be(was/were) (was/were) + not + s + ......?
+ ....
Continouos S + was/were + v- S + was/were+ was/were + s
ing not + v-ing + v-ing?
Perfect S + had + v-3 S + had + not + had +s+v-3?

Perfect S + had been+ v- S + had not been had +s + been +
Continuos ing + v-ing?

3. Metode pembelajaran: Three phase Technique

4. Kegiatan Belajar-Mengajar

Nomor Alokasi
Kegiata Waktu
Kegiatan Awal (Pre Activity)
1. - Guru mengucapkan salam.
- Guru mulai mengabsen kehadiran siswa.
- Guru mengajak para siswa berdoa sebelum memulai
- Guru menanyakan kepada siswa beberapa pertanyaan
seperti: 10 menit
Have you ever heard tale or legend?
What are the tale or the legend ever you heard?
- Kemudian, guru meminta beberapa orang siswa untuk
memberikan tanggapan tentang dongeng atau legenda yang
mereka sebutkan.
- Guru menanyakan jenis teks dari dongeng atau legenda
yang ditanyakan kepada para siswa.
Kegiatan Inti (While Activity)
1. - Sebelum menyampaikan materi, guru meminta para
siswa untuk duduk teratur dan baik serta tenang agar
belajar bisa lebih fokus.
- Guru menjelaskan materi pembelajaran yang akan
dibicarakan yaitu mengenai Narrative Text.
20 Menit
- Guru melakukan tanya jawab mengenai Narrative Text.
Secara teratur dan sopan dengan menggunakan bahasa
Inggris, namun tidak mengutamakan grammar
(dengan maksud dapat menstimulasi para siswa untuk
aktif menggunakan bahasa inggris).
2. - Guru membagi siswa menjadi beberapa kelompok yang
terdiri dari 5 orang siswa dalam setiap kelompok dan
memberikan kopian/kertas yang berisikan phrases kepada
para siswa: 25 Menit
- One after another: ..........
- At last : ........

- By and by : ..........
- Looked for : ........
- Come down : ..........
- Walked about : ........
- Get out : ..........
- Jump down : ..........
- Untuk di isi, dengan mencari meaning dari kata-kata di
- Setelah membacakan text, guru membagikan kopian A
Fox and Goat kepada para siswa dan kemudian
membahas hasil isian tersebut. Dan siswa diharuskan
mencari kata-kata yang dianggap sulit yang kemudian
mereka harus menterjemahkan kata-kata sulit itu dengan
menggunakan Kamus B. Inggris sebagai peningkatan
kosa kata.
- Setelah itu, Guru memerintahkan beberapa orang siswa
untuk membaca teks A Fox and Goat dan meminta
siswa/i lainnya untuk memberikan ide cerita dari setiap
paragraph secara bergantian.
- Guru membantu menterjemahkan teks tersebut dengan
cara Potongan per potongan (collocation/phrases)
dari sebuah kalimat dan bukan kata per kata.
- Guru meminta siswa untuk mengajukan pertanyaan dan
memberikan tanggapan terhadap cerita a fox and goat
dengan menggunakan potongan lexical
3. - Sebagai pendalaman materi dan agar dapat membuat para
siswa aktif serta suasana kelas menjadi asik, Guru
memberikan Games.
- games berupa tebak phrases/idioms setelah mereka 20 Menit
dapat menebak phrases/idioms tersebut, mereka diharuskan
mampu menciptakan/membuat kalimat dari phrases
yang mereka tebak itu.
- guru memberikan hadiah kepada para siswa.

4 - Setelah itu, Guru memberikan soal tentang Timun Mas

kepada para siswa melalui media buku yang relevan untuk di
diskusikan- Setelah siswa mendskusikan isi text, guru
10 Menit
meminta beberapa siswa untuk mengumpulkan tugas mereka
dan memeriksa secara bersama-sama.
Kegiatan Akhir (Post Activity)
1. - Guru mengulang kembali dalam menjelaskan tujuan teks
Narratie dengan menanyakan apakah semua siswa sudah
mengerti terhadap materi tersebut. 5 Menit
- Guru memberikan tugas untuk dikerjakan dirumah masing-

- Guru mengajak para siswa untuk membuat kesimpulan
secara bersama-sama dan kemudian berdoa.
- Guru mengucapkan salam sebelum pulang.

5. Sumber Pembelajaran

a. Buku LKS (halaman 5, 11, 24)

b. Gambar-gambar yang relevan

c. Script text cerita A Fox and Goat

6. Evaluasi

a. In grou the of five,read the legend carefully and discuss the answer of
these question:

1. What the title of the story?

2. Who the main and other character of the story?

3. what happened to the main character?

4. Why did it happen

Once upon a time, not far from a jungle, lived a husband and a wife. They
were farmers. They were diligent farmers and always worked hard in the paddy
fields. They had been married for many years and still not have a child yet. Every day
they prayed and prayed for a child.
One night, while they were praying, a giant passed th eir house. The giant heard
they pray. "Don't worry farmers. I can give you a child. But you have to give me that child
whenshe is 17 years old," said the giant.
The farmers were so happy. They did not think about the risk of losing their child
later and agree to take the offer. Later, the giant gave them a bunch of cucumber seeds. The
farmers planted them carefully. Then the seeds changed into plants. Not longer after that, a
big golden cucumber grew from plants. After it had ripe, the farmers picked and cut
it. They were very surprised to see beautiful girl inside the cucumber. They named
her Timun Mas or Golden Cucumber. Years passed by and Timun Mas has changed
into a beautiful girl.

On her 17th birthday, Timun Mas was very happy. However, the parents were very
sad. They knew they had to keep their promise to the giant but they also did not want to
lose their beloved daughter.
"My daughter, take this bag. It can save you from the giant," said the father.
"What do you mean, Father? I don't understand," saidTimun Mas.
Right after that, the giant came into their house.
"Run Timun Mas. Save your life!" said the mother. The giant was angry. He knew
the farmers wanted to break their promise. He chased Timun Mas away. The giant was
getting closer and closer.
Timun Mas then opened the bag and threw a handful of salt. It became a sea. The
giant had to swim to cross the sea. Later, Timun Mas threw some chilly. It became a jungle
with trees. The trees had sharp thorns so they hurt the giant.
However, the giant was still able to chase Timun Mas.Timun Mas took her third
magic stuff. It was cucumber seeds. She threw them and became cucumber field.
But the giant still could escape from the field. Then it was the last magic stuff she had in
the bag. It was a shrimp paste, terasi. She threw it and became a big swamp.
The giant was still trying to swim the swamp but he was very tired. Then he was
drowning and died. TimunMas then immediately went home. The farmers were so happy
that they finally together again..

7. Penilaian

8. Pedoman Penilaian
A Fox and Goat
1. Untuk tiap nomor, tiap jawaban benar skor 1
2. Jumlah skor maksimal 10 x 1= 10
3. Nilai maksimal = 10
4. Nilai Siswa = 10

Group ( Timun Mas) hal 24

1. Untuk tiap nomor, tiap jawaban benar skor 1
2. Jumlah skor maksimal 5 x 20= 10
3. Nilai maksimal = 100
4. Nilai Siswa = 100

Bengkulu, Januari2016

Guru Pamong Pendidikan Mahasiswa PPL II

Bahasa Inggris


NIP.198207222006042009. NIM. 2123238844

Kepala Sekolah
SMP N 20 Kota Bengkulu



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