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Vilya Syafriana MSi.

Fungi berbeda dengan tumbuhan, karena:
plants obtain energy from the sun, fungi do not
plants utilise CO2 as a carbon source, fungi do not.
Fungi merupakan organisme kemoheterotrof
Bila sumber nutrisi tersebut diperoleh dari bahan
organik mati disebut SAPROB
Parasit: memperoleh senyawa organik dari
organisme hidup.
Berdasarkan data molekuler fungi lebih dekat
kekerabatannya dengan hewan
Bukti lainnya:
Dinding sel tumbuhan dan alga tersusun atas
selulosa, sedangkan dinding sel Fungi tersusun
atas kitin.
Kitin merupakan polisakarida (polimer dari
subunit is N-acetylglucosamine) keras dan
fleksibel yang juga ditemukan pada
eksoskeleton insekta.
Fungi tumbuh baik pada:
Suhu: 22-30 C
pH: 5
Dapat hidup pada tekanan osmotik yang tinggi
Berdasarkan kebutuhan O2: Khamir bersifat
fakultatif; kapang merupakan aerob sejati
Terms: Fungus (singular), Fungi (plural)
Secara Morfologi, kategori Fungi:
Khamir (yeast): fungi bersel satu (uniseluler),
tidak berfilamen, berbentuk oval atau bulat, tidak
berflagela, dan berukuran lebih besar
dibandingkan sel bakteri, dengan lebar berkisar 1-
5 mm dan panjang berkisar 5-30 mm.
Aseksual membentuk tunas (budding) atau
Seksual membentuk spora
Cara mengidentifikasi khamir serupa dengan
identifikasi bakteri: tes biokimia, morfologi
makroskopik dan mikroskopik.
Kapang (mold): tubuh kapang (thallus) dibedakan
menjadi dua bagian, yaitu:
Miselium: kumpulan beberapa filamen yang
disebut hifa.
Spora: alat reproduksi pada Fungi. Spora fungi
dibentuk dari aerial hyphae dan dapat
berupa spora seksual maupun aseksual.
Hifa terbagi menjadi:
Hifa vegetatif: hifa yang berfungsi mendapatkan
Hifa reproduktif atau hifa udara (aerial hyphae):
hifa yang berfungsi sebagai alat reproduksi
Morfologi Hifa
Aseptat (coenocytic hyphae): hifa yang tidak memiliki
dinding sekat (septa)
Septat hifa: memiliki sekat, dengan sel-sel uninukleat.
Septa membagi hifa menjadi ruang-ruang yang berisi
satu inti.
Ada juga septa dengan ruang-ruang yang berisi
lebih dari satu inti (multinukleat)
Mushrooms (Cendawan)
In some fungi the aerial spore-bearing hyphae
are developed into large complex structures
called fruiting bodies.
The most familiar example of a fruiting body is
the mushroom.
Many people think that the mushroom itself is
the whole fungus but it only represents a part
of it; most is buried away out of sight below
the surface of the soil or rotting material, a
network of nearly invisible hyphae.
Dimorphic Fungus
Beberapa fungi memiliki sifat dimorfisme: yaitu
memiliki fase bersel satu dan berfilamen.
Misal: fungi patogen pada manusia pada suhu 37 C
merupakan fase uniseluler, ketika pada suhu 24-28 C
fase berfilamen. Contoh: Candida albicans
Sebaliknya, fungi yang bersimbiosis dengan tumbuhan
memiliki fase miselium ketika di dalam tumbuhan,
fase uniseluler saat di lingkungan.
Seksual: peleburan inti dari kedua induknya
Aseksual: pembelahan, pembentukan tunas,
atau spora
Pembelahan: sel akan mebelah diri
membentuk dua sel yang sama besar
Pertunasan (budding)
Spora fungi dibentuk dari aerial hyphae dan
dapat berupa spora seksual maupun
Macam-macam Spora Aseksual
Konidiospora: berupa spora satu sel ataupun
multisel, nonmotil, tidak terdapat dalam kantung,
dan dibentuk diujung hifa.
Sporangiospora: spora bersel satu, terbentuk di
dalam kantung yang disebut sporangium pada
ujung hifa.
Aplanospora: sporangiospora nonmotil
Zoospora: sporangiospora motil, memiliki
Arthrospora: spora bersel satu yang terbentuk
melalui terputusnya sel-sel hifa
Klamidospora: spora bersel satu yang
berdinding tebal dan sangat resisten terhadap
kondisi lingkungan yang buruk
Blastospora: spora aseksual yang muncul dari
pertunasan pada sel khamir
Spora Seksual
Spora seksual dihasilkan dari peleburan dua
Proses pembentukan spora melalui tiga tahap,
Plasmogami: inti sel haploid dari donor
mempenetrasi sitoplasma sel resipien
Karyogami: inti (+) dan inti (-) berfusi
menghasilkan inti zigot diploid
Meiosis: inti diploid membelah menghasilkan
banyak inti haploid
Macam-macam Spora Seksual
Askospora: spora bersel satu yang terbentuk
di dalam kantung (askus). Biasanya terdapat 8
askospora dalam satu kantung.
Basidiospora: spora bersel satu yang
terbentuk di atas sel gada (basidium)
Zigospora: spora besar berdinding tebal,
terbentuk bila ujung dua hifa (gametangia)
1. Chytridiomycota
Simple fungi
Menghasilkan spora yang motil (memiliki flagela):
possessing flagellated zoospores
Habitat di perairan (aquatic fungi), di tanah
(saprob), dan halofil (muara), parasit (pada alga
dan tumbuhan), anaerob pada rumen sapi atau
2. Zygomycota
Members of the Zygomycota are characterised by
the formation of a dormant form,the zygospore,
which is resistant to unfavourable environmental
Hyphae are coenocytic, with numerous haploid
nuclei, but few dividing walls or septa.
Familiar examples of this group are Mucor and
the black bread mould Rhizopus.
Hyphae spread rapidly over the surface of the
substrate (bread, fruit etc.) and penetrate it,
absorbing soluble nutrients such as sugars.
Upright hyphae develop, carrying at their tip
sporangia, full of black haploid spores. The spores
give the characteristic colour to the mould; they are
the asexual reproductive structures, and are released
when the thin wall of the sporangium ruptures.
When conditions are favourable, Rhizopus
reproduces in this way; each spore, upon finding a
suitable substratum for growth, is capable of
germinating and initiating a new mycelium.
Sexual reproduction occurs when environmental
conditions are unfavourable.
Most species of Rhizopus areheterothallic; that is,
there exist two distinct mating strains known as +
and .
When hyphae of opposite mating types come into
contact, a cross-wall develops a short distance
behind each tip, and the regions thus isolated swell
to produce gametangia.
These fuse to form a single large multinucleate cell.
A thick protective covering develops around the
dicaryon in Rhizopus,forming the zygospore, which
can survive extremes of draught and temperature
and may remain dormant for months.
When conditions are favourable again, the nuclei
from each strain fuse in pairs, to give a fully diploid
Just before germination, meiosis occurs, then an
aerial sporangiophore emerges, terminating in a
Production and dispersal of haploid spores then
occur as in the asexual life cycle and a new mycelium
forms when a spore germinates.
3. Ascomycota
The Ascomycota are characterised by the
production of haploid ascospores through the
meiosis of a diploid nucleus in a small sac called
an ascus called the sac fungi or cap fungi.
The Female gametangia is called an ASCOGONUIM
The Male Gametangia is called an ANTHERIDIUM.
As the Ascogonium and Antheridium approach
one another, a tube forms between them and the
nuclei from the Antheridium cross and enters the
The Parent Fungi form a visible Cup-like Sexual
Reproductive structure called the ASCOCARP.
Within the Ascocarp, the Sacs called ASCI develop
at the tips of the Hyphae and Form ASCOSPORES,
which are released
Asexual reproduction: produces of airborne spores
called conidia.
Konidia keluar dari ujung hifa terspesialisasi yang
disebut konidiofora.
Asexual reproduction by conidia formation is a
means of rapid propagation for the fungus in
favourable conditions.
The characteristic green, pink or brown colour of
many moulds is due to the pigmentation of the
conidia, which are produced in huge numbers and
dispersed by air currents.
The conidia germinate to form another mycelium
In the case of the unicellular yeasts, asexual
reproduction occurs as the result of budding, a
pinching off of a protuberance from the cell,
which eventually grows to full size
4. Basidiomycota
The group derives its common name of the club fungi
from the way that the spore-bearing hyphae involved
in reproduction are swollen at the tips, resembling
clubs (the basidia)
Club fungi seldom reproduce asexually.
Club fungi reproduce sexually by forming spores in a
structure called a basidium (basidia) which can be
found lining gills inside the basidiocarp (the mushroom
forms of
Reproduksi seksual melibatkan fusi dari hifa haploid.
Pada kepala cendawan terdapat gills, made up of
compacted hyphae with numerous basidia arranged
at right angles.
As each basidium matures, its two nuclei finally
fuse, and then undergo meiosis to produce four
haploid basidiospores.
They are discharged from the end of the basidia and
then fall by gravity from the gills.
Air currents then carry them away for dispersal.
Upon finding a suitable substratum, the spores
germinate into a haploid mycelium just below the
surface of the soil, thus completing the life cycle.
This dicaryotic secondary mycelium continues to
grow, overwhelming any remaining haploid hyphae
from the parent fungi.
When the secondary mycelium has been developing
for some time, it forms a dense compact ball or
button, which pushes up just above the surface and
expands into a basidiocarp; this is the mushroom
Stalk formation and upward growth is extremely
rapid; a stalk or stipe of 10 cm can be formed in only
about 69 hours. The growth is initially towards light
(positive phototropism) and then upward (negative
Fungi are of great importance economically and socially, and
may have beneficial or detrimental effects.
Many fungi, particularly yeasts, are involved in industrial
fermentation processes. These include, for example, the
production of bread and alcohol, while other fungi are
essential to the cheese-making process.
Many antibiotics, including penicillin, derive from fungi, as
does the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin.
Along with bacteria, fungi are responsible for the
decomposition and reprocessing of vast amounts of complex
organic matter; some of this is recycled to the atmosphere as
CO2, while much is rendered into a form that can be utilised
by other organisms
The other side of this coin is seen in the activity of
fungi that degrade and destroy materials of
economic importance such as wood, paper and
leather, employing essentially the same biochemical
Additionally, some fungi may cause disease; huge
damage is caused to crops and other commercially
valuable plants, while a number of human diseases,
particularly of the skin and scalp, are also caused by

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