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Positive side and negative side using 3rd party (KJSKB) in Complete systematic land registration


Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

Pertama tama terimakasih ke allah swt karena nikmat dan karunianya saya bisa berkesempatan
untuk menyampaikan pidato saya yang berjudul “Positive side and negative side using 3rd party
(KJSKB) in complete systematic land registration (PTSL)”

Apa kah kamu tahu tentang PTSL?

Ya tentu saja temanku, kalian semua berada di kampus ini karena lari darinya.

systematic land registration

PTSL adalah salah satu strategi BPN untuk melakukan percepatan pendaftaran tanah di
Indonesia demi tercapainya cita2 BPN yaitu memiliki Peta Dasar Pendaftaran yang lengkap.

Tahun 2016 sebelum PTSL ada, pemerintah menargetkan pendaftaran tanah hanya 1 juta
bidang. Di tahun 2017 di berlakukan kebijakan PTSL dengan target 5 juta bidang. Target ini naik
500% dari tahun sebelumnya

Dikarenakan sumberdaya manusia di BPN di bidang survey tidak mencukupi maka pemerintah
mengadakan kerjasama dengan pihak ke 3.

Saya akan menjelaskan dampak positif dan negatif dari pemakaian pihak ke 3 pada program
PTSL ini.

Pertama adalah dampak Positif dari menggunakan pihak ke 3 pada program PTSL.

1. Membantu percepatan program ptsl dengan banyaknya sumber daya manusia yang di
miliki pihak ke 3.
2. Mengurangi beban kerja surveyor BPN.
3. Bpn akan mendapatkan peta dasar pendaftaran yang lengkap dengan citra satelit dan
peta dasar teknis dari perjanjian kontrak awal.
Okey berikutnya saya akan menjelaskan dampak negatif dari menggunakan pihak ke 3 pada
program PTSL.

1. Pihak ke 3 ternyata menggunakan sumberdaya manusia yang tidak berkualitas seperti

tamatan smk yang belum memiliki pengalaman survey yang memadai
2. Demi mengejar kuantitas, pihak ke 3 mengesampingkan kualitas misalnya kurangnya
control dalam pengukuran, ikatan ke titik dasar teknis dan lainnya.
3. Di butuhkan petugas kuality control dari BPN untuk mengecek seluruh pekerjaan dari
pihak ke 3
Positive and negative side using 3rd party (KJSKB) in Complete and systematic
land registration (PTSL)

Assalamualaikum wr. wb. First of all thanks to allah swt for my pleasure and grace I
could have the opportunity to deliver my speech about "Positive and negative side using
3rd party (KJSKB) in complete systematic land registration (PTSL)"

Do you know about PTSL? Yes of course my friend, you are stand here in this campus
in English means Complete and systematic land registration. PTSL is one of the BPN
strategy to accelerate land registration in Indonesia for the achievement of BPN's goal of
having a complete Registration Base Map.

In 2016 before the PTSL existed, the government was targeting land registration only 1
million land certificate. In the year 2017 in the implementation of the policy of PTSL with
a target of 5 million land certificate. This target is up to 500% from the previous year.
BPN has not enough human resources that can not complete maping 5 million parcels of
land. so the government makes policy for cooperation with third party to complete
maping 5 million parcels of land in PTSL.

in Riau province there are 3 land offices executing contracts with third parties to
complete PTSL with 50.000 percels of land.

I will explain the positive and negative impacts of 3rd party use on this PTSL program.
The first is the Positive impact of using a third party on the PTSL program.
1. Assisting the acceleration of ptsl program with the number of human resources in 3rd
2. Reduce the workload of BPN surveyors.
3. Bpn will get a complete registration base map with satellite imagery and basic
technical map of the original contract agreement.

Okey next I will explain the negative impact of using third party on PTSL program.
1. The third party turned out to use human resources that are not qualified.
2. For the pursuit of quantity, 3rd parties override qualities such as lack of control in
measurement, ties to technical base and others.
3. Required qualified control officer from BPN to check all work from 3rd party

In 2016 before
1. Assisting the acceleration
2. Reduce the
3. Bpn will get a complete

1. The third party turned

2. For the pursuit of quantity,
3. Required qualified control
Positive and negative side using 3rd
party (KJSKB) in Complete and
systematic land registration (PTSL)

Assalamualaikum wr. wb. First of all

thanks to allah swt for good health for
opportunity to deliver my speech about
"Positive and negative side using 3rd
party (KJSKB) in complete systematic
land registration (PTSL)"

Do you know about PTSL? Yes of

course my friend, you are stand here in
this campus because run from it. PTSL
means Complete and systematic land
registration. PTSL is one of the BPN
strategy to accelerate land registration
in Indonesia for the achievement of
BPN's goal of having a complete
Registration Base Map.

In 2016 before the PTSL existed, the

government was targeting land
registration only 1 million land
certificate. In the year 2017 in the
implementation of the policy of PTSL
with a target of 5 million land certificate.
This target is up to 500% from the
previous year. BPN has not enough
human resources to complete maping 5
million parcels of land. so the
government makes policy for
cooperation with third party to complete
maping 5 million parcels of land in

in Riau province there are 3 land offices

executing contracts with third parties to
complete PTSL with 50.000 percels of

I will explain the positive and negative

impacts of 3rd party use on this PTSL
program. The first is the Positive impact
of using a third party on the PTSL
1. Assisting the acceleration of ptsl
program with the number of human
resources in 3rd party.
2. Reduce the workload of BPN
3. Bpn will get a complete registration
base map with satellite imagery and
basic technical map of the original
contract agreement.
Okey next I will explain the negative
impact of using third party on PTSL
1. The third party turned out to use
human resources that are not qualified
such as vocational high School graduates
who do not have field experience
2. For the pursuit of quantity, 3rd parties
override qualities such as lack of control
in measurement, ties to technical base
and others.
3. Required qualified control officer from
BPN to check all work from 3rd party

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