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Dampak Negatif

Tidak semua TKI selalu berhasil dan membawa hasil yang diharapkan setelah menjadi TKI , di
GunungHalu khususnya ada beberapa TKI yang pulang membawa kisah yang memilukan bukan
mendapatkan keuntungan malah mendapat penderitaan dan jauh dari kata memperbaiki perekonomian
keluarga. Banyak kejadian-kejadian buruk yang terjadi seperti : penyiksaan fisik,pelecehan seksual,tidak
diberi gaji dan terus diperbudak,bahkan pembunuhan. Kurangnya ketegasan pemerintah pun menjadi
faktor utama, dan lagi banyak TKI ilegal yang tidak di lengkapi surat-surat resmi. Ada seorang ibu
katakanlah ibu Juariah yang pulang ke kampungnya bukan membawa uang malh membawa anak hasil
perkosaan . ironis memang tetapi inilah fakta yang terjadi pada TKI yang berada diluar negri.

Mengirim tenaga ke luar negeri sesunggunya netral. Yang bermasalah adalah pengelolaannya. Justru
kalau bisa mengirimkan sebanyak mungkin tenaga terdidik, berpengalaman, ahli di bidangnya ke luar
negeri akan digaji sesuai pasar yang berlaku. Yakinlah bangsa kita akan dipuji karena menjadi bangsa
yang pandai mencetak SDM tangguh.

Sudah tidak terhitung penderitaan warga negera Indonesia di luar negeri ketika mengadu nasib sebagai
tenaga kerja. Kasus yang muncul berbagai bentuk, seperti TKI yang dibunuh, diperkosa, pelecehan
seksual, bunuh diri, digantung, membunuh , dipenjara, gaji tak dibayar, pekerjaan tidak sesuai perjanjian
kerja, sakit akibat kerja, penganiayaan, komunikasi kurang lancar.

Korban TKI meninggal dunia di Malaysia tahun 2007-2008 hingga Maret 2009 mencapai 40 orang per
bulan. Penyebab penyakit di Malaysia paling besar karena radang paru-paru. Karena mereka tinggal di
bedeng yang lembab, khususnya pekerja perkebunan, bangunana dan pabrik.

Kasus warga negera Indonesia di luar negeri mayoritas diborong oleh tenaga kerja indonesia yang lemah
dalam penguasaan keterampilan, penguasaan bahasa asing, berpendidikan rendah, melalui proses
pengiriman ilegal. Penderitaan TKI di luar negeri terus berulang sepanjang tahun. Dan sepanjang tahun
juga pengiriman TKI terus berlangsung. Tahun 2010 lalu, kasus gadis asal Dompu, Mataram, Nusa
Tenggara Barat itu masih di bawah umur. Pihak Agen atau sponsor diduga telah mengubah dokumen
Sumiati binti Abdul Salam, menambah usia Sumiati menjadi lima tahun lebih tua. Sumiati, tenaga kerja
Indonesia yang disiksa oleh majikannya di Arab Saudi, kini dirawat di sebuah rumah sakit di Madinah.
Sumiati diperkirakan akan berada di rumah sakit selama dua minggu. Sumiati Sulan Musthafa (24 tahun),
pembantu rumah tangga di Madinah Al Munawwarah, yang mengalami penyiksaan oleh majikannya
akan menjalani operasi paru-paru. Sumiati kemudian mengalami penyiksaan di Madinah, Arab Saudi, di
mana bibirnya terpotong, hidungnya patah, dan tulang iganya retak. Sumiati kini dibolehkan
meninggalkan RS King Fahd, Madinah. Pengadilan di Arab Saudi menjatuhkan hukuman tiga tahun
penjara kepada mantan majikan Sumiati binti Salan, Hatab Bin Soleh, juru bicara Kementerian Tenaga
Kerja Arab Saudi, minta kasus yang menimpa Sumiati tidak digeneralisasikan atau disamaratakan karena
kasus itu adalah perilaku buruk oknum majikan dan bukan seluruh majikan.

Yang jelas, hampir 70% TKI lulusan sekolah dasar (SD), bahkan ada kasus ternyata ditemukan TKI buta
huruf. Prosedur yang profesional mengenai pengelolaan TKI ke luar negeri masih lemah. Contohnya,
masih ada TKI yang kurang bahkan tidak mendapat orientasi atau pembekalan sebelum diberangkatkan
ke luar negeri.

Siapa pun mereka, dengan bekal pendidikan dan keterampilan minim, bekerja profesi apapun,
berpotensi menimbulkan masalah. Padahal dalam dunia “human resource” khususnya dalam proses
rekrutmen tenega kerja tidak hanya meluluskan calon pekerja yang punya keterampilan atau
kemampuan. Yang utama adalah mempertemukan kandidat pekerja dengan jenis pekerjaan yang sesuai
dengan kemampuan pekerja. “The right people on the right job”. Orang yang benar pada posisi
pekerjaan yang tidak sesuai dengan “job require” dapat menimbulkan masalah. Apalagi orang salah
pada posisi salah, akan menimbulkan problem.

Proses perekrutan yang menggunakan celah tertentu karena lemahnya pengawasan menjadi ujian
pertama yang harus dilewati para calon TKI. Prosedur administrasi dan pembekalan, sang calon TKI
sudah dibebani biaya tidak sedikit. Penempatan yang kadang dimanfaatkan pihak tertentu melakukan
praktik perdagangan manusia. Hingga pulang kembali ke kampung halamannya mereka dipungli.
Padahal modal yang mereka keluarkan cukup besar,ada yang menjual ternak dan sawah, menjual emas,
menggadaikan harta.

Negara tujuan pencari kerja juga dilatarbelakangi dengan kesungguhan pihak atase kita di luar negeri
dalam menyikapi permasalahan di Negara tujuan, contoh negara Malaysia dikarenakan seringnya terjadi
kasus penganiayaan tenaga kerja membuat negara tersebut masuk dalam Moratorium ( kebijakan politik
untuk menghentikan sementara pengiriman tenaga kerja) untuk tenaga kerja informal (pembantu
rumah tangga). Hongkong maupun Taiwan termasuk negara yang sangat baik dalam memperlakukan
tenaga kerja Indonesia, maka banyak pencari kerja menginginkan bekerja di sana dan agen pun bisa
mengumpulkan keuntungan paling banyak dari negara tujuan Hongkong/Taiwan.

Seperti kasus yang dialami oleh TKI asal gunung halu yang meninggal di arab saudi yang akhirnya
kelurganya di beri santunan dari pemerintah daerahnya .

* Dampak Negatif dari Pengiriman Tenaga Kerja Indonesia ini antara lain :

o Perlindungan terhadap kaum perempuan menurun seiring dengan seringnya terjadi KDRT
(kekerasan dalam rumah tangga) maupun penganiayaan di Negara tujuan

o Keluarga inti terpisah karena ayah/ Ibu bekerja di tempat yang jauh sehingga kurang komunikasi

o Nilai masyarakat kita di Negara tujuan terkadang menjadi lebih rendah karena dianggap Negara
kelas 2

o Pergerseran norma budaya, TKI yang sudah kembali terbiasa dengan budaya Negara tujuan yang
terkadang tidak sesuai dengan budaya Indonesia.

o Meningkatnya angka perceraian di daerah tertentu

o Pembekalan yang kurang dari Agen TKI membuat para TKI mendapatkan perlakuan yang tidak
semestinya,seperti Upah yang tidak sesuai , kesejahteraan dan kesehatan yang diabaikan majikan

o Tingkat pendidikan calon TKI yang rendah dapat membuat calon TKI menjadi korban penipuan
baik sejak dari pengurusan dokumen hingga saat kembali ke Tanah Air

Adapun keputusan dari Dinsosnakertrans Menghentikan Pengiriman Sejak Pertengahan Juli Oleh
migrant Senin, 25 Juli 2011 00:00:00 sebagai berikut :

Warga Kabupaten Bandung Barat (KBB) yang hendak menjadi tenaga kerja Indonesia (TKI) ke Arab Saudi
harus mengurungkan niatnya. Pasalnya Pemkab Bandung Barat dalam hal ini Dinas Sosial, Tenaga Kerja,
dan Transmigrasi (Dinsosnakertrans) KBB sudah menghentikan pengiriman TKI ke Arab Saudi sejak
pertengahan Juli tahun ini.

Penghentian pengiriman TKI ke Arab Saudi merupakan tindak lanjut dari keputusan pusat yang
diterapkan di daerah. Penghentian totalnya baru dilaksanakan per 1 Agustus atau pekan depan. Namun
sejak pertengahan Juli sudah tidak ada lagi warga KBB yang diberangkatkan ke Arab Saudi, kata Kepala
Seksi Perluasan dan Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Dinsosnakertrans KBB,Moratorium TKI ke Arab
Saudi sudah diketahui semua Perusahaan Jasa Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (PJTKI). PJTKI tidak dapat
memberangkatkan TKI ke Arab Saudi karena pemerintah tidak akan mengeluarkan paspor.

Apabila ada warga KBB berniat bekerja di Arab Saudi oleh perusahaan (PJTKI) akan diarahkan ke negara
timur tengah lain, misalnya Uni Emirat Arab, Qatar, dan Bahrain, ujarnya.

Sementara itu, data dari Februari sampai Juli ini ada sekitar 500 TKI asal KBB yang dikirim ke luar negeri,
sekitar 90% di antaranya dikirim ke Arab Saudi. Kebanyakan TKI dari KBB berasal dari wilayah Bandung
Barat bagian selatan seperti Kec. Cililin, Gunung Halu, dan Kec. Rongga. Saat ini ada sekitar 50
perusahaan penyalur tenaga kerja yang terdaftar di Dinsosnakertrans KBB.

Arab Saudi memang menjadi tujuan utama warga KBB yang hendak bekerja ke luar negeri. Magnet yang
menjadi daya tarik, bukan semata-mata persoalan gaji tapi juga bisa sekalian ibadah haji,

Terdeteksinya warga KBB yang berangkat kerja ke luar negeri setelah diterapkannya sistem online dalam
pelayanan penempatan dan perlindungan TKI sejak 21 Februari 2011 oleh Badan Nasional Penempatan
dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (BNP2TKI).

Meski beberapa negara di Timur Tengah dalam tiga bulan terakhir dilanda konflik politik, minat warga
KBB untuk mengadu nasib ke sejumlah negara teluk tetap tinggi.


* Hendaknya diupayakan agar tenaga kerja yang diekspor ke luar negeri, di sana bukan dalam sektor
rumah tangga.
* Yaitu dengan meningkatkan kualitas tenaga kerja dari Indonesia sendiri agar menjadi tenaga kerja
yang berkompeten, sehingga tingkat pendapatan yang akan diperoleh juga akan lebih tinggi.

* Pengaruh dari adanya globalisasi tak hanya positif, untuk pengaruh negatif hendaknya suatu negara
bisa memfilternya, baik itu dalam bentuk budaya maupun lainnya yang mungkin akan melunturkan
identitas asli indonesia.

* Verifikasi dan perbaiki seleksi terhadap seluruh PPTKIS (Perusahaan Pengerah Tenaga Kerja
Indonesia Swasta) di dalam negeri dan agen-agen penempatan di luar negeri


1. Berdasarkan data tahun 2012 bahwa devisa negara yang didapatkan dari pengiriman Tenaga Kerja
mencapai Rp 44 triliun per tahun dan TKW salah satunya ambil bagian didalamnya. Maka bila
moratorium dilakukan dalam waktu berkepanjangan akan berdampak pada pendapatan negara.

2. Setelah pendapatan negara yang berkurang maka akan berdampak langsung juga kepada
kriminalitas di Indonesia. Pengiriman TKW mampu mengurangi angka pengangguran di Indonesia maka
jika diberhentikan akan meningkatkan angka pengangguran. Dimana angka pengangguran berbanding
lurus dengan angka kejahatan.

3. Jika dibilang moratorium menambah angka pengangguran itu tidak sepenuhnya salah. Faktanya
dilakukan 50% atau sekitar 4.000 pengiriman tenaga kerja asal Sukabumi dari sekitar 8.000 Tenaga Kerja
Wanita (TKW) sebelum moratorium. Maka bukan pemberhentian yang dilakukan tetapi bagaimana
mempersiapkan TKW yang benar-benar berkemampuan dan berketerampilan.

4. Tidak dilakukannya moratorium saja angka tenaga kerja Indonesia (TKI) ilegal ke Malaysia mencapai
10.000 orang. Bagaimana bila diberhentikan, desakan ekonomi akan meningkatkan TKW ilegal yang
justru akan lebih memperparah masalah-masalah dalam TKW saat ini.

5. Jika memang dinilai TKW menjadi salah satu objek kekerasan itu perlu diperhatikan apa
penyebabnya. Sebab kebanyakan yang kurang memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang cukup serta
kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dengan negara tujuanlah yang menjadi korban.

6. Solusi :

* Melakukan seleksi ketat untuk TKW dan/atau melakukan pelatihan yang memadai.

* TKI bukan wanitalah yang diperbanyak agar tidak meningkatkan angka pengangguran di
Indonesia. Faktanya pemerintah tidak mampu memenuhi lapangan pekerjaan makanya banyak yang
memilih bekerja di luar negeri.

* Faktanya kasus kekerasan dan kematian TKI mayoritas terjadi di Timur Tengah dengan budaya
mereka yang keras. Maka pengiriman TKW baiknya dilakukan ke negara bukan timur tengah.
* Fakta unik dibalik masalah yang ada saat ini antara Indonesia dan Malaysia saling membutuhkan.
Di Malaysia lebih suka menerima tenaga kerja dari Indonesia untuk bekerja di perusahaan atau
perkebunan dan di rumah tangga sebagai pramuwisma. Selain tidak ada kendala dalam komunikasi,
mereka menilai tenaga kerja Indonesia sangat rajin dan patuh. Selain itu juga tidak ada kendala dalam
hal bahasa, budaya maupun keagamaan. Jadi tenaga kerja dari Indonesia selalu dicari oleh Malaysia.

Bahasa inggrisnya
Negative impact
2. Negative Impact

Not all workers are always successful and bring the expected results after a migrant worker, in
particular GunungHalu there are some workers who came home with a heartbreaking story not
benefit even get away from the pain and improve the economy of the family said. Many adverse
events occur, such as: physical abuse, sexual abuse, no salary and continue to be enslaved, even
murder. Lack of assertiveness government was a major factor, and again many illegal migrants are not
in complete official papers. There was a mother say mothers who return to their villages Juariah not
bring money malh carrying the child of a rape. ironic indeed but it's a fact that occurs in workers who
are outside the country.

Sending workers abroad sesunggunya neutral. The problem is management. In fact if you can send as
many of educated, experienced, expert in their field abroad would be paid according to the market
requirements. Rest assured our nation will be praised for being a nation of intelligent printing HR

The countless suffering people of Indonesia overseas countries when their fate as workers. Cases that
arise various forms, such as workers who were killed, raped, sexual abuse, suicide, hanged, killed,
imprisoned, salaries not paid, the work is not appropriate agreements, occupational illness, abuse,
substandard communication.

Victims workers died in Malaysia in 2007-2008 until March 2009 to 40 people per month. The cause of
the disease in Malaysia due to the pneumonia. Because they live in a damp beds, particularly
plantation workers, bangunana and factories.
Case Indonesian citizens overseas countries the majority of Indonesian labor hired by the weak in
mastering skills, foreign languages, less educated, through the process of sending illegal. Suffering
workers abroad repeated throughout the year. And throughout the year are also sending workers
continues. Year 2010, the case of the girl from Dompu, Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara it is still a
minor. Party Agent or sponsor is alleged to have changed the document Sumiati binti Abdul Salam,
adding Sumiati age being five years older. Sumiati, Indonesian workers being abused by her employer
in Saudi Arabia, is now being treated in a hospital in Medina. Sumiati expected to be in the hospital
for two weeks. Sumiati Sulan Musthafa (24 years), a maid in Madinah Al Munawwarah, who was
tortured by her employer to undergo lung surgery. Sumiati then tortured in Medina, Saudi Arabia,
where his lips cut, his nose broken and his ribs cracked. Sumiati now allowed to leave the King Fahd
Hospital, Medina. The court in Saudi Arabia sentenced to three years imprisonment to former
employer Sumiati binti Salan, Hatab Bin Salah, a spokesman for the Ministry of Labor Saudi Arabia,
asking for the case of Sumiati not generalized or generalized because it is bad manners cases
unscrupulous employers and not all employers.

What is clear, almost 70% of primary school graduates TKI (SD), and some cases it was found illiterate
workers. Professional procedures regarding the management of foreign workers to remain weak. For
example, there are less workers do not receive any orientation or briefing before departure abroad.

Whoever they were, with the provision of education and lack of skills, work any profession,
potentially causing problsems. Yet in the world of "human resource" especially in the recruitment
process will not only pass tenega prospective workers have the skills or abilities. The main thing is to
bring workers to the type of job candidates who match the capabilities of workers. "The right people
on the right job". People who are really in a position which does not correspond to "require job" can
cause problems. Especially the one in the wrong position, it will cause problems.

The recruitment process that uses a particular gap because of weak oversight be the first test that
must be passed the prospective migrants. Administrative procedures and debriefing, the prospective
migrant workers already burdened cost is not small. Placements are sometimes used by certain
parties to practice human trafficking. Up to go back to their hometown dipungli. Though the capital
they spend quite large, there are selling livestock and rice, gold selling, mortgaging property.

Country of job seekers is also motivated by the seriousness of our attachés abroad in addressing
problems in the country of destination, the example of Malaysia due to the frequent occurrence of
cases of persecution of labor left the country in the Moratorium (policy to temporarily stop sending
workers) for labor informal (domestic). Hong Kong and Taiwan, including countries that are excellent
in treating Indonesian workers, many job seekers want to work there and the agent can collect the
most benefits from the destination country Hongkong / Taiwan.
As was the case with migrant workers from the mountain halu who died in saudi arabia which
eventually spread from wild given the benefit of the local authority.

To, Engkon the berdomisi in Kampung Sukalaksana, Samijaya Village district.

Gununghalu, West London, said that the money Rp 45juta it will be used to develop a farm that has
been practiced over the years. "I'm farmers, agricultural businesses and will continue to support the
family," he explained Engkon.

Husband workers, workers Compensation Engkon Receive Rp45 Million

Jakarta, BNP2TKI (11/10) - Loss of beloved mother can not be replaced with anything. That is also
perceived family Aminah, workers who died at the Police Hospital Jakarta, recently.

Aminah families receive financial compensation from the Labor Insurance Indonesia, PT Ramayani Rp
45 million, condole the death of migrant workers from Saudi Arabia, Aminah bint Mamad, "said
Acting Deputy Protection National Agency for Placement and Protection of Migrant Workers
(BNP2TKI), DR. Lisna Poeloengan to Aminah husband, Engkon and his son, Munawar Asep.

The arrival of the family (the late) Aminah to BNP2TKI to receive compensation from Rp 40juta for
death insurance and $ 5 million for funeral expenses.

The funds received by the husband 100 percent Aminah, Engkon, witnessed by the insurance workers,
Ramayana, Antonius Adi Saputra, and vice PPTKIS PT Mushofahah Maju Jaya.


List of questions asked on the workers in the village GunungHalu the mother Juariah as follows

1. What is the reason mother went abroad for a migrant worker?

2. Is there any improvement in the economy in the mother's family after her mother worked as
migrant workers?

3. Are mothers working outside the country endure?

4. How employers' treatment of mothers?

5. Treatment, of what she experienced while working outside the country?

6. Did the mother have legal papers to departure workers?

7. Country of working mothers?

8. How long does the mother work there?

The answer to the interview questions posed to the Company's Private employment Indonesia are:

1. Because of economic necessity, the mother had not had a husband and have 4 children who are
still in school, so the mother is required to make a living on his own and decided to TKI mother
because her mother saw other friends who worked as migrant workers can change it for the better

2. No significant improvement Karenna while outside the mother country paid only 3 x only and the
rest is paid

3. Not at home, Karenna many employers treatment of arbitrary

4. Very bad treatment from their employers

5. Often tortured and employers often perform sexual acts that Juariah pregnant mother when I got
home from saudi arabia.

6. Yeah have a letter of recruitment agencies sending workers remsi

7. Saudi arabia

8. Worked for 3 years and 3 years were not paid.


Based on the analysis described in the chapters above, it can be concluded as follows:

* Globalization increasingly open boundaries between countries have influence on the countries
with the global process, be it in the form of culture, economy, communications, technology and so on.

Indonesia's labor force working in the foreign pretty much, so it will increase the national income
from foreign exchange reserves side.
* Labor mobility have positive and negative influences on the domestic

* Positive Impact of Workforce Delivery Indonesia, among others:

o Reducing the unemployment rate in the district tententu

o Improve the standard of living / wellness for families

o Adding a proposal from the National Foreign Exchange Non Oil and Gas

o Increasing the empowerment of women for women employed workforce Disektor formal
(manufacturer, nurses,)

o Increase the income and expenses of certain districts

o Reducing the density of residents in a particular area

* Negative Impact of Workforce Delivery Indonesia, among others:

o Protection of women declines as often happens KDRT (domestic violence), or persecution in

countries where

o Family detached core because Dad / Mom worked in a place as far away as a lack of

o The value of our society in the countries where they may sometimes be lower because it was
considered second-class country

o cultural norms, Indonesians who had returned accustomed to the culture of the countries
where they sometimes do not fit with the culture of Indonesia.

o Increased divorce rate in certain districts

o Supply of less than TKI agents make the TKI get treatment is not necessarily, as wages are not
suitable, well-being and health are ignored employer

o The level of education of low TKI candidate can make a candidate TKI be good dupe since
document management to date back to the Land of Water

As for the results from Dinsosnakertrans Stops Shipping Since Mid July by migrant Monday, 25 July
2011 00:00:00 as follows:
Citizens of West Bandung Regency (KBB), who wish to be Indonesian workers (TKI) to Saudi Arabia
should imprison his intention. Section of West Bandung regency in this case Dinas Social, Labour and
Transmigration (Dinsosnakertrans) KBB TKI had stopped shipping to Saudi Arabia since mid-July this

TKI cessation of shipment to Saudi Arabia is a follow up to the decision adopted at the district center.
Total cessation of newly implemented per 1 August or next week. But since mid-July were no longer
citizens of KBB deployment to Saudi Arabia, said the Head of Sexy Workforce Expansion and
Relocation Dinsosnakertrans KBB, Moratorium TKI to Saudi Arabia is known to all Enterprise
Workforce Services Indonesia (PJTKI). TKI dispatch PJTKI unable to Saudi Arabia because governments
will not issue passports.

When one citizen KBB intend to work in Saudi Arabia by the enterprise (PJTKI) will be directed to
other middle eastern countries, such as United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Bahrain, he said.

Meanwhile, data from February to July, There are around 500 TKI original KBB sent abroad, around
90% of those sent to Saudi Arabia. Most Indonesians from KBB comes from the southern part of West
Bandung area like KEC. Cililin, Gunung Halu, and Districts. Cavity. Currently there are about 50
enterprises registered reseller workforce in Dinsosnakertrans KBB.

Saudi Arabia was the main reason for KBB citizens who want to work abroad. Magnets of the main
attraction, not just salary but also be able to question all of the hajj, tuturnya.

KBB Terdeteksinya citizens who left for work abroad after diterapkannya online system in the service
of TKI placement and protection since February 21, 2011 by the National Agency of Placement and
Protection of Indonesian Manpower (BNP2TKI).

Though some countries in the Middle East in the last three months of political conflict-prone areas,
interest KBB citizens to seek his fortune to a number of Gulf states remain high.


* He should enabled in order to export manpower to overseas, there is not in the household sector.

* Namely by improving the quality of Indonesia's workforce to become a competent work force, so
that the level of income that will be obtained will also be higher.

* The influence of the presence of globalization not only positive for the negative influence of a
country should be able to filter them out, be it in the form of another culture and identity that would
fade indigenous indonesia.

* Verify and correct selection of around PPTKIS (Enterprise Workforce Indonesia Pengerah private)
in the state and the placement agents abroad.

1. Based on data from the year 2012 that the foreign exchange earned from the delivery of Labor
reached Rp 44 trillion per year, and one maid took part in it. So when done within a prolonged
moratorium will impact on state revenues.

2. After the reduced state revenues will also have a direct impact to the crime in Indonesia. Shipping
TKW able to reduce unemployment in Indonesia, if terminated would increase unemployment. Where
the unemployment rate is directly proportional to the crime rate.

3. If the moratorium say it adds to the unemployment rate is not entirely wrong. The fact done 50%
or about 4,000 workers from Sukabumi delivery of approximately 8,000 Labor Women (TKW) before
the moratorium. So not a dismissal is done but how to prepare maids really capable and skilled.

4. Not only does the moratorium on employment figures Indonesia (TKI) illegally to Malaysia
reached 10,000. What if dismissed, economic pressure will increase illegal migrant workers will only
further aggravating the problems of migrant workers today.

5. If it is assessed TKW become an object of violence that need to be considered what the cause is.
For many who lack sufficient knowledge and skills and the ability to adapt to the country tujuanlah

6. Solution:

* Conduct rigorous selection for migrant workers and / or training.

* TKI not be reproduced so that the women who did not increase unemployment in Indonesia. In
fact the government is not able to meet the job's why many are choosing to work abroad.

* In fact cases of violence and death the majority of migrant workers in the Middle East with
their culture is hard. So well done sending maids to the country and not the middle east.

* Unique facts behind the problem that exists today between Indonesia and Malaysia need each
other. In Malaysia prefer to receive workers from Indonesia to work in the company or the estate and
in the household as a housekeeper. In addition there are no obstacles in communication, they assess
Indonesian workers very diligent and obedient. In addition, there are no constraints in terms of
language, culture or religion. So labor from Indonesia has always sought by Malaysia

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