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SCHOOL UNIT : Senior High School

SUBJECT : Mathematics
TOPICS : Combinations
TIME ALLOCATION : 2 x 45 minutes

I. The Main Competence

1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
Respect and appreciate the teachings of their religion.
2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli
(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara
efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan
Respect and appreciate the honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring
(tolerance, mutual assistance), polite, confident, in interacting effectively with the
social environment and natural in a range of socially and presence.
3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan
rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait
fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on his
curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture related phenomena and events
seem eye.
4. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,
mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak
(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai
dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut
Trying, processing, and presenting in the realm of concrete (using, parsing,
composing, modifying, and creating) and the realm of the abstract (writing,

reading, counting, drawing, and fabricating) according to the learned in schools
and other sources in the same viewpoint / theory.

II. The Basic Competence

1.1 Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
Respect and appreciate the precepts of their religion.
2.3 Memiliki sikap terbuka, santun, objektif, menghargai pendapat dan karya
teman dalam interaksi kelompok maupun aktivitas sehari – hari.
Have open ended attitude, polite, objective, appreciate friends opinion and
creation in group interaction as well as daily activity
4.10 Memilih dan menggunakan aturan pencacahan yang sesuai dalam pemecahan
masalah nyata serta memberikan alasannya
Selecting and using appropriate enumeration rules in solving real problems and
give reasons.

III. The Indicators

1.1.1 Menunjukkan ketaatan kepada agama yang dianutnya.
Showed obedience to their religion.
2.3.1 Menunjukkan sikap menghargai pendapat orang lain, dapat bekerja sama dan
Shows respect for the opinions of others, can cooperate, and discipline.
4.10.1 Menyusun dan menggunakan aturan kombinasi
Compile and using combination rules

IV. The Learning Objectives Siswa dapat menunjukkan ketaatan kepada agama yang dianutnya
dengan berdoa sebelum pelajaran dimulai.
Students can show obedience to their religion to pray before the lesson
begins. Siswa dapat menunjukkan sikap menghargai pendapat orang lain, dapat
bekerja sama dan disiplin.
Students can show respect for the opinions of others, can cooperate, and

2|Page Siswa dapat menyusun dan menggunakan aturan kombinasi dari sebuah
Students can compile and use the rules of combination of a problem.

V. The Topics of Learning

 Combinations

VI. The Model and The Method of Learning

 The Model of Learning : Class Discussion
 The Method of Learning : Questioning and answering, discussion, and
giving a task
 The Strategy of Learning : Buzz Group

VII. Learning Resources

 Electronic Student Book : Matematika SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI
Semester 2 Edisi Revisi 2014
 Worksheet : Combinations
 Quiz : Combinations
 Assessment 1 : Format of Social Skills
VIII. Material
 LCD / Proyektor
 Laptop
 Power Point
 Spidol

IX. The Steps of Learning

A. Introduction (  10 minutes)
1. Students pray together
2. Teacher check student attendance
3. Apperception: The teacher reminds the students their prior knowledge by:
 Do you still remember about using product rule ?
 Do you still remember about permutation ?

Motivation : The teacher encourages the students by giving an example
about Combinations in our daily activity

In the picture above there are 12 people who want to handshake, they are
Mr. Ali, Mr. Imran, Mr. Agus, Mr. Yanto, Mr. Aris, Mr. Rino, Mr. Andi, Mr.
Aldo, Mr. Yasir, Mr. Yos, Mr. Anang, and Mr. Nasir. How many handshake
that occurs between them all ?
What if Mr. Aris and Mr. Yanto Handshake is equal to with Mr. Yanto and
Mr. Aris handshake ?
By using the concept of combination, we can determine the amount of
handshake of the problems above.
Phase I : Menyampaikan tujuan dan mengatur setting
( Delivering objectives and do the settings )
Giving information about the objective of learning: Teachers express
purpose of learning to be archieved is for students to compile and use
the rules of combination of a problem.

B. Main Activities (  70 minutes)

1. Guru membagi siswa dalam kelompok – kelompok yang beranggotakan
3 – 6 orang secara heterogen
The teacher divides the students into some groups that consist of 3 – 6 persons
2. Guru menjelaskan mengenai strategi pembelajaran yang akan digunakan
yaitu strategi kelompok aktif (Buzz Group) dimana siswa dibentuk dalam
beberapa kelompok yang beranggotakan 3 – 6 orang. Masing –masing

kelompok menugasi seorang anggotanya untuk mendaftar ide – ide yang
muncul dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan secara berkelompok
The teacher explains the learning strategies that will be used the strategy of
active groups (Buzz Group) where students are formed into groups consisting
of 3-6 people. Assigned a respective group members to register an idea that
emerged in solving the problems in groups
3. Guru mengatur tempat duduk siswa berbentuk lingkaran pada tiap
kelompok yang bertujuan agar diskusi kelompok dapat berjalan dengan
Teachers arrange seating circle of students in each group which aims to group
discussions to run smoothly.
Phase II : Mengarahkan diskusi ( Directing Discussion )
1. Teachers deliver some rules during the discussion, including :
 Time for discuss is ± 40 minutes
 Students are required to take an active role in the process of
 Presented the results of discussions
 All students must respect the opinion and suggestions of other
2. The teacher presents the problem to the class verbally
Problem 1 :
 There are four people who want to handshake with Mr. Aris, Mr.
Yanto, Mr. Anang, and Mr. Nasir. How many handshake that occurs
between four of them ? What if Mr. Aris and Mr. Yanto handshake is
equal to with Mr. Yanto and Mr. Aris handshake ?
Problem 2 :
 Define and specify a combination of letters MATH taken 3 !. Then
explain the relation from combination with permutation of that
3. Guru membagikan LKS yang berisi panduan diskusi untuk siswa seperti
masalah yang akan didiskusikan dan lembar laporan diskusi yang akan
diisi oleh setiap kelompok

Teacher gives worksheets that contain a discussion guide for students as a
problem to be discussed and discussion report sheet will be filled by each
4. Guru memberikan waktu untuk mendiskusikan permasalahan secara
berkelompok selama 40 menit
The teacher gives time to discuss the issues in groups for 40 minutes
5. Pada saat berdiskusi, siswa diharapkan untuk dapat saling bekerja sama
dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada .
During the discussion, students are expected to be able to work together in
solving the existing problems.
6. Pada saat berdiskusi (mengerjakan LKS ), siswa diharapkan untuk dapat
menunjukkan ketelitian dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada.
During the discussion (do Worksheet ), students are expected to be able to
demonstrate accuracy in solving the existing problems.
Phase III : Menyelenggarakan diskusi ( Conducting the discussion )
1. Guru memonitor kerja siswa pada tiap – tiap kelompok dengan cara
berkeliling dalam kelas
Teachers observe student work on each group with walking around in the
2. Guru mengarahkan masing – masing anggota kelompok untuk
mengemukakan pendapat mengenai permasalahan yang diberikan pada
LKS dan meminta salah satu siswa dalam kelompok untuk mencatat
pendapat dari masing – masing anggota kelompok
The teacher directs each member of the group to express opinions on problem
which are given in the worksheets and ask one of the students in the group to
record the opinion of each - member of the group
3. Guru menanyakan hasil catatan pendapat atau ide – ide yang muncul pada
tiap – tiap kelompok.
Teacher asks result record opinions or ideas that appear on each group.
4. Guru mengisyaratkan kepada setiap kelompok bahwa waktu diskusi telah
Teacher hinted to any group that time the discussion was over.

5. Guru meminta kepada masing – masing perwakilan kelompok untuk maju
mengumpulkan LKS kelompok mereka.
The teacher asks each representative group to come collect their group
6. Guru mengundi secara acak kelompok mana yang akan maju untuk
mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok mereka didepan kelas.
Teachers random raffle which group will go forward to present the results of
their group work in the classroom.
7. Guru membagikan LKS kepada kelompok yang mendapatkan giliran untuk
maju mempresentasikan hasil diskusi kelompok mereka, sedangkan
kelompok yang lain memperhatikan.
The teacher distributes worksheets to groups that get their turn to come
forward to present the results of their group discussion, while another group
8. Pada saat presentasi siswa dilatih untuk berani mengajukan pendapat /
pertanyaan mereka
At the time of the presentation students are trained to dare to submit opinions /
questions from them
9. Guru meminta kelompok penyaji untuk menanggapi pertanyaan dari
kelompok lain.
The teacher asks the group presenters to respond the questions from other
10. Selama proses diskusi kelas berlangsung, guru membuat catatan – catatan
kecil mengenai hal – hal penting yang telah didiskusikan bersama
During the class discussion, the teacher makes little notes about important
things that have been discussed together
Phase IV : Mengakhiri diskusi ( Ending the Discussion )
1. Guru menutup diskusi dengan merangkum hasil jawaban benar serta
menghubungkan permasalahan yang telah dipelajari dengan materi
kombinasi bersama – sama dengan siswa.
The teacher closes the discussion by summarizing the correct answers as well
as linking the problems that have been studied by a combination of material
together with students.

2. Guru memberikan KUIS kepada siswa untuk dikerjakan secara mandiri dan
memberitahukan bahwa waktu pelaksanaan pengerjaan selama 30 menit.
The teacher gives QUIZ to students to work independently and inform that the
timing of the work for 30 minutes.

C. Closing (± 10 minutes)
Phase V : Melakukan Tanya Jawab Singkat tentang Proses Diskusi
( Do short question and answer about the discussion )
1. Guru melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan diskusi dengan mengajukan
pertanyaan-pertanyaan singkat, misal:
Teacher do reflection about discuss activity with submit the short questions,
o What is difference between permutations and combinations ?
2. Guru memberikan tugas rumah di buku BSE halaman 152 no 1, 2, 3 dan 4
untuk dikerjakan siswa.
Teacher gives homework in the BSE Book page 152, no 1, 2, 3 and 4
3. Guru mengingatkan siswa untuk mempelajari materi berikutnya.
Teacher remind student to learn next topics.

X. Assessment
1. Technique
 Written Test
2. Instrument
 Worksheet
 Quiz

Mengetahui, Surabaya,
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

……………… ……………………

Worksheet 1
Day / Date : ______________________________________________ / _______________
Group / Class : __________________________________ / _____________

Indicator :
1. Compile and using combination rules

Members Group : 1.______________________________________________

Hint :
1. Discuss and resolve the following issues with the members of your group
2. Write down the answers on the answer sheet provided
3. Write down the details of each step in solving problems started from what is
known, what is asked until find the results

Problem :

Problem 1 :

 There are four people who want to handshake with Mr. Aris, Mr.
Yanto, Mr. Anang, and Mr. Nasir. How many handshake that occurs
between four of them ? What if Mr. Aris and Mr. Yanto handshake is
equal to with Mr. Yanto and Mr. Aris handshake ?

Problem 2 :

 Define and specify a combination of letters MATH taken 3 !. Then

explain the relation from combination with permutation of that

Solution :

Honesty is the key to success

10 | P a g e

Problem 1
1) Apa langkah pertama yang harus kalian lakukan ?
What is the first step you have to do?
 Langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah memasangkan dua orang
– dua orang. Karena dalam berjabat tangan dibutuhkan dua orang.
The first step you should do is to pair two people. Because of the required
two people handshake.
2) Sebutkan siapa saja pasangan dua orang yang mungkin !
Mention any two pairs are possible!
 Mr Aris – Mr Yanto
 Mr Aris – Mr Anang
 Mr Aris – Mr Nasir
 Mr Yanto – Mr Anang
 Mr Yanto – Mr Nasir
 Mr Anang – Mr Nasir
3) Apa bila Pak Aris dan Pak Yanto berjabat tangan samadengan Pak Yanto dan
Pak Aris berjabat tangan ?
What if Mr. Aris and Mr.Yanto handshake equal with Mr.Yanto and Mr. Aris
 Dalam berjabat tangan Pak Aris - Pak Yanto samadengan Pak Yanto –
Pak Aris, berarti keduanya merupakan kombinasi yang sama. Jadi kita
tidak perlu menuliskan dua kali.
In the handshake Mr. Aris – Mr. Yanto equal with Mr. Yanto - Mr. Aris,
meaning both are the same combination. So we do not need to write twice.
Ada berapa jabat tangan yang terjadi ?
How many handshake that happen ?
 Ada 6 berjabat tangan yang terjadi
 There are 6 handshake that occur
4) Keenam cara berjabat tangan tersebut disebut kombinasi. Lalu, apa pengertian
kombinasi itu ?

11 | P a g e
Sixth way handshake is called combination. Then, what is the meaning of the
5) Guru mengarahkan jawaban siswa dengan memisalkan 4 orang itu adalah 𝑛 dan
2 orang yang berjabat tangan itu 𝑟 , ini berarti kombinasi 𝑟 unsur yang diambil
dari 𝑛 unsur. Guru kembali menekankan bahwa Pak Aris - Pak Yanto sama
dengan Pak Yanto – Pak Aris, yang jika dibolak – balik merupakan kombinasi
yang sama.
The teacher directs students answer by letting 4 people it is n and the 2 people who
shake hands r, this means a combination of r elements taken from n elements.
Teacher again stressed that Mr. Aris – Mr. Yanto together with Mr. Yanto - Mr. Aris,
which if inverted is the same combinations.
6) Jadi kombinasi 𝑟 unsur yang diambil dari 𝑛 unsur adalah
So the combination of r elements taken from n elements is
 Kombinasi 𝑟 unsur yang diambil dari 𝑛 unsur adalah banyak
pengelompokan yang terdiri dari 𝑟 unsur yang diambil dari 𝑛 unsur
tanpa memperhatikan urutan dari setiap unsurnya.
The combination of r elements taken from n elements is much grouping
consisting of r elements taken from n elements without regard to the order of
each element.
7) Guru menuliskan notasi kombinasi dan rumusnya dipapan tulis :
The teacher writes notation combination and formula on the board:
𝐶𝑟𝑛 or n𝐶𝑟 or (𝑛𝑟) =

8) Dengan menggunakan aturan kombinasi, Bagaiman permasalahan diatas dituliskan ?

By using a combination rule, How written above problems?
4! 4.3.2!
 𝐶24 = = =6
2!(4−2)! 2!2!

Problem 2
1) Bagaimana dengan permasalahan kedua, apa saja kombinasi dari 4 huruf M A T
H yang diambil 3 ?
How about the second problem, What are combination of 4 letters MATH taken 3?

12 | P a g e
2) Ada berapa banyak kombinasi dari 4 huruf yang diambil 3 ?
How many combinations of the four letters were taken 3?
3) Bagaimana jika dengan permutasinya ?
What if the permutations ?

Guru mengarahkan dengan membuat tabel kombinasi – permutasi dipapan tulis

sebagai berikut
Teacher directed create a table combinations – permutations in the whiteboard as
Combinations Permutations

Bagaiman dengan permutasi dari MAT ? Kemudian permutasi dari MAH, MTH,
dan ATH ? Silahkan isi pada kolom permutasinya.
How about permutations of M A T ? Then permutation of MAH, MTH and ATH ?
Please fill in the column permutations
 Answer expected
Combinations Permutations

4) Teacher give explanation

Note that the combination of MAT, MTA, AMT, ATM, TMA, TAM is the same.
Every combinations from 3 letters show 3 ! = 6 permutation.
The number of permutations = 24 and the number of combinations = 4
24 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑢𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠
So, for combinations we get = 4 = 6 = 3!

13 | P a g e
5) Bagaiman penulisannya dengan notasi matematika pada permasalahan diatas ?
What is the writing with mathematical notation on the above problems?
𝑃34 4! 4.3!
 𝐶34 = = (4−3)!3! = =4
3! 1!3!

6) Secara umum kita dapat menuliskan banyak kombinasi 𝑟 unsur yang diambil
dari 𝑛 unsur adalah
In general we can write a lot of combinations of r elements taken from n elements is
𝑃𝑟𝑛 𝑛!
 𝐶𝑟𝑛 = = (𝑛−𝑟)!𝑟!

14 | P a g e
Group:_______________ Class: _____ Date:_______

Assessment Rubric
Hint: Fill in the score column according to the observations by looking at the
information in the last column.

No. Performance Details Remarks
3 2 1

1. Menghitung banyaknya 3: Bila dapat menghitung kombinasi dari

kombinasi dari empat empat orang yang saling berjabat
orang yang saling tangan dengan menggunakan rumus
berjabat tangan dan prosedur langkah yang tepat.

Count the number of If can calculate the combination of the

combinations of four four people who shake hands with the
people who handshake use of formulas and procedures
appropriate steps

2: Bila dapat menghitung kombinasi dari

empat orang yang saling berjabat
tangan dengan hasil yang tepat namun
kurang tepat dalam memasukkan ke
rumus kombinasi.

If can calculate the combination of the

four people who shake hands with the
right results, but less precise in entering
into combination formula.

15 | P a g e
No. Performance Details Remarks
3 2 1

1: Bila dapat menghitung kombinasi dari

empat orang yang saling berjabat
tangan namun kurang tepat dalam
menentukan hasil, sehingga
memasukkan ke rumus kombinasi juga
kurang tepat.

If can calculate the combination of the

four people who shake hands, but less
precise in determining the outcome, thus
entering into the combination formula is
also less precise.

2 Menentukan hubungan 3: Bila dapat menentukan banyaknya

antara permutasi dan kombinasi dan permutasi dari susunan

kombinasi empat huruf serta dapat menemukan

hubungan permutasi dengan
Determining the kombinasi.
relationship between
permutations and If can determine the number of

combinations combinations and permutations of the

order of four letters, and can find a
permutation relations with the

16 | P a g e
No. Performance Details Remarks
3 2 1

2: Bila dapat menentukan banyaknya

kombinasi dan permutasi dari susunan
empat huruf, namun kurang tepat
dalam menemukan hubungan
permutasi dan kombinasi.

If can determine the number of

combinations and permutations of the
order of four letters, but less precise in
finding a relationship permutations and

1: Bila dapat menentukan banyaknya

kombinasi namun kurang tepat dalam
menentukan permutasinya sehingga
kurang tepat dalam menyimpulkan
hubungan permutasi dan kombinasi.

If can determine the number of

combinations but less precise in
determining the permutations that are
less precise in relation concluded
permutations and combinations.


1 - 2 : Unsuccessful 5-6 : Very Success

3-4 : Succeed

17 | P a g e

Day / Date : _________________________/_____________

Name / Class : _________________________/____________
Working time: 30 minute

Indicator :
1. Compile and using combination rules

Do the following questions correctly and accurately!

1. A bucket contain 5 red balls, 3 white balls, dan 2 blue balls.

a. How many ways to choose three balls from 1 red ball, 1 white ball, and 1 blue
ball ?
Berapa banyak cara pengambilan tiga bola dari 1 bola merah, 1 bola putih, dan
1 bola biru ?
b. How many ways to choose three balls with taken at least two red balls ?
Berapa banyak cara pengambilan tiga bola dengan terambilnya paling sedikit 2
bola merah ?

2. In badminton training there are 10 man players and 8 women players. What’s doubles
pair that can be obtained for
Dalam pelatihan bulu tangkis terdapat 10 orang pemain putra dan 8 orang pemain
putri. Berapakah pasangan ganda yang dapat diperoleh untuk :
a. Ganda putra
Men’s Doubles
b. Ganda putri
Women’s Doubles
c. Ganda campuran
Mixed Doubles

18 | P a g e

No. Answer Key Score

1. Given : 5 red balls, 3 white balls, 2 blue balls

a. Asked : How many ways to choose three balls from 1 red ball, 1 .....2
white ball and 1 blue ball
Answer :
5! 3! 2! 5! 3! 2!
𝐶15 . 𝐶13 . 𝐶12 = . . = . .
1! (5 − 1)! 1! (3 − 1)! 1! (2 − 1)! 1! 4! 1! 2! 1! 1!
= 5.3.2 = 30 𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 ......4

b. Asked : How many ways to choose three balls with taken at least .... 1
two red balls
Taken at least two red balls :
5! 3!
 2 red balls – 1 white ball 𝐶25 . 𝐶13 = 2!3! . 1!2! = 10.3 = 30
5! 2!
 2 red balls – 1 white ball 𝐶25 . 𝐶12 = 2!3! . 1!1! = 10.2 = 20
 3 red balls 𝐶35 = 3!2! = 10 .....3
So there are
𝐶25 . 𝐶13 + 𝐶25 . 𝐶12 + 𝐶35 = 30 + 20 + 10 = 60 𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 .....2

Total Score 12

19 | P a g e
No. Answer Key Score

2. Given : 10 man players and 8 women players ... .. 1

a. Asked : What’s doubles pair that can be obtained for Men’s Doubles
Because there are 10 men’s player and will be chosen 2, so there
10! 10! 10.9.8! ....4
𝐶210 = = = = 45 𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠
2! (10 − 2)! 2! 8! 2.8!
b. Asked : What’s doubles pair that can be obtained for Woman’s Doubles
Because there are 8 woman’s palyer and will be chosen 2, so there are
8! 8! 8.7.6!
𝐶28 = = = = 28 𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 .... 4
2! (8 − 2)! 2! 6! 2.6!
c. Asked : What’s doubles pair that can be obtained mixed doubles
Because there are 10 men’s palyer will be chosen 1 and 8 woma’s
palyer will be chosen 1, So there are
10! 8! 10! 8!
𝐶110 . 𝐶18 = . = . = 10.8 = 80 𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 .....4
1! (10 − 1)! 1! (8 − 1)! 1! 9! 1! 7!

Total Score 13

The total maximum score 25

𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑏𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒗𝒂𝒍𝒖𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒃𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕 = × 100
𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒

20 | P a g e
Assessment 1 :
Format of Social Skills

Give assessment with a check list () in the space available on the behaviour of students
who appeared in character using the following scale.
A: Very Success
B: Succeed
C: Successful
D: Unsuccessful

Giving Opinion or Giving response to the
No. Student’s name Question opinion or question

Surabaya, December . . . . . . . .

Deny Agus Dwianto


21 | P a g e

1. The Formula of Combinations with no Repetition

𝑛! 𝑛
= ( )
𝑟! (𝑛 − 𝑟)! 𝑟

Where 𝑛 is the number of things to choose from, and we choose 𝑟 of them

(No repetition, order doesn’t matter)


2. The Formula of Combinations with Repetition

𝑛+𝑟−1 (𝑛 + 𝑟 − 1)!
( )=
𝑟 𝑟! (𝑛 − 1)!

Where 𝑛 is the number of things to choose from, and we choose 𝑟 of them

(Repetition allowed, order doesn’t matter)

22 | P a g e

Anda mungkin juga menyukai