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Dwi Mulya Andayani. 2018.

Analisis kinerja pegawai sekretariat dewan dalam menunjang

tugas pokok dan fungsi dewan perwakilan rakyat daerah kabupaten bantaeng (di bimbing oleh
Nurdin Brazit dan Maryadi)
Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan analisis kinerja pegawai sekretariat dewan dalam
menunjang tugas pokok dan fungsi dewan perwakilan rakyat daerah kabupaten Bantaeng.
Sampel di ambil dengan teknik sampling jenuh/sensus (34 responden). Teknik analisis di
lakukan dengan rank kendall, dan untuk mengetahui besarnya hubungan antar variabel yag
Hasil analisis membuktikan : 1) tidak pengaruh yang signifikan (pengaruh lemah)
produktivitas pegawai terhadap kinerja pegawai. Ddengan taraf signifikansi 95 % Z-score
(0.601) < Z-tabel (1.96) sehingga H0 diterima. (2) tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan
(pengaruh lemah) kemampuan pegawai terhadap terhadap produktivitas pegawai, dengan taraf
signifikansi 95 % Z-Score (2,836)> Z-tabel (1.96) ehingga H0 diterima. 3) ada pengaruh yang
signifikan kemampuan pegawai terhadap kinerja pegawai , karena dengan taraf signifikansi 95
% Z-score (2.836) > Z-tabel (1.96) sehingga H0 ditolak. 4)ada pengaruh yang signifikan
produktivitas pegawai dan kemampuan pegawai decara simulatan terhadap kinerja pegawai ,
karena dengan taraf signifikansi 95 % (df=2) diketahui koefisien konkodasi kendall adalah (0,
939) dan chi-square hitung (63,837) > chi square tabel (49,48) sehingga H0 diterima.

Kata kunci: Analisis kinerja pegawai dalam menunjang tugas pokok dan fungsi dewan
perwakilan rakyat daerah.
Dwi Mulya Andayani. 2018. Analysis of staffs’ performance of the council secretariat in
supporting the main duties and functions of the regional legislative council of Bantaeng district
(guided by Nurdin Brazit and Maryadi)
This research focuses on the performance analysis of the council secretariat employees
in supporting the main duties and functions of the regional legislative council of Bantaeng
district. Samples were taken with saturated / census sampling techniques (34 respondents). The
analysis technique was executed by implementing Rank kendall theory, and to find out the
magnitude of the relationship between the variables studied.
The results of the analysis indicated that: 1) there was no significant influence (weak
influence) employee productivity on employee performance. D with a significance level of
95% Z-score (0.601) <Z-table (1.96) so that H0 is accepted. (2) there is no significant influence
(weak influence) on the ability of employees on employee productivity, with a significance
level of 95% Z-Score (2.836)> Z-table (1.96) so that H0 is accepted. 3) there is a significant
influence on the ability of employees on employee performance, because with a 95%
significance level Z-score (2.836)> Z-table (1.96) so that H0 is rejected. 4) there is a significant
influence on employee productivity and employee ability to simulatan on employee
performance, because with a 95% significance level (df = 2) it is known kendall's concodation
coefficient is (0, 939) and calculated chi-square (63.837)> chi square table (49.48) so that H0
is accepted.

Keywords: Analysis of employee performance in supporting the main tasks and functions of
the regional legislature.

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