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Lampiran 1. Kuesioner Penelitian




Kepada Yth :

Bapak / Ibu Responden



Dengan Hormat.

Dalam rangka memenuhi tugas tesis saya pada sekolah Magister Manajemen Universitas
Trisakti, maka dengan segala kerendahan hati saya sangat menghargai tanggapan Bapak / Ibu
terhadap beberapa pernyataan yang tersedia dalam kuesioner ini mengenai “ANTECEDENT
Pengumpulan data ini semata-mata hanya akan digunakan untuk maksud penyusunan tesis dan
akan dijamin kerahasiannya.

Kesediaan dan kerja sama yang Bapak / Ibu berikan dalam bentuk informasi yang benar
dan lengkap akan sangat mendukung keberhasilan penelitian ini. Selain itu jawaban yang Bapak /
Ibu berikan juga akan merupakan masukan yang sangat berharga bagi saya.

Akhir kata saya mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya atas bantuan dan
kesediaan Bapak / Ibu yang telah meluangkan waktunya dalam pengisian kuesioner ini.

Hormat saya,

Indra Septiadi



1. Jenis Kelamin : a. Laki-laki b. Perempuan

2. Pendidikan Terakhir : a. SMU b. D-3 c. S-1 d. S-2 e. S-3

3. Pekerjaan : a. Pelajar/Mahasiswa b. Pegawai Swasta c. Ibu Rumah Tangga

d. BUMN e.Wiraswasta

4. Usia anda Saat ini : a. < 25 Tahun b. 25 – 35 Tahun c. 36 – 45 Tahun

d. 46 – 55 Tahun e. Lebih 55 Tahun

5. Penghasilan / Bulan : a. Kurang dari Rp. 3.000.000 b. Rp. 3000.000 – Rp. 7.000.000

c. Rp. 7000.0001 – Rp 14.000.000 d. Lebih dari Rp. 14.000.000


1. Mohon memberi tanda ceklis (O) pada jawaban yang Bapak / Ibu anggap paling sesuai.
2. Setelah mengisi kuesioner ini mohon Bapak / Ibu dapat memberikan kembali kepada
yang menyerahkan kuesioner ini pertama kali.
3. Keterangan Alternatif Jawaban dan Skor :
a. 1 = Sangat Tidak Setuju
b. 2 = Tidak Setuju
c. 3 = Netral
d. 4 = Setuju
e. 5 = Sangat Setuju

System Quality :

N Daftar Pertanyaan Sangat Tidak Netral Setuju Sangat

o tidak Setuju Setuju
1 Saya pikir produk ini menyediakan 1 2 3 4 5
layanan yang sangat handal
2 Saya pikir bahwa kecepatan produk 1 2 3 4 5
3 Saya pikir bahwa produk ini aman 1 2 3 4 5
untuk digunakan

Content Quality :

No Daftar Pertanyaan Sangat Tidak Netral Setuju Sangat

tidak Setuju Setuju
1 Produk ini menyediakan berbagai 1 2 3 4 5
informasi dan layanan

2 Layanan dan informasi yang saya 1 2 3 4 5

dapatkan dari produk ini berharga

3 Produk ini menyediakan informasi 1 2 3 4 5

dan layanan yang saya butuhkan

Customization :

No Daftar Pertanyaan Sangat Tidak Netral Setuju Sangat

tidak Setuju Setuju
1 Produk ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk 1 2 3 4 5
menyesuaikan kebutuhan pribadi
2 Produk ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk 1 2 3 4 5
menyesuaikan cara instalasi.
3 Produk ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk 1 2 3 4 5
menyesuaikan program televisi sesuai
dengan kebutuhan mereka.

Price Level :

No Daftar Pertanyaan Sangat Tidak Netral Setuju Sangat

tidak Setuju Setuju
1 Menggunakan produk ini secara 1 2 3 4 5

keseluruhan mahal

2 Price level dari produk ini adalah 1 2 3 4 5

beban bagi saya

3 Price level untuk mendapatkan 1 2 3 4 5

layanan khusus atau informasi dari

produk ini adalah mahal untuk

Ease of Use :

No Daftar Pertanyaan Sangat Tidak Netral Setuju Sangat

tidak Setuju Setuju
1 Belajar untuk menggunakan produk 1 2 3 4 5

ini adalah mudah

2 Sangat mudah untuk mendapatkan 1 2 3 4 5

apa yang ingin saya lihat dari produk

3 Interaksi dengan produk ini adalah 1 2 3 4 5

jelas dan dimengerti

4 Produk ini memberi kenyamanan 1 2 3 4 5

dalam mendapatkan informasi


Usefulness :

No Daftar Pertanyaan Sangat Tidak Netral Setuju Sangat

tidak Setuju Setuju
1 Menggunakan produk ini sangat 1 2 3 4 5

2 Menggunakan produk ini dapat 1 2 3 4 5

menyimpan waktu saya untuk hal

yang lainnya (Effisien)
3 Menggunakan produk ini 1 2 3 4 5

meningkatkan dalam mendapatkan

layanan dan informasi.

Enjoyment :

No Daftar Pertanyaan Sangat Tidak Netral Setuju Sangat

tidak Setuju Setuju
1 Produk ini adalah mengagumkan 1 2 3 4 5

2 Produk ini merangsang 1 2 3 4 5

keingintahuan saya
3 Menarik untuk menggunakan 1 2 3 4 5

Produk ini
4 Proses dalam menggunakan Produk 1 2 3 4 5

ini menyenangkan.

Risk :

No Daftar Pertanyaan Sangat Tidak Netral Setuju Sangat

tidak Setuju Setuju
1 Menggunakan produk ini saya 1 2 3 4 5

merasa tidak nyaman secara

2 Menggunakan produk ini memberi 1 2 3 4 5

saya perasaan cemas yang tidak

3 Menggunakan produk ini 1 2 3 4 5

menyebabkan saya mengalami

ketegangan yang tidak perlu

Attitude to Use :

No Daftar Pertanyaan Sangat Tidak Netral Setuju Sangat

tidak Setuju Setuju
1 Menggunakan produk ini adalah 1 2 3 4 5

good idea
2 Menggunakan produk ini adalah 1 2 3 4 5

menguntungkan bagi saya

3 Menggunakan produk ini adalah ide 1 2 3 4 5

yang positif

Continuance to Use :

No Daftar Pertanyaan Sangat Tidak Netral Setuju Sangat

tidak Setuju Setuju
1 Saya akan menggunakan produk ini 1 2 3 4 5

di masa depan
2 Saya akan menggunakan produk 1 2 3 4 5

3 Saya sangat menyarankan orang lain 1 2 3 4 5

untuk menggunakan produk ini


Lampiran 2. Hasil Uji Validitas

Validitas : Perceived System Quality

Factor Analysis
KMO a nd Bartlett's Te st
Kaiser-Mey er-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Adequacy. .764

Bartlet t's Test of Approx . Chi-Square 573.775

Sphericity df 3
Sig. .000

Anti-image Matrices


Anti-image Covariance SIS1 .299 -.121 -.128
SIS2 -.121 .287 -.135
SIS3 -.128 -.135 .279
Anti-image Correlation SIS1 .776a -.413 -.442
SIS2 -.413 .763a -.477
SIS3 -.442 -.477 .753a
a. Measures of Sampling Adequacy(MSA)


Initial Extraction
SIS1 1.000 .861
SIS2 1.000 .867
SIS3 1.000 .872
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Total Variance Expla ine d

Initial Eigenvalues Ex trac tion Sums of Squared Loadings

Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 2.600 86.673 86.673 2.600 86.673 86.673
2 .209 6.972 93.645
3 .191 6.355 100.000
Ex trac tion Method: Principal Component Analy sis .
Co mp one nt M a tri x

Co mpo nen t
SIS1 .92 8
SIS2 .93 1
SIS3 .93 4
Ex trac tion Met hod: Pri ncip al Co mp onen t An alys is.
a. 1 c om pone nts extracte d.

Validitas : Perceived Content Quality


Factor Analysis
KMO a nd Bartlett's Te st
Kaiser-Mey er-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Adequacy. .755

Bartlet t's Test of Approx . Chi-Square 505.194

Sphericity df 3
Sig. .000

Anti-image Matrices


Anti-image Covariance CONT1 .322 -.162 -.129
CONT2 -.162 .312 -.138
CONT3 -.129 -.138 .362
Anti-image Correlation CONT1 .746a -.511 -.380
CONT2 -.511 .737a -.410
CONT3 -.380 -.410 .785a
a. Measures of Sampling Adequacy(MSA)


Initial Extraction
CONT1 1.000 .850
CONT2 1.000 .856
CONT3 1.000 .828
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Total Variance Expla ine d

Initial Eigenvalues Ex trac tion Sums of Squared Loadings

Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 2.534 84.481 84.481 2.534 84.481 84.481
2 .256 8.540 93.021
3 .209 6.979 100.000
Ex trac tion Method: Principal Component Analy sis .

Component Matrixa

CONT1 .922
CONT2 .925
CONT3 .910
Extraction Method: Principal Com ponent Analysis.
a. 1 components extracted.

Validitas : Customization

Factor Analysis
KMO a nd Bartlett's Te st
Kaiser-Mey er-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Adequacy. .743

Bartlet t's Test of Approx . Chi-Square 472.834

Sphericity df 3
Sig. .000

Anti-image Matrices


Anti-image Covariance CUST1 .324 -.185 -.124
CUST2 -.185 .317 -.133
CUST3 -.124 -.133 .423
Anti-image Correlation CUST1 .720a -.578 -.335
CUST2 -.578 .713a -.363
CUST3 -.335 -.363 .810a
a. Measures of Sampling Adequacy(MSA)


Initial Extraction
CUST1 1.000 .847
CUST2 1.000 .853
CUST3 1.000 .792
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Total Variance Expla ine d

Initial Eigenvalues Ex trac tion Sums of Squared Loadings

Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 2.492 83.054 83.054 2.492 83.054 83.054
2 .305 10.176 93.230
3 .203 6.770 100.000
Ex trac tion Method: Principal Component Analy sis .

Component Matrixa

CUST1 .920
CUST2 .923
CUST3 .890
Extraction Method: Principal Com ponent Analysis.
a. 1 components extracted.

Validitas : Perceived Price Level

Factor Analysis

KMO a nd Bartlett's Te st
Kaiser-Mey er-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Adequacy. .775

Bartlet t's Test of Approx . Chi-Square 822.102

Sphericity df 3
Sig. .000

Anti-image Matrices


Anti-image Covariance PRIC1 .175 -.091 -.066
PRIC2 -.091 .153 -.084
PRIC3 -.066 -.084 .194
Anti-image Correlation PRIC1 .779a -.558 -.356
PRIC2 -.558 .743a -.485
PRIC3 -.356 -.485 .808a
a. Measures of Sampling Adequacy(MSA)


Initial Extraction
PRIC1 1.000 .919
PRIC2 1.000 .931
PRIC3 1.000 .910
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Total Variance Expla ine d

Initial Eigenvalues Ex trac tion Sums of Squared Loadings

Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 2.760 92.000 92.000 2.760 92.000 92.000
2 .138 4.590 96.590
3 .102 3.410 100.000
Ex trac tion Method: Principal Component Analy sis .

Component Matrixa

PRIC1 .959
PRIC2 .965
PRIC3 .954
Extraction Method: Principal Com ponent Analysis.
a. 1 components extracted.

Validitas : Perceived Ease of Use

Factor Analysis

KMO a nd Bartlett's Te st
Kaiser-Mey er-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Adequacy. .851

Bartlet t's Test of Approx . Chi-Square 753.949

Sphericity df 6
Sig. .000

Anti-image Matrices


Anti-image Covariance EU1 .287 -.103 -.102 -.099
EU2 -.103 .272 -.082 -.122
EU3 -.102 -.082 .439 -.045
EU4 -.099 -.122 -.045 .309
Anti-image Correlation EU1 .841a -.367 -.287 -.332
EU2 -.367 .827a -.239 -.420
EU3 -.287 -.239 .903a -.123
EU4 -.332 -.420 -.123 .847a
a. Measures of Sampling Adequacy(MSA)

Comm una litie s

Initial Ex trac tion

EU1 1.000 .838
EU2 1.000 .845
EU3 1.000 .725
EU4 1.000 .813
Ex trac tion Met hod: Principal Component Analys is.

Total Variance Expla ine d

Initial Eigenvalues Ex trac tion Sums of Squared Loadings

Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 3.221 80.514 80.514 3.221 80.514 80.514
2 .362 9.039 89.553
3 .220 5.497 95.051
4 .198 4.949 100.000
Ex trac tion Method: Principal Component Analy sis .
Component Ma trixa

Co mpo ne
EU 1 .91 5
EU 2 .91 9
EU 3 .85 2
EU 4 .90 2
Extraction Metho d: Principal C om pon ent Analysis.
a. 1 comp one nts e xtra cted .

Validitas : Perceived Usefulness

Factor Analysis

KMO a nd Bartlett's Te st
Kaiser-Mey er-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Adequacy. .683

Bartlet t's Test of Approx . Chi-Square 202.778

Sphericity df 3
Sig. .000

Anti-image Matrices


Anti-image Covariance USE1 .611 -.280 -.145
USE2 -.280 .570 -.212
USE3 -.145 -.212 .698
Anti-image Correlation USE1 .675a -.474 -.222
USE2 -.474 .648a -.337
USE3 -.222 -.337 .746a
a. Measures of Sampling Adequacy(MSA)


Initial Extraction
USE1 1.000 .694
USE2 1.000 .738
USE3 1.000 .618
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Total Variance Expla ine d

Initial Eigenvalues Ex trac tion Sums of Squared Loadings

Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 2.051 68.366 68.366 2.051 68.366 68.366
2 .554 18.462 86.828
3 .395 13.172 100.000
Ex trac tion Method: Principal Component Analy sis .

Component Matrixa

USE1 .833
USE2 .859
USE3 .786
Extraction Method: Principal Com ponent Analysis.
a. 1 components extracted.

Validitas : Perceived Enjoyment

Factor Analysis

KMO a nd Bartlett's Te st
Kaiser-Mey er-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Adequacy. .847

Bartlet t's Test of Approx . Chi-Square 687.267

Sphericity df 6
Sig. .000

Anti-image Matrices


Anti-image Covariance ENJ1 .379 -.092 -.139 -.062
ENJ2 -.092 .325 -.101 -.141
ENJ3 -.139 -.101 .333 -.087
ENJ4 -.062 -.141 -.087 .381
Anti-image Correlation ENJ1 .859a -.262 -.391 -.163
ENJ2 -.262 .834a -.308 -.400
ENJ3 -.391 -.308 .839a -.245
ENJ4 -.163 -.400 -.245 .859a
a. Measures of Sampling Adequacy(MSA)

Comm una litie s

Initial Ex trac tion

ENJ1 1.000 .772
ENJ2 1.000 .815
ENJ3 1.000 .809
ENJ4 1.000 .769
Ex trac tion Met hod: Principal Component Analys is.

Total Variance Expla ine d

Ini tial E igenval ues Ex trac tion Sums of Squared Loadi ngs
Component Total % of V ariance Cumul ative % Total % of V ariance Cumul ative %
1 3.163 79.086 79.086 3.163 79.086 79.086
2 .344 8.596 87.682
3 .251 6.287 93.968
4 .241 6.032 100.000
Ex trac tion Method: Principal Component A naly sis .

Component Ma trixa

Co mpo ne
EN J1 .87 8
EN J2 .90 3
EN J3 .89 9
EN J4 .87 7
Extraction Metho d: Principal C om pon ent Analysis.
a. 1 comp one nts e xtra cted .

Validitas : Perceived Risk

Factor Analysis

KMO a nd Bartlett's Te st
Kaiser-Mey er-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Adequacy. .740

Bartlet t's Test of Approx . Chi-Square 410.116

Sphericity df 3
Sig. .000

Anti-image Matrices


Anti-image Covariance RISK1 .367 -.196 -.168
RISK2 -.196 .399 -.134
RISK3 -.168 -.134 .446
Anti-image Correlation RISK1 .709a -.511 -.416
RISK2 -.511 .737a -.318
RISK3 -.416 -.318 .779a
a. Measures of Sampling Adequacy(MSA)


Initial Extraction
RISK1 1.000 .832
RISK2 1.000 .810
RISK3 1.000 .781
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Total Variance Expla ine d

Initial Eigenvalues Ex trac tion Sums of Squared Loadings

Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 2.423 80.770 80.770 2.423 80.770 80.770
2 .328 10.917 91.687
3 .249 8.313 100.000
Ex trac tion Method: Principal Component Analy sis .

Component Matrixa

RISK1 .912
RISK2 .900
RISK3 .884
Extraction Method: Principal Com ponent Analysis.
a. 1 components extracted.

Validitas : Attitude to use

Factor Analysis

KMO a nd Bartlett's Te st
Kaiser-Mey er-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Adequacy. .759

Bartlet t's Test of Approx . Chi-Square 556.566

Sphericity df 3
Sig. .000

Anti-image Matrices


Anti-image Covariance AU1 .317 -.139 -.109
AU2 -.139 .271 -.144
AU3 -.109 -.144 .307
Anti-image Correlation AU1 .780a -.473 -.350
AU2 -.473 .731a -.499
AU3 -.350 -.499 .769a
a. Measures of Sampling Adequacy(MSA)


Initial Extraction
AU1 1.000 .850
AU2 1.000 .877
AU3 1.000 .856
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Total Variance Expla ine d

Initial Eigenvalues Ex trac tion Sums of Squared Loadings

Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 2.583 86.097 86.097 2.583 86.097 86.097
2 .232 7.717 93.813
3 .186 6.187 100.000
Ex trac tion Method: Principal Component Analy sis .

Component Matrixa

AU1 .922
AU2 .937
AU3 .925
Extraction Method: Principal Com ponent Analysis.
a. 1 components extracted.

Validitas : Continuance intention to use

Factor Analisys

KMO a nd Bartlett's Te st
Kaiser-Mey er-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Adequacy. .762

Bartlet t's Test of Approx . Chi-Square 601.840

Sphericity df 3
Sig. .000

Anti-image Matrices


Anti-image Covariance CU1 .246 -.139 -.119
CU2 -.139 .264 -.102
CU3 -.119 -.102 .306
Anti-image Correlation CU1 .734a -.547 -.433
CU2 -.547 .755a -.359
CU3 -.433 -.359 .801a
a. Measures of Sampling Adequacy(MSA)


Initial Extraction
CU1 1.000 .888
CU2 1.000 .877
CU3 1.000 .855
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Total Variance Expla ine d

Initial Eigenvalues Ex trac tion Sums of Squared Loadings

Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 2.620 87.329 87.329 2.620 87.329 87.329
2 .217 7.219 94.548
3 .164 5.452 100.000
Ex trac tion Method: Principal Component Analy sis .

Component Matrixa

CU1 .942
CU2 .936
CU3 .925
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
a. 1 components extracted.

Lampiran 3. Hasil Uji Reliabilitas


Reliabilitas : Perceived System Quality

Ca se Processing Sum ma ry

N %
Cases Valid 256 100.0
Ex cludeda 0 .0
Total 256 100.0
a. Lis twis e deletion based on all
variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
.923 3

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

SIS1 3.66 1.009 256
SIS2 3.62 1.100 256
SIS3 3.62 1.056 256

Ite m-Tota l Statistics

Sc ale Correc ted Cronbach's

Sc ale Mean if Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Item Delet ed Item Delet ed Correlation Deleted
SIS1 7.23 4.204 .837 .894
SIS2 7.27 3.839 .844 .888
SIS3 7.27 3.988 .849 .882

Scale Sta tistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

10.89 8.686 2.947 3

Reliabilitas : Perceived Content Quality


Ca se Processing Sum ma ry

N %
Cases Valid 256 100.0
Ex cludeda 0 .0
Total 256 100.0
a. Lis twis e deletion based on all
variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
.908 3

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

CONT1 3.83 1.026 256
CONT2 3.67 1.052 256
CONT3 3.76 1.030 256

Ite m-Tota l Sta tistics

Sc ale Correc ted Cronbach's

Sc ale Mean if Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Item Delet ed Item Delet ed Correlation Deleted
CONT1 7.43 3.815 .822 .863
CONT2 7.59 3.702 .828 .858
CONT3 7.50 3.867 .799 .883

Scale Sta tistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

11.26 8.163 2.857 3

Reliabilitas : Customization

Ca se Processing Sum ma ry

N %
Cases Valid 256 100.0
Ex cludeda 0 .0
Total 256 100.0
a. Lis twis e deletion based on all
variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
.897 3

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

CUST1 3.79 .996 256
CUST2 3.75 1.038 256
CUST3 3.50 1.059 256

Ite m-Tota l Sta tistics

Sc ale Correc ted Cronbach's

Sc ale Mean if Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Item Delet ed Item Delet ed Correlation Deleted
CUST1 7.25 3.788 .814 .840
CUST2 7.29 3.626 .819 .834
CUST3 7.53 3.717 .760 .886

Scale Sta tistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

11.04 7.940 2.818 3

Reliabilitas : Perceived Price Level


Ca se Processing Sum ma ry

N %
Cases Valid 256 100.0
Ex cludeda 0 .0
Total 256 100.0
a. Lis twis e deletion based on all
variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
.956 3

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

PRIC1 3.57 1.235 256
PRIC2 3.54 1.268 256
PRIC3 3.61 1.263 256

Ite m-Tota l Statistics

Sc ale Correc ted Cronbach's

Sc ale Mean if Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Item Delet ed Item Delet ed Correlation Deleted
PRIC1 7.15 6.025 .906 .937
PRIC2 7.18 5.813 .920 .927
PRIC3 7.11 5.930 .897 .944

Scale Sta tistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

10.72 13.042 3.611 3

Reliabilitas : Perceived Ease of Use


Ca se Processing Sum ma ry

N %
Cases Valid 256 100.0
Ex cludeda 0 .0
Total 256 100.0
a. Lis twis e deletion based on all
variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
.919 4

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

EU1 3.28 1.203 256
EU2 3.21 1.122 256
EU3 3.08 1.114 256
EU4 3.13 1.183 256

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Corrected Cronbach's

Scale Mean if Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Item Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Deleted
EU1 9.42 9.508 .842 .885
EU2 9.48 9.937 .849 .883
EU3 9.62 10.566 .746 .917
EU4 9.57 9.752 .820 .893

Scale Sta tistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

12.70 17.207 4.148 4

Reliabilitas : Perceived Usefulness


Ca se Processing Sum ma ry

N %
Cases Valid 256 100.0
Ex cludeda 0 .0
Total 256 100.0
a. Lis twis e deletion based on all
variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
.761 3

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

USE1 3.59 .966 256
USE2 3.70 .936 256
USE3 3.49 1.134 256

Ite m-Tota l Statistics

Sc ale Correc ted Cronbach's

Sc ale Mean if Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Item Delet ed Item Delet ed Correlation Deleted
USE1 7.20 3.256 .600 .672
USE2 7.08 3.229 .646 .625
USE3 7.29 2.890 .545 .748

Scale Sta tistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

10.79 6.279 2.506 3

Reliabilitas : Perceived Enjoyment


Ca se Processing Sum ma ry

N %
Cases Valid 256 100.0
Ex cludeda 0 .0
Total 256 100.0
a. Lis twis e deletion based on all
variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
.911 4

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

ENJ1 3.71 1.100 256
ENJ2 3.73 1.082 256
ENJ3 3.62 1.049 256
ENJ4 3.49 1.131 256

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Corrected Cronbach's

Scale Mean if Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Item Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Deleted
ENJ1 10.84 8.742 .781 .891
ENJ2 10.82 8.645 .820 .877
ENJ3 10.93 8.850 .815 .880
ENJ4 11.06 8.589 .780 .892

Scale Sta tistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

14.55 15.033 3.877 4

Reliabilitas : Perceived Risk


Ca se Processing Sum ma ry

N %
Cases Valid 256 100.0
Ex cludeda 0 .0
Total 256 100.0
a. Lis twis e deletion based on all
variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
.880 3

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

RISK1 3.78 1.005 256
RISK2 3.84 .974 256
RISK3 3.57 1.056 256

Ite m-Tota l Statistics

Sc ale Correc ted Cronbach's

Sc ale Mean if Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Item Delet ed Item Delet ed Correlation Deleted
RISK1 7.42 3.460 .794 .807
RISK2 7.36 3.634 .770 .829
RISK3 7.63 3.420 .743 .854

Scale Sta tistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

11.20 7.439 2.727 3

Reliabilitas : Perceived Attitude to Use


Ca se Processing Sum ma ry

N %
Cases Valid 256 100.0
Ex cludeda 0 .0
Total 256 100.0
a. Lis twis e deletion based on all
variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
.919 3

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

AU1 3.68 1.088 256
AU2 3.74 1.053 256
AU3 3.74 1.057 256

Ite m-Tota l Statistics

Sc ale Correc ted Cronbach's

Sc ale Mean if Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Item Delet ed Item Delet ed Correlation Deleted
AU1 7.48 4.023 .825 .893
AU2 7.42 4.072 .853 .869
AU3 7.42 4.127 .830 .888

Scale Sta tistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

11.16 8.810 2.968 3

Reliabilitas : Continuance Intention to use


Ca se Processing Sum ma ry

N %
Cases Valid 256 100.0
Ex cludeda 0 .0
Total 256 100.0
a. Lis twis e deletion based on all
variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
.926 3

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

CU1 3.67 1.026 256
CU2 3.60 1.036 256
CU3 3.63 .920 256

Ite m-Tota l Statistics

Sc ale Correc ted Cronbach's

Sc ale Mean if Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Item Delet ed Item Delet ed Correlation Deleted
CU1 7.23 3.423 .868 .879
CU2 7.30 3.419 .856 .889
CU3 7.27 3.900 .833 .910

Scale Sta tistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

10.90 7.770 2.787 3

Lampiran 3. Hasil Uji Regresi


Default model (Default model)
Notes for Model (Default model)
Computation of degrees of freedom (Default model)

Number of distinct sample moments: 528

Number of distinct parameters to be estimated: 90
Degrees of freedom (528 - 90): 438
Result (Default model)
Minimum was achieved
Chi-square = 483.574
Degrees of freedom = 438
Probability level = .065
Group number 1 (Group number 1 - Default model)
Estimates (Group number 1 - Default model)
Scalar Estimates (Group number 1 - Default model)
Maximum Likelihood Estimates
Regression Weights: (Group number 1 - Default model)

Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label

Perceive_Ease of Use <--- Perceive_System Quality .178 .080 2.212 .027
Perceived_Usefulness <--- Perceive_Ease of Use .205 .049 4.151 ***
Attitude to Use <--- Perceived_Usefulness .136 .062 2.173 .030
Attitude to Use <--- Perceive_Ease of Use .089 .039 2.303 .021
Attitude to Use <--- Perceive_Content Quality .381 .081 4.712 ***
Attitude to Use <--- Perceive_System Quality .353 .107 3.308 ***
Attitude to Use <--- Perceived_Enjoyment .099 .045 2.216 .027
Attitude to Use <--- Customization .177 .089 1.980 .048
Attitude to Use <--- Perceived_Price Level -.042 .036 -1.143 .253
Attitude to Use <--- Perceived Risk -.144 .047 -3.077 .002
<--- Attitude to Use .572 .054 10.590 ***
to Use
USE1 <--- Perceived_Usefulness 1.000

SIS1 <--- Perceive_System Quality 1.000

USE3 <--- Perceived_Usefulness 1.007 .118 8.541 ***
SIS3 <--- Perceive_System Quality 1.074 .052 20.687 ***
SIS2 <--- Perceive_System Quality 1.119 .054 20.734 ***
AU3 <--- Attitude to Use 1.018 .053 19.125 ***
AU2 <--- Attitude to Use 1.017 .053 19.194 ***
AU1 <--- Attitude to Use 1.000
CU2 <--- Continuance_Intention to Use 1.169 .057 20.447 ***
CU1 <--- Continuance_Intention to Use 1.170 .056 20.790 ***
CU3 <--- Continuance_Intention to Use 1.000
EU1 <--- Perceive_Ease of Use 1.000
EU3 <--- Perceive_Ease of Use .811 .052 15.694 ***
EU2 <--- Perceive_Ease of Use .950 .046 20.685 ***
EU4 <--- Perceive_Ease of Use .965 .050 19.338 ***
CONT1 <--- Perceive_Content Quality 1.000
ENJ2 <--- Perceived_Enjoyment 1.031 .062 16.700 ***
ENJ1 <--- Perceived_Enjoyment 1.000
ENJ3 <--- Perceived_Enjoyment .998 .060 16.667 ***
ENJ4 <--- Perceived_Enjoyment 1.025 .066 15.539 ***
USE2 <--- Perceived_Usefulness 1.074 .118 9.089 ***
CONT2 <--- Perceive_Content Quality 1.036 .053 19.453 ***
CONT3 <--- Perceive_Content Quality .982 .053 18.386 ***
CUST1 <--- Customization 1.000
CUST2 <--- Customization 1.062 .053 19.982 ***
CUST3 <--- Customization .965 .059 16.357 ***
PRIC1 <--- Perceived_Price Level 1.000
PRIC2 <--- Perceived_Price Level 1.050 .035 30.413 ***

PRIC3 <--- Perceived_Price Level 1.008 .037 27.076 ***

RISK1 <--- Perceived Risk 1.000
RISK2 <--- Perceived Risk .919 .059 15.675 ***
RISK3 <--- Perceived Risk .954 .064 14.967 ***
Standardized Regression Weights: (Group number 1 - Default model)

Perceive_Ease of Use <--- Perceive_System Quality .148
Perceived_Usefulness <--- Perceive_Ease of Use .308
Attitude to Use <--- Perceived_Usefulness .104
Attitude to Use <--- Perceive_Ease of Use .103
Attitude to Use <--- Perceive_Content Quality .372
Attitude to Use <--- Perceive_System Quality .338
Attitude to Use <--- Perceived_Enjoyment .098
Attitude to Use <--- Customization .169
Attitude to Use <--- Perceived_Price Level -.052
Attitude to Use <--- Perceived Risk -.138
Continuance_Intention to Use <--- Attitude to Use .659
USE1 <--- Perceived_Usefulness .735
SIS1 <--- Perceive_System Quality .879
USE3 <--- Perceived_Usefulness .630
SIS3 <--- Perceive_System Quality .901
SIS2 <--- Perceive_System Quality .902
AU3 <--- Attitude to Use .897
AU2 <--- Attitude to Use .899
AU1 <--- Attitude to Use .855
CU2 <--- Continuance_Intention to Use .908
CU1 <--- Continuance_Intention to Use .917

CU3 <--- Continuance_Intention to Use .874

EU1 <--- Perceive_Ease of Use .887
EU3 <--- Perceive_Ease of Use .778
EU2 <--- Perceive_Ease of Use .904
EU4 <--- Perceive_Ease of Use .872
CONT1 <--- Perceive_Content Quality .880
ENJ2 <--- Perceived_Enjoyment .870
ENJ1 <--- Perceived_Enjoyment .830
ENJ3 <--- Perceived_Enjoyment .869
ENJ4 <--- Perceived_Enjoyment .828
USE2 <--- Perceived_Usefulness .814
CONT2 <--- Perceive_Content Quality .889
CONT3 <--- Perceive_Content Quality .861
CUST1 <--- Customization .885
CUST2 <--- Customization .903
CUST3 <--- Customization .803
PRIC1 <--- Perceived_Price Level .935
PRIC2 <--- Perceived_Price Level .956
PRIC3 <--- Perceived_Price Level .922
RISK1 <--- Perceived Risk .886
RISK2 <--- Perceived Risk .840
RISK3 <--- Perceived Risk .804

Covariances: (Group number 1 - Default model)

Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label

Perceive_Content Quality <--> Perceived_Enjoyment .011 .056 .188 .851
Perceive_System Quality <--> Perceived_Enjoyment .030 .055 .542 .588

Perceive_System Quality <--> Perceive_Content Quality .626 .072 8.661 ***

Perceived_Enjoyment <--> Perceived Risk .223 .059 3.773 ***
Perceived_Enjoyment <--> Perceived_Price Level .023 .070 .323 .747
Perceived_Enjoyment <--> Customization -.028 .055 -.508 .611
Perceived_Price Level <--> Perceived Risk -.113 .070 -1.607 .108
Customization <--> Perceived Risk -.027 .055 -.501 .617
Perceive_Content Quality <--> Perceived Risk -.036 .056 -.640 .522
Perceive_System Quality <--> Perceived Risk -.021 .054 -.391 .696
Customization <--> Perceived_Price Level .295 .071 4.142 ***
Perceive_Content Quality <--> Perceived_Price Level .359 .074 4.829 ***
Perceive_System Quality <--> Perceived_Price Level .415 .074 5.588 ***
Perceive_Content Quality <--> Customization .567 .069 8.175 ***
Perceive_System Quality <--> Customization .633 .072 8.844 ***

Correlations: (Group number 1 - Default model)

Perceive_Content Quality <--> Perceived_Enjoyment .013
Perceive_System Quality <--> Perceived_Enjoyment .037
Perceive_System Quality <--> Perceive_Content Quality .785
Perceived_Enjoyment <--> Perceived Risk .275
Perceived_Enjoyment <--> Perceived_Price Level .022
Perceived_Enjoyment <--> Customization -.035
Perceived_Price Level <--> Perceived Risk -.110
Customization <--> Perceived Risk -.035
Perceive_Content Quality <--> Perceived Risk -.045
Perceive_System Quality <--> Perceived Risk -.027
Customization <--> Perceived_Price Level .291

Perceive_Content Quality <--> Perceived_Price Level .346

Perceive_System Quality <--> Perceived_Price Level .407
Perceive_Content Quality <--> Customization .715
Perceive_System Quality <--> Customization .813

Variances: (Group number 1 - Default model)

Estimate S.E. C.R. PLabel

Perceive_System Quality .783 .089 8.786 ***
Perceive_Content Quality .811 .093 8.726 ***
Perceived_Enjoyment .830 .105 7.923 ***
Customization .774 .088 8.786 ***
Perceived_Price Level 1.329 .135 9.858 ***
Perceived Risk .791 .093 8.474 ***
ee2 1.111 .125 8.859 ***
ee1 .454 .079 5.740 ***
ee3 .239 .035 6.882 ***
ee4 .362 .045 8.069 ***
e2 .294 .059 4.997 ***
e1 .428 .060 7.155 ***
e3 .773 .084 9.201 ***
e27 .314 .035 9.004 ***
e29 .215 .028 7.780 ***
e28 .210 .027 7.705 ***
e9 .224 .028 7.862 ***
e8 .231 .027 8.666 ***
e10 .208 .026 7.903 ***
e33 .198 .023 8.458 ***

e30 .166 .025 6.562 ***

e31 .187 .026 7.076 ***
e5 .230 .032 7.161 ***
e4 .307 .039 7.852 ***
e6 .488 .049 9.925 ***
e7 .335 .040 8.382 ***
e12 .232 .031 7.560 ***
e11 .237 .030 7.892 ***
e13 .274 .032 8.473 ***
e23 .375 .042 8.860 ***
e24 .283 .036 7.822 ***
e25 .268 .034 7.863 ***
e26 .401 .045 8.904 ***
e15 .199 .029 6.768 ***
e14 .215 .029 7.543 ***
e16 .396 .042 9.473 ***
e18 .136 .024 5.607 ***
e17 .190 .026 7.430 ***
e19 .238 .029 8.268 ***
e21 .277 .038 7.381 ***
e20 .216 .039 5.608 ***
e22 .392 .046 8.435 ***

Lampiiran. 4 Hasil Perhitungan Goodness of Fit Model (GFI Model)




Default model 90 483.574 438 .065 1.104

Saturated model 528 .000 0

Independence model 32 6960.929 496 .000 14.034



Default model .083 .897 .876 .744

Saturated model .000 1.000

Independence model .372 .221 .171 .208

Baseline Comparisons


Model Delta1 rho1 Delta2 rho2 CFI

Default model .931 .921 .993 .992 .993

Saturated model 1.000 1.000 1.000

Independence model .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

Parsimony-Adjusted Measures


Default model .883 .822 .877

Saturated model .000 .000 .000

Independence model 1.000 .000 .000



.43 ee1
e1 USE1 1
1 1.07 UJI MODEL
e2 USE2 Perceived Usef ulness
.77 1.01 Chi-Square = 483.574
e3 USE3
1.11 Probability = .065
.31 .20
1 ee2 CMIN/df = 1.104
e4 EU1
1.00 1 GFI = .897
e5 EU2 .95 AGFI =.876
.49 .81
1 Perceive Ease of Use
e6 EU3 .97 TLI = .992
1 CFI = .993
e7 EU4 .18
.14 RMSEA = .020
e8 SIS1 1.00 .78 RFI = .921
1 1.12
e9 SIS2 Perceive System Quality .09
.21 1.07
e10 SIS3
.24 .63
1 .35 .24 .36
e11 CONT1 1.00 .81
.23 ee3 ee4 .17
1 1.04 1
e12 CONT2 .63Content Quality 1 1 CU1 e30
.98 Perceive .38 1.17
.27 .19
1 .57 1.17 1
e13 CONT3 Attitude to Use Continuance Intention to Use CU2 e31
.22 .42 .20
1 .57 .18 1
e14 CUST1 1.00 1.02 1.02 CU3 e33
1.00 .77
1 1.06
e15 CUST2 -.02 Customization
.40 .97 -.04
1 AU1 AU2 AU3
e16 CUST3 1 1 1
.19 .03 -.04 .30
1 -.14
e17 PRIC1 e27 e28 e29
1.00 1.33
.31 .21 .21
1 1.05
e18 PRIC2
.24 1.01 .01 Perceived
-.03 Price Level
1 .10
e19 PRIC3
.22 -.11
1 -.03
e20 RISK1 1.00 .79
1 .92
e21 RISK2 Perceived Risk
.39 .95 .02
e22 RISK3
e23 ENJ1 .83
.28 1.00
1 1.03
e24 ENJ2 Perceived Enjoyment
.27 1.00
e25 ENJ3 1.02
e26 ENJ4

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