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22th – 26th February
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Dear Ms. Putri Juniavi Dini,

It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the Empowering Environment and Sustainable Ocean
Engineering conference hosted by Southest Asia Model United Nation. The conference will take
place from Friday February 22th to Thursday 26th 2019 at Sokha Phnom Penh Hall. In accordance with
your paper that has passed the selection, your Ministry of Foreign Affairs government will fully
support your activities during the conference.

The committee invites your team as delegates and submits your research paper at this international
event. As our chosen delegate we expect your team could involved demonstrated a dynamic and
pro-active attitude towards these activities so we can achieving brilliant result and expertise. All
experiences and results of this conference will be submitted to the person in charge of each country.

We encourage you to be able complete your personal team data and all information about this
event you could easyly email : or
Therefore, we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Sorya Nurbiyah
Excutive General Information
Kepada Yth :
Ibu Juniavi Dini
Delegasi Konferensi Southest Asia
Di Indonesia

Dalam rangka menindaklajuti hasil keputusan seleksi makalah tentang Teknologi

Kelautan Berkelanjutan pada tanggal 2 Januari 2019, bersama ini kami mengundang anda
hadir untuk menampilkan pemaparan hasil dari makalah anda dalam acara Empowering
Environment And Sustainable Ocean Engineering Conference pada tanggal 22 s/d 26
Februari 2019 di Sokha Phnom Penh Hall. Sehubung dengan hal tersebut, kami sampaikan
hal-hal sebagai berikut :
1. Seluruh biaya transportasi, akomodasi dan konsumsi menjadi tanggung jawab
2. Setiap delegasi membawa makalah/paparan dan surat undangan dari MUN Southest
3. Konfirmasi data peserta delegasi berupa Passpor, NPWP, dan KTP ke email selambat-lambatnya pada tanggal 15 Januari 2019.
4. Apabila peserta belum mempunyai data pada point ke tiga di harapkan konfirmasi
terlebih dahulu kepada panitia agar diberi cukup waktu lama untuk pembuatan data
5. Agenda kegiatan sesuai berkas telampir akan dilakukan kunjungan lapangan di
Negara Vietnam yaitu kota Ho Chi Minh.

Demikian kami sampaikan, atas perhatian dan kehadiran Saudara kami ucapkan

Phnom Penh, 8 Januari 2019

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