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Departemen Metalurgi & Materials

Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia

Lecture - 05

Proses Pengelasan Lainnya

1. Las Oksi-asetilen (Oxy-Acetylene Welding )
2. Las Termit (Thermit Welding)
3. Las Sinar Elektron (Electron Beam Welding)
4. Las Sinar Laser (Laser Beam Welding)
5. Las Bawah Laut (Underwater Welding)

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 1

Lecture - 05

1. Oxy-Acetylene Welding

Pengelasan dengan gas dilakukan dengan membakar bahan

bakar gas dengan oksigen sehingga menimbulkan nyala api
(flame) dengan suhu (sekitar 3000°C) yang dapat
mencairkan logam induk dan logam pengisi.

Api las atau nyala api pada las oksi-asetilen merupakan hasil
reaksi kimia sebagai berikut :

Tahap 1 (blue reducing zone) : C2 H2 + O2 === 2 CO + H2

Tahap 2 (pink envelope) : CO + H2 + O2 === CO2 + H2 O

Lecture - 05

Process OAW

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 2

Lecture - 05

1. Oxy-Acetylene Welding
Peralatannya :
Tabung Gas Oksigen & asetilen,
Pressure regulator,
Torch & Hoses.

Aplikasi: umumnya untuk reparasi

Plat Baja,
Besi Cor
Cu, Al dan Ni

Jenis Nyala (Flame) :

1. Nyala Netral (untuk welding)
2. Nyala Oksidasi (untuk las brazing)
3. Nyala Karburisasi (untuk flame hardening)

Lecture - 05

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 3

Lecture - 05

Torch of OAW

Lecture - 05
Types of Flame

Neutral Flame

Oxidizing Flame

Carburizing Flame

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 4

Lecture - 05

Flame Temperature

Lecture - 05

1. Oxy-Acetylene Welding
Fluks yang digunakan Borat atau campuran Klorida & Fluorida

Keunggulan :
Peralatannya Sederhana,

Kelemahannya :
Masukan panas terbatas,
kecepatan las lambat,
distorsinya tinggi.

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 5

Lecture - 05

Flame vs Jenis Gas

Lecture - 05

2. Thermit Welding
Teknik ini merupakan proses pengelasan berdasarkan
reaksi eksotermik dimana sejumlah oksida oksida logam
direduksi dengan misalnya aluminium yang membebaskan
sejumlah panas yang dapat mencairkan logam yang akan

Reaksi kimia eksotermik sebagai berikut:

Fe 2 O3 + 2 Al -------- Al2 O3 + 2 Fe
termit terak besi cair

Aplikasi : untuk penyambungan rel kereta api, frame dan poros

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 6

Lecture - 05

Proses Penyambungan Rel KA

Lecture - 05

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 7

Lecture - 05

Jenis Logam yang Disambung

Lecture - 05

3. Electron Beam Welding

Electron beam welding (EBW) merupakan proses pengelasan
yang melibatkan pencairan karena adanya enersi yang
disuplai dari hasil tumbukan berkas sinar elektron yang
terfokus . Sinar ini kemudian dipercepat dalam vakum
hingga ~60% kecepatan cahaya sehingga sewaktu
menumbuk ke benda kerja akan terbebaskan ~99% energi
kintetiknya menjadi panas dan timbul pengelasan lokal

Ciri ciri penting dari peralatan las sinar elektron adalah

electron gun yang memproduksi elektron, focusing and
beam-control system dan working chamber.
Aplikasi : untuk penyambungan :
- Logam keras & TM tinggi (W, Mo, Nb, Ta)
- Logam reaktif (be, Ti, Zr)
- Yang membutuhkan kwalitas sambungan tinggi

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 8

Lecture - 05

Skematik Peralatan EBW

Lecture - 05

3. Electron Beam Welding

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 9

Lecture - 05

Electron Beam Welding

Lecture - 05

Heat Intensity

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 10

Lecture - 05

3. Electron Beam Welding

Keunggulan :
Penetrasinya dalam (rasio 1:20) & HAZ sempit
Distorsi kecil & hasil lasan bersih
Tidak ada kontaminasi
Prosesnya sangat cepat dan presisi
Energi (HI) yang diberikan relatif kecil

Kelemahannya :
Peralatannya mahal (perlu ruang vakum),
Benda kerja tergantung ukuran chamber
Rentan terhadap retak (kecepatan pembekuan tinggi)

Lecture - 05

4. Laser Beam Welding

Laser beam welding (LBW) merupakan proses pengelasan
yang menggunakan enersi radiasi elektromagnetik untuk
mencairkan bagian logam yang akan di sambung. Laser
kepanjangannya adalah Light Amplification by Stimulated
Emission of Radiation.

LBW umumnya menggunakan sistem solid state laser (ruby

laser dan Yttrium-aluminium-garnet (YAG-laser) dan gas
laser (CO2 laser).
Aplikasi :
1. Industri pesawat terbang untuk pengelasan komponen
komponen yang sangat kecil sekali dengan presisi tinggi serta
distorsi yang sekecil mungkin.
2. Industri otomotif untuk pengelasan gear cluster agar
distorsinya kecil.

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 11

Lecture - 05

Comparison of Weld Bead Size

FIGURE 12.11 Comparison of the size of weld beads in (a) electron-beam or

laser-beam welding with that in (b) conventional (tungsten-arc) welding.
Source: American Welding Society, Welding Handbook, 8th ed., 1991.

Lecture - 05
Prinsip Solid State Laser dan
Alat Las YAG Laser berdaya 300W

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 12

Lecture - 05
Prinsip Gas Laser dan
Alat Las Fast Flow Laser berdaya 2,5kW

Lecture - 05

Peralatan LBW

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 13

Lecture - 05

4. Laser Beam Welding

Keunggulan :
Masukan panasnya kecil
HAZ sempit dan distorsi kecil
Tidak memerlukan elektroda
Proses tanpa kontak, & tanpa ruang vakum
Tidak dipengaruhi oleh medan maknit

Kelemahannya :
Sambungan harus diposisikan secara akurat,
Perlu clamping yang baik
Ketebalan yang di las terbatas (maksimum 19 mm),
Rentan Retak (kecepatan pembekuannya tinggi)

Lecture - 05

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 14

Lecture - 05

Lecture - 05

5. Underwater Welding
Underwater welding can be divided into three main types:
1. Wet underwater welding, where manual metal arc welding
(MMA) is the most common process. Flux-cored arc welding
(FCAW) has been widely used

2. Coffer dam welding, which is carried out in the dry, in air,

where a rigid steel structure to house the welders is sealed
against the side of the structure to be welded, and is open to
the atmosphere.

3. Hyperbaric welding, in which a chamber is sealed around the

structure to be welded, and is filled with a gas (commonly
helium containing 0.5 bar of oxygen) at the prevailing

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 15

Lecture - 05

Skematik Underwater Welding

Lecture - 05

Application & Benefit

l Aplication: to repair offshore structures in deeper
waters, fabricated from higher carbon equivalent steels.
In view of the high weld metal diffusible hydrogen
levels generated in wet underwater welding, there is a
risk of hydrogen-assisted cracking which increases with
increasing carbon equivalent. Underwater welders
perform installation and repairs on aging bridges,
pipelines, nuclear power plants, and vessels

l Benefits : Underwater welding provides a means of

assembly or repair underwater. Alternatives, which
include clamped and grouted repairs (which may
introduce unacceptably high loading on offshore
structures), and the use of bolted flanges for tie-ins, are
not necessarily always satisfactory.

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 16

Lecture - 05

Underwater Welding

Lecture - 05

Electroda for Underwater Welding

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 17

Lecture - 05

For the humans involved, the risks are of three main types.
l There is a potential risk to the welder/diver of electric
shock. Precautions include achieving adequate electrical
insulation of the welding equipment, shutting off the
electricity supply immediately the arc is extinguished,
and limiting the open-circuit voltage of MMA (SMA)
welding sets.
l Hydrogen and oxygen are produced by the arc in wet
welding and cutting. Precautions must be taken to aviod
the build-up of pockets of gas which are potentially
l The life or health of the welder/diver from nitrogen
introduced into the blood steam during exposure to air at
increased pressure.

Lecture - 05

Underwater Welding

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 18

Lecture - 05

l AWS D3.6 Standard and the qualifications generally

l "Welder-diver: A certified welder who is also a

commercial diver, capable of performing tasks
associated with commercial sub-sea work, weld setup
and preparation, and who has the ability to weld in
accordance with the AWS D3.6, Specification for
Underwater Welding Specification for Underwater
Welding (i.e., wet or dry), and other weld-related

Lecture - 05

l An experienced welder-diver must possess: commercial
diving skills (i.e., be familiar with the use of specialized
commercial diving equipment, have an understanding
of diving physiology, diving safety, rigging, the
underwater environment, communication, etc.); weld
setup and preparation skills (i.e., the ability to perform
tasks typically assigned to a fitter or rigger, such as
materials alignment and materials preparation including
beveling, stripping of concrete, fitting a steel patch or
repair plate, etc.,); and the ability to certify to a
required underwater weld procedure

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 19

Lecture - 05

l Underwater welding has historically been restricted in
its use by the very factor that makes it so unique - the
water. Water can cause underwater repairs to become
brittle. Hydrogen, a component within water, can
chemically react with newly welded material to create
a brittle weld, or can cause delayed cracking in the
welded area hours or days after repair. This limits the
longevity of the repair. Water also induces rapid
cooling of the area, causing detrimental
microstructures to form and brittleness to occur if the
weld is not properly treated after welding.

Lecture - 05

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 20

Lecture - 05

Lecture - 05

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 21

Lecture - 05

Lecture - 05

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 22

Lecture - 05

Lecture - 05

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 23

Lecture - 05

Lecture - 05

Dr. Ir. Winarto, M.Sc. 24

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