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Abstrak [Bahasa Indonesia, Bold, Italic, Times New Roman (TNR) 12, Justify (rata kiri
dan kaanan)]:Deskripsi dalam bahasa Indonesia, cetak miring, TNR 12, rata kanan kiri.
Deskripsi abstrak ini sama dengan abstrak berbahasa Inggris, dan terdiri dari 150-400 kata.

Kata Kunci (Indonesia, Cetak Tebal, TNR 12): (dalam bahasa Indonesia, cetak miring,
TNR 12, rata kanan-kiri) kata kunci pertama, kata kunci kedua, kata kunci ketiga, kata kunci
1 inch =
1 inch = keempat (tidak diperkenankan menggunakan kata penghubung ‘dan’ serta tidak diakhiri
2.54 cm dengan ‘tanda titik’) 2.54 cm

1. Pendahuluan (TNR 12, Bold)

(TNR 11, Justify) terdiri dari latar belakang, rumusan permasalahan dan tujuan penelitian.

Pastikan bahwa format penulisan yang digunakan bukan format thesis ataupun disertasi.

Note : Sub bab dapat ditambahkan sesuai kebutuhan

2.1. (TNR 11, Italic, Capitalize Each Word)

(TNR 11, Justify) Isikan tulisan sesuai sub bab yang diperlukan….

2.2. dst

Simposium Ilmiah Akuntansi I, IAI - KAPD Sumatera Utara, 2017 1

Judul singkat maksimal 8 kata

2. Kerangka Konseptual dan pengembangan Hipotesis (TNR 12, Bold, Capitalize

Each Word) (jika pendekatan riset memerlukan)

(TNR 11, Justify) Untuk menjelaskan kerangka konseptual yang menjadi rasionalisasi

pengembangan hipotesis dan pemilihan pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan..

H1. Hypothesis one. (Description: Italic, TNR 11, Justify)

H2. Hypothesis two. (Description: Italic, TNR 11, Justify)

H3. Hypothesis three. (Description: Italic, TNR 11, Justify)


2.1 (TNR 11, Italic, Capitalize Each Word)

(TNR 11, Justify) Isikan tulisan sesuai sub bab yang diperlukan….

2.2 dst

3. Metode Penelitian (TNR 12, Bold, Capitalize Each Word)

(TNR 11, Justify) menjelaskan pemilihan data dan pendekatan pengumpulan data,

pengukuran, operasional variable, dan metode analisis.

3.1 (TNR 11, Italic, Capitalize Each Word)

Tabel 1. (Jika ada table)

Judul: TNR 11, Justify

Isi: TNR 10, Justify

3.2 (TNR 11, Italic, Capitalize Each Word)

3.3 dst

4. Hasil (TNR 12, Bold, Capitalize Each Word)

(TNR 11, Justify) untuk menjelaskan temuan penelitian

4.1 (TNR 11, Italic, Capitalize Each Word)

4.2 (TNR 11, Italic, Capitalize Each Word)

Simposium Ilmiah Akuntansi I, IAI - KAPD Sumatera Utara, 2017 2

Judul singkat maksimal 8 kata

5. Kesimpulan, Implikasi dan Keterbatasan (TNR 12, Bold, Capitalize Each Word)

(TNR 11, Justify) untuk menyajikan meringkaskan temuan penelitian, implikasi dan saran

berdasarkan hasil penelitian.

5.1 (TNR 11, Italic, Capitalize Each Word)

TNR 11, Justify.

5.2 (TNR 11, Italic, Capitalize Each Word)

TNR 11, Justify.

5.3 dst

1. The article should be typed in double space. Direct citation more than three lines
should be typed at one spacing indented style.
2. The article should consist of no more than 8,500 words in Times New Roman fonts
(11-12 font size) or approximately 15-30 pages (A4 paper) include reference.
3. Top, bottom, left and right margin should be set to one inch.
4. All pages including tables, appendix and references should be labeled by page
5. Every table and picture should be numbered, titled and cited (if applicable).
6. Citations in the body of manuscript should confirm the following examples:
a. One citation resource with one author (Brownell, 1981).
b. One citation resource with two authors (Frucot and Shearon, 1991).
c. One citation resource with more than one author (Hotstede et al., 1990).
d. Two citation resources with different authors (Dunk, 1990; Mia, 1988).
e. Two citation resources with one author (Brownell, 1981, 1983).
f. Two citation resources with one author published in the same year
(Brownell, 1982a, 1982b).
g. Citation resource from an institution should be stated using the acronym of
the institution (FASB, 1994)

Reference (TNR 11, Bold)

TNR 10. Single Space. Only references cited in the paper that may be stated in this part and all cited references
should be stated here. Author should write write the reference using the following guidelines:
a. References should be listed in an alphabetical order of the author’s last name or the institution’s name.
b. References should be stated with the following order: author(s) name, publication year, title of the
paper or textbook, name of the journal or publisher and page number. Examples:

American Accounting Association, Committee on Concepts and Standards for External Financial Reports. 1977.
Statement on Accounting Theory and Theory Acceptance. Sarasota, FL: AAA.
Demski, J. S., and D. E. M. Sappington. 1989. Hierarchical structure and responsibility accounting, Journal of
Accounting Research 27 (Spring): 40-58.
Dye, R. B., and R. Magee. 1989. Contigent fees for audit firms. Working paper, Northwestern University,
Evansto, IL.
Indriantoro, N. 1993. The Effect of Participative Budgeting on Job Performance and Job Satisfaction with Locus
of Control and Cultural Dimensions as Moderating Variables. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of
Kentucky, Lexington.

Simposium Ilmiah Akuntansi I, IAI - KAPD Sumatera Utara, 2017 3

Judul singkat maksimal 8 kata

Naim, A. 1997. Analysis of The Use of Accounting Product Costs In Oligopolistic Pricing Decisions. Jurnal
Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia 12 (3): 43-50.

Porcano, T. M. 1984a. Distributive Justice and Tax Policy. The Accounting Review 59 (4): 619-636.

————————. 1984b. The Perceived Effects of Tax Policy on Corporate Investment Intentions. The
Journal of the American Taxation Association 6 (Fall): 7-19.

Pyndyk, R. S. and D. L. Rubinfield. 1987. Econometric Models & Economic Forecasts, 3rd ed. NY: McGraw-
Hill Publishing, Inc.

Appendix (TNR 11, Bold)

Contents: TNR 10

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