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Jerapan dan pelepasan P oleh tanah dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya adalah sifat-

sifat tanah. Untuk mengetahui sifat-sifat tanah yang berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan tanah dalam
menjerap dan melepaskan P, maka dilakukan analisis beberapa sifat kimia dan fisika tanah Andisol di
Merbabu Jawa tengah Indonesia.

The adsorption and release of P by soil can be influenced by several factors, one of which is the
properties of the soil. To find out the properties of soil that affect the ability of the soil to adsorb and
release P, then we analyzed some chemical and physical properties of Andisol soil in Merbabu Jawa
Tengah Indonesia.

1. pH NaF
bahwa pH NaF merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam menentukan sifat tanah di Andisol,
berdasarkan tabel dapat diketahui pH NaF tertinggi terdapat pada tanah Konvensional dengan input
bahan organik rendah pada kedalaman 20-40 cm dengan nilai 11.24 sedangkan yang terendah pada
sistem pertanian organik kedalaman 20-40 cm dengan nilai 10.80, pH NaF merupakan salah satu
penciri bahwa suatu tanah tergolong dalam tanah Andisol atau bukan, suatu tanah digolongkan
dalam tanah andisol apabila nilai pH > 9,4atau bersifat andik, , hal ini juga menandakan adanya
kandungan mineral amorf di dalam tanah Andisol.

NaF pH is one of the important factors in determining the soil properties in Andisol, based on the
table, it can be seen that the highest NaF pH is found in Conventional soil with low organic matter
input at a depth of 20-40 cm with a value of 11.24 while the lowest in organic farming systems is
20- 40 cm with a value of 10.80, NaF pH is one of the characteristics that a soil belongs to Andisol
soil or not, a soil is classified as andisol if the pH value> 9.4 or that is andic soil properties, this also
indicates an amorphous mineral content in the Andisol soil

pH H2O
Nilai pH H2O yang tertinggi terdapat pada sistem pertanian konvensional dengan input bahan
organik rendah dengan nilai 5,41 pada kedalaman 0-20 cm dan terendah 5,02 pada kedalaman 0-
The highest pH value of H2O is found in conventional agricultural systems with low input of
organic matter with a value of 5.41 at a depth of 0-20 cm and the lowest 5.02 at a depth of 0-20cm

2. CEC
Nilai CEC pada tanah andisol termasuk dalam kategori sedang dengan nilai tetinggi yaitu 24,3
cmol/kg di kedalaman 0-20 cm.

The CEC value of andisol soil is included in the medium category with a high value of 24.3 cmol /
kg at a depth of 0-20 cm.

3. Total P pada tanah andisol nilai tertinggi terdapat pada sistem pertanian organik dengan nilai
0,327 % berhubungan lurus dengan nilai KPK dan keberadaan C- Organik
The highest value of andisol soil is found in organic farming systems with a value of 0.327% which
is directly related to the value of CEC and the presence of C-Organic
4. BV nilai Bulk Density tertinggi terdapat pada tanah konvensional dengan input bahan organik
rendah, dan dapat dilihat rata-rata nilai bulk density menunjukkan ciri sifat andik pada tanah Andisol
the highest value of Bulk Density is found in conventional soils with low input of organic matter,
and it can be seen that the average bulk density value shows the characteristic of the soil of
Andisol Merbabu
5. Porosity Nilai porositas tertinggi terdapat pada tanah konvensional dengan input bahan organik
rendah dengan niali 52,53 dengan kategori
The highest porosity value is found in conventional soil with low organic material input with a
value of 52.53 with a category
6. Tekstur

7. Bahan Organik mengarah ke C- Organik

Bahan Organik yang tinggi dapat mengurangi fiksasi P, dengan cara mengikat Al dan Fe di Tanah
Andisoldan membentuk larutan kompleks dengan P. Dalam bentuk jerapan hara tanah, konsentrasi
dari sorbate (bahan terlarut) dihubungkan dengan sorbent (tanah) pada periode waktu tertentu
sehingga terjadi kesetimbangan antara sorbate dan sorbent, yang menyebabkan adanya hubungan
linier antara konsentrasi dalam larutan dan tanah (Anggia et al.,2009).

Nilai C-organik di tanah Andisol pada penelitian ini termasuk dalam kategori sedang dengan nilai
nilai tertinggi terdapat pada sistem pertanian organik pada kedalaman 0-20 cm dengan nilai 6,71 %,
hal ini terjadi karena di tanah Andisol terdapat banyak mineral Alofan yang membentuk senyawa
berupa humus- Alofan sehingga dapat memantapkan bahan organik terhadap dekomposisi mikroba.
Hal serupa dinyatakan oleh Sukarman & Dariah (2014) bahwa penbentukan alofan kompleks adalah
proses utama yang berperan untuk akumulasi karbon organik pada tanah Andisol di Jepang.

The value of organic C in Andisol soil in this study belongs to the medium category with the
highest value found in organic farming systems at a depth of 0-20 cm with a value of 6.71%, this
occurs because in Andisol soil there are many Alofan minerals that form compounds in the form of
humus-Alofan so that it can stabilize organic matter against microbial decomposition. The same
was stated by Sukarman & Dariah (2014) that the formation of complex allophane is the main
process that plays a role for the accumulation of organic carbon in Andisol soil in Japan

8. Ketersediaan P
Berdasarkan hasil histogram menunjukkan nilai P terseda yang sangat variatif dengan kategori tinggi
hingga rendah, nilai tertinggi terdapat pada sistem pertanian organik dengan nilai 18,29 ppm di
kedalaman 0-20 cm sedangakan nilai terendah pada sistem pertanian konvensional dengan input
bahan organik rendah dengan nilai 6,43 pada kedalaman 20-40cm. Ketersedian P ditanah Andisol
yang variatif dipengaruhi oleh adanya mineral Amorf berupa Alofan yang mampu menjerap P sangat
kuat , sehingga ketersediaan P yang ada di dalam larutan tanah dan dapat diserap oleh tanaman
hanya sedikit.

Based on the histogram results show that the P value is very varied with high to low categories,
the highest value is found in the organic farming system with a value of 18.29 ppm at a depth of 0-
20 cm while the lowest value in conventional farming systems with input of low organic matter
with a value of 6 , 43 at a depth of 20-40cm. The availability of P in the varied Andisol soil is
influenced by the presence of Amorphous minerals in the form of Alofan which is able to absorb P
very strongly, so that the availability of P is present in the soil solution and can be absorbed only
by plants.

9. P Adsorpsi
The result showed that the highest adsorption rate was found in organic farming systems at a
depth of 20-40 cm. (dicari bagian adsorption di O 20-40)
The lowest adsorption rate was found in conventional farming system with low input of organic
matter at a depth of 20-40 cm. (K2 20-40cm)
There is a relationship P in solution with adsorbed P, soil with an organic system has the ability to
adsorption with a higher value than P which is in solution and also presented by giving depth, this
is presumably because there is an addition of BO which causes higher adsorption.

Ada hubungan P dalam larutan dengan P teradsorpsi , tanah dengan sistem organik memiliki
kemampuan adsorpsi dengan nilai yang lebih tinggi dibanding P yang berada dalam larutan dan
disajikan juga dengan pemberian kedalaman, hal ini diduga karena ada penambahan BO yang
menyebabkan adsorpsi lbh tinggi.

Peningkatan ketersediaan P sebagai akibat pemberian bahan organik tersebut dapat terjadi
karena selama proses dekomposisi bahan organik menghasilkan asam-asam organik seperti
asam humat dan fulvat yang memegang peranan penting dalam pengikatan Al dan Fe
sehingga P menjadi tersedia (Hidayah Utami et al., 2000; Supriyadi 2002).

10. P Pelepasan
-We also found that soils of organic farming has higher rate of P release than conventional farming
systems with low input of organic matter
-in organic soils on the release axis and P in solution both have higher values. Because there is
absorption in labile carbon, humus is released easily, because it has weak bonds, so that in organic
soils it is easily adsorbed and released.
di tanah organik pada sumbu pelepasan dan P dalam larutan sama-sama memiliki nilai yang lebih
tinggi. Dikarenakan ada jerapan yang terdapat pada carbon labil, humus yang dilepaskan secara
mudah, karena memiliki ikatan yang lemah, sehingga di tanah organik mudah terjerap dan lepas.
The extent of desorption of P sorbed in soil depends on the chemical nature and
energy of the bonds between phosphate and soil components (Guppy et al., 2005;
Antelo et al., 2007). Characterizing P sorption and desorption in soils under different
management systems may be useful to develop effective fertilizer use strategies.

Menurut Budiasa (2014), perbedaan mendasar antara pengelolaan sistem

pertanian organik dan konvensional adalah cara penanganannya. Pertanian
konvensional lebih sering menargetkan pencapaian jangka pendek (misalnya
aplikasi pupuk cair atau herbisida). Pertanian organik mengutamakan ertimbangann
konsep ekologi menggunakan bahan-bahan organik. Dengan pemakaian bahan organik,
akan dapat mengurangi ketergantungan akan bahan dari luar karena bahan orgnaik
umumnya terdapat di lingkungan sekitar pertanian. Selain itu lingkungan hidup di
pertanian organik lebih bersih dan lebih sehat (Hutapea 2007).

According to Budiasa (2014), the basic difference between the management of organic and
conventional farming systems is how to handle them. Conventional agriculture more often
targets short-term achievements (eg application of liquid fertilizer or herbicides). Organic
farming prioritizes the consideration of ecological concepts using organic materials. With
the use of organic materials, it will reduce the dependence on materials from outside
because organic materials are generally found in the environment around agriculture. In
addition, the environment in organic farming is cleaner and healthier (Hutapea 2007).

Salah satu produk dari pertanian organik yang banyak dikembangkan yaitu berbagai
macam jenis sayuran. pembudidayaannya hanya digunakan pupuk organik seperti
pupuk kompos dan pupuk kandang. Sehingga orang sudah beralih ke pertanian sayur
organik karen terdapat demand yang tinggi.

One product of organic farming that is widely developed is various types of vegetables.
cultivation is only used as organic fertilizer such as compost and manure. So people have
switched to karen organic vegetable farming with high demand.
Sayuran yang dapat dibudidayakan secara organik meliputi kelompok sayuran daun,
sayuran buah, sayuran bunga, sayuran umbi dan sayuran batang. Pengelompokan ini
didasarkan pada bagian yang dikonsumsi (Tarigan 2009).

Komponen penting dari sistem pertanian organik adalah pengelolaan tanah

dantanaman, daur ulang limbah pertanian, pengendalian gulma tanpa penggunaan zat
kimia, dan sistem pertanian terintegrasi yang intensif.


Methode Desorption For each soil sample, 2 g was accurately weighed and placed into centrifuge tubes.
Next, 20-mL of different concentrations of P solution containing 0.01 mol. L-1CaCl2 was added, which
served as a supporting electrolyte. The P concentration gradient was 0, 20, 40, 60,and 100 mg. L-1. The
samples were shaken for 24 h (180 r.p.m.) at a constant temperature of 25 °C, and then centrifuged
and filtered. The P concentration of the supernatant was determined (Murphey and Riley, 1962)

Methode Desorption For each soil sample, 2 g was accurately weighed and placed into centrifuge tubes.
Next, 20-mL of different concentrations of P solution containing 0.01 mol. L-1CaCl2 was added, which
served as a supporting electrolyte. The P concentration gradient was 0, 20, 40, 60,and 100 mg. L-1. The
samples were shaken for 24 h (180 r.p.m.) at a constant temperature of 25 °C, and then centrifuged
and filtered. The P concentration of the supernatant was determined (Murphey and Riley, 1962)

Weighed 2.00 g of soil for each level of P concentration placed into centrifuge tubes. Next, 20 mL of
different concentrations of P solution containing 0.01 mol. L -1 CaCl2 was added. The P concentration
gradient was 0, 20, 40, 60,and 100 mg. L-1. The samples were shaken at 150 oscillations per min at 25 ± 1
°C for 24 h (5000 rpm), and then centrifuged and filtered. The P concentration of the supernatant was
determined (Yang et al, 2019)

Ditimbang 2,00 g tanah untuk setiap tingkat kepekatan P dan masingmasing dimasukkan ke dalam
tabung sentrifusi. Masing-masing ditambah 20 ml larutan deret kepekatan P. Inkubasi selama 6 hari
sambil dikocok 2x30 menit hari-1 (pagi dan siang). Setelah selesai inkubasi, campuran disentrifus untuk
mendapatkan cairan jernih. Dipipet 10 ml ekstrak jernih contoh dan deret standar P (0-1 ppm) ke dalam
tabung kimia, ditambah 2 ml pereaksi pewarna P pekat, kocok dan biarkan selama 30 menit. Ukur
absorbansi larutan dengan spektrofotometer pada panjang gelombang 889 nm

2 gram tanah masing

±Once a supernatant had been removed after an adsorption experiment had been completed, 25 mL
saturated NaCl solution at pH 7.0 was added to extract the adsorbed P. The solution was then removed
and this process was repeated two times. Then 25 mL 0.01 mol L −1 KCl solution at pH 7.0 was added to
replace the adsorbed P. The tubes were shaken, centrifuged, and then determined as described above.
The Pconcentration in the solutions was defined as desorbed P.


Soil-NaF pH values in excess of 9.4–9.5 indicate the presence of allophane and/or metal-humus
complexes (Soil Survey Staff 1996; IUSS Working Group WRB 2006).

Andisols are generally

characterized by a combination of low bulk density, high phosphate sorption capacity, relatively high
amounts of aluminum and iron that can be extracted from short-rangeorder or nanominerals, and
volcanic glass—collectively referred to as andic soil properties. Suborders, great groups, and families are
identified largely based on soil moisture and temperature regimes, water retention characteristics, and
characteristics of the epipedon. The establishment of the Andisol order in 1990 reflects the continued
growth of soil science and demonstrates the ability of Soil Taxonomyto change as we learn more about

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