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Judul Jurnal
Knowledge Base Program Studi
Berbasis Ontologi
Masalah Utama terdapat kendala yang berkaitan dengan
korelasi antara kompetensi dosen dan
judul yang diangkat oleh mahasiswa.
Selain itu seringkali mahasiswa
mengangkat tema yang tidak sesuai
dengan capaian dari program studi yang
bersangkutan. Berdasarkan
permasalahan tersebut dibutuhkan
sebuah aplikasi Sistem Pendukung
Keputusan (SPK) untuk menentukan
pembimbing skripsi mahasiswa sesuai
dengan kompetensi masing-masing
dosen. Salah satu komponen dari sistem
pendukung keputusan adalah knowledge
base (basis pengetahuan).
Pertanyaan Penelitian Mengapa menitik beratkan pada
Knowledge Base/ pembuatan basis
pengetahuan program studi berbasis
Kajian Pustaka Eriya, Rina Septiriana
Program Studi Teknik Informatika
Politeknik Negeri Jakarta,
Depok, Indonesia
Metode Penelitian Text Mining , dan
Knowledge Based – Decision Support
System (KB-DSS)

Hasil Penelitian Domain yang digunakan adalah domain

yang berkaitan dengan istilah di bidang
Teknik Informatika dan Komputer
dengan cakupan dokumen diambil RPS
(Rencana Pembelajaran Semester) yang
cakupannya terbagi berdasarkan KBK
yang digunakan oleh masing-masing
program studi dan data mata kuliah
yang diambil oleh setiap program studi.
Cakupan ekstraksi informasi yang
diambil dari dokumen RPS adalah
capaian pembelajaran tiap pertemuan
dan bahan kajian atau pokok
bahasannya. Sedangkan data mata
kuliah digunakan untuk pembentukan
subkelas pada setiap kelas yang
dibentuk. Setelah dilakukan analisis dan
perancangan, maka tahapan selanjutnya
adalah implementasi untuk
menghasilkan form OWL yang
merupakan bentuk dari form ontologi
dengan menggunakan tool Protege dan
Java netbeans sebagai alat bantu
ekstraksi informasi dan juga proses
pencocokan ontologi antara program
studi dan KBK. Berikut ini merupakan
potongan file OWL untuk Ontologi
Program Studi.
Selanjutnya dilakukan proses ontology
matching untuk membandingkan antara
kedua ontologi dan didapatkan beberapa
kesamaan untuk selanjutnya dilakukan
proses merging. Dalam proses ontology
matching ini, digunakan ontologi prodi
sebagai baseline axiom-nya untuk
kemudian dibandingkan dengan
ontologi KBK

Kesimpulan Berdasarkan analisis dan pembuatan

ontologi Program Studi dan Ontologi
KBK sebagai basis pengetahuan
(Knowledge Base), maka dapat
disimpulkan sebagai berikut :
1. Penelitian ini menghasilkan Ontologi
KBK dan Ontologi Prodi.
2. Ontologi KBK memetakan mata
kuliah untuk setiap KBK dengan
deskripsi mata kuliah tersebut.
3. Ontologi Prodi memetakan mata
kuliah yang diambil untuk setiap Prodi.
4. Ontology matching antara ontologi
KBK dan ontologi Prodi menghasilkan
2 buah File RDF /XML yang akan
digunakan sebagai knowledge base
untuk sistem pendukung keputusan
penentuan dosen pembimbing skripsi.
5. Berdasarkan pengujian terhadap hasil
ontology matching yang terbentuk
terdapat beberapa entitas yang tidak
sesuai dengan kebutuhan knowledge
base, sehingga perlu dilakukan analisis
yang lebih detail.

Daftar Pustaka Gaikwad, S.V., Chaugule, A. dan Patil,

P., 2014. Text mining methods and
techniques. International Journal of
Computer Applications, 85(17).

Judul Jurnal Masalah Ontologi dalam Kajian
Masalah Utama Sebagian sarjana muslim menawarkan
proyek islamisasi ilmu (islamization of
knowledge) untuk melakukan
pengembangan kajian keislaman.
Namun tawaran ini
ditolak oleh sarjana muslim lain dengan
alasan yang berkaitan erat dengan
landasan ontologis ilmu, yaitu asumsi
dasar terhadap objek material.
proyek islamisasi ilmu dianggap tidak
signifikan oleh pihak yang menawarkan
pengilmuan Islam.
Pertanyaan Penelitian Bagaimana ontologi dalam kajian
mengkajinya dengan pendekatan filsafat
rasionalisme kritis?
Kajian Pustaka Jabbar Sabil
Program Pascasarjana IAIN Ar-Raniry
Metode Penelitian Metode deduktif interpretif dengan uji
Hasil Penelitian ontologi kajian keislaman adalah
realitas teks Al-Quran,
yaitu pengetahuan yang benar-benar ril
diperoleh dari teks Al-Quran. Hal ini
esensi Islam adalah ajaran Al-Quran,
jadi suatu kajian dapat dinyatakan
islami jika
dilakukan dari perspektif Al-Quran.
Berbeda halnya dengan kajian
intelektual yang
ontologinya adalah realitas fisik dan
metafisik dalam artian kosmologis. Dari
penulis sependapat dengan al-Ghazzālī,
bahwa ilmu terdiri dari ilmu intelek
dan ilmu keislaman. Landasan ontologis
ilmu pengetahuan adalah analisis
tentang objek material
dari ilmu pengetahuan tertentu. Adapun
objek material dari ilmu pengetahuan
adalah hal-hal atau benda-benda
Kesimpulan Beranjak dari kesimpulan bahwa
ontologi kajian keislaman adalah
realitas teks
Al-Quran, maka landasan ontologis
kajian keislaman adalah asumsi dasar
bahwa teks
al-Quran bersifat fisis. Asumsi ini bisa
dibenarkan, baik dengan melihat al-
sebagai lafaz (kata, atau ucapan),
maupun sebagai tulisan (kitābah).
Menurut al-
Ghazzālī, sebagai objek fisis, lafaz
(mawjūd fi al-alfāz ) menduduki urutan
dalam hirarki mawjūdāt, yaitu setelah
‘ada’ secara empirik-sensual (mawjūd fi
‘ada’ secara metafisik-rasional (mawjūd
fi al-adhhān). Adapun tulisan
(mawjūd fi al-kitābah) berada pada
urutan keempat dalam arti wujud
terendah dalam
hirarki mawjūdāt. Sebab tulisan
menunjuk pada lafaz, lafaz menunjuk
pada makna
dalam jiwa, dan makna itu semisal
dengan objek empirik-sensualnya.
Daftar Pustaka Kattsoff, Louis O. Pengantar Filsafat,
terj. Soejono Soemargono, cet. X.
Yogyakarta: Tiara Wacana, 2014.
Judul Jurnal Filsafat Ilmu dan Arah Pengembangan
Pancasila: Relevansinya dalam
Mengatasi Persoalan Kebangsaan.
Masalah Utama Melemahnya pemahaman masyarakat
terhadap nilai-nilai Pancasila.
Pertanyaan Penelitian Komponen-komponen apa saja yang
dapat memecahkan masalah
melemahnya pemahaman masyarakat
terhadap nilai-nilai pancasila?
Kajian Pustaka Syahrul Kirom
Metode Penelitian Metode Deskriptif
Hasil Penelitian Setiap warga negara Indonesia sudah
seharusnya mendasarkan cipta, rasa,
karsa dan karya atas nilai-nilai
Pancasila. Pada hakikatnya,
sebagaimana dikatakan Notonagoro,
memiliki pengetahuan dan ilmu
mengenai Pancasila pun belum cukup.
Oleh karena itu, hal yang penting adalah
mengetahui, kemudian meresapi,
menghayati dan akhirnya mengamalkan
Pancasila dalam setiap aspek kehidupan
umat manusia. Pancasila sebagai
kepribadian bangsa yang merupakan
perwujudan dari jiwa bangsa dalam
sikap mental dan tingkah laku adalah
dasar filsafat hidup, ideologi, dan moral
negara yang harus dikembangkan sesuai
dengan kodrat manusia.
Wawasan dan nilai-nilai yang
terkandung dalam Pancasila telah lama
berakar serta hidup dalam hati nurani,
sanubari, watak, kepribadian dan
pergaulan hidup bangsa Indonesia yang
tercermin dalam adat-istiadat,
kebiasaan, perilaku serta lembaga-
lembaga masyarakat. Kelima nilai dasar
yang tercakup dalam Pancasila
merupakan inti hidup dalam
kebudayaan bangsa, sekaligus menjadi
tuntutan dan tujuan hidupnya, serta
menjadi ukuran dasar seluruh
perikehidupan bangsa Indonesia.
Dengan kata lain, pada hakikatnya
adalah moral, moral bangsa Indonesia
yang mengikat seluruh warga
masyarakat, baik sebagai perorangan
maupun sebagai kesatuan bangsa.
Kesimpulan pengembangan Pancasila dapat
dilakukan dengan filsafat ilmu. Dalam
konteks ini, seorang ilmuwan dan
akademisi memiliki peran dan fungsi
yang sangat signifikan sebagai mediator
untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang
nilai-nilai Pancasila. Melalui kebebasan
mimbar dan kebebasan akademik yang
dikembangkan secara bertanggung
jawab, telaah filsafati mengenai
pengembangan Pancasila itu sangat
relevan dan urgen untuk “disuarakan”
oleh dunia perguruan tinggi.
Daftar Pustaka Beerling, Kwee, Mooij, Van Peursen,
2014, Pengantar Filsafat
Ilmu,terjemahan Soejono Soemargono,
Tiara Wacana, Yogyakarta.


Judul Jurnal To Explain the Educational Arguments of
Ontology Thought by
Masalah Utama Educational challenge and issue in
modern world has been of the ideologist’s
interest for educational
implications to find inner talents and
abilities and his knowledge of human
existence to educate health
characteristic of teachers.
Pertanyaan Penelitian A new glance to known
Educational views expressed among
philosophers, educators and Muslim
philosophers to human needs can
represent a solution to some fundamental
problems and guide us to new perception
about human existence and
Kajian Pustaka MA in History and Philosophy of
Education, Faculty of Educational
Sciences and Psychology, University of
Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Metode Penelitian Meditation and calculation method:
Meditation and calculation methods are
of effective means of self-recognition and
sensual journey and ethics
scholars and mystics give utmost
importance for these two factor.
meditation, is that man keep himself
away of
sin and its continuous veil and barriers
and control his behavior, speech and
appearance ,inside and outside, That
he does not act contrary to God and he
does not do an act ,destroy his charity.
But calculation is that he
investigates his servitude and worship
and his sins and address which is higher,
then evaluate the charity which
is bestowed.
Hasil Penelitian Due to the fact that the education system
must be comprehensive and include
intellect and imagination and
wisdom, so trainer can organize these
mixed methods of educational process so
that encompass different
aspects and forces of the body in
emotional and cognitive aspect. The
principle of proportionality which
demonstrates the relevance of programs,
objectives and educational
methods with the progress and human
development leads to development and
growth of the human and duties as
determined by the capacity of human
Curriculum and teaching - learning
process Curriculum and teaching -
learning process in Sabzevar School is
like this: since all educational schools
have tried to foster all aspect of
human existence, since related objectives
of education is a necessity in Sabzevari
idea, to do so a comprehensive
curriculum should be in line with
individual experiences and emotional and
spiritual aspects of life such as
ethical and other issues. In this type of
program perfectionism in human origins
should be fostered and should be
used in growing strength of superior
intellectual - emotional and spiritual force
and go beyond casual activity in
the class and encompass all life period of
the trainees and the learners through
developing these features and a
proper bed for self-assentation is met.
The purpose and direction of the paper,
noted that human through anthology is
able to effect on knowledge of
content and applications, programs and
thinking and learning process and success
in higher education system in
Sabzevari idea and the principles of true
and real education and move forward to
sustainable system of education
and training towards perfection is
available and applicable.
Kesimpulan Therefore it can be concluded that:
A – The education system in Sabzevari
idea has three characteristics: relative
cohesiveness, considering the
origin and infallibility, to some extent
free from mistake. So can respond the
educational problems in modern
society and keep the human away from
one-dimensional and objectivism and
ignoring the main principle of the
origin and identity and his lasting place.
B - With regard to the gradation and
human inbeing, must be said that man is
the only creature that there is a
hierarchy of perfection he has been
influenced by the existence, In other
words, at the beginning of creation,
perfection, is bestow him potentially so
he deserves to be in the best place by the
action through choice and
instruction and educational
recommendation. It is clear that this move
it to full perfectionism in accordance with
the teachings of God's teaching method.
(C) The focus of education is self-
correcting and Education also should
eventually lead to self-knowledge, if not,
it is not called education.
Daftar Pustaka Prospective authors of journals can find
the submission instruction on the

Judul Jurnal Ontology‐based Testing System for
Evaluation of Student’s Knowledge
Masalah Utama Intellectual System; Ontology; Text
Mining; Control of
Knowledge; Testing Systems
Pertanyaan Penelitian How about development of the modern
methodology on the basis of computer
Kajian Pustaka Dauren Kabenov1, Raihan Muratkhan1,
Dina Satybaldina1, Bibigul Razahova1
1 L. Gumilyov Eurasian National
5 Munaitpasov str., 010000 Astana,
Kazakhstan, rai‐,,
Metode Penelitian Proposed Concept Testing System
on Ontology-based Text Mining
Hasil Penelitian An ontology is a formal explicit
description of
concepts in a domain of discourse
(classes (sometimes
called concepts)), properties of each
concept describing
various features and attributes of the
concept (slots
(sometimes called roles or properties)),
and restrictions
on slots (facets (sometimes called role
(Noy Natalya F, 2001). Ontology
together with a set of
individual instances of classes
constitutes a
knowledge base.
Development of an ontology includes
(Noy Natalya F,
defining classes in the ontology,
arranging the classes in a taxonomic
superclass) hierarchy,
defining slots and describing allowed
for these slots,
filling in the values for slots for
Our ontology is structured in three
levels. The first
level contains classes whose instances
cannot be
derived from other classes. Class Plane
represents all objects of planimetric
shapes. Specific
Plane Shapes ‐ instances of this class.
For analysis and verification of studentʹs
answers to
test questions of open form
ontology‐based text
mining is proposed. Description of
domain knowledge
ontology of Planimetry was presented in
Section 3.
Semantic analysis of the native language
texts is the
following stage.
1) Pre‐linguistic processing of the source
(morphological and syntactic analysis of
sentences) is
needed to separate terms (classes,
properties and relations).
2) A formal understanding of the text as
result of
constructing an ontological graph.
Kesimpulan This paper presents an ontology‐based
approach that
addresses the problem of ontology‐based
text mining.
We have developed Planimetry ontology
automatic verification of answers to the
questions of
“open” questions (without options).
Results of the research can be used in
creation of intellectual testing
systems on the base of the Kazakh
Our conception of the testing system
uses intellectual
evaluation results of level of the user
and provides a
set of tests, tailored to the level on which
the student
prepared. The control knowledge system
the issues in terms of complexity, based
on the data
obtained during testing. This enables the
of adaptive tests which are
self‐correcting to the level
of users.
Future research in the frame of
methodological aspects
of computer‐aided control knowledge
will be
concerned to development of the test
databases of different types and different
levels of
complexity. Also in the technical aspects
researches will continue development
software that
implements of all the stages of semantic
analysis of
texts on the basis of the ontological
engineering and
native languages processing.
Daftar Pustaka Maedche A., Neumann G. and Staab S.,
Bootstrapping an
Ontology‐based Information Extraction
Intelligent exploration of the web,
Physica‐Verlag GmbH
Heidelberg, Germany, 2015; pp.345 –

Judul Jurnal Invariance as a Tool for Ontology of
Masalah Utama The modern common sense
understanding of existence is highly
eclectic and frequently
Pertanyaan Penelitian how invariance can be formalized for
the definition of information and,
accompanying it, mathematical
formalism proposed by the author in his
earlier publications.?
Kajian Pustaka Mark Burgin and Wolfgang
Received: 31 October 2015; Accepted:
25 February 2016; Published: 2 March
Metode Penelitian Makes sense to qualify an object of
inquiry as physical if it has an
empirically testable theory
formulated according to the
methodology of physics, but such
qualification has limited ontological
Hasil Penelitian Physics, as well as other disciplines of
science, such as biology, requires
continued revisions of
the ontological status of its concepts.
Revolutions of relativity and quantum
mechanics took place
a century ago, but still there is no
consensus on their consequences for
ontology. On the other hand,
developments in modern physics can,
and actually do, drive and guide
development of ontology
or philosophy in general. What can we
learn from physics in the matters of
ontology without being
exposed to the danger that some near
future scientific development could
falsify it? More extensive
discussion of this issue can be found in
an earlier publication of the author [1].
For the purpose of
the present article, it will be sufficient to
consider only one lesson, and this lesson
comes not from
the content of physical theories, but
from the methodology of mathematics
and physics. For this
reason we do not have to worry about
its vulnerability to scientific progress.
This lesson came out
of the relatively recent developments in
mathematics and physics, but its
teaching applies to the
entire evolution of physics starting from
Galileo and, in a more general context,
of knowledge from
pre-Socratic philosophy. Pre-Socratic
philosophers recognized the role of that
which is invariant in the changing
Even Heraclitus, who believed that
everything is changing, sought
knowledge in the invariant patterns
of changes. This epistemological
assumption that the knowable must be
invariant was sometimes
appended by the ontological claims
going much farther, that only that which
does not change can exist,
but this was just one of many possible
positions. The interest in what is not
changing was accompanied
by the interest in the cosmos, i.e., a
harmonious whole and, therefore, in
harmony understood as
a regular structure. For many centuries
these methodological principles
stimulated interest in numbers
and geometry, but the next essential step
required a major revolution in the
methods of inquiry.
The earliest explicit statement by
Galileo of the principle that the
description of objective reality has to
be invariant with respect to the change
of observer (reference frame), who can
be in a different place,
can measure time differently, or who
can move with constant speed, marks
the beginning of physics as
a scientific discipline.
Kesimpulan A closure operator defining an
information system is a very general
concept, which can be used
to define geometric, topological, logical,
and algebraic structures. This gives us
an opportunity to
formalize a very broad class of different
types of information associated with
geometry, topology,
logic, etc. The invariance of the
description of information is here
identical with the invariance of the
closure space with respect to
transformations preserving its structure.
For instance, for topological
information, such transformations are
continuous functions.
Now, when the toolkit for the study of
the transformations of information
systems and their
invariants is ready, the next task is to
apply it to the analysis of more specific
instances of information.
This task is going beyond the scope of
the present paper and will be attempted
in future publications.
Daftar Pustaka Shannon, E.C. A mathematical theory
of communication. In The Mathematical
Theory of Communication;
University of Illinois Press: Urbana, IL,
USA, 2014

Judul Jurnal An Ontology of Nature with Local
Causality, Parallel Lives, and Many
Masalah Utama A quantum field comprises a continuum
of lives throughout
space-time, and excitations like particles
are the familiar physical systems in the
universe — each comprising
its own sub-continuum of lives. A pure
universal quantum wavefunction tracks
the collective behavior of these
lives, but not their individual dynamics.
Pertanyaan Masalah All entanglement correlations —
including Bell
violations — are enforced by this local
Kajian Pustaka Institute for Quantum Studies, Chapman
University, Orange, CA, US
Metode Penelitian The Local Entanglement Mechanism
and Classical Observers
Hasil Penelitian While incomplete, the PL model
represents a new level of unification
between special relativity and quantum
and makes new physical predictions
about the dynamical collapse process.
Given that every life in PL is a quasi-
classical point-like object with definite
physical properties, which propagates
the universal space-time at or below c
and interacts only at local events along
its world-line, PL provides an easily-
quasi-classical objective picture of
nature, of the sort we imagine Einstein
would have liked.
All of the nonclassicality of
quantumphysics emerges at the level of
individual lives and the relative worlds
they experience
— specifically the experiences of
random collapses with Born rule
statistics, and entanglement correlations.
We have also
shown how the lives of systems involved
in repeated interactions can experience
the violation of Bell inequalities without
any nonlocal, atemporal, or otherwise-
bizarre, causal influences. Furthermore,
the different relative worlds that lives
into during an interaction are defined by
the preferred eigenbasis of the
measurement, making PL explicitly
in agreement with the Bell-Kochen-
Specker theorem [26, 29]. Finally, the
classical regime emerges in densely-
environments due to the local
entanglement-correlationmechanism of
The most important remaining challenge
is to find the proper relativistic
dynamical equations for the lives of the
Ideally, imposing relativistic constraints
on the individual lives will lead to the
continuous solutions that are currently
from quantum field theory—possibly by
including the effects of a quantum
gravity field.
Kesimpulan The most important remaining challenge
is to find the proper relativistic
dynamical equations for the lives of the
Ideally, imposing relativistic constraints
on the individual lives will lead to the
continuous solutions that are currently
from quantum field theory—possibly by
including the effects of a quantum
gravity field.

Daftar Pustaka A. Einstein, Relativity: The special and

the general theory. Princeton University
Press, 2015.

Judul Jurnal ONTOLOGY: from Philosophy to ICT
related areas
Masalah Utama highlights the development of the
concept Ontology, from its
philosophical roots up to its vision
in the ICT field and related areas.
Philosophically, Ontology is a
systematic explanation of Being that
describes the features of
Pertanyaan Penelitian Ontology is subjected to a continuous
process of exploration, formation of
hypothesis, testing and review.
Ontological thesis proposed today as
true, tomorrow may
be rejected in light of further
discoveries and new and better
Kajian Pustaka Journal Production Department, IOS
Press, Nieuwe Hemweg 6b, 1013 BG,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Deparment of Linguistic, International
PhD School of Humanities, University
of Calabria,
Metode Penelitian common interdisciplinary methodology
for Ontology modeling, so they
continue to work independently of
each other, pursuing separately their
different approaches.
Hasil Penelitian Moreover Ontology can be Formal,
and Formalized. The first one was
introduced by
Husserl, who described the leading
concepts, proceeding with the eidetic
lessening method
coupled with the method of categorical
According to Cocchiarella "Formal
Ontology is the result of combining the
intuitive, informal method of classical
Ontology with the formal, mathematical
method of modern symbolic logic".
Descriptive Ontology concerns a set of
information about dependent or
independent items (real or ideal
objects), while formalized Ontology
attempts to construct a formal
codification for the results descriptively
acquired at the preceding levels.
Ontology intended as a first-order
axiomatic theory and expressed by a
description logics is fundamental to
design advanced Knowledge Based
software systems. Currently, these
systems in different Knowledge
domains are designed in various ways,
so that they often cannot share data with
each other, being structured on local
purposes. Indeed, even today many
scholars often fail to agree about a
common interdisciplinary methodology
for Ontology modeling, so they
continue to work independently of each
other, pursuing separately their different
Persists, therefore, the need to establish
more general frameworks, defined to
make the Ontological Models useful to
provide a general description Moreover
Ontology can be Formal, Descriptive
and Formalized.
Kesimpulan Still very vague to
understand how Ontologies can be
created and maintained
within applications having to ensure
their consistency
and validity vs. time and the evolution
information technology. And here, once
again, an
important role must be played by
Philosophical Ontology
which, through its excellent logic
should contribute to the creation of a
and enduring Ontology in digital
environment, although
this task requires time and an enormous
in "negotiation among different parts"
for the reconciliation
of various viewpoints and needs, most
those represented by different semantic
associated with language differences.
Daftar Pustaka Cocchiarella, N. (2014). Formal
Ontology. In: B.Smith,
H.Burkhardt (Eds), Handbook of
Metaphysics and
Ontology. Munich. Philosophia Verlag.

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