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Laporan Tugas Akhir



C.1 Perhitungan Berat Kapal Kosong dan Titik Berat Kapal

Ukuran Utama Kapal :

Load Water Line (LWL) : 15,15 m

Lebar (B) : 4,20 m

Tinggi (H) : 1,8 m

Sarat (T) : 1,3 m

Koefisien Blok (Cb) : 0,5175

Kecepatan Dinas (Vs) : 10 knot

Berdasarkan Buku Parametric Design, Michael G. Parsons Chapter 11 Hal

22 berat kapal kosong ( LWT ) dapat dihitung dengan rumus;

1. Wst = K x E1,36
Di mana :K = 0,002  0,03 ( untuk kapal coasters / kapal dari fiber glass ) di
ambil harga K = 0,02

E = L (B + T) + 0,85 L (H – T) + 0,85 ∑lh

∑1h = ( l1 x h2 )

h1 = tinggi bangunan atas = 2,8 m

l1 = panjang bangunan atas = 4 m

E = 15,15 (4,2 + 1,3) + 0,85 . 15,15. (1,8 – 1,3) + 0,85 (4 x 2,8)

E = 99,284 ton

Maka :

Wst = 0,02 x (99,284)1,36

Laporan Tugas Akhir

Wst = 10,4 ton

Perhitungan di atas untuk kapal dengan Cb = 0,7 yang di ukur pada 0,8H,
maka perlu di ukur untuk kapal dengan Cb = 0,5175

 0,8H  T 
Cb ( 0,8 H )  Cb  (1  Cb )   
 3T 
 (0,8  1,8)  1,3 
Cb ( 0,8 H )  0,5175  (1  0,5175)   
 3  1,3  Cb : 0,5

Sehingga berat baja badan kapal :

Wst = Wst(Cb 0,8H) + (1 + 0,5(Cb(0,8H) – 0,7)

Wst = 10,4+ (1 + 0,5(0,5 – 0,7))

Wst = 11,3ton

2. Berat outfit dan akomodasi (Woa)

Rumus katsoulis (Lectures on ship design and ship theory)

Woa = K x L1,3 x B0,8 x H0,3

K = 0,002 ~ 0.03

Atau menggunakan rumus

Woa = 0,015 x Lpp x B

Woa = 0,015 x 15x 4,2

Woa = 0,945 ton

3. Berat mesin 150 Hp & instalasi permesinan (10 knot)

Wme = 610 kg = 0,61 ton ( YUCHAI )
Wep = (0,56 x BHP0,7) + Wme
= 23,25 + 610 = 633,25 kg = 0,633 ton
Wm = Wme +Wep = 1,243 ton
4. Berat cadangan (Wres)
Wres diperlukan untuk menghindari kesalahan perhitungan, dll

Laporan Tugas Akhir

Wres = (2  3) % LWT

LWT = Wst + Woa + Wm

LWT = 11,3 + 0,945+ 1,243

LWT = 13,488 ton

Wres = 2% x 13,488

Wres = 0,27 ton

Jadi total keseluruhan LWT kapal ini adalah

11,3+ 0,945 + 1,243 + 0,27 = 13,76 ton

Dari perhitungan di atas maka kita dapat menentukan DWT kapal, yaitu :

DWT =  - LWT

DWT = 43,45 – 13,76

DWT = 29,69 ton

 Perhitungan Titik Berat Kapal

Perhitungan titik berat kapal (ФG) terhadap midship berdasarkan
Parametric Design Michael G Parson chapter 11 hal. 25 yaitu :

ФG = - 0,15 + LCB

= - 0,15 + 7,41

= 7,26 m

Sedangkan perhitungan titik berat kapal terhadap lunas kapal yaitu

KG = 0,01D (46,6 +0,135(0,81-CB) (L/D)2) + 0,008D (L/B)

KG = (0,01 x 1,3) (46,6 + 0,135(0,81-0,52)(15/1,3)2) + 0,008 x 1,3


KG = 0,6547 m

Laporan Tugas Akhir

C.2 Perhitungan Stabilitas Kapal KM. PURNAMA

C.2.1 Kondisi I
Item Name Quantity Sounding Unit Total Long.Arm Trans.Arm Vert.Arm FSM Type
m Mass Mass m m m
tonne tonne

Lightship 1 14,000 14,000 7,261 0,000 1,200 User Specified

FWT SB 100% 1,210 1,253 1,253 1,397 0,952 1,250 Maximum
FWT PS 100% 1,210 1,253 1,253 1,397 -0,952 1,250 Maximum
FOT SB 100% 1,340 1,483 1,483 3,010 1,027 1,003 Maximum
FOT PS 100% 1,340 1,483 1,483 3,010 -1,027 1,003 Maximum
LOT 100% 0,300 0,083 0,083 5,250 0,000 1,250 Maximum
FP Tank 100% 1,040 0,719 0,719 14,153 0,000 0,919 Maximum
Fish Hold 1 1 2,000 2,000 10,622 0,000 0,943 User Specified
Fish Hold 2 1 3,000 3,000 9,163 0,000 0,923 User Specified
Fish Hold 3 1 3,000 3,000 7,702 0,000 0,909 User Specified
Fish Hold 4 1 3,000 3,000 6,246 0,000 0,907 User Specified
Net Room 1 3,000 3,000 12,438 0,000 0,996 User Specified
Storage 1 0,600 0,600 14,395 0,000 0,996 User Specified
Total Loadcase 34,876 7,490 0,000 1,071
FS correction 0,000
VCG fluid 1,071

Heel to Starboard degrees 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0
Displacement tonne 34,87 34,88 34,88 34,88 34,88 34,88 34,87 34,88 34,88 34,88
Draft at FP m 1,349 1,341 1,309 1,279 1,291 1,318 1,364 1,451 1,725 N/A
Draft at AP m 0,880 0,865 0,819 0,736 0,621 0,481 0,283 -0,059 -0,994 N/A
WL Length m 14,727 14,737 14,715 15,150 15,179 15,227 15,303 15,551 15,833 15,790
Immersed Depth m 1,495 1,469 1,380 1,376 1,437 1,474 1,497 1,551 1,755 1,929
WL Beam m 3,622 3,670 3,813 3,429 2,881 2,488 2,257 2,330 2,170 2,311
Wetted Area m^2 60,103 60,460 61,596 65,406 68,088 69,378 70,086 70,418 69,968 69,076
Waterpl. Area m^2 40,665 41,397 43,808 41,436 36,771 32,960 30,728 29,912 29,549 29,688
Prismatic Coeff. 0,677 0,678 0,683 0,682 0,705 0,723 0,734 0,733 0,728 0,742
Block Coeff. 0,427 0,428 0,439 0,476 0,541 0,609 0,658 0,611 0,564 0,483
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7,504 7,506 7,505 7,507 7,511 7,514 7,516 7,516 7,515 7,514
VCB from DWL m -0,494 -0,489 -0,477 -0,474 -0,499 -0,538 -0,580 -0,621 -0,659 -0,691
GZ m 0,000 0,094 0,204 0,308 0,353 0,340 0,292 0,224 0,146 0,064
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7,394 7,393 7,382 7,174 7,217 7,333 7,407 7,461 7,670 8,008
TCF to zero pt. m 0,000 0,328 0,665 0,774 0,848 0,923 0,980 1,001 1,001 0,984
Max deck inclination deg 1,8 10,2 20,1 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg -1,8 -1,8 -1,9 -2,1 -2,5 -3,2 -4,1 -5,7 -10,2 N/A

Immersion angle
Key point Type

Margin Line (immersion pos = 8,904 m) 18,2

Deck Edge (immersion pos = 8,904 m) 20,1

Laporan Tugas Akhir

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 30 Pass
applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 3,151 m.deg 4,536 Pass +43,95

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 5,157 m.deg 7,897 Pass +53,14

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 30 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 1,719 m.deg 3,3616 Pass +95,55

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Max GZ at 30 or greater Pass

applicable to all ships in the range from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 90,0 deg
angle of max. GZ 41,8 deg 41,8
shall not be less than (>=) 0,200 m 0,355 Pass +77,27

Intermediate values
angle at which this GZ occurs deg 41,8

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Angle of maximum GZ Pass

applicable to all ships shall not be less than (>=) 25,0 deg 41,8 Pass +67,27

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Initial GMt Pass

applicable to all ships spec. heel angle 0,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 0,150 m 0,528 Pass +251,82

Part 170, Stability requirements 170.173: c5 - Area 0 to angle of Pass

for all inspected vessels from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of max. GZ 41,8 deg
lower heel angle 0,0 deg
required GZ area at lower heel angle 4,8700 m.deg

higher heel angle 30,0 deg

required GZ area at higher heel angle 3,1510 m.deg

shall be greater than (>) 3,1510 m.deg 4,5358 Pass +43,95

Laporan Tugas Akhir

0,6 Initial GMt GM at 0,0 deg = 0,528 m


Max GZ = 0,354 m at 41,8 deg.

GZ m



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Heel to Starboard deg.

C.2.2 Kondisi II

Item Name Quantity Sounding Unit Total Long.Arm Trans.Arm Vert.Arm FSM Type
m Mass Mass m m m
tonne tonne
Lightship 1 14,000 14,000 7,261 0,000 1,200 User Specified
FWT SB 100% 1,210 1,253 1,253 1,397 0,952 1,250 Maximum
FWT PS 100% 1,210 1,253 1,253 1,397 -0,952 1,250 Maximum
FOT SB 100% 1,340 1,483 1,483 3,010 1,027 1,003 Maximum
FOT PS 100% 1,340 1,483 1,483 3,010 -1,027 1,003 Maximum
LOT 100% 0,300 0,083 0,083 5,250 0,000 1,250 Maximum
FP Tank 100% 1,040 0,719 0,719 14,153 0,000 0,919 Maximum
Fish Hold 1 0 2,000 0,000 10,622 0,000 0,943 User Specified
Fish Hold 2 0 3,000 0,000 9,163 0,000 0,922 User Specified
Fish Hold 3 0 3,000 0,000 7,702 0,000 0,909 User Specified
Fish Hold 4 0 3,000 0,000 6,246 0,000 0,907 User Specified
Net Room 1 3,000 3,000 12,438 0,000 0,996 User Specified
Storage 1 0,600 0,600 14,395 0,000 0,996 User Specified
Total Loadcase 23,876 7,148 0,000 1,142
FS correction 0,000
VCG fluid 1,142

Heel to Starboard degrees 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0
Displacement tonne 23,88 23,88 23,88 23,88 23,88 23,88 23,88 23,88 23,88 23,87
Draft at FP m 0,896 0,888 0,859 0,796 0,708 0,593 0,415 0,123 -0,734 N/A
Draft at AP m 0,761 0,747 0,700 0,604 0,433 0,193 -0,148 -0,794 -2,753 N/A
WL Length m 14,368 14,377 14,365 14,327 14,780 14,726 14,640 14,818 15,198 15,518
Immersed Depth m 1,066 1,047 1,037 1,119 1,153 1,160 1,159 1,200 1,385 1,540
WL Beam m 3,418 3,456 3,567 3,508 2,925 2,541 2,516 2,444 1,966 1,912
Wetted Area m^2 50,145 50,463 51,390 53,055 54,946 55,925 56,401 55,768 54,535 54,672
Waterpl. Area m^2 35,810 36,430 38,236 40,430 37,264 33,438 31,678 29,949 26,608 25,554
Prismatic Coeff. 0,666 0,667 0,670 0,674 0,668 0,684 0,697 0,700 0,693 0,691
Block Coeff. 0,445 0,448 0,438 0,414 0,467 0,537 0,554 0,536 0,563 0,510
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7,154 7,154 7,155 7,156 7,159 7,163 7,165 7,168 7,172 7,171
VCB from DWL m -0,376 -0,376 -0,375 -0,371 -0,371 -0,391 -0,427 -0,476 -0,516 -0,541
GZ m 0,000 0,073 0,161 0,278 0,360 0,365 0,322 0,257 0,159 0,039
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7,195 7,186 7,160 7,147 7,139 7,285 7,393 7,814 7,674 7,637
TCF to zero pt. m 0,000 0,274 0,560 0,893 1,040 1,073 1,052 1,043 1,104 1,074
Max deck inclination deg 0,5 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg -0,5 -0,5 -0,6 -0,7 -1,0 -1,5 -2,1 -3,5 -7,6 N/A

Laporan Tugas Akhir

Key point Type Immersion angle

Margin Line (immersion pos = 6,921 m) 26,6
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 6,921 m) 28,3

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 30 Pass
applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 3,1510 m.deg 3,7019 Pass +17,48

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 5,1570 m.deg 6,9526 Pass +34,82

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 30 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 1,7190 m.deg 3,2508 Pass +89,11

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Max GZ at 30 or greater Pass

applicable to all ships in the range from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 90,0 deg
angle of max. GZ 45,5 deg 45,5
shall not be less than (>=) 0,200 m 0,371 Pass +85,56
Intermediate values
angle at which this GZ occurs deg 45,5

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Angle of maximum GZ Pass

applicable to all ships shall not be less than (>=) 25,0 deg 45,5 Pass +81,82

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Initial GMt Pass

applicable to all ships spec. heel angle 0,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 0,150 m 0,403 Pass +168,8

Part 170, Stability requirements 170.173: c5 - Area 0 to angle of Pass

for all inspected vessels from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of max. GZ 45,5 deg
lower heel angle 0,0 deg
required GZ area at lower heel angle 4,8700 m.deg
higher heel angle 30,0 deg
required GZ area at higher heel angle 3,1510 m.deg
shall be greater than (>) 3,1510 m.deg 3,7019 Pass +17,48

Laporan Tugas Akhir

0,45 Initial GMt GM at 0,0 deg = 0,403 m
Max GZ = 0,371 m at 45,5 deg.



GZ m





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Heel to Starboard deg.


Item Name Quantity Sounding Unit Total Long.Arm Trans.Arm Vert.Arm Total FSM Type
m Mass Mass m m m FSM
tonne tonne tonne.m
Lightship 1 14,000 14,000 7,261 0,000 1,200 0,000 User Specified
FWT SB 75% 1,076 1,253 0,940 1,468 0,913 1,155 0,283 Maximum
FWT PS 75% 1,076 1,253 0,940 1,468 -0,913 1,155 0,283 Maximum
FOT SB 75% 1,071 1,483 1,113 3,015 0,992 0,849 0,197 Maximum
FOT PS 75% 1,071 1,483 1,113 3,015 -0,992 0,849 0,197 Maximum
LOT 75% 0,225 0,083 0,062 5,250 0,000 1,212 0,023 Maximum
FP Tank 75% 0,894 0,719 0,539 14,132 0,000 0,815 0,147 Maximum
Fish Hold 1 0,25 2,000 0,500 10,622 0,000 0,943 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 2 0,25 3,000 0,750 9,163 0,000 0,922 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 3 0,25 3,000 0,750 7,702 0,000 0,909 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 4 0,25 3,000 0,750 6,246 0,000 0,907 0,000 User Specified
Net Room 0,25 3,000 0,750 12,438 0,000 0,996 0,000 User Specified
Storage 1 0,600 0,600 14,395 0,000 0,996 0,000 User Specified
Total Loadcase 22,807 7,002 0,000 1,107 1,132
FS correction 0,050
VCG fluid 1,157

Heel to Starboard degrees 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0
Displacement tonne 22,81 22,81 22,81 22,81 22,81 22,81 22,81 22,81 22,80 22,81
Draft at FP m 0,801 0,794 0,765 0,703 0,606 0,468 0,252 -0,107 -1,275 N/A
Draft at AP m 0,791 0,775 0,728 0,631 0,454 0,215 -0,121 -0,764 -2,670 N/A
WL Length m 14,312 14,321 14,308 14,381 14,711 14,641 14,529 14,691 15,049 15,359
Immersed Depth m 0,981 0,963 1,012 1,096 1,126 1,131 1,129 1,169 1,346 1,499
WL Beam m 3,396 3,432 3,539 3,513 2,925 2,541 2,515 2,459 1,959 1,911
Wetted Area m^2 49,098 49,391 50,305 51,565 53,567 54,659 55,043 54,125 52,844 53,071
Waterpl. Area m^2 35,358 35,936 37,683 39,935 37,042 33,392 31,854 29,258 25,884 24,958
Prismatic Coeff. 0,664 0,665 0,668 0,665 0,662 0,678 0,692 0,696 0,690 0,689
Block Coeff. 0,467 0,470 0,434 0,402 0,459 0,529 0,548 0,527 0,561 0,506
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7,001 7,003 7,003 7,005 7,008 7,012 7,014 7,017 7,018 7,017
VCB from DWL m -0,365 -0,365 -0,365 -0,362 -0,360 -0,378 -0,415 -0,466 -0,503 -0,528
GZ m 0,000 0,071 0,157 0,271 0,356 0,363 0,323 0,258 0,152 0,027
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7,120 7,107 7,073 7,044 7,076 7,252 7,362 7,716 7,511 7,494
TCF to zero pt. m 0,000 0,270 0,552 0,897 1,055 1,089 1,048 1,063 1,120 1,078
Max deck inclination deg 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg 0,0 -0,1 -0,1 -0,3 -0,6 -1,0 -1,4 -2,5 -5,3 N/A

Laporan Tugas Akhir

Key point Type Immersion angle

Margin Line (immersion pos = 6,921 m) 27,4
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 6,921 m) 29,1

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 30 Pass
applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 3,1510 m.deg 3,6000 Pass +14,25

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 5,1570 m.deg 6,7916 Pass +31,7

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 30 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 1,7190 m.deg 3,1916 Pass +85,67

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Max GZ at 30 or greater Pass

applicable to all ships in the range from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 90,0 deg
angle of max. GZ 45,5 deg 45,5
shall not be less than (>=) 0,200 m 0,368 Pass +84,17
Intermediate values
angle at which this GZ occurs deg 45,5

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Angle of maximum GZ Pass

applicable to all ships shall not be less than (>=) 25,0 deg 45,5 Pass +81,82

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Initial GMt Pass

applicable to all ships spec. heel angle 0,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 0,150 m 0,392 Pass +161,21

Part 170, Stability requirements 170.173: c5 - Area 0 to angle of Pass

for all inspected vessels from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of max. GZ 45,5 deg
lower heel angle 0,0 deg
required GZ area at lower heel angle 4,8700 m.deg
higher heel angle 30,0 deg
required GZ area at higher heel angle 3,1510 m.deg
shall be greater than (>) 3,1510 m.deg 3,6000 Pass +14,25

Laporan Tugas Akhir

0,4 Initial GMt GM at 0,0 deg = 0,392 m
Max GZ = 0,368 m at 45,5 deg.



GZ m





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Heel to Starboard deg.


Item Name Quantity Sounding Unit Total Long.Arm Trans.Arm Vert.Arm Total FSM Type
m Mass Mass m m m FSM
tonne tonne tonne.m
Lightship 1 14,000 14,000 7,261 0,000 1,200 0,000 User Specified
FWT SB 50% 0,920 1,253 0,627 1,577 0,868 1,037 0,283 Maximum
FWT PS 50% 0,920 1,253 0,627 1,577 -0,868 1,037 0,283 Maximum
FOT SB 50% 0,776 1,483 0,742 3,023 0,950 0,680 0,197 Maximum
FOT PS 50% 0,776 1,483 0,742 3,023 -0,950 0,680 0,197 Maximum
LOT 50% 0,150 0,083 0,041 5,250 0,000 1,175 0,023 Maximum
FP Tank 50% 0,711 0,719 0,360 14,107 0,000 0,689 0,147 Maximum
Fish Hold 1 0,5 2,000 1,000 10,622 0,000 0,943 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 2 0,5 3,000 1,500 9,163 0,000 0,922 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 3 0,5 3,000 1,500 7,702 0,000 0,909 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 4 0,5 3,000 1,500 6,246 0,000 0,907 0,000 User Specified
Net Room 0,5 3,000 1,500 12,438 0,000 0,996 0,000 User Specified
Storage 1 0,600 0,600 14,395 0,000 0,996 0,000 User Specified
Total Loadcase 24,738 7,518 0,000 1,073 1,132
FS correction 0,046
VCG fluid 1,119

Heel to Starboard degrees 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0
Displacement tonne 24,74 24,74 24,74 24,74 24,74 24,74 24,74 24,74 24,74 24,74
Draft at FP m 1,089 1,080 1,047 0,981 0,909 0,840 0,738 0,589 0,232 N/A
Draft at AP m 0,625 0,613 0,570 0,479 0,306 0,036 -0,358 -1,128 -3,444 N/A
WL Length m 14,482 14,489 14,480 14,449 14,760 14,899 14,867 15,082 15,477 15,837
Immersed Depth m 1,235 1,212 1,136 1,136 1,171 1,178 1,180 1,220 1,427 1,592
WL Beam m 3,430 3,469 3,582 3,513 2,938 2,677 2,487 2,216 2,359 1,911
Wetted Area m^2 51,039 51,361 52,331 53,972 55,778 56,837 57,296 56,928 56,698 56,304
Waterpl. Area m^2 36,172 36,827 38,746 40,331 37,022 33,507 31,445 29,686 28,254 26,590
Prismatic Coeff. 0,665 0,665 0,667 0,671 0,673 0,681 0,694 0,698 0,691 0,685
Block Coeff. 0,393 0,396 0,410 0,419 0,476 0,531 0,558 0,592 0,463 0,501
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7,539 7,538 7,538 7,539 7,542 7,547 7,550 7,556 7,560 7,562
VCB from DWL m -0,387 -0,386 -0,385 -0,380 -0,383 -0,402 -0,436 -0,478 -0,518 -0,545
GZ m 0,000 0,077 0,170 0,290 0,365 0,371 0,331 0,262 0,171 0,061
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7,420 7,412 7,391 7,400 7,302 7,378 7,575 7,886 8,101 7,972
TCF to zero pt. m 0,000 0,277 0,566 0,880 1,025 1,073 1,072 1,065 1,063 1,068
Max deck inclination deg 1,8 10,1 20,1 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg -1,8 -1,8 -1,8 -1,9 -2,3 -3,0 -4,1 -6,5 -13,7 N/A

C - 10
Laporan Tugas Akhir

Key point Type Immersion angle

Margin Line (immersion pos = 7,912 m) 25,8
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 8,409 m) 27,5

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 30 Pass
applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 3,1510 m.deg 3,8911 Pass +23,49

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 5,1570 m.deg 7,2244 Pass +40,09

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 30 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 1,7190 m.deg 3,3332 Pass +93,91

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Max GZ at 30 or greater Pass

applicable to all ships in the range from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 90,0 deg
angle of max. GZ 45,5 deg 45,5
shall not be less than (>=) 0,200 m 0,376 Pass +87,85
Intermediate values
angle at which this GZ occurs deg 45,5

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Angle of maximum GZ Pass

applicable to all ships shall not be less than (>=) 25,0 deg 45,5 Pass +81,82

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Initial GMt Pass

applicable to all ships spec. heel angle 0,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 0,150 m 0,427 Pass +184,4

Part 170, Stability requirements 170.173: c5 - Area 0 to angle of Pass

for all inspected vessels from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of max. GZ 45,5 deg
lower heel angle 0,0 deg
required GZ area at lower heel angle 4,8700 m.deg
higher heel angle 30,0 deg
required GZ area at higher heel angle 3,1510 m.deg
shall be greater than (>) 3,1510 m.deg 3,8911 Pass +23,49

C - 11
Laporan Tugas Akhir

0,45 Initial GMt GM at 0,0 deg = 0,427 m

0,4 Max GZ = 0,376 m at 45,5 deg.



GZ m





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Heel to Starboard deg.


Item Name Quantity Sounding Unit Total Long.Arm Trans.Arm Vert.Arm Total FSM Type
m Mass Mass m m m FSM
tonne tonne tonne.m
Lightship 1 14,000 14,000 7,261 0,000 1,200 0,000 User Specified
FWT SB 25% 0,697 1,253 0,313 1,722 0,802 0,867 0,283 Maximum
FWT PS 25% 0,697 1,253 0,313 1,722 -0,802 0,867 0,283 Maximum
FOT SB 25% 0,435 1,483 0,371 3,034 0,899 0,489 0,197 Maximum
FOT PS 25% 0,435 1,483 0,371 3,034 -0,899 0,489 0,197 Maximum
LOT 25% 0,075 0,083 0,021 5,250 0,000 1,138 0,023 Maximum
FP Tank 25% 0,460 0,719 0,180 14,073 0,000 0,525 0,147 Maximum
Fish Hold 1 0,75 2,000 1,500 10,622 0,000 0,943 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 2 0,75 3,000 2,250 9,163 0,000 0,922 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 3 0,75 3,000 2,250 7,702 0,000 0,909 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 4 0,75 3,000 2,250 6,246 0,000 0,907 0,000 User Specified
Net Room 0,5 3,000 1,500 12,438 0,000 0,996 0,000 User Specified
Storage 1 0,600 0,600 14,395 0,000 0,996 0,000 User Specified
Total Loadcase 25,919 7,826 0,000 1,061 1,132
FS correction 0,044
VCG fluid 1,104

Heel to Starboard degrees 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0
Displacement tonne 25,92 25,92 25,92 25,92 25,92 25,92 25,92 25,92 25,92 25,92
Draft at FP m 1,264 1,253 1,218 1,152 1,103 1,077 1,051 1,041 1,073 N/A
Draft at AP m 0,516 0,504 0,465 0,378 0,201 -0,086 -0,526 -1,383 -3,923 N/A
WL Length m 14,607 14,612 14,601 14,570 14,604 15,068 15,093 15,350 15,734 15,852
Immersed Depth m 1,389 1,363 1,277 1,164 1,202 1,213 1,214 1,273 1,491 1,665
WL Beam m 3,446 3,486 3,603 3,514 2,948 2,787 2,434 2,188 2,237 2,330
Wetted Area m^2 52,143 52,447 53,430 55,290 57,038 58,128 58,400 58,489 58,219 58,105
Waterpl. Area m^2 36,692 37,347 39,326 40,134 36,571 33,479 30,914 29,296 28,524 27,402
Prismatic Coeff. 0,657 0,657 0,659 0,665 0,682 0,677 0,689 0,692 0,690 0,694
Block Coeff. 0,362 0,364 0,376 0,425 0,488 0,517 0,567 0,591 0,482 0,411
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7,857 7,856 7,856 7,856 7,860 7,866 7,871 7,876 7,881 7,884
VCB from DWL m -0,403 -0,402 -0,399 -0,393 -0,400 -0,421 -0,454 -0,491 -0,527 -0,556
GZ m 0,000 0,082 0,179 0,299 0,365 0,369 0,330 0,260 0,171 0,071
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7,603 7,597 7,580 7,555 7,443 7,422 7,650 7,920 8,188 8,188
TCF to zero pt. m 0,000 0,282 0,578 0,862 0,999 1,064 1,083 1,084 1,061 1,042
Max deck inclination deg 2,8 10,4 20,2 30,1 40,1 50,1 60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg -2,8 -2,8 -2,9 -2,9 -3,4 -4,4 -6,0 -9,1 -18,3 N/A

C - 12
Laporan Tugas Akhir

Key point Type Immersion angle

Margin Line (immersion pos = 9,88 m) 24
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 9,88 m) 25,7

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 30 Pass
applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 3,1510 m.deg 4,0850 Pass +29,64

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 5,1570 m.deg 7,4671 Pass +44,8

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 30 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 1,7190 m.deg 3,3821 Pass +96,75

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Max GZ at 30 or greater Pass

applicable to all ships in the range from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 90,0 deg
angle of max. GZ 45,5 deg 45,5
shall not be less than (>=) 0,200 m 0,374 Pass +86,92
Intermediate values
angle at which this GZ occurs deg 45,5

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Angle of maximum GZ Pass

applicable to all ships shall not be less than (>=) 25,0 deg 45,5 Pass +81,82

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Initial GMt Pass

applicable to all ships spec. heel angle 0,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 0,150 m 0,453 Pass +202,07

Part 170, Stability requirements 170.173: c5 - Area 0 to angle of Pass

for all inspected vessels from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of max. GZ 45,5 deg
lower heel angle 0,0 deg
required GZ area at lower heel 4,8700 m.deg
higher heel angle 30,0 deg
required GZ area at higher heel 3,1510 m.deg
shall be greater than (>) 3,1510 m.deg 4,0850 Pass +29,64

C - 13
Laporan Tugas Akhir

0,5 Initial GMt GM at 0,0 deg = 0,453 m

0,4 Max GZ = 0,374 m at 45,5 deg.


GZ m






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Heel to Starboard deg.


Item Name Quantity Soundin Unit Total Long.Arm Trans.Arm Vert.Arm Total FSM FSM Type
g Mass Mass m m m tonne.m
m tonne tonne
Lightship 1 14,000 14,000 7,261 0,000 1,200 0,000 User Specified
FWT SB 10% 0,467 1,253 0,125 1,851 0,732 0,692 0,283 Maximum
FWT PS 10% 0,467 1,253 0,125 1,851 -0,732 0,692 0,283 Maximum
FOT SB 10% 0,191 1,483 0,148 3,043 0,864 0,358 0,197 Maximum
FOT PS 10% 0,191 1,483 0,148 3,043 -0,864 0,358 0,197 Maximum
LOT 10% 0,030 0,083 0,008 5,250 0,000 1,115 0,023 Maximum
FP Tank 10% 0,235 0,719 0,072 14,048 0,000 0,390 0,147 Maximum
Fish Hold 1 1 2,000 2,000 10,622 0,000 0,943 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 2 1 3,000 3,000 9,163 0,000 0,922 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 3 1 3,000 3,000 7,702 0,000 0,909 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 4 1 3,000 3,000 6,246 0,000 0,907 0,000 User Specified
Net Room 1 3,000 3,000 12,438 0,000 0,996 0,000 User Specified
Storage 1 0,600 0,600 14,395 0,000 0,996 0,000 User Specified
Total Loadcase 29,227 8,232 0,000 1,054 1,132
FS correction 0,039
VCG fluid 1,093

Heel to Starboard degrees 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0
Displacement tonne 29,23 29,23 29,23 29,23 29,23 29,23 29,23 29,23 29,23 29,23
Draft at FP m 1,551 1,540 1,500 1,456 1,465 1,525 1,650 1,913 2,740 N/A
Draft at AP m 0,392 0,381 0,346 0,258 0,076 -0,222 -0,709 -1,645 -4,398 N/A
WL Length m 14,835 14,839 14,821 14,804 14,835 15,417 15,569 15,876 15,853 15,548
Immersed Depth m 1,647 1,616 1,514 1,367 1,297 1,315 1,326 1,449 1,668 1,843
WL Beam m 3,503 3,547 3,674 3,502 2,947 2,820 2,422 2,177 2,121 2,186
Wetted Area m^2 55,106 55,415 56,450 58,792 60,557 61,778 62,278 62,556 62,729 62,718
Waterpl. Area m^2 38,198 38,883 41,024 39,173 35,535 32,688 30,009 28,206 27,173 26,794
Prismatic Coeff. 0,644 0,644 0,645 0,653 0,672 0,666 0,676 0,676 0,694 0,722
Block Coeff. 0,333 0,335 0,346 0,402 0,503 0,520 0,570 0,569 0,508 0,455
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 8,272 8,271 8,271 8,272 8,278 8,285 8,292 8,298 8,302 8,304
VCB from DWL m -0,447 -0,445 -0,437 -0,435 -0,452 -0,480 -0,513 -0,546 -0,577 -0,602
GZ m 0,000 0,090 0,197 0,305 0,353 0,350 0,310 0,243 0,158 0,065
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7,857 7,856 7,860 7,683 7,540 7,455 7,624 7,789 7,909 8,001
TCF to zero pt. m 0,000 0,301 0,617 0,799 0,934 1,028 1,073 1,089 1,075 1,030
Max deck inclination deg 4,4 10,9 20,4 30,2 40,2 50,1 60,1 70,1 80,0 90,0
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg -4,4 -4,4 -4,4 -4,5 -5,3 -6,6 -8,9 -13,2 -25,3 N/A

C - 14
Laporan Tugas Akhir

Key point Type Immersion angle

Margin Line (immersion pos = 11,281 m) 18,8
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 11,281 m) 20,7

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 30 Pass
applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 3,1510 m.deg 4,4026 Pass +39,72

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 5,1570 m.deg 7,7479 Pass +50,24

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 30 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 1,7190 m.deg 3,3453 Pass +94,61

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Max GZ at 30 or greater Pass

applicable to all ships in the range from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 90,0 deg
angle of max. GZ 44,5 deg 44,5
shall not be less than (>=) 0,200 m 0,357 Pass +78,35
Intermediate values
angle at which this GZ occurs deg 44,5

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Angle of maximum GZ Pass

applicable to all ships shall not be less than (>=) 25,0 deg 44,5 Pass +78,18

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Initial GMt Pass

applicable to all ships spec. heel angle 0,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 0,150 m 0,505 Pass +236,63

Part 170, Stability requirements 170.173: c5 - Area 0 to angle of Pass

for all inspected vessels from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of max. GZ 44,5 deg
lower heel angle 0,0 deg
required GZ area at lower heel 4,8700 m.deg
higher heel angle 30,0 deg
required GZ area at higher heel 3,1510 m.deg
shall be greater than (>) 3,1510 m.deg 4,4026 Pass +39,72

C - 15
Laporan Tugas Akhir

0,6 Initial GMt GM at 0,0 deg = 0,505 m


Max GZ = 0,357 m at 44,5 deg.

GZ m



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Heel to Starboard deg.


Item Name Quantity Sounding Unit Total Long.Arm Trans.Arm Vert.Arm Total FSM Type
m Mass Mass m m m FSM
tonne tonne tonne.m
Lightship 1 14,000 14,000 7,261 0,000 1,200 0,000 User Specified
FWT SB 10% 0,467 1,253 0,125 1,851 0,732 0,692 0,283 Maximum
FWT PS 10% 0,467 1,253 0,125 1,851 -0,732 0,692 0,283 Maximum
FOT SB 10% 0,191 1,483 0,148 3,043 0,864 0,358 0,197 Maximum
FOT PS 10% 0,191 1,483 0,148 3,043 -0,864 0,358 0,197 Maximum
LOT 10% 0,030 0,083 0,008 5,250 0,000 1,115 0,023 Maximum
FP Tank 10% 0,235 0,719 0,072 14,048 0,000 0,390 0,147 Maximum
Fish Hold 1 0,75 2,000 1,500 10,622 0,000 0,943 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 2 0,75 3,000 2,250 9,163 0,000 0,922 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 3 0,75 3,000 2,250 7,702 0,000 0,909 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 4 0,75 3,000 2,250 6,246 0,000 0,907 0,000 User Specified
Net Room 1 3,000 3,000 12,438 0,000 0,996 0,000 User Specified
Storage 1 0,600 0,600 14,395 0,000 0,996 0,000 User Specified
Total Loadcase 26,477 8,232 0,000 1,068 1,132
FS correction 0,043
VCG fluid 1,111

Heel to Starboard degrees 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0
Displacement tonne 26,48 26,48 26,48 26,48 26,48 26,48 26,48 26,48 26,48 26,48
Draft at FP m 1,463 1,451 1,412 1,352 1,331 1,350 1,420 1,583 2,105 N/A
Draft at AP m 0,339 0,329 0,293 0,204 0,013 -0,303 -0,834 -1,864 -4,882 N/A
WL Length m 14,769 14,773 14,756 14,726 14,734 15,031 15,389 15,698 15,876 15,691
Immersed Depth m 1,560 1,531 1,434 1,280 1,221 1,231 1,236 1,347 1,565 1,741
WL Beam m 3,449 3,490 3,608 3,501 2,943 2,800 2,388 2,181 2,151 2,288
Wetted Area m^2 52,659 52,935 53,838 55,612 57,040 58,183 58,788 59,031 59,040 58,795
Waterpl. Area m^2 37,052 37,684 39,587 39,005 35,406 32,701 30,221 28,474 27,512 27,172
Prismatic Coeff. 0,639 0,639 0,640 0,646 0,665 0,670 0,670 0,671 0,683 0,701
Block Coeff. 0,325 0,327 0,338 0,391 0,488 0,506 0,569 0,560 0,483 0,413
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 8,274 8,274 8,274 8,273 8,279 8,286 8,294 8,301 8,305 8,308
VCB from DWL m -0,417 -0,416 -0,412 -0,407 -0,418 -0,441 -0,471 -0,503 -0,533 -0,560
GZ m 0,000 0,085 0,186 0,299 0,353 0,352 0,313 0,244 0,157 0,060
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7,827 7,828 7,843 7,759 7,649 7,573 7,726 7,940 8,101 8,223
TCF to zero pt. m 0,000 0,287 0,591 0,839 0,974 1,062 1,103 1,110 1,086 1,028
Max deck inclination deg 4,3 10,8 20,4 30,2 40,2 50,1 60,1 70,1 80,0 90,0
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg -4,3 -4,2 -4,2 -4,3 -5,0 -6,2 -8,5 -12,8 -24,8 N/A

C - 16
Laporan Tugas Akhir

Key point Type Immersion angle

Margin Line (immersion pos = 10,825 m) 21,4
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 10,825 m) 23,2

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 30 Pass
applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 3,1510 m.deg 4,2044 Pass +33,43

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 5,1570 m.deg 7,5228 Pass +45,88

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 30 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 1,7190 m.deg 3,3184 Pass +93,04

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Max GZ at 30 or greater Pass

applicable to all ships in the range from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 90,0 deg
angle of max. GZ 44,5 deg 44,5
shall not be less than (>=) 0,200 m 0,358 Pass +79,15
Intermediate values
angle at which this GZ occurs deg 44,5

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Angle of maximum GZ Pass

applicable to all ships shall not be less than (>=) 25,0 deg 44,5 Pass +78,18

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Initial GMt Pass

applicable to all ships spec. heel angle 0,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 0,150 m 0,475 Pass +216,81

Part 170, Stability requirements 170.173: c5 - Area 0 to angle of Pass

for all inspected vessels from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of max. GZ 44,5 deg
lower heel angle 0,0 deg
required GZ area at lower heel 4,8700 m.deg
higher heel angle 30,0 deg
required GZ area at higher heel 3,1510 m.deg
shall be greater than (>) 3,1510 m.deg 4,2044 Pass +33,43

C - 17
Laporan Tugas Akhir

0,5 Initial GMt GM at 0,0 deg = 0,475 m


Max GZ = 0,358 m at 44,5 deg.

GZ m






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Heel to Starboard deg.


Item Name Quantity Sounding Unit Total Long.Arm Trans.Arm Vert.Arm Total FSM Type
m Mass Mass m m m FSM
tonne tonne tonne.m
Lightship 1 14,000 14,000 7,261 0,000 1,200 0,000 User Specified
FWT SB 50% 0,920 1,253 0,627 1,577 0,868 1,037 0,283 Maximum
FWT PS 50% 0,920 1,253 0,627 1,577 -0,868 1,037 0,283 Maximum
FOT SB 50% 0,776 1,483 0,742 3,023 0,950 0,680 0,197 Maximum
FOT PS 50% 0,776 1,483 0,742 3,023 -0,950 0,680 0,197 Maximum
LOT 50% 0,150 0,083 0,041 5,250 0,000 1,175 0,023 Maximum
FP Tank 50% 0,711 0,719 0,360 14,107 0,000 0,689 0,147 Maximum
Fish Hold 1 0,5 2,000 1,000 10,622 0,000 0,943 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 2 0,5 3,000 1,500 9,163 0,000 0,922 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 3 1 3,000 3,000 7,702 0,000 0,909 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 4 1 3,000 3,000 6,246 0,000 0,907 0,000 User Specified
Net Room 0,5 3,000 1,500 12,438 0,000 0,996 0,000 User Specified
Storage 1 0,600 0,600 14,395 0,000 0,996 0,000 User Specified
Total Loadcase 27,738 7,460 0,000 1,055 1,132
FS correction 0,041
VCG fluid 1,096

Heel to Starboard degrees 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0
Displacement tonne 27,74 27,74 27,74 27,74 27,74 27,74 27,74 27,74 27,74 27,74
Draft at FP m 1,146 1,137 1,106 1,045 0,996 0,950 0,879 0,764 0,542 N/A
Draft at AP m 0,726 0,713 0,668 0,579 0,423 0,197 -0,128 -0,723 -2,540 N/A
WL Length m 14,532 14,540 14,528 14,495 14,978 14,973 14,965 15,177 15,554 15,835
Immersed Depth m 1,296 1,272 1,193 1,207 1,249 1,266 1,273 1,320 1,522 1,691
WL Beam m 3,493 3,535 3,658 3,521 2,919 2,528 2,514 2,215 2,341 2,076
Wetted Area m^2 53,809 54,154 55,170 57,496 59,645 60,708 61,122 61,002 60,561 60,261
Waterpl. Area m^2 37,551 38,248 40,280 41,285 37,446 33,555 31,363 30,086 29,192 27,560
Prismatic Coeff. 0,670 0,670 0,673 0,683 0,682 0,698 0,711 0,712 0,707 0,704
Block Coeff. 0,412 0,414 0,427 0,439 0,495 0,565 0,576 0,610 0,488 0,487
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7,476 7,476 7,476 7,477 7,480 7,484 7,488 7,490 7,492 7,494
VCB from DWL m -0,420 -0,418 -0,413 -0,406 -0,415 -0,441 -0,477 -0,520 -0,562 -0,591
GZ m 0,000 0,082 0,180 0,303 0,372 0,370 0,324 0,256 0,170 0,070
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7,382 7,375 7,363 7,307 7,233 7,368 7,455 7,755 8,079 8,024
TCF to zero pt. m 0,000 0,293 0,594 0,855 0,979 1,029 1,037 1,035 1,028 1,048
Max deck inclination deg 1,6 10,1 20,1 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg -1,6 -1,6 -1,7 -1,8 -2,2 -2,9 -3,8 -5,6 -11,5 N/A

C - 18
Laporan Tugas Akhir

Key point Type Immersion angle

Margin Line (immersion pos = 7,912 m) 23,5
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 7,912 m) 25,3

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 30 Pass
applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 3,1510 m.deg 4,1222 Pass +30,82

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 5,1570 m.deg 7,5601 Pass +46,6

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 30 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 1,7190 m.deg 3,4379 Pass +100

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Max GZ at 30 or greater Pass

applicable to all ships in the range from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 90,0 deg
angle of max. GZ 44,5 deg 44,5
shall not be less than (>=) 0,200 m 0,378 Pass +89,12
Intermediate values
angle at which this GZ occurs deg 44,5

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Angle of maximum GZ Pass

applicable to all ships shall not be less than (>=) 25,0 deg 44,5 Pass +78,18

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Initial GMt Pass

applicable to all ships spec. heel angle 0,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 0,150 m 0,457 Pass +204,42

Part 170, Stability requirements 170.173: c5 - Area 0 to angle of Pass

for all inspected vessels from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of max. GZ 44,5 deg
lower heel angle 0,0 deg
required GZ area at lower heel 4,8700 m.deg
higher heel angle 30,0 deg
required GZ area at higher heel 3,1510 m.deg
shall be greater than (>) 3,1510 m.deg 4,1222 Pass +30,82

C - 19
Laporan Tugas Akhir

0,5 Initial GMt GM at 0,0 deg = 0,457 m

0,4 Max GZ = 0,378 m at 44,5 deg.


GZ m






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Heel to Starboard deg.


Item Name Quantity Sounding Unit Total Long.Arm Trans.Arm Vert.Arm Total FSM Type
m Mass Mass m m m FSM
tonne tonne tonne.m
Lightship 1 14,000 14,000 7,261 0,000 1,200 0,000 User Specified
FWT SB 25% 0,697 1,253 0,313 1,722 0,802 0,867 0,283 Maximum
FWT PS 25% 0,697 1,253 0,313 1,722 -0,802 0,867 0,283 Maximum
FOT SB 25% 0,435 1,483 0,371 3,034 0,899 0,489 0,197 Maximum
FOT PS 25% 0,435 1,483 0,371 3,034 -0,899 0,489 0,197 Maximum
LOT 25% 0,075 0,083 0,021 5,250 0,000 1,138 0,023 Maximum
FP Tank 25% 0,460 0,719 0,180 14,073 0,000 0,525 0,147 Maximum
Fish Hold 1 0,5 2,000 1,000 10,622 0,000 0,943 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 2 0,5 3,000 1,500 9,163 0,000 0,922 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 3 0,5 3,000 1,500 7,702 0,000 0,909 0,000 User Specified
Fish Hold 4 0,5 3,000 1,500 6,246 0,000 0,907 0,000 User Specified
Net Room 0,25 3,000 0,750 12,438 0,000 0,996 0,000 User Specified
Storage 1 0,600 0,600 14,395 0,000 0,996 0,000 User Specified
Total Loadcase 22,419 7,622 0,000 1,080 1,132
FS correction 0,050
VCG fluid 1,131

Heel to Starboard degrees 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0
Displacement tonne 22,42 22,42 22,42 22,42 22,42 22,42 22,42 22,42 22,42 22,42
Draft at FP m 1,066 1,056 1,022 0,954 0,866 0,780 0,671 0,510 0,076 N/A
Draft at AP m 0,523 0,511 0,471 0,377 0,190 -0,111 -0,582 -1,513 -4,269 N/A
WL Length m 14,467 14,472 14,463 14,432 14,391 14,858 14,820 15,041 15,444 15,800
Immersed Depth m 1,207 1,183 1,107 1,079 1,109 1,111 1,106 1,142 1,357 1,520
WL Beam m 3,376 3,411 3,516 3,492 2,951 2,806 2,391 2,268 2,359 1,891
Wetted Area m^2 48,854 49,136 50,016 51,190 52,694 53,833 53,929 53,749 53,604 53,231
Waterpl. Area m^2 35,098 35,694 37,443 39,231 36,308 33,551 30,926 29,245 27,532 25,917
Prismatic Coeff. 0,658 0,658 0,658 0,660 0,672 0,664 0,677 0,684 0,675 0,671
Block Coeff. 0,371 0,374 0,389 0,402 0,464 0,491 0,558 0,562 0,442 0,482
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7,648 7,647 7,647 7,647 7,650 7,655 7,661 7,668 7,673 7,675
VCB from DWL m -0,361 -0,361 -0,363 -0,360 -0,358 -0,373 -0,405 -0,444 -0,482 -0,508
GZ m 0,000 0,075 0,166 0,280 0,360 0,374 0,341 0,271 0,177 0,061
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7,475 7,468 7,450 7,490 7,431 7,399 7,647 7,999 8,113 7,964
TCF to zero pt. m 0,000 0,264 0,545 0,896 1,054 1,107 1,104 1,094 1,092 1,079
Max deck inclination deg 2,1 10,2 20,1 30,1 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg -2,1 -2,1 -2,1 -2,2 -2,6 -3,4 -4,7 -7,6 -16,0 N/A

C - 20
Laporan Tugas Akhir

Key point Type Immersion angle

Margin Line (immersion pos = 8,409 m) 27,5
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 8,904 m) 29,1

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 30 Pass
applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 3,1510 m.deg 3,7916 Pass +20,33

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 5,1570 m.deg 7,0444 Pass +36,6

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 30 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 1,7190 m.deg 3,2528 Pass +89,23

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Max GZ at 30 or greater Pass

applicable to all ships in the range from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 90,0 deg
angle of max. GZ 47,3 deg 47,3
shall not be less than (>=) 0,200 m 0,376 Pass +88,15
Intermediate values
angle at which this GZ occurs deg 47,3

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Angle of maximum GZ Pass

applicable to all ships shall not be less than (>=) 25,0 deg 47,3 Pass +89,09

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Initial GMt Pass

applicable to all ships spec. heel angle 0,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 0,150 m 0,418 Pass +178,81

Part 170, Stability requirements 170.173: c5 - Area 0 to angle of Pass

for all inspected vessels from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of max. GZ 47,3 deg
lower heel angle 0,0 deg
required GZ area at lower heel angle 4,8700 m.deg
higher heel angle 30,0 deg
required GZ area at higher heel angle 3,1510 m.deg
shall be greater than (>) 3,1510 m.deg 3,7916 Pass +20,33

C - 21
Laporan Tugas Akhir

0,45 Initial GMt GM at 0,0 deg = 0,418 m

0,4 Max GZ = 0,376 m at 47,3 deg.



GZ m





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Heel to Starboard deg.


Item Name Quantit Soundin Unit Total Long.Ar Trans.Ar Vert.Arm FSM Type
y g Mass Mass m m m
m tonne tonne m m
Lightship 1 14,000 14,000 7,261 0,000 1,200 User Specified
Fresh Water Tank SB 0% 0,000 1,253 0,000 1,397 0,952 1,250 Maximum
Fresh Water Tank PS 0% 0,000 1,253 0,000 1,397 -0,952 1,250 Maximum
Fuel Oil Tank SB 0% 0,000 1,483 0,000 3,010 1,027 1,003 Maximum
Fuel Oil Tank PS 0% 0,000 1,483 0,000 3,010 -1,027 1,003 Maximum
Lubrication Oil Tank 0% 0,000 0,083 0,000 5,250 0,000 1,250 Maximum
FP Tank 0% 0,000 0,719 0,000 14,153 0,000 0,919 Maximum
Fish Hold 1 0 2,000 0,000 10,622 0,000 0,943 User Specified
Fish Hold 2 0 3,000 0,000 9,163 0,000 0,922 User Specified
Fish Hold 3 0 3,000 0,000 7,702 0,000 0,909 User Specified
Fish Hold 4 0 3,000 0,000 6,246 0,000 0,907 User Specified
Net Room 0 3,000 0,000 12,438 0,000 0,996 User Specified
Storage 0 0,600 0,000 14,395 0,000 0,996 User Specified
Total Loadcase 14,000 7,261 0,000 1,200
FS correction 0,000
VCG fluid 1,200

Heel to Starboard degrees 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0
Displacement tonne 14,00 14,00 14,00 14,00 14,00 14,00 14,00 14,00 14,00 14,00
Draft at FP m 0,660 0,647 0,610 0,539 0,406 0,209 -0,028 -0,593 -2,376 N/A
Draft at AP m 0,424 0,413 0,369 0,252 0,031 -0,320 -0,964 -2,167 -5,587 N/A
WL Length m 14,184 14,189 14,177 14,143 14,069 14,104 14,324 14,390 14,740 15,048
Immersed Depth m 0,823 0,804 0,761 0,851 0,880 0,868 0,838 0,841 1,006 1,150
WL Beam m 3,156 3,178 3,115 2,981 2,914 2,744 2,615 1,992 1,879 1,820
Wetted Area m^2 40,321 40,437 40,384 39,936 40,879 42,233 41,298 40,256 40,478 40,823
Waterpl. Area m^2 30,919 31,229 31,466 31,478 32,915 32,249 28,291 24,555 22,949 22,104
Prismatic Coeff. 0,651 0,650 0,645 0,629 0,610 0,608 0,611 0,623 0,626 0,634
Block Coeff. 0,371 0,377 0,406 0,380 0,379 0,409 0,441 0,567 0,490 0,434
LCB from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7,277 7,275 7,275 7,277 7,280 7,284 7,297 7,305 7,308 7,307
VCB from DWL m -0,253 -0,258 -0,271 -0,276 -0,268 -0,274 -0,299 -0,326 -0,351 -0,375
GZ m 0,000 0,078 0,162 0,232 0,315 0,388 0,390 0,307 0,185 0,045
LCF from zero pt. (+ve fwd) m 7,254 7,240 7,260 7,338 7,386 7,375 7,581 7,386 7,381 7,387
TCF to zero pt. m 0,000 0,227 0,506 0,844 1,135 1,188 1,251 1,286 1,221 1,117
Max deck inclination deg 0,9 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 90,0
Trim angle (+ve by stern) deg -0,9 -0,9 -0,9 -1,1 -1,4 -2,0 -3,5 -5,9 -12,0 N/A

C - 22
Laporan Tugas Akhir

Key point Type Immersion angle

Margin Line (immersion pos = 7,416 m) 35,5
Deck Edge (immersion pos = 7,416 m) 37,1

Code Criteria Value Units Actual Status Margin

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 30 Pass
applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 3,1510 m.deg 3,5592 Pass +12,95

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 0 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 5,1570 m.deg 6,2851 Pass +21,87

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Area 30 to 40 Pass

applicable to all ships from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 40,0 deg 40,0
first downflooding angle n/a deg
angle of vanishing stability 90,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 1,7190 m.deg 2,7259 Pass +58,57

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Max GZ at 30 or greater Pass

applicable to all ships in the range from the greater of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 90,0 deg
angle of max. GZ 55,5 deg 55,5
shall not be less than (>=) 0,200 m 0,400 Pass +100,1
Intermediate values
angle at which this GZ occurs deg 55,5

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Angle of maximum GZ Pass

applicable to all ships shall not be less than (>=) 25,0 deg 55,5 Pass +121,82

A.749(18) Ch3 - Design criteria Initial GMt Pass

applicable to all ships spec. heel angle 0,0 deg
shall not be less than (>=) 0,150 m 0,438 Pass +191,77

Part 170, Stability requirements 170.173: c5 - Area 0 to angle of GZmax Pass

for all inspected vessels from the greater of
spec. heel angle 0,0 deg 0,0
to the lesser of
spec. heel angle 30,0 deg 30,0
angle of max. GZ 55,5 deg
lower heel angle 0,0 deg
required GZ area at lower heel angle 4,8700 m.deg
higher heel angle 30,0 deg
required GZ area at higher heel angle 3,1510 m.deg
shall be greater than (>) 3,1510 m.deg 3,5592 Pass +12,95

C - 23
Laporan Tugas Akhir

0,45 Initial GMt GM at 0,0 deg = 0,438 m
Max GZ = 0,401 m at 55,4 deg.



GZ m





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Heel to Starboard deg.

C - 24

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