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( RPP )
Satuan Pendidikan : SMA ............................
Kelas/Semester : X (sepuluh) Wajib / Ganjil
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Topik : Visiting Ecotourism Destination
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit
A. Kompetensi Inti
KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI 2 : Mengahayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong royong,
kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif, dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai
bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan
lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam
pergaulan dunia.
KI 3 :Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan
rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pegetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan
wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan
kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kejadian spesifik sesuai dengan
bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.
KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan
pengembangan dari yang dipelajari di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metode
sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar
1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi
internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam

melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

3.7 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks deskriptif sederhana
tentang orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, sesuai dengan konteks
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

a. Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi

internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

b. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan

komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

c. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial , struktur teks ,dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks deskriptif

sederhana tentang tempat wisata.

d. Merespon makna dalam teks deskriptif , lisan dan tulis ,sederhana tentang tempat wisata.

e. Menyunting teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang tempat wisata.

f. Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang tempat wisata.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Definition of Descriptive Text :

Descriptive text is a text which says a person or things is like based on the writer’s view. Some
time description that uses figurative such as anologies, similes , metaphos.

2. Language Features
 Use simple Present Tense
 Detailed noun phrase to give detail information of the subject.
 Using Adjectives
 Action Verbs
 Using Adverbs

3. Generic Structure
1. Identification : Contains about identifying of something which will be
2. Description : Contains the explanation or description of the subject including
the characteristics and qualities.
Indonesia is the place where I can stand and live. It is a country in Southeast Asia and
Oceania. Indonesia, as I know it well, is an archipelago comprising at around 17,000 islands. It
has 33 provinces with over 230 million people, including myself and is the world's fourth most
populous country.
I stand for years here, wasting my time to work hard for its beauty. This country is too
much perfect to live in, especially the nation's capital city, Jakarta, the city in which I fall in love.
The country shares land borders with Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Malaysia; but
no borders of my heart with Indonesia at all. All people know that other neighboring countries of
Indonesia are Singapore, Philippines, Australia, and the Indian territory of the Andaman and
Nicobar Islands. All of them are only neighbors which do not really love it as well as I do.
With its islands, Indonesia gives me many friends from distinct ethnic, linguistic, and
religious groups. The Javanese are the largest—and the politically dominant—ethnic group. Due
to Nationalism, I and my friends will always get together for sharing identity defined by a
national language, ethnic diversity, religious pluralism, within a majority Muslim population.
I will hold this country with the real spirit and power with its national motto, "Bhinneka
Tunggal Ika" ("Unity in Diversity" literally, "many, yet one"), articulates the diversity that
shapes the country.
Despite its large population and densely populated regions, Indonesia has vast areas of
wilderness that support the world's second highest level of biodiversity. The country is richly
endowed with natural resources, yet poverty remains widespread.
E. Model Pembelajaran

1. Teknik : Picture Media

F. Media, Alat, dan Bahan

1. Buku Kemdikbud Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 Tahun 2014
2. Poster
3. Laptop
G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
2 x 45 menit
a. Mengucapkan salam dengan ramah
kepada siswa ketika memasuki ruang
kelas (nilai yang ditanamkan: santun, 10 Menit
b. Mengecek kehadiran siswa (nilai yang
ditanamkan: disiplin, rajin)
c. Mengulang materi sebelumnya. Dan
mengenalkan unsur-unsur teks

INTI Mengamati
15 Menit
 Siswa menyimak contoh teks
deskriptif tentang objek wisata,
negara, dan tempat bersejarah.
 Siswa mengamati fungsi sosial,
struktur dan unsur kebahasaannya
 Siswa belajar menentukan informasi
rinci dan informasi tertentu dari teks
Mempertanyakan (questioning) 10 Menit

 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru,

siswa mempertanyakan tentang
struktur pembuatan teks deskriptif
berdasarkan unsur – unsur yang ada.
 Siswa mempertanyakan tentang 15 Menit
informasi rinci dan informasi tertentu
dalam teks deskriptif.
 Siswa membacakan teks deskripsi
kepada teman secara bergilir sesuai
dengan pettunjuk yang guru berikan.
 Siswa mencari dan menentukan unsur-
unsur teks deskriptif dari teks yang ada
di dalam buku. 15 Menit
 Siswa berlatih menyusun kalimat-
kalimat yang diberikan menjadi teks
 Secara berpasangan siswa saling
menganalisis teks deskripsi tulis
dengan fokus pada fungsi sosial,
struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan.
 Siswa mendiskusikan informasi rinci 15 Menit
dan informasi tertentu dari teks.
 Siswa memperoleh penjelasan dari
guru mengenai unsur-unsur yang ada
dalam teks deskriptif tersebut.
 Siswa secara berkelompok membuat
teks deskripsi tentang objek wisata
yang ada di Indonesia.
 Siswa mempresentasikannya di depan
kelas dan menjelaskan unsur – unsur
yang digunakan dalam membuat teks
 Guru Memberikan motivasi kepada
siswa yang kurang dan belum mampu
mengikuti materi teks deskriptif
dengan baik.
KEGIATAN 1. Siswa diminta membuat definisi
PENUTUP descriptive text menurut pendapatnya
sendiri. 10 Menit
2. Guru memberikan sedikit arahan
kepada siswa untuk membuat teks
deskriptif yang menarik.
3. Siswa diberikan pekerjaan rumah
membuat teks deskriptif tentang objek
wisata yang ada di Sumatera Utara
minimal 15 kalimat.

H. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Penilaian Sikap
1 2 3 4 5
1 Ingin Tahu
2 Bertanggung Jawab
Jumlah Nilai
Keterangan :
1. Sangat kurang
2. Kurang Konsisten
3. Mulai Konsisten
4. Konsisten
5. Sangat Konsisten

Kriteria penilaian dapat dilakukan sebagai berikut :

Nilai Sikap
Skor maksimal : 2 x 5 = 10
Nilai : Skor diperoleh/ Skor maksimal x 5
2. Penilaian Pengetahuan

Teknik Bentuk
Pencapaian Instrumen
Penilaian Penilaian
Mengidentifikasi Tes Tulis Tulis Tes Tertulis
makna dalam
descriptive text

Arrange the sentences into a good descriptive text
Toba Lake
1. Lake Toba is a tourist attraction visited by many tourists.
2. In addition to its beauty, it has also become a legend of the surrounding community.
3. Lake Toba is the largest lake in Indonesia. The lake is located in the province of North Sumatra.
4. It has greenish-colored water.
5. It is a lake formed by a volcanic eruption.

No Paragraph Information Details

1 Paragraph 1 and Indonesia is a country in Indonesia, as I know
it well, is an
2 Southeast Asia and Oceania.
Indonesia is beauty country comprising at around
17,000 islands. It has
especially Jakarta.
33 provinces with
over 230 million
people, including
myself and is the
world's fourth most
populous country.

2 Paragraph 3 and ............................ ...............................

3 Paragraph 5 dan ............................. .................................


1. Information Paragraph 1 and 2 25

Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia and
Oceania. Indonesia is beauty country especially
Indonesia, as I know it well, is an archipelago
comprising at around 17,000 islands. It has 33
provinces with over 230 million people, including 25
myself and is the world's fourth most populous

2. Information Paragraph 3 and 4

Indonesia have many neighbors. And It has many
ethnic, religious and distinc. 50
All people know that other neighboring countries
of Indonesia are Singapore, Philippines,
Australia, and the Indian territory of the Andaman
and Nicobar Islands.
Indonesia gives me many friends from distinct
ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups. The
Javanese are the largest—and the politically
dominant—ethnic group.
3. Information Paragraph 5 dan 6
Indonesia’s motto is “Bhineka Tunggal Ika”. And
It has large population.
"Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" ("Unity in Diversity"
literally, "many, yet one"), articulates the
diversity that shapes the country.
Despite its large population and densely
populated regions, Indonesia has vast areas of
wilderness that support the world's second highest
level of biodiversity.

Skor Maksimum 100

3. Penilaian Keterampilan

Indikator Teknik Bentuk Instrumen

Pencapaian Penilaian Penilaian
Menyusun teks Tes Tulis Portofolio Please make descriptive
text about describing
descriptive dengan
unsur kebahasaan

yang benar dan

sesuai konteks

Format Nilai

NO Nama Siswa Skor Jumlah Nilai

Vocabulary Grammar

Rubrik Penilaian :
1. Kosa kata (vocabulary)
5 = Hampir sempurna
4 = Ada kesalahan tapi tidak mengganggu makna
3 = Ada kesalahan dan mengganggu makna
2 = Banyak kesalahan dan menganggu makna
1 = Terlalu banyak kesalahan sehinngga sulit dipahami.

2. Susunan Kata ( Grammar )

5 = Hampir sempurna
4 = Ada beberapa kesalahan tapi tidak mengganggu makna
3 = Ada beberapa kesalahan dan mengganggu makna
2 = Banyak kesalahan dan mengganggu makna
1 = Terlalu banyak kesalahan sehingga sulit dipahami

Diketahui Oleh, Medan, 26 Februari 2016

Kepala SMAN .................. Guru Mata Pelajaran

Nama Kepala Sekolah Namanya

NIP. NIM. 13124403


Indonesia is the place where I can stand and live. It is a country in Southeast Asia and
Oceania. Indonesia, as I know it well, is an archipelago comprising at around 17,000 islands. It
has 33 provinces with over 230 million people, including myself and is the world's fourth most
populous country.

I stand for years here, wasting my time to work hard for its beauty. This country is too
much perfect to live in, especially the nation's capital city, Jakarta, the city in which I fall in love.

The country shares land borders with Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Malaysia; but
no borders of my heart with Indonesia at all. All people know that other neighboring countries of
Indonesia are Singapore, Philippines, Australia, and the Indian territory of the Andaman and
Nicobar Islands. All of them are only neighbors which do not really love it as well as I do.

With its islands, Indonesia gives me many friends from distinct ethnic, linguistic, and
religious groups. The Javanese are the largest—and the politically dominant—ethnic group. Due
to Nationalism, I and my friends will always get together for sharing identity defined by a
national language, ethnic diversity, religious pluralism, within a majority Muslim population.

I will hold this country with the real spirit and power with its national motto, "Bhinneka
Tunggal Ika" ("Unity in Diversity" literally, "many, yet one"), articulates the diversity that
shapes the country.
Despite its large population and densely populated regions, Indonesia has vast areas of
wilderness that support the world's second highest level of biodiversity. The country is richly
endowed with natural resources, yet poverty remains widespread.

Arrange the sentences into a good descriptive text

Toba Lake
6. Lake Toba is a tourist attraction visited by many tourists.
7. In addition to its beauty, it has also become a legend of the surrounding community.
8. Lake Toba is the largest lake in Indonesia. The lake is located in the province of North Sumatra.
9. It has greenish-colored water.
10. It is a lake formed by a volcanic eruption.

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