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Kesehatan adalah keadaan mental, fisik dan kesejahteraan sosial yang berfungsi
secara normal tidak hanya dari keabsenan suatu penyakit (WHO, 1947). Sedangkan menurut
Kementerian Kesehatan yang tertulis dalam UU No. 23 Tahun 1992, definisi kesehatan
adalah keadaan normal dan sejahtera anggota tubuh, sosial dan jiwa pada seseorang untuk
dapat melakukan aktivitas tanpa gangguan yang berarti dimana ada kesinambungan antara
kesehatan fisik, mental, dan sosial termasuk dalam melakukan interaksi dengan
lingkungannya. Berdasarkan definisi tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kesehatan dapat
dinilai dari beberapa aspek tidak hanya fisik dan sosial saja melainkan juga kesehatan
Kesehatan jiwa menurut WHO (World Health Organization) merupakan suatu
keadaan ketika seseorang merasa sehat dan bahagia, mampu menghadapi tantangan hidup
serta dapat menerima orang lain sebagaimana seharusnya serta memiliki sikap positif
terhadap diri sendiri dan orang lain. Data statistik yang dikemukakan oleh WHO 2012
menyebutkan bahwa sekitar 450 juta orang di dunia mengalami masalah gangguan kesehatan
jiwa. Sepertiga diantaranya terjadi di Negara berkembang. Di Indonesia sendiri jumlah
penderita gangguan jiwa saat ini adalah 236 juta orang. Salah satu penyebab terganggunya
kesehatan jiwa adalah pola pikir yang salah.
Pola pikir dapat mempengaruhi tingkat kesehatan seseorang. Orang yang berpikir
positif cenderung lebih sehat, karena mampu menghadapi stres yang dimilikinya dengan baik.
Mereka juga cenderung lebih mudah menjalani gaya hidup sehat, sehingga tidak rentan
terserang penyakit (Alodokter, 2019). Berfikir positif adalah cara berfikir yang di proses
secara positif yang menghasilkan “energi yang positif”, yaitu suatu energi yang akan
menghasilkan pemikiran-pemikiran dan sikap-sikap yang baik yang dapat membuat manusia
menjadi bersemangat, melakukan hal-hal yang benar dan menjadi bahagia. Berpikir positif
adalah kunci utama dalam mengelola stres, yang selanjutnya akan berperan mendatangkan
banyak manfaat kesehatan. Percaya atau tidak, banyak dari masalah yang terjadi disebabkan
oleh pikiran, bukan tubuh. Bila dikaji berdasarkan aspek sosial, berpikir positif dapat
menghindarkan dari berbagai masalah. Misalnya, saat Anda berusaha untuk lebih sabar dalam
menghadapi sesuatu, kebiasaan berpikir positif dapat menyelamatkan diri untuk tidak
terpancing emosi dan mungkin beradu mulut dengan orang lain.
Berpikir positif dapat membuat hidup lebih berharga dan sehat. Banyak peneliti
menemukan bahwa salah satu faktor kunci untuk memiliki hidup yang baik, sehat dan
sejahtera adalah berpikir positif. Menurut professional medis, sikap positif juga membantu
untuk membangun sistem kekebalan tubuh yang lebih sehat. Pikiran seseorang
mencerminkan hidup seseorang. Jika seseorang selalu berpikir positif, maka seseorang dapat
menjalani hidup yang dicintainya. Di masa lalu, kita sering menganggap bahwa dengan
memakan makanan yang bergizi dan berolahraga, seseorang akan memiliki kesehatan
yang baik. Statement tersebut memang benar, tetapi penelitian psikologis terbaru
menunjukkan bahwa kebahagiaan secara emosional memiliki kontribusi yang besar
dalam kehidupan yang sehat dan umur panjang.
Jauh di balik manfaatnya secara sosial, berpikir positif dipercaya dapat memberikan
kebaikan bagi kesehatan tubuh dan mental Anda. Dilansir Verywell Mind dan Liputan6, ini
fakta-fakta medisnya:
1. Meningkatkan sistem imun tubuh
Beberapa tahun terakhir, para peneliti meyakini bahwa pikiran Anda dapat memiliki
efek yang kuat pada tubuh. Sebuah studi menemukan bahwa aktivasi di area otak yang terkait
dengan emosi negatif dapat menyebabkan respons sistem kekebalan lebih lemah terhadap
vaksin flu. Sementara itu, riset lainnya menyebutkan bahwa orang-orang yang optimis
memiliki daya tahan tubuh kuat.
Saat seseorang bahagia dan optimis, hormon oksitosin, yang sering disebut dengan
hormon cinta, akan bekerja ke seluruh tubuh. Ia juga memengaruhi kondisi tubuh lainnya,
khususnya meningkatkan sistem imun.
2. Mencegah sederet penyakit
The Mayo Clinic melaporkan sejumlah manfaat kesehatan terkait berpikir positif,
seperti menurunnya risiko kematian akibat masalah kardiovaskular, risiko depresi yang
berkurang, dan meningkatnya angka harapan hidup.
Sementara itu, beberapa peneliti lain menyebut bahwa orang-orang yang berpikir positif
dapat menjalani gaya hidup yang lebih sehat. Dengan mengatasi stres lebih baik, hal itu dapat
meningkatkan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan mereka.
3. Menciptakan kepribadian yang lebih tangguh
Ketika berhadapan dengan tantangan, orang dengan pikiran positif biasanya lebih
berfokus untuk memperbaiki masalah. Daripada menyerah, mereka yang berpikir positifdapat
berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk berusaha terlebih dahulu.
Dengan memelihara emosi positif, seseorang dapat memetik manfaat jangka pendek
dan jangka panjang, termasuk mengelola tingkat stres, mengurangi depresi, dan melakukan
perencanaan yang matang untuk masa depan.
4. Menurunkan peluang untuk terkena stroke
Hidup dengan optimis memperlambat munculnya plak pada arteri Anda. Perlu
diketahui bahwa plak ini merupakan salah satu penyebab munculnya penyakit stroke. Hasil
penelitian terbaru dari University of Michigan menemukan bahwa Anda yang terbiasa
berpikir positif dalam hidup memiliki risiko stroke yang lebih rendah.
5. Meredam stres lebih baik
Pikiran positif dapat membuat seseorang lebih tenang saat ditimpa masalah. Ketimbang
memikirkan hal-hal yang tidak penting, mereka akan menyusun rencana tanpa mesti berlarut-
larut dalam tekanan.
Orang pesimis, di sisi lain, menganggap bahwa situasi yang dihadapi berada di luar
kendali mereka dan tidak ada yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengubahnya. Hal ini berujung
pada stres tak berkesudahan.
Ada beberapa alasan mengapa seseorang harus berpikir positif dalam segala hal. Salah
satunya seseorang harus menempatkan senyum di wajah dan percaya bahwa akan
mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik lagi, seperti yang dilaporkan pada laman Indiatime.
Berikut alasan mengapa seseorang harus berfikir positif:
1. Memberi keberuntungan ketika Anda belajar untuk mencintai
Sebuah studi menemukan korelasi besar antara positif dengan suatu hubungan, karena
beberapa alasan. Untuk mulai dengan seseorang lebih memilih orang-orang optimis,
membuat mereka lebih mungkin untuk ‘berkencan’ dengan seseorang yang optimis.
Orang optimis juga lebih bahagia dalam hubungan mereka ketimbang pesimis, yang
cenderung tidak bahagia. Optimis bekerja lebih keras di hubungan mereka juga,
dibandingkan dengan pesimis.
2. Membuat hidup Anda lebih lama
Sebuah penelitian di Belanda menemukan, bahwa orang-orang yang pesimis, 55
persen lebih mungkin meninggal dalam periode sembilan tahun setelah penelitian,
dibandingkan dengan orang-orang yang optimis.
Hal ini disebabkan, orang optimis memiliki tujuan bahwa mereka berusaha menuju
hal-hal yang membantu mereka tetap hidup lebih lama. Mereka juga merawat lebih
baik dari diri mereka sendiri dan karena itu cenderung untuk terserang penyakit
seperti kanker, diabetes dan masalah jantung lebih sedikit.
3. Meningkatkan kekebalan
Sebuah studi yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity meminta
124 peserta untuk menyelesaikan lima kuesioner dan pemeriksaan kekebalan selama
satu tahun.
Orang-orang yang berpikir optimis memiliki imunitas seluler jauh lebih baik,
sementara pesimisme memiliki dampak yang besar pada respon kekebalan tubuh.
Studi lain menemukan bahwa mengaktifkan bagian otak yang berhubungan dengan
emosi negatif menyebabkan respon imun yang lebih lemah untuk vaksin flu.
4. Menurunkan kolesterol
Diet dan olahraga adalah cara utama untuk mengendalikan kolesterol Anda, tapi
‘positif thinking’ adalah cara terbaik. Sebuah studi menemukan bahwa orang yang
optimistis memiliki kadar HDL, yang merupakan kolesterol baik.
5. Melindungi jantung Anda
Penyakit jantung adalah nomor satu penyebab kematian di seluruh dunia. Penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa orang yang berpikir positif 33 persen lebih kecil
kemungkinannya untuk mengembangkan penyakit jantung, dan 73 persen lebih kecil
kemungkinannya untuk menderita gagal jantung.
Hal ini disebabkan, karena orang optimis lebih baik dari diri mereka sendiri, dengan
makan sehat dan berolahraga secara teratur, jadi tiga hal ini berjalan beriringan.
6. Dapat atasi stres dan depresi
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang yang berpikir positif bisa mengatasi stres,
trauma dan depresi jauh lebih baik daripada orang-orang yang berpikir negatif.
Sedangkan, pesimis cenderung menyerah ketika mereka menghadapi masalah,
berpikir bahwa itu di luar kendali mereka, optimis mencoba untuk melakukan segala
sesuatu yang mereka bisa untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut.
7. Mengurangi darah tinggi
Sebuah studi menyatakan, bahwa orang yang lebih optimis memiliki tingkat tekanan
darah yang lebih rendah, dan peneliti berpikir itu karena mereka dapat menangani
stres lebih baik daripada orang-orang yang pesimis.
8. Membuat Anda terlihat muda
Orang-orang di atas usia 60 tahun adalah 80 persen lebih mungkin untuk
mengembangkan mobilitas dan masalah fungsional jika mereka pesimis. Studi lain
yang dilakukan di Inggris menemukan, bahwa Jika berfikir optimis usia Anda akan
jauh lebih baik daripada pesimis, dan optimisme sangat berhubungan dengan proses
penuaan yang sehat.
Health is a state of mental, physical and social well-being that functions normally not
only from the absence of an illness (WHO, 1947). Meanwhile according to the Ministry of
Health written in Law No. 23 of 1992, the definition of health is a normal and prosperous
state of the body, social and soul of a person to be able to carry out activities without
significant disruption where there is continuity between physical, mental and social health,
including in interacting with the environment. Based on this definition, it can be concluded
that health can be assessed from several aspects not only physical and social but also mental /
Mental health according to WHO (World Health Organization) is a condition when
someone feels healthy and happy, able to face life's challenges and can accept others as they
should and have a positive attitude towards themselves and others. Statistical data presented
by WHO 2012 states that around 450 million people in the world experience mental health
problems. One third of them occur in developing countries. In Indonesia the number of
people with mental disorders is currently 236 million people. One of the causes of the
disruption of mental health is the wrong mindset.
Mindset can affect one's health level. People thinking positively tend to be healthier,
because they able to deal with their stress well. They also tend to be easier to live a healthy
lifestyle, so they are not susceptible to disease (Alodokter, 2019). Positive thinking is the
main key in managing stress, which in turn will play a role in bringing many health benefits.
Believe it or not, many of the problems that occur are caused by the mind, not the body.
When examined based on social aspects, positive thinking can avoid various problems. For
example, when you try to be more patient in dealing with things, positive thinking habits can
save yourself from being provoked by emotions and maybe arguing with others.
Positive thinking can make life more valuable and healthy. Many researchers find that
one of the key factors for having a good, healthy and prosperous life is positive thinking.
According to medical professionals, a positive attitude also helps to build a healthier immune
system. One's thoughts reflect one's life. If someone always thinks positively, then one can
live the life he loves. In the past, we often assumed that by eating nutritious foods and
exercising, a person would have good health. That statement is true, but the latest
psychological research shows that emotional happiness has a major contribution to a
healthy life and longevity.
Behind its social benefits, positive thinking is believed to provide good health for
your body and mental health. Reported by Verywell Mind and Liputan6, here are the medical
1. Increase the body's immune system
In recent years, researchers believe that your mind can have a powerful effect on
the body. A study found that activation in areas of the brain associated with
negative emotions can cause a weaker immune system response to the flu vaccine.
Meanwhile, other research says that people who are optimistic have a strong
immune system.
When someone is happy and optimistic, the hormone oxytocin, which is often
called the love hormone, will work throughout the body. It also affects other body
conditions, specifically increasing the immune system.
2. Prevent a series of diseases
The Mayo Clinic reports a number of health benefits associated with positive
thinking, such as reducing the risk of death from cardiovascular problems,
reducing the risk of depression, and increasing life expectancy. Meanwhile,
several other researchers mentioned that people thinking positively can lead a
healthier lifestyle. By dealing with stress better, it can improve their health and
3. Creating a tougher personality
When faced with challenges, people with positive thoughts are usually more
focused on fixing problems. Instead of giving up, those who think positively can
try as much as possible to try first. By maintaining positive emotions, a person can
get short-term and long-term benefits, including managing stress levels, reducing
depression, and doing careful planning for the future.
4. Decrease the chance of having a stroke
Living optimistically slows the appearance of plaque in your arteries. Need to
know that this plaque is one of the causes of stroke. The latest research results
from the University of Michigan found that one who are used to thinking
positively in life have a lower risk of stroke.
5. Reduces stress better
Positive thoughts can make a person more calm when overwritten by a problem.
Instead of thinking about not important things, they will make a plan without
having to drag on under pressure. Pessimists, on the other hand, assume that the
situation is beyond their control and that nothing can be done to change it. This
results in endless stress.

There are several reasons why a person must think positively in everything. One of
them must put a smile on the face and believe that you will get a better life, as
reported on the Indiatime website.
Here are the reasons why someone should think positively:
1. Give good luck when you learn to love
A study found a large correlation between positive with a relationship, for several
reasons. To start with someone prefers optimistic people, making them more
likely to 'date' with someone who is optimistic.
Optimists are also happier in their relationships than pessimists, who tend to be
unhappy. Optimists work harder in their relationships too, compared to pessimists.
2. Make your life longer
A study in the Netherlands found that people who are pessimistic, 55% more likely
to die in the nine-year period after the study, compared to people who are
This is due, optimistic people have a goal that they strive towards things that help
them stay alive longer. They also take better care of themselves and therefore tend
to suffer from diseases such as cancer, diabetes and fewer heart problems.
3. Improve immunity
A study published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity asked 124
participants to complete five questionnaires and an examination of immunity for
one year. People who think optimistically have much better cellular immunity,
while pessimism has a large impact on the body's immune response. Another study
found that activating parts of the brain associated with negative emotions caused a
weaker immune response to the flu vaccine.
4. Lowers cholesterol
Diet and exercise are the main ways to control your cholesterol, but 'positive
thinking' is the best way. A study found that people who are optimistic have HDL
levels, which are good cholesterol.
5. Protect your heart
Heart disease is the number one cause of death worldwide. Research shows that
people who think positively are 33 percent less likely to develop heart disease, and
73 percent less likely to suffer heart failure. This is because optimists are better
than themselves, by eating healthy and exercising regularly, so these three things
go hand in hand.
6. Can deal with stress and depression
Research shows that people who think positively can deal with stress, trauma and
depression far better than people who think negatively.
Whereas, pessimists tend to give up when they face a problem, think that it is
beyond their control, optimistically try to do everything they can to overcome the
7. Reducing high blood pressure
A study states that people who are more optimistic have lower blood pressure
levels, and researchers think it's because they can handle stress better than people
who are pessimistic.
8. Make you look young
People over the age of 60 years old, 80% more likely to develop mobility and
functional problems if they are pessimistic. Another study conducted in the UK
found that if you think optimistically your age will be much better than
pessimistic, and optimism is very much associated with a healthy aging process.

Okay well.. Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Good Morning everybody...
Honorable the juries of English Presentation Contest and all beloved audiences. I’m Rima
Ambarwati as delegation from stikes banyuwangi. Here, I would like to present about “THE
Why do I choose this title? Ladies and gentlemen, In the past, we often assumed that
by eating nutritious foods and exercising, a person would have good health. That statement is
true, but the latest psychological research shows that emotional happiness has a major
contribution to a healthy life and longevity. So, The statement explain that to get spiritual and
physical health, not only got from eating nutritious food and exercising, but how the person
can manage their mindset well.
Okay, before discussing about mindset, let’s talk about health. According to the
Ministry of Health in Law No. 23 of 1992, the definition of health is a normal and prosperous
state of the body, social and soul of a person to be able to carry out activities without
significant disruption where there is continuity between physical, mental and social health,
including in interacting with the environment. Based on this definition, it can be concluded
that health can be assessed from several aspects not only physical and social but also
Meanwhile the definition of mental health according to WHO is a condition when
someone feels healthy and happy, able to face life's challenges and can accept others as they
should and have a positive attitude towards themselves and others. As we know ladies and
gentlemen that if our soul or mental is health, so our physical is also health. Statistical data
represented by WHO 2012 states that around 450 million people in the world experience
mental health problems. One third of them occur in developing countries. In Indonesia the
number of people with mental disorders is currently 236 million people. One of the causes of
the disruption of mental health is the wrong mindset.
Mindset can affect one's health level. People thinking positively tend to be healthier,
because they able to deal with their stress well. Positive thinking is the main key in managing
stress, which in turn will play a role in bringing many health benefits. Believe it or not, many
of the problems that occur are caused by the mind, not the body. When examined based on
social aspects, positive thinking can avoid various problems. For example, when you try to be
more patient in dealing with things, positive thinking habits can save yourself from being
provoked by emotions and maybe arguing with others.
Positive thinking can make life more valuable and healthy. Many researchers find that
one of the key factors for having a good, healthy and prosperous life is positive thinking.
According to medical professionals, a positive thinking also helps to build a healthier
immune system. One's thoughts reflect one's life. If someone always thinks positively, then
one can live the life he loves.
Behind its social benefits, positive thinking is believed to provide good health for
your body and mental health. Reported by Verywell Mind and Liputan6, here are the medical
1. Increase the body's immune system
In recent years, researchers believe that your mind can have a powerful effect on
the body. A study found that activation in areas of the brain associated with
negative emotions can cause a weaker immune system response to the flu
vaccine. Meanwhile, other research says that people who are optimistic have a
strong immune system. When someone is happy and optimistic, the hormone
oxytocin, which is often called the love hormone, will work throughout the body.
It also affects other body conditions, specifically increasing the immune system.
2. Prevent a series of diseases
The Mayo Clinic reports a number of health benefits associated with positive
thinking, such as reducing the risk of death from cardiovascular problems,
reducing the risk of depression, and increasing life expectancy. Meanwhile,
several other researchers mentioned that people thinking positively can lead a
healthier lifestyle. By dealing with stress better, it can improve their health and
3. Creating a tougher personality
When faced with challenges, people with positive thoughts are usually more
focused on fixing problems. Instead of giving up, those who think positively can
try as much as possible to try first. By maintaining positive emotions, a person
can get short-term and long-term benefits, including managing stress levels,
reducing depression, and doing careful planning for the future.
4. Decrease the chance of having a stroke
Living optimistically slows the appearance of plaque in your arteries. Need to
know that this plaque is one of the causes of stroke. The latest research results
from the University of Michigan found that one who are used to thinking
positively in life have a lower risk of stroke.
5. Reduces stress better
Positive thoughts can make a person more calm when overwritten by a problem.
Instead of thinking about not important things, they will make a plan without
having to drag on under pressure. Pessimists, on the other hand, assume that the
situation is beyond their control and that nothing can be done to change it. This
results in endless stress.
There are several reasons why a person must think positively in everything. One of
them must put a smile on the face and believe that you will get a better life, as reported on the
Indiatime website. Here are the reasons why someone should think positively:
1. Give good luck when you learn to love
A study found a large correlation between positive with a relationship, for several
reasons. To start with someone prefers optimistic people, making them more
likely to 'date' with someone who is optimistic. Optimists are also happier in their
relationships than pessimists, who tend to be unhappy. Optimists work harder in
their relationships too, compared to pessimists.
2. Make your life longer
A study in the Netherlands found that people who are pessimistic, 55% more
likely to die in the nine-year period after the study, compared to people who are
optimistic. This is due, optimistic people have a goal that they strive towards
things that help them stay alive longer. They also take better care of themselves
and therefore tend to suffer from diseases such as cancer, diabetes and fewer heart
3. Improve immunity
A study published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity asked 124
participants to complete five questionnaires and an examination of immunity for
one year. People who think optimistically have much better cellular immunity,
while pessimism has a large impact on the body's immune response. Another
study found that activating parts of the brain associated with negative emotions
caused a weaker immune response to the flu vaccine.
4. Lowers cholesterol
Diet and exercise are the main ways to control your cholesterol, but 'positive
thinking' is the best way. A study found that people who are optimistic have HDL
levels, which are good cholesterol.
5. Protect your heart
Heart disease is the number one cause of death worldwide. Research shows that
people who think positively are 33 percent less likely to develop heart disease,
and 73 percent less likely to suffer heart failure. This is because optimists are
better than themselves, by eating healthy and exercising regularly, so these three
things go hand in hand.
6. Can deal with stress and depression
Research shows that people who think positively can deal with stress, trauma and
depression far better than people who think negatively. Whereas, pessimists tend
to give up when they face a problem, think that it is beyond their control,
optimistically try to do everything they can to overcome the problem.
7. Reducing high blood pressure
A study states that people who are more optimistic have lower blood pressure
levels, and researchers think it's because they can handle stress better than people
who are pessimistic.
8. Make you look young
People over the age of 60 years old, 80% more likely to develop mobility and
functional problems if they are pessimistic. Another study conducted in the UK
found that if you think optimistically your age will be much better than
pessimistic, and optimism is very much associated with a healthy aging process.
(Mencari materi tentang cara berpikir positif)

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